Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles written by jillian beaudry

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  • New Members Of Times Team

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 24, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Two new additions to the Times staff will improve the weekly publication for readers and advertisers. NEW REPORTER Morgan Smith, our new Dayton reporter, started her position with the Times Family last week. She had been working intermittently as a freelancer for the Times since February. Smith, a recent Washington State University graduate, is focused on covering news, community events and sports in Dayton and Columbia County. Smith, who turns 23 in July, brings a bright...

  • Heart BEAT

    Jillian Beaudry|May 24, 2012

    A Place For Teens In The Summer DAYTON - During the summertime, there is a group where teens can participate in fun activities and step outside their comfort zones while making new friends. The group is called Teen Scene, and it is run by Peggy Gutierrez, a prevention specialist with Blue Mountain Counseling. Gutierrez works with local kids to choose weekly activities and finds volunteers who can help chaperone. "It's designed to bring kids together during the summer and to provide recreation ac...

  • A Church ‘Welcome To All’

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 24, 2012

    DAYTON - Welcome to all. Dayton's new Pastor Marj Johnston at Dayton's First Congregational Church says that is the no. 1 message she wants to convey. Johnston, who grew up in the small town of Raymond on the coast, is 52 and has already lived more than most people her age. Johnston, who grew up in a Christ-loving household, fought the ever-present desire in her to become a pastor for most of her life. Her journeys down other roads working at a funeral home and later with the homeless and in...

  • Chamber Director Resigns

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 24, 2012

    DAYTON - After 16 months in the executive director position for the Dayton Chamber of Commerce, Claudia Nysoe has resigned just two weeks before Dayton Days -- one of the organization's biggest events. Neither Nysoe nor the board would offer public comment as to the reason Nysoe resigned. "I really did enjoy the position," Nysoe said last Monday. "I'm confident in what I accomplished." Nysoe said she will remain in the Dayton community because she loves the lifestyle it provides. Chamber Board President Bev Rising said in a message to chamber...

  • Tigers Head To Regionals!

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 17, 2012

    WALLA WALLA - The WP Tigers clawed their way past the Dayton Bulldogs, 6-0, last Saturday at Borleske Stadium in Walla Walla, earning the regionals berth and the third place District 9 trophy. The Tigers will next play in Adna this Saturday. Their competitor has not yet been announced. "We worked hard all week," said WP head coach Dustin Snedigar. "The kids were ready to play on Thursday." All of that good practice leading up to the game gave WP the confidence it needed to take down the...

  • FFA Students Honored

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 17, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg FFA capped off another year with dessert and awards Thursday, May 3 at the annual banquet with plenty of pomp and circumstance. Opening ceremonies included the officers recitation of their job duties and the symbolism of their organization. Award Winners and Honorees: Parents and Community Members: Dean Wass, Pam Alexenko, Veronica Deal, Micah Winnett, Jim Wilson, Deven Desalvo, Jerry and Peggy Hall Businesses: Odako Club, Wilbur-Ellis (Todd Scott helped write a grant...

  • Heart BEAT

    Jillian Beaudry|May 17, 2012

    Supporting Our Students During Standardized Testing W AITSBURG - As the Waitsburg School District middle and high school students begin standardized testing each spring, they know they have support. The Odako Club, a women's service organization that has been in town for about 60 years, assembles goodie bags and writes encouraging messages that are handed to students when testing begins. "They know that somebody is encouraging them," said Jean Miller, a member of the Odako Club. "They know...

  • Classic Cars And Fanfare Await You...

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 17, 2012

    WAITSBURG - For the first year ever, the Waitsburg annual parade and Classic Auto Show will be held on the same weekend, so dust off your parade floats and wash and wax your classic car because it's going to be an event like this town has never seen. This Friday and Saturday will be jam-packed with autos, music, parade entries, candy and plenty of vendors and activities. This weekend marks the annual occurrence of Waitsburg's horse races, the Days of Real Sport. Because the past two years have...

  • Baxter Faces 28 Charges

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 17, 2012

    DAYTON - The trial date is set for Daniel Baxter, a transient man charged with eight counts of burglary who had eluded police for many months in Columbia County. Baxter, a 34-year-old drifter with ties to Montana, California and Pennsylvania, will appear in front of a judge for his bench trial May 30, 31 and June 1. Baxter is facing 28 different charges from the Columbia County Prosecutor's Office. Those charges are eight counts of residential burglary, six counts of possession of stolen...

  • Starbuck Keeps Post Office

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 17, 2012

    STARBUCK - The Starbuck community received some good news last week that its post office, which was in danger of being closed, will stay open. But, this good news is mixed with bad news because the post offices in Prescott, Dixie and Starbuck will see their operating hours reduced. Verna Foley, a Starbuck community member who runs Darver Tackle with Darcy Linklater, said she was thrilled to hear the news last Thursday that the small town's post office would stay open. "I do everything through the post office," Foley said. "I don't trust the...

  • Bulldogs Looking Forward To Districts

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 10, 2012

    CLARKSTON - The Dayton High School track and field team is improving and head coach Shawn McGee says his athletes are hard at work and ready for the challenge of postleague competition. The Bulldogs competed in Clarkston last Wednesday in the District 9 meet against DeSales, Asotin, Garfield-Palouse/ Colton, St. John-Endicott/ LaCrosse-Washtucna, WWVA, TOR and WP. Out of the eight teams in attendance, the Bulldogs placed eighth for both the men's and women's teams. But, this small team had some great times and distances last Wednesday that are...

  • Estes, Thompkins, Potter Obtain Firsts

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 10, 2012

    CLARKSTON - Despite many WP athletes being absent because of other activities last Wednesday, the WP Cardinal track and field teams placed in the top three at the District 9 meet in Clarkston. "Our kids performed at a high level," head coach Jeff Bartlow said. "I was proud of them." The WP men's team dominated the competition once again and placed first overall. The women's team placed third. The meet was large, drawing athletes from DeSales, Asotin, Garfield-Palouse/Colton, St. John-Endicott/LaCrosse- Washtucna, WWVA, TOR and Dayton. And for...

  • Independence, Love Of The Game Keep Him On Top

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 10, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Seventeen-yearold Dakota Baker doesn't even remember the first time his grandpa took him to a course to golf because he was so young. And all of that time on the greens and hitting drives is paying off. Baker is the lone Waitsburg High School golfer competing in District 9 and he's hoping to make another trip to the state competition in a few weeks. "I love being outside in the fresh air," Baker said about his love for the sport. "And I like hanging out with my friends, too."...

  • Dogs Bite LC, Face WP In Playoffs

    Imbert Matthee and Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 10, 2012

    RICHLAND - The Dayton Bulldogs blew the Liberty Christian Patriots out of the water, 8-0, on Tuesday night in district playoffs thanks to pitcher Lowden Smith. "Lowden pitched a heck of a game," said Dayton head coach Sal Benavides. Tuesday's success means the Bulldogs will meet rival WP in Walla Walla at Borleske Stadium on Saturday at 1 p.m. The winner from Saturday's game will play in regionals on May 19 in Mossyrock. On Tuesday in Richland, Smith gave up only two hits, one walk and threw...

  • Heart BEAT

    Jillian Beaudry|May 10, 2012

    Dayton Street Sale Has Big Benefits DAYTON - The ninth annual sidewalk sale on Third Street in Dayton went off without a hitch last Saturday. The sidewalk sale involves all sorts of entities, including churches, non-profit and community organizations like the Columbia County Senior Center and the hospital, regular retail businesses and even residents who want to make some money. "It started nine years ago to give churches an opportunity to make funds for their organizations," said Ted Paterson,...

  • A Champion For Dayton

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 10, 2012

    DAYTON - One could find Rep. Terry Nealey on the court shooting hoops, talking about job creation at the Economic Development Steering Committee meeting, painting a wall to help a Dayton teen with his senior project or taking a ride around Dayton in his restored 1931 Hupmobile. Nealey, who has served on the state legislature since 2009, has announced he will be running again for his position in the 16th District. Nealey said he has worked hard on the state's budget and is focused on improving...

  • Prom Rules Problematic?

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 10, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg School District enacted a new policy relating to how and how close students can dance together at school events that has caused some tension between students and staff, and even between parents with different opinions, in the community. Secondary Principal Stephanie Wooderchak said last fall some parents of students at the high school and the middle school were complaining about the style of dancing taking place at school functions after hours. The dances had occurred in the fall and some parents said they had found th...

  • Dayton Man Faces First- Degree Murder Charges

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    DAYTON - The Columbia County Prosecutor on Wednesday was expected to file first-degree murder charges against a Dayton man accused of fatally shooting his wife at the couple's home on South Third Street Sunday evening. A new police report from the Columbia County Sheriff's Office indicates the alleged murder may have been premeditated and will help form the basis for the upgraded charges, Prosecuting Attorney Rea Culwell said on Tuesday. "The state will be filing murder one charges tomorrow...

  • The Bard In The Classroom

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    DAYTON - Dayton and Waitsburg students dove into Shakespeare's writings head first recently by working with professional actors in the classroom and even seeing some of the famous playwright's work onstage at the Liberty Theater. Mary Pryor, a teacher at Dayton High School, said her students had a blast learning iambic pentameter and stage dancing during the week her ninth grade class was visited by teaching artists from Shakespeare Walla Walla. Reading or acting out "Romeo and Juliet" is part...

  • WP Tracksters Maintain Success

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    MILTON-FREEWATER - WP maintained its successful season last Wednesday by placing first and second in the men's and women's track and field competition at Shockman Field. The Cardinals went up against some tough teams on Wednesday. McLoughlin, De- Sales, Pomeroy and WWVA athletes competed at the meet. It was a big day for the WP women's team with veterans stepping up and adding up the points for their team and a couple of younger athletes showed their potential as well. Veteran sprinter Kristin Potter took first in the 100-meter race and first i...

  • Dayton Makes Strides

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs and other local track and field teams faced wind, hail and rain last Wednesday during a track meet in Dayton, but the Bulldog athletes ran through the conditions and came out with some great times and distances. The Bulldog men and women placed fifth in the competition on their home turf against Asotin, Garfield- Palouse/Colton, St. John-Endicott/ Lacrosse-Washtucna and Tekoa-Oaksdale-Rosalia. "We were forced to pause the meet just after the boys 4x100 relay due to lightning," said Dayton assistant coach Dan...

  • Dogs Clip Eagles’ Wings In Last Home Game

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs handily defeated the St. John-Endicott-La- Crosse-Washtucna Eagles in two games last Tuesday, first blowing away the competition, 10-0, and then beating them, 8-4. Head coach Sal Benavides said the Dogs had a lot of hits early in the first game that gave them the edge over the Eagles. He was right -- the Bulldogs had eight hits in that first inning. Col ton Bi cke lhaupt pitched the first game for the Dogs that resulted in a no-hitter. In the second game, Benavides...

  • Libri Grant Provides Books For Kids

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Weller Public Library in Waitsburg now boasts about 70 new books to entertain children of all ages through the summer months. Library Manager Rosie Warehime said the addition of the books to the library is just in time for the summer reading program, which will begin June 21. "It's huge," Warehime said with a laugh. The new books are in the library thanks to a matching grant from the Libri Foundation, called the Books For Children grant. The grant primarily focuses on getting...

  • Who Were The Shubas?

    Imbert Matthee and Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    DAYTON - Suzanne Shuba was always a talkative member of the Crazy Crafters, a group of about a dozen Dayton ladies who get together on Thursdays to try out new craft techniques from painting on rocks to making corn husk dolls. Shuba, who joined the group about a year ago, loved creating new objects and bringing out old ones she found at the South Third Street home passed down by a late relative, who left behind antique dolls and quilts. She liked to take designs from books and magazines, then try making them herself, said Lois Hemphill, one of...

  • Smiley Named Interim CEO

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|May 3, 2012

    DAYTON - As the Columbia County Health System prepares to say goodbye to its CEO Charlie Button on May 9, it is making progress on finding his successor. About one month ago, Button announced he was moving on to take a new job at Star Valley Medical Center in Afton, Wyo. And when Button leaves next week, Jon Smiley, a former hospital CEO from Sunnyside, will fill in as the interim CEO until Button's replacement arrives, said health system board member Lisa Naylor. Smiley was appointed as the...

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