Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles written by imbert matthee

Sorted by date  Results 353 - 377 of 589

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  • All Smiles

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 26, 2011

    WAITSBURG - "Thank you to all our Veterans for keeping us safe and free." Those were the words of parade co-announcer Fred Hamann Saturday morning moments after Perry Dozier flew his twin-engine Cessna Golden Eagle low over Main Street in a salute to Waitsburg and those who served their country in conflicts since World War II. With the Color Guard of American Legion Post 42 members in Dayton and flag carrier Emily Adams leading the way, the Waitsburg Parade was in progress, basking in late May...

  • Payne & Phillips Win PEO

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 19, 2011

    DAYTON - Why were Dayton High School seniors Molly Payne and Davy Phillips selected as the 2011 recipients of the Philanthropic Education Association's Citizenship Award? Kris Takamura, president of the Dayton's Chapter BJ, put it this way: "To win this award," she said during a Thursday night presentation at the Delaney Building, "requires honesty, courtesy, amiability, morality, punctuality and character. You guys are very good examples of that." Payne and Phillips are the 81st recipients of...

  • Born Runners?

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 19, 2011

    DAYTON - I let Trent Hafen catch his breath after he ran the 800 meters during the season's last Middle School track meet Thursday in Dayton. He pretty much blew everybody out of the field. But that's to be expected for an eighth grader who ranks as 13th in the nation for his age group in the 1,500 meters. I asked him how he did it. Having been a runner myself since I was 18, I had a hunch what he was going to say. "It's hard to explain," he said. "It feels natural to me. It feels like I have...

  • Waitsburg Parade Day Saturday

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 19, 2011

    WAITSBURG - Proudly bearing the Stars & Stripes behind the Veterans' Color Guard this coming Saturday morning, 12-year-old Emily Adams will do more than spearhead Waitsburg's annual parade. She will help kick off events season in the Touchet Valley. Waitsburg's nonagenarians Bettie Chase and Jane Butler will not be far behind as the parade's Marshalls this year. Saturday's Waitsburg Parade day, which will keep visitors busy from breakfast through dinner, will be followed Memorial Day weekend by...

  • Council Mulls Corps’ Coppei Flood Project

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 19, 2011

    WAITSBURG - The way Stanley Heller describes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' proposed new flood control project for Coppei Creek certainly sounds enticing: protection against a 100-year flood, a possible reduction in home owner's insurance rates and requirements, and possible implementation before the area sees too many more cold wet winters with high snow packs and lots of rain. "It's hard to know when that big (flood) event is going to happen," said Heller, the Corps' project manager based in Walla Walla. "This is a good year to consider...

  • Burn it or save the bones?

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 19, 2011

    WAITSBURG - City Clerk Randy Hinchliffe has the approvals in place and now it's up to the City Council to decide at their regular monthly meeting Wednesday night whether to allow Fire District No. 2 to use the old apple warehouse or "bunk house" east of the McGregor plant to for a training exercise - a firefighting training exercise. That would mean the 90-year-old building, which was deemed by a Portlandbased engineer several years ago to have good "bones," to be burned to the ground, its...

  • Cardinals Making Sure They Stay On Track

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 12, 2011

    WAITSBURG - You may have the best team in the state when it comes to speed, endurance and agility, but if your athletes don't manage to perform within the tight rules for track and field, you're going to get knocked out of the competition. That was this week's focus for Cardinals track and field head coach Jeff Bartlow as he and his team prepared for the sub district qualifiers, which determines which athletes go on to the district meet. The Cardinals were scheduled to head for the qualifiers Wednesday, after practising the relay protocol in pa...

  • Lady Tigers Seeded No. 1 In League

    Tracy Daniel & Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 12, 2011

    TOUCHET - The Lady Tigers suffered a 9-2 nonleague defeat against the Touchet Indians Monday, but it didn't matter from a playoff perspective. After splitting a double header with the De- Sales Irish last Tuesday in Prescott, WP is the No. 1 seed in the SE2B and play the No. 2 league seed at districts May 20 at Trac in Pasco. The opener against De- Sales last week was scoreless until the bottom of the third when Alyssa Hafen made it safely on base then continued to steal her way across the plate...

  • Boating & Fishing, Rain Or Shine

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 12, 2011

    LYONS FERRY - The weather in the Snake River area may still have rain and chill in the air, but the recreational boating and fishing season is under way. "The catfish are biting like crazy," said Jim MacArthur, who runs the Lyons Ferry Marina on the Snake near Starbuck with his wife Angela. The marina opened March 1 and will switch to its summer schedule on May 23. That means breakfast for boaters and campers will be added at the restaurant seven days a week to the current lunch and dinner sched...

  • The Can-can Do-do Man

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 12, 2011

    WALLA WALLA - The line stretched out the door outside Charles Smith's wine tasting room on Spokane Street Saturday night. The 20s, 30s and 40s somethings who came for the weekend's hottest spring release party were carefully checked against the reservations list, carded, wristbanded and let into the chic brand-new outlet near the heart of downtown. Waitsburg's own Sharon and Larry Clinton were on hand to help see the guests in. Sharon, of course, works as Smith's business manager. Except for a...

  • Murals Found At Legion Hall

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 12, 2011

    WAITSBURG - In a complex as old as the store front bays that now make up the former American Legion building, you'd expect to find some treasures. Nat Farnam and the crew from his Living Space construction company were delighted to come across old newspapers, 1940s copies of the Saturday Evening Post, vintage cartoons, liquor bottles from days gone by and coins from decades ago. But it wasn't until Farnam explored the space between original 14-foot ceiling and 8-foot dropped ceiling that he...

  • Touchet Valley On “Budget Travel” Itinerary

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 12, 2011

    WAITSBURG - Another 675,000 magazine subscribers have a chance to read about Waitsburg and Dayton this month. The May issue of Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel publication has a three-page story that features attractions in Walla Walla and the Touchet Valley, including the jimgermanbar in Waitsburg, the Monteillet Fromagerie and McCann Manor in Dayton. It also carries a picture of the Waitsburg Hardware & Mercantile store. Headlined "Beyond the Vines," the article by author Beth Collins proclaims: "These days, it's not the wine causing all the...

  • Hermanns To Go On Trial June 7

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 12, 2011

    WALLA WALLA - Cuffed and shackled in front of Walla Walla Superior Court Judge Donald Schacht on Monday, Waitsburg resident Adam Hermanns pleaded not guilty to five counts of criminal charges and now faces trial in early June. Hermanns, who had a short beard and short hair, seemed calm as the judge read his charges and audibly entered his plea without hesitation with his court-appointed defense attorney standing alongside him. An omnibus hearing on Hermanns' case, which may be combined with that of fellow suspect Antonio Contreras of Walla...

  • New Alliance To Pursue Wind Jobs

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 5, 2011

    WALLA WALLA - When Duane Wollmuth travels to Anaheim, Calif., later this month, it won't be to get a break from Southeast Washington's cold and rainy spring. Wollmuth and two other members of a new partnership will go down there to sell businesses from around the country on a different weather feature prevalent in this corner of the state, or at least the industry that takes advantage of its energy: wind. Attending the American Wind Energy Association 2011 Wind Expo is one for the first...

  • Waitsburg’s Royal Nightowls

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 5, 2011

    WAITSBURG - It isn't every night that the lights are on at two in the morning in Joan Helm's home on Fourth Street. Or that her table is laden with four different kinds of scones, eggs dishes and tea. Or that champagne (well, actually, sparkling cider) is chilling in the fridge for a special toast. But it isn't every night that Helm invites her friends to get up and join her to watch a special event half way around the world: the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Early Friday...

  • From Foodbank To Help Hub

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 5, 2011

    WAITSBURG - Three months after the old food bank operation moved from a cramped basement into a street-level store front, community members in need are finding a lot more than nutrition at the new Waitsburg Resource Center. "We're bigger than the food bank," said Rev. Mike Ferrians of the Waitsburg Christian Church who serves as the center's treasurer. "It's everything we envisioned it to be." The center, with its cleaner, more accessible and more central location in the America West Bank building on Preston Ave., is more hospitable for...

  • Cottages Add To Waitsburg Lodging

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 28, 2011

    WAITSBURG - The Walla Walla area is growing in popularity as a wine destination, and some weekends, travelers can't find a place to stay in town. With the price of gas going up and the value of the Euro high, people in Seattle and Portland are choosing vacations closer to home over a tasty tour of wine regions overseas. And finally, Waitsburg has a growing reputation as a wonderful small town to spend a weekend in the country, but accommodations here are still few and far between. Wine critic...

  • It’s All In A Name

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 28, 2011

    For those of our readers who paid attention, you already spotted the "soft" unveiling of the name for our planned new coffee shop on Waitsburg's Main Street. You would have seen it in the first-ever Touchet River Valley visitors guide we released in collaboration with the Blue Mountain News earlier this month. It was in the form of a "Coming This Summer" ad in the guide's dining section. But we'll give you the real scoop about its origin here, or at least the reasons why we chose the name....

  • Coffee Done Right

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 21, 2011

    WALLA WALLA - Despite the most wishful fantasies about growing coffee in greenhouses somewhere in the hills around Waitsburg, it's obvious that sourcing one's coffee shop product here fresh isn't a possibility. The plants just won't grow well above or below the nice, warm, tropical band around the equator, just like grapes require certain conditions that seem to be ideal just seven miles from town in, say, Spring Valley. And traveling the world to buy individual batches of green beans, then...

  • WP Expected To Move Ahead With Wrestling

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 14, 2011

    WAITSBURG - After several months of surveys and discussions, the future of high school wrestling in the Touchet Valley looks mixed. On Wednesday, April 13, the Waitsburg School Board is scheduled to vote on a recommendation from the Waitsburg- Prescott Athletic Combine's Advisory Group to add wrestling to the high school's winter sports season in 2011-2012. The Prescott School Board late last month gave its green light for the combine to explore the concept of adding a wrestling program pending...

  • Bash Ends New Owners’ First Season

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 14, 2011

    DAYTON - At some point early in the season, Mike and Kelly Stephenson stopped comparing this year's Ski Bluewood attendance numbers to last year's. It's not that they were bad. To the contrary. Even before the final count is in, they already know that the 2010- 2011 season's crowds were above the three-year average from the last few years. They just didn't want to be obsessed with their first year's statistical performance as new co-owners of the local mountain, Kelly Stephenson said. They...

  • Mother & Son Hermanns Arrested

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 7, 2011

    WALLA WALLA - Waitsburg resident and fugitive Adam Hermanns and his mother Pam Hermanns are both in Walla Walla County jail following their arrest on Monday and Tuesday, according to the Walla Walla County Sheriff 's Department. They were expected to appear in a Walla Walla court some time on Wednesday morning. Adam Hermanns, 23, who had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, was located in College Place late Monday night after citizen tips sparked an hours-long search for him in the Walla...

  • Cardinals Win Colfax, Excel At MF Carnival

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 7, 2011

    MILTON FREEWATER - Cardinal Kayla Huxoll's unfortunate javelin accident aside, the Carnival of Speed track meet in Oregon Friday was a success for WP, bringing the Lady Cardinals to the top of the heap, head track and field coach Jeff Bartlow said. It followed a productive meet in Colfax on Wednesday despite high cold winds with both Cardinals teams winning that event on points. The Carnival of Speed, in its 75th running, was the more challenging of last week's two events with 19 teams with nearly 600 athletes from Washington and Oregon on the...

  • Dayton Hosts Six Teams At Invite

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 7, 2011

    DAYTON - Dayton's Seth Jackson won the men's 3200-meter distance event during last Wednesday's Dayton Invite, a meet of six teams that also saw excellent performances from Courtney Fuller, Josh Frame, Briana Fulbright and the women's relay team. " Overall, it was real good," Dayton head track and field coach Shannon Turner said. "It's was only the second time for the girls' relay time to compete and I think they were pleased with their time." That team, which included runners Fulbright, Fuller,...

  • Lady Bulldogs Win Doubleheader

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Apr 7, 2011

    DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs softball team went 5-0 Thursday after defeating a young Tri Cities Prep team in a windy doubleheader at home. The Lady Bulldogs beat the Jaguars 10-0 in the first and 10-0 in the second game, allowing only two hits in each of the two games. "We got to hit the ball today," Dayton assistant coach Desirae Jones said. "Some of our pitchers got some more experience in the circle and we are improving our mental game." The pitchers included Colleen Delp, who started the...

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