Sorted by date Results 76 - 88 of 88
WAITSBURG - At 8:55 last Tuesday morning, the mercury was already pushing 80. Twenty local students clustered in the cool shade of Waitsburg's First Christian Church, happily chattering as they waited to be signed in to the Waitsburg Resource Center's "Knock Out Boredom" program. According to Pam Conover, the program's director, that's a small crowd. "We've been having 40 kids come in," she said. Emily Wilson, a recent Prescott High School graduate, comes in on the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and...
DAYTON - After seven years of setbacks and conflicts, Elizabeth Jagelski's childhood dream is materializing into reality on the Liberty Theater's stage. The Touchet Valley Arts Council, under Jagelski's direction, will perform Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella" this fall. While the classic musical is less familiar to many than the iconic Disney version, it has a special place in Jagelski's heart: "This was the first musical I ever watched as a child," she said. The version starring Lesley...
WAITSBURG - As the first strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" were trumpeted from the mezzanine of Waitsburg High School's Kison Court, a hush fell over the near-capacity crowd. All present rose to their feet as the state and national flags were borne down the middle of the room to pedestals flanking a cluster of seventeen chairs. Two at a time, arms linked, boys in black robes and girls in red ones strode to the end of the room and took their seats. Thus began the one hundred and eighteenth...
Last week was one of those "Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink" weeks in terms of column material. I was busy all week doing all kinds of fun things (it was Spring Break, after all), but all of the aforementioned fun things fall into one of three categories - A, not long enough to fill a whole column; B, too long to fill a column but not quite sus- penseful enough to serialize; and C, top-secret material not meant for civilian ears. So, expressly for your benefit, I have...
I remember walking into the tiebreaker room the same way I had walked into Arlington High School - shuddering and wilted. My teammates were vigorously trying to calm me down, as- suring me that we had beaten this team in the preliminary rounds, but nothing helped. My head swam. My heart throbbed. I knew we were doomed. A student from Davenport was assigned to keep score. Using a fat green marker, he printed SUDDEN DEATH MATCH: WAITSBURG vs. DAVENPORT on the room's whiteboard. The moderator, a ba...
I t started out as a bit of daredevilish investigative reporting. It ended up being the worst two hours of my entire weekend. The trouble began Mon- day before last, when a rather disturbing announcement was made at school: A group of students had set up a Facebook page where teen- agers from Waitsburg could express their, er, true feelings about one another. Some- times, apparently, that sim- ply meant saying that they thought someone was attrac- tive. Other times, it meant anonymous...
My mother walked into the computer room to find me staring at a blank Word docu- ment. "Um, hi," I said. "Hi," she offered in return. "Writer's block?" "Yup," I said. "Nothing happened last week. Abso- lutely nothing." "Well," she pointed out, "nothing happened the week before last and you still squeezed a column." "Yeah. A column about something that happened over Christmas break." "Well," she said, "your seeds arrived last week. Write about that." "Well, yeah, but that's hardly a whole...
I have a cousin who lives in a big city. There, she tells me, finals are heavily- standardized tests that take place outside the classroom and are so brain-draining that days are given off from school for the purpose of the post-finals mental recupera- tion of the student body. Here in Waitsburg of course, finals are simply unusually long tests given on the last two days of each semester. (A few super-orga- nized teachers do a quarterly final as well.) And far from being stan- dardized exams, Wa...
School resumed last Wednes- day morning. (Grumble.) Don't get me wrong, I re- ally like school. I really like the teachers, the students, my classes, and the building itself. What I really don't like is how early it starts. On Wednesday morning, I got up at seven after hav- ing slept in until ten for two weeks running. To make matters worse, it was freez- ing. Actually, it was below freezing. After putting on a nice thick sweater and a pair of microfleece pants, I went outside to refill the...
Basketball season has begun at WHS. The season itself started last Tuesday, but this Saturday was our first home game, which means it was the first game the pep band got to play at. Being both in the pep band and out of the sports loop, it was the first game that hit my radar. I ran in with my flute a few minutes late, bracing myself for a scolding. Fortunately for me, the boy's junior varsity game was running about fifteen minutes behind schedule, and the band doesn't play until the beg...
He stares at me from a distance, assessing my description of himself. He's tall, I guess, much tall- er than I would have expected, but shorter than me. His nose flares with the tiniest smidge of sass, and a line of brilliant white teeth parade beneath it. There's a black spot square in the center of his forehead. In fact, he's covered with black spots. And he's blue. Very blue. He is a wooden giraffe, hand-carved and hand-painted in Zimbabwe. For the purpose of clarity, I will call him Blue....
WAITSBURG -- Last Saturday, Daytonites ushered in the holiday season with the Christmas Kickoff. This weekend, Waitsburgers will do the same with the celebration of Hometown Christmas. Wherever you live, this means it's about time to start planning your family's Christmas celebration, stringing the lights, and buying gifts. I'm no better at baking a ham than you are, and my lighthanging skills leave a lot to be desired. But I'm happy to offer these tips for selecting, purchasing and giving that...
A sk any third grade boy how many types of guns they know, and you'll get an impressive list. Broaden the category to war weapons, and you'll also be amazed. But ask them how many war heroes they have heard of, and you'll probably get a blank stare. And it will shock you that while war and weaponry are "cool" to them, they have no respect for the people that voluntarily man, dodge, and risk getting hit by these weapons on a battlefield halfway around the world, protecting us from the danger they...