Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles written by dena wood

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  • Celebration Days Takes Shape

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 12, 2016

    WAITSBURG - Plans are falling into place for a fun-filled Waitsburg Celebration Days weekend, May 20-22. From parades, to a car show, ATV rides, games in the park, food, museums and live music, there will be plenty of fun for everyone. Friday The weekend kicks off Friday night with the Historical ATV Sunset Cruise. The 35-mile guided cruise takes Saturday's poker ride in reverse with stops at historical points of interest along the way, and ends back at the fairgrounds at a bonfire and beer...

  • Emily Adams is Celebration Days Queen

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 5, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg cowgirl Emily Adams doesn't know how to be anything but busy. Even though a state qualifying track meet will make it impossible for her to be present at the actual Waitsburg Celebration Days event, Adams has agreed to serve as Celebration Days Queen, and is eager to promote Waitsburg at upcoming parades, speaking engagements, and luncheons. In Adams' absence, past Days of Real Sport and Celebration Days royalty will hold a "court reunion" and make a show during the C...

  • Prescott Pool, Park Prepped for Summer

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 5, 2016

    PRESCOTT – Summer is just around the corner, and the Prescott Joint Parks & Recreation Department (PJPRD) has been working hard to make sure they are ready. The pool has been freshly painted, new playground equipment has been installed, and pool managers have organized a discounted lifeguard certification class open to anyone wishing to lifeguard locally, whether in Prescott, Waitsburg, Dayton or Walla Walla. Prescott pool co-manager Yvonne Jackson has organized the lifeguard training class w...

  • Bridge Rail Design Approved

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 28, 2016

    WAITSBURG – City council members voted three to one to approve a rail design for the Main Street Bridge replacement on the north end of town. Councilors Kevin House, Marty Dunn, and Deb Callahan voted in favor of approving an open window pattern submitted by engineers Anderson Perry & Associates. Councilor KC Kuykendall voted in opposition saying he still didn’t understand why he was being forced to approve a rail when the city hasn’t approved an overall bridge design yet. “At this point,...

  • Fairgrounds Committee Seeks City Standing

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 28, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Fairgrounds was the hot topic of the night at a well-attended Monday Waitsburg City Council meeting. Friends of Waitsburg Fairgrounds Committee (FWFC) chairperson Lane Hill opened the topic by presenting the board with a request from the FWFC. In a written statement the committee asked the council to approve the following requests: Approve the FWFC as an Advisory Committee under article 1.02.108 of the Waitsburg City Ordinance Agree to give all due consideration to a...

  • Artist Trust is Wowed by Waitsburg

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 28, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Board members of Artist Trust, based in Port Townsend, Wash., recently held a weekend retreat in Walla Walla, and were impressed with the burgeoning art scene they witnessed during an evening spent in Waitsburg. Artist Trust is a nonprofit group with the mission of supporting and encouraging artists working in all disciplines in order to enrich community life throughout Washington State. They accomplish that goal by offering grants, serving as a professional information resource f...

  • Historical Society Seeks Help, Plans New Activities

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 28, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Historical Society held its annual meeting on March 29. Attendees walked away with plans for new events and displays as well as the realization that it would be helpful for community members to step forward and lend a hand with a few projects. First on the list of needs is a replacement for current recording secretary Debra Callahan who recently resigned. The recording secretary is responsible for taking and distributing meeting minutes and sending notifications. The s...

  • Honey on the Whetstone

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 21, 2016

    WAITSBURG – From the Isle of Dominica in the West Indies to a farmhouse along Whetstone Springs outside of Waitsburg, Mark and Eleanora Montgomery have been gardening and beekeeping together for 30 years now. These days, they market organic honey and hardneck garlic, while raising garden crops and flowers for their own enjoyment. Mark grew up in the Seattle area and his dad raised bees as a hobby. He attended college at WSU where he earned a degree in agricultural economics. After graduation i...

  • Dayton, Waitsburg Negotiate Combined Cheer Agreement

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 21, 2016

    WAITSBURG – With the logistics of the 2016-17 Waitsburg-Dayton football combine largely decided, it is time for the cheer squads to do the same. At the April 14 regular Waitsburg School Board Meeting, Athletic Director Stephanie Wooderchak shared the in-process 2016-17 cheer combine proposal with board members. Varsity Cheer Squad Through negotiations with Dayton, it has been agreed that Dayton will host the varsity squad of no more than 12 athletes, with Dayton providing the coach. Practices w...

  • Students, Parents Speak in Support of Coach Elsey

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 21, 2016

    WAITSBURG – A group of students and parents attended last week’s school board meeting to vocalize their support for high school girls’ basketball coach J.T. Elsey, whose performance was on the agenda for review during executive session. Sophomore athlete Chloe Pearson served as spokesperson for fellow players Taylor Hays, Devon Harshman and Tayler Jones. Pearson read the following prepared statement on behalf of the team. I have played both years in this program and J.T. has improved our team...

  • Fairgrounds Committee Seeks Support

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 14, 2016

    WAITSBURG – A multi-topic meeting of the Waitsburg Fairgrounds Committee ended with an agreement that the group’s first priority is to get a clear mandate of authority from the city. While members varied in opinion on everything from retaining the metal horse-race rail to whether or not buildings should be torn down, the committee was united in the idea that group needs to be able to function in a capacity similar to the city’s planning commission. “We want our mandate to be an advisor...

  • 'Second Saturday' Group Serves Community in Many Ways

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 14, 2016

    WAITSBURG – When former Waitsburg School Superintendent Robbie Johnson watched kids at Home Depot learning to make birdhouses one Saturday morning, he realized most kids from Waitsburg wouldn't be able to take part in those types of projects. He also knew just what group could make it happen locally. Men from the Waitsburg Christian Church started a "Second Saturday" group several months ago, and invited local men and boys to join them monthly for a hearty breakfast, good company, and often, a...

  • Garden Club Enjoys a Sunny Saturday

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 14, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Garden Club had a busy Saturday morning with tours of the Callahan home on Preston Avenue, and Terry and Bettie Hofer's property off Highway 12. The Callahan's shared recent improvements including a bee hive awaiting its first inhabitants, an orchard, berry bushes, and raised vegetable beds. Strawberries grow protected, above ground, in rain gutters atop a Pinterest-worthy arbor. Brian Callahan explained his method of large-scale composting and Deb demonstrated how she...

  • Makenna Barron Named Washington Little Rodeo Queen

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 14, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg's favorite rodeo songstress spent a long and tiring day auditioning at the Moose Lodge in Ellensburg, Wash. last weekend, but returned home with the title of Washington Little Rodeo Queen. Ten-year-old Makenna Barron said she "had a lot of fun" as Miss Rodeo Washington Sweetheart for the Miss Rodeo Washington Pageant in 2013 and wanted to gain more royalty experience. Makenna's mom, Tracy Barron, said the Miss Rodeo Washington Pageant has dropped titles for younger contesta...

  • WCD Features New Historical ATV Cruise

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 7, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Spring is in the air and Waitsburg Celebration Days is a mere six weeks away. Tickets are already on sale for several highlight events of what looks to be a fun-filled family weekend, May 20-22. The weekend's signature event – the 35-mile Karen's Ride ATV Poker Run – has been adapted to allow participants to play an unlimited number of poker hands this year. Hands may be purchased at a discounted $10 rate through May 16, and will be $15 each after that date. And an additional ride,...

  • Local Runners Take Fifth in 100K Palouse Relay

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 7, 2016

    A group of Waitsburg folks (and a WSU student from India) kicked off spring break by running the 62- mile Palouse 100K Relay in Pullman on Sun, April 3. The race was originally called the Washington State University 100K Relay & Solo Race and was started by the Palouse Road Runners and WSU in 1990 as part of the WSU centennial celebration. Waitsburg resident Christy House said a group from Waitsburg, with the name BEERRUN, has participated in the race for the last five years, though the...

  • Retirement Closes Two Dayton Businesses

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 7, 2016

    Jacci's Yarn Basket was Jacci Wooten's Third Career DAYTON – After several failed attempts to sell her business over the last three years, Jacci's Yarn Basket owner, Jacci Wooten, is closing her doors. The store's stock and fixtures are marked at 40% off now through April 16, when Wooten will officially retire. Wooten said the yarn shop is her "third career." She spent three years as a librarian at the University of Idaho Law Library, and then spent 16 years as a hairstylist in Moscow, Ida. Woot...

  • Mary Phillips and Waitsburg Clinic Receive Commercial Club Awards

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 7, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Commercial Club awarded the 2016 Waitsburg Community Service Award – formerly known as the Citizen of the Year Award – to longtime resident and tireless volunteer, Mary Phillips, at their annual meeting on Tuesday, April, 5. Phillips joins the ranks of more than 50 individuals to receive the award, beginning with Ernest Kison in 1962 and continuing through Kate Hockersmith in 2015. Beginning in 2015, the Commercial Club decided to broaden their recognition base and h...

  • Madeline Erikson Receives West Point Acceptance

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 7, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Walla Walla High School senior Madeline Erikson officially accepted her appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point by signing her letter of intent to compete on their NCAA Rifle Team on March 29. Erikson did not attend school in Waitsburg, but three previous generations of her family did. She is the daughter of Ellis and Kristin Erikson of Walla Walla and Trisha Maxwell of Walla Walla; granddaughter of Roland Erikson and Sherri Erikson, both of Waitsburg; and g...

  • Waitsburg Windows of Art

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 31, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Art lovers from across the valley gathered in the new Ten Ton Press building on Waitsburg's Main Street to welcome Seattle Artist David Allison at an artist's reception on Saturday afternoon. The well-established Seattle-based artist is the first of several solo artists to be featured in the new Waitsburg Windows of Art program, organized by Waitsburg resident Karen Gregutt. Gregutt said City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe had approached her with the idea after he'd heard of other t...

  • Melanie Wilkinson will Open "Fancy Treasures"

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 31, 2016

    WALLA WALLA – Nothing New Antiques may look the same from the outside, but a few things have changed on the inside. Owners Lupe and Sandra Torres have been looking to retire from operating the store for some time and have worked out a mutually beneficial agreement with Waitsburg newcomer, Melanie Wilkinson, who will continue to operate the store. Wilkinson is a fourth generation Touchet native, who spent a good part of each year working in Alaska. This year, however, she decided not to return t...

  • Waitsburg Candidates Speak Up

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The ballots are out for Waitsburg’s annual city government elections, which take place Monday, Apr. 4. As the only city in Washington still operating under its territorial charter, Waitsburg has the honor of bringing its mayor and city council members before the voters each April. This year, all of the incumbents are running, along with several new challengers. Current council member Debra Callahan is hoping to trade her council seat for that of mayor. Delores Nettles has also put...

  • Waitsburg Council Discusses Fairgrounds, Bridge, Crime

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg’s City Council weighed in on the replacement Main Street Bridge design, watershed hunting, and gave a brief update on the fairgrounds grandstands at a well attended March 17 council meeting. Public Comment Days of Real Sport Treasurer Terry Jacoy requested that the council reconsider the removal of the metal rail that runs along the existing horse race track. Plans had previously been made to remove the rail and grass in the track to provide an open area for a new spo...

  • Waitsburg Candidates for Mayor - Gobel

    Dena Wood, The Washington Post|Mar 24, 2016

    Incumbent Mayor Walt Gobel is vying for his sixth term since taking office in 2010. "I'm concerned about the community. I think everybody has a responsibility to support the community as much as they can. Serving as mayor is my way of doing that," Gobel said. Gobel has worked as Supervisor of Transportation for Pasco School District, Loss Control/Safety Specialist for ESD #123, and served 26 years as a Washington State Patrol officer, where he retired as a detachment sergeant. "My whole career...

  • Waitsburg Candidates for Mayor - Callahan

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Three-term city council member, Debra Callahan is running for mayor and says she hopes to have the opportunity to take Waitsburg's many great resources and make them even better. The 36-year Waitsburg resident raised her children, grandchildren, and foster children here while working actively in the community. Callahan belongs to Commercial Club and the Historical Society, served on the Waitsburg School Board and the Touchet Valley Arts Council, and is a volunteer administrative assistant for...

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