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KELLOGG, IDAHO -- Alex Naylor skied to victory in the second heat of his Skier Cross race at Silver Mountain, on Jan. 7. Second place, National Women's SkiCross Champion Sarah Koehler is right on his heels. The WOO CREW from the Touchet Valley, Walla Walla and Tri-Cities competed at the first of four United States of American Snowboard Association (USASA) sanctioned races this past weekend at Silver Mountain in Kellogg, Idaho. Snow conditions were challenging with less than 50 percent of the...
SPOKANE - The WOO Crew, an area Snowboard and Ski Cross team, took top honors at the Inland Northwest United States of America Snowboard Association race, led by veteran Sarah Kohler, 22, at Mt. Spokane last Saturday. Ski Cross and Border Cross debuted at the XXI Olympic Winter games in Vancouver, Canada, last February. Skiers compete against skiers and snowboarders compete against other snowboarders, only. The course (for both groups) is a series of gates, including jumps, banked turns, steps,...