Sorted by date Results 151 - 175 of 184
At some point, I imagine most of us say, "never again." I have had to "eat my words" one too many times, so I try not to say, "never will I..." When the last of my dogs had to be put down about six months before I moved here, I vowed, no more dogs! No more coaxing and dragging prissy dogs out in the rain waiting for them to "do their business" while I got drenched in the process. No more trying to retrain my lab, who couldn't wait to go out in the rain, because what lab doesn't love water....
On my first trip to Waitsburg to officially meet with contractors to discuss my home renovation, (or tear down), I arrived early and fortuitously wandered in to Ten Ton Coffee. After some introductions, I owned up to the fact that, yes, I was the owner of the wreck of a house on Orchard. The information whirlwind began. I received an encyclopedia of unsolicited advice, which I rapidly turned into solicited advice. Everyone encouraged me to renovate the house, their suggestions and contacts gave...
I would bet money that even Alan Turing couldn't solve the mystery of my Waitsburg garden. To say the least, this year has been an interesting experience trying to decode what grows, and why and where it grows. It will probably always remain an enigma to me. I planted eggplant from seed in a separate planter this year. I had three sprouts spring up and over the course of a week, one just wasn't making it, so I pulled it and let the other two flourish. We now have 2 very full and prolific zucchin...
Last summer, my first in Waitsburg, I planted three tomato plants and harvested enough tomatoes to keep Heinz making ketchup for years. I was so proud, I sent pictures back to everyone in Los Angeles, bragging about my abundant tomato crop. Then came the frost, and all I had were limp dead plants, and planters loaded with green tomatoes. Experienced gardeners advised me " don't be discouraged, pick them, put them in a box in the pantry or laundry room and you will have tomatoes through...
We have started the kitchen remodel. The discordant sound of drills, hammers, compressors, and cursing is ongoing. The cabinets have been ordered, we need to fix our ski slope floor, the appliances have been here for a year. Big news—the dishwasher is out of its box and is installed! It’s in a temporary place, waiting for the new cabinets, but it works! In anticipation of the new cabinets, I figured we could start to make a little progress. The first manageable task, installing electrical out...
Oops! Happy belated Father’s Day. I apologize, I missed the date. (Senioritus?). The title of this column was probably a fourth-grade assignment, one that I was happy to complete because my Dad was the best! I miss him and Mom, every day. He was adamant that my brother, sister and I stayed in touch with one another. Thanks to Zoom, FaceTime and Houseparty, we see each more often than when we lived in the same state. One of the COVID benefits, we can see and visit with one another without b...
Yay! Governor Inslee has approved Phase 2 status for Walla Walla County. Such fortuitous timing, in the midst of so many other "phasing" events, like high school and college graduations, now those students will phase into their new lives as college freshman, or (hopefully) employees-maybe graduate school? June is also a big month for weddings, and couples "phasing" into married life. And some of us are just phasing into rural life, (and loving it). But, like all things in life, "phasing"...
Since moving to Waitsburg about 18 months ago, I've noticed the noun "gift" has morphed into use as a verb. The "gifting" started my first morning here. I clumsily made it through the obstacle course in my rented cottage, strewn with 40 boxes previously shipped here and the eight suitcases that I brought with me on the plane, to answer the front door. There stood Karen, with a smile, two bottles of wine, and invitations to a New Years' Day Brunch and a birthday party. Invitations to parties and...
I know that we cannot remain a "sheltered at home" state forever; so I need to start facing reality. I am not usually a procrastinator, but since sheltering, I have seen a definite change in my behavior. Since I know I will be home all day again tomorrow, what's the rush? The dirty laundry will still be dirty, the dust will only have grown (like my grey hair) and my windows will still be foggy. Today is Monday, and the start of a new week; thoughts of my mother came flashing into my head. She...
This was actually the title of an "essay" assigned to my sister for Mother's Day when she was in 4th grade. My mother treasured this master literary work, it was the only childhood memento that she saved from any of us. None of our homemade cards, shell art, lariats or wood carvings made at camp were found among her treasures, just this paper. The title aptly suited my mother. She was a superstar; I miss her every day. She was a good sport, had a wicked sense of humor, could hold a grudge...
We planted trees today, three apple and one Chinese persimmon. More flora and fauna to impatiently watch and wait, along with my vegetables and herbs. As I mentioned last week, I am my father’s daughter, no patience! From my mother, I inherited her stellar sense of direction, her need to have a fully stocked pantry with backups for everything and unfortunately, her “black thumb.” So, not only am I impatient, I am not very optimistic about a large bounty. About two weeks ago we started plant...
Last July 4th holiday was the first time Daniel visited Waitsburg since we originally bought the house around 15 years ago. But, like the movie The Moneypit, the work and financial outgo is still ongoing and outgoing. During that first visit, even in the heat of the summer, he took it upon himself to build bookshelves for my 25 boxes of books. Floor to ceiling shelving against every wall in the upstairs bedroom and it is now our upstairs "library." His vacation was spent at Home Depot, behind a...
We finally finished unpacking all of Daniel's books (all 30 boxes of them), and his totes full of kitchen equipment, including a vast amount and variety of spices and a treasure trove of chemicals. The majority of the bottles, packages and tools are foreign to me. He looked at me with his usual one eyebrow raised show of disdain as I rolled my eyes at the jars and packets we were moving into the pantry. But I admit, I'm becoming a believer. He has become extraordinarily accomplished in the...
I am not complaining about our "new normal;" I believe the doctors and the scientists, I will adhere to social distancing guidelines, I have been washing my hands until they are raw, I will not travel, I will do my best to help mitigate the spread of this virus. But I will not succumb to becoming a couch potato or a hermit. I am luckier than so many; I don't have children in school, no worries about day care, home schooling, aging parents or compromised immune systems. I have a fully stocked...
If it was karma, please accept my apology. I know I said, "phooey!" defied Shakespeare, and didn't heed his warning to "beware the Ides of March," so, if that's why we're now watching spring change into winter again, please accept my apology. Intellectually I know I'm not powerful enough to dictate the weather patterns, but I don't want to feel as though I jinxed it. Sadly, my daffodils are snow bound and my car will keep its snow tires on a little longer. However, there is some good news. It's...
A recent interview in The Waitsburg Times with Markeeta Little Wolf, managed to simultaneously inspire and embarrass me. It was a reminder of just how complacent I have become with recycling since moving here. In California we had curbside bins for glass, plastic, paper, yard waste, and regular trash. Recycling was easy! Although a bit more challenging here, Markeeta has inspired me to become more aware of the little things that I can do to make a difference. California and Washington are simila...
Thank you for letting me whine about my cold. Monday I woke up feeling much better, my energy is back, along with my appetite! So after my workout at the Y, I treated myself to breakfast at Bacon & Eggs in Walla Walla. I am convinced that spring is on the way, I see daffodils blooming, shades of green driving through the wheat fields and the sun is shining. Phooey on you Mr. Shakespeare, bring on the Ides of March. There are two big spring holidays (although not until April), that celebrate one...
Currently I live alone. That will change March 1, when Daniel moves here, but right now, I have no one to whine to, except my dog. Sorry, but I am using you (whoever reads this), as my "shoulder to whine on." I'm sick, it's just the common cold, but it's uncommon for me. I'm the one who takes care of everyone else and deflects any germs that venture into my space. I'm an active person who unfortunately is also a klutz, I get injured, not sick. Broken bones, sprains, strains, tennis balls to the...
Truth is, I am old enough to remember when we honored Washington and Lincoln on two different days in February, and celebrated with two school vacation days. I choose to continue that tradition. I celebrate Washington’s Birthday first, because I love cherry pie! We’re told of the fable, that when asked if he had chopped down the cherry tree, George confessed to the crime, because he could not tell a lie. Lying (or truth), can be a tricky concept. Most of us are taught that “honesty is the best...
Last week, I was so excited. There, on the south side of my house shooting upwards to the fog shrouded sun, were sprigs of daffodils. Yay! Spring has sprung and I am ready for some sun. I started to fantasize about lighter clothing, lighter food and maybe even an outdoor tennis game. Then, boom! Rain, snow, cold and flooding. I am back to being mud-bound. I don't remember seeing this much mud in my house since the last flood in Los Angeles about 5 years ago. I keep sweeping, dusting and...
Months ago, when I was first asked to write this column, I made a list of holidays and events to write about, and the foods that would be fun, interesting, maybe traditional or unexpected. Oops! Super Bowl Sunday was on my list, but, I admit, I forgot. I never developed a strong affinity for football. Maybe, it’s a result of six years playing flute in marching bands, while the worst teams ran back and forth across the field. This year I did watch the game with friends, while feasting on a v...
They say it's a "poor workman who blames his tools." I have good reason to dispute that. I've found in sports, luck beats skill any day. A few years ago, I was coerced by my boss to join my colleagues and play golf at his country club. My prior golf experience was on a par-3 course, using my late 88-year-old aunt's left-handed golf clubs (I'm right-handed). I acquiesced, went to Roger Dunn golf shop to purchase an entire set of clubs, irons, putter and bag for $69. I felt the shame of golf club...
It's still January and gloomy, so I'm still in soup mode. I continue to stare at my Instant Pot, while trying to muster up the courage to use it, but right now, I'm sticking to my stock pot. However, here's an interesting anecdote to my Instant Pot saga. When Daniel, (the chef), was here over the holidays, he used the Instant Pot to make tomato sauce. While it was venting, the steam coated the cabinet door. Being "clean as we cook" people, he rubbed down the cabinet with a kitchen towel, and...
It's these gloomy, overcast days that put me in the mood to cook stews or make a big pot of soup, with homemade bread. It could be ten degrees below zero with three feet of snow on the ground, but if the sun is out, I'll eat a salad. Sun and salads go together, this is probably still Los Angeles' influence on me. We've had plenty of gray days lately, and I know there a more to come. Also, it's January, when many of us have pledged to lose weight, go to the gym, eat healthier and other "take...
I love to host parties, but I also enjoy being a guest. I don't have to clean my house and since I still don't have a dishwasher, cleanup is not my job! But, like most things in life, there are some guidelines to consider on how to be a gracious guest. Because I want to be invited to parties again, I mind my manners, offer to help, and show appreciation to the host/hostess. I've hosted several parties; I know that even a potluck entails a lot of work for the host. One rule of thumb I try to...