Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles written by vicki sternfeld

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  • The Importance of Being Neat (or not)

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|May 12, 2022

    I recently read an article in the New York Times about a woman who inherited her mother’s germaphobia. The pandemic amplified her phobia, and she became obsessed with the variety of disinfectants available and how to use and not use them. Bleach shouldn’t be mixed with anything except water. This lesson I learned the hard way when I tried to clean an ancient and yellowed bathtub years ago. I wanted it clean, so I mixed bleach, ammonia, and a little TSP in a bucket. I nearly asphyxiated mys...

  • Rules – why?

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|May 5, 2022

    I have been told that the “rule of thumb” is not to plant flowers and summer vegetables until Mother’s Day, or at the earliest, May 1. First, what exactly does “rule of thumb” mean? Do thumbs have rules? Are there rules about thumbs and what they can or cannot do? In general, I am a decent citizen and rule-follower; I wear seat belts, wear masks when mandated or when I travel, pick up after my dog, don’t litter, and stop for pedestrians. Some rules I have learned to follow the hard way. The sp...

  • Back to Los Angeles – maskless

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Apr 28, 2022

    The day has come, and this is the test; am I ready to travel maskless? I had an early morning flight scheduled for my next sojourn to Los Angeles this last Monday. It’s a dreadful time to wake up and make it to the airport, but it’s nice to get into Los Angeles around noon. More time to hang with friends and eat sushi. But, as luck would have it, I received a text from the airline around midnight advising me that the flight was canceled. They rebooked me to a flight leaving on Tuesday aft...

  • Tulips in the Snow

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Apr 21, 2022

    Schizophrenia doesn't even begin to describe the weather this "spring." Daniel declared, "this year, I'm not planting anything until May, even before the snow predictions." I rolled my eyes and figured he would suffer his decision to be a laggard. His envy was palpable as my veggies thrived, and he would just be starting his. I didn't figure on a snowy April. I'm not sure which is worse, admitting he was right to wait, or being frustrated at the seeds I planted early, now probably wasted. I...

  • My "Nine over Ninety"

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Apr 14, 2022

    Is it the water? Relaxed and friendly Lifestyle? Homegrown veggies? The fact that our area has 9 (plus) people over 90 years old is impressive and has given me a push to rethink my procrastination and make a life plan. As I’ve said before, planning is not my strong suit, so here goes: First: Shop less, save more! I may need to make those social security checks stretch more than I anticipated. Saving, like planning, is also not one of my strong suits. Second: Eat better and healthier. I hope r...

  • Masks off, Lipstick On, Fingers Crossed

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Mar 31, 2022

    Happily and reluctantly, I have shed my mask, knowing that this is most likely a temporary reprieve. The virus is thriving in Europe and Asia, so I assume we will eventually be inundated and back to masking. It may be a brief interlude, but it's nice to show my face and dig out the old dried-up lipsticks again. I need to remember to watch my facial expressions; my smirks can now be seen by all. This week I will be back in L.A. and will plan to maintain a selective social distancing policy. I...

  • Gardening, a good diversion

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Mar 17, 2022

    I am still grief-stricken about the war Putin has declared on the people of Ukraine. I did go to the World Central Kitchen website to see if there was anything I could do. Even though I am not a trained chef, I am not a bad cook. I have a passport, suitcases, and am happy to help and work to feed refugees or soldiers on the front lines. Unfortunately, I don’t have proficiency in the Polish language, which is one of their requirements. My few words of Yiddish just won’t meet the proficiency sta...

  • Hopeless and Hopeful in Waitsburg

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Mar 10, 2022

    These past few weeks have been heart-wrenching. The feelings of grief, sadness, anger, and hopelessness are all swirling within me as I watch this dreadful war unfold in Ukraine. My paternal grandfather moved to the United States as a child from a small town in Austria in the late 1800s. That town is now part of Ukraine. I feel connected to this war in a way that I hadn’t imagined. Hindsight being 20/20, I am now embarrassed by my last column. While the people in Ukraine hear the constant b...

  • Name that tune (or Appliance)

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Mar 3, 2022

    I love music. My parents and many relatives had both musical talents, a great appreciation for music, and there was almost always music playing in our house. My father loved classical music and grew to love opera, influenced by my grandfather, who lived with us who loved both of those genres. My mother owned every Broadway musical album ever recorded and was a big fan of Frankie Lane. We were the first on our block to have a HiFi which was constantly played. The first “big” gifts I received as a...

  • And the Season is?

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Feb 24, 2022

    The day before we left for Los Angeles, we enjoyed lunch with our friend Eric on our backyard deck. Eric declared, "I'm calling it, Spring is here." Right! Heard that before. While in LA, I received a text from one of my Waitsburg friends with a picture of crocus springing up in her yard. She also wanted me to know that Spring had arrived. I texted back, "Yeah, I remember last year when we had two feet of snow the last two weeks of February." I have a picture of a vase of my daffodils sitting...

  • "It's a Man's World" in this song and in life

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Feb 10, 2022

    While some people study great philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato, my current frame of reference are more Broadway Musicals and popular songs. Lerner & Lowe’s clever lyrics, “Why can’t a woman be more like a man?” from their show My Fair Lady have been playing through my head daily. Just reversing the genders. The song laments that women are temperamental, flighty, vain, and generally self-centered spoiled creatures, unlike men who have none of those pesky traits. Well, wake up...

  • Where Did All the Extra Time Go?

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Jan 27, 2022

    We have shortened the hours at the restaurant to dinner service only on Friday and Saturday nights. No more lunches, and no longer opening on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We have added Take & Bake, a much simpler undertaking. Theoretically, with the reduction in the hours, I should have much more free time. Where is it? I am working out more. It turns out that last year’s insomniac impulse purchase of the Mirror was a good decision. I am taking all sorts of classes, including Zumba, stretch, weight...

  • "Another Op'nin, Another Show"

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Jan 20, 2022

    Cole Porter, known for his profound lyrics, was “en pointe” with this particular song relating to our recent reopening of the restaurant. I have familiarity with this song title from the Broadway show Kiss Me, Kate. The show, roughly based on Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, is also somewhat “en pointe” because, on a rough night in the kitchen, Daniel can be shrewish. Porter’s lyrics reverberated in my brain all evening during our recent reopening. The new reduced hours and reduced men...

  • Cabin Fever Hits

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Jan 13, 2022

    I am finally mobile again since the weather has warmed up, enough rain fell, and my car is now out of its “stuck in the ice and snow” mode. It is no longer an ice sculpture but a dirty, mode of tranportation, all gassed up and ready to go! I am grateful I didn’t have COVID fever, just a mild case of Cabin Fever these past two weeks. It’s probably psychological because there was no place I needed or wanted to go. We had food, water (after the pipes defrosted), and every Netflix, Amazon Prime,...

  • The Year in a Week comes with a Lesson in Humility

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Jan 6, 2022

    This past week of rough weather has been an important lesson and slapped down my hubris. I recently discovered, or instead, learned the hard way, that over confidence was a huge mistake. It seems we’ve had a year’s worth of weather in the last week, with snow, a little warming sun, below zero temperatures, howling winds, followed by more snow falling right now. I was confident my new snow tires made my car impervious to snow; evidently, I was wrong because it is currently a snow-bound scu...

  • My Third Waitsburg Anniversary

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Dec 30, 2021

    As I’ve frequently written, I am not a reflective person. However, I do appreciate traditions. Therefore, as I did columns for my first and second anniversaries in Waitsburg, I decided to make it tradition and do a third-anniversary column. First, I am still amazed that my original attempt at a column was published; that the column continues is still beyond me. Full disclosure, after reading my initial essay, my first English class professor immediately sent me to the remedial class. Q...

  • Weird, Wonderful, and Sleep

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Dec 23, 2021

    My life seems weird now that we have decided to slow down the operations at the restaurant. Our new focus on catering, take & bake, and working with some winemakers for special dinners is more fun and for sure, less stressful. Now I have time to go to the gym, but am I? Not as much as I should! The excuse is I’m still decompressing, although I’m not sure how long that will be a viable excuse. I’m finally reading again and recently finished two books and am on to a third. I’ve perfected downloa...

  • And the Odds Are?

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Dec 2, 2021

    What are the odds that this Thanksgiving would be as good if not better than my first “Friendsgiving” in Waitsburg? My first pre-Covid-19 gathering was terrific. It was the group effort, no stress, no driving, good food, good friends’ day that is, in my opinion, a perfect way to spend the holiday. In movies the sequel is usually disappointing compared to the first, but not this Thanksgiving-it was the best, even with some of my Covid trepidation. This year some of “our gang” had out of town v...

  • Regroup, Rejuvenate and Rethink

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Nov 25, 2021

    When we were kids, and my mother had reached the end of her rope with our mess, complaining, whining, and general bad behavior, she would halt all activities, give us “the look,” and let us know in her stern voice, “there is a new regime, starting now!” Our rooms had to be cleaned, clothes put away, homework done, and only then could we go out to play with our friends. This new regime and stricter discipline period would usually only last a few weeks. Still, it probably provided my mother with a...

  • Tennis players – Diehards, or just Desperate

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Nov 18, 2021

    Although I am not a great tennis player, I love to play. It’s good exercise for someone competitive and social. I’ve told my coaches over the years,” What I lack in talent, I make up for in stamina.” And, of course, add to that good sportsmanship, a good sense of humor, and no delusions about my skill level. As proof of my diehard spirit, my friend and I were on the court at Waitsburg High School playing this Sunday in gale-force winds. The leaves and debris whirling around us were dizzying, but...

  • I Apologize for my Whining

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Nov 11, 2021

    I apologize for my uncalled-for pity party indulgence last week. In retrospect, although I don’t live a charmed life, I do live a pretty good one here in Waitsburg. Moving here was a difficult decision for me, but like most things in my life, I act on impulse, don’t overthink anything, and try not to look back. I’m glad I made the move. I left my family, friends, nearly 12 months of sunshine, countless ethnic restaurants, and great sushi to take on the renovation of an ancient and decre...

  • Who said, "Don't sweat the small stuff?"

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Nov 4, 2021

    I doubt the person credited with that expression didn’t have a good grip on reality. Recently, I have learned that the “small stuff” becomes “big stuff” when it happens in a condensed time frame. As things pile up, what should have been a “small thing” can become a major annoyance or worse. Yesterday, I felt like Peter Finch in the movie Network. I was on the brink of screaming out my window: “I can’t take it anymore!!” I am usually very even-tempered. Unlike Daniel and my sister, I can take...

  • It takes a village, for some; while, others, a continent

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Oct 28, 2021

    When I was very young, I had two nicknames. The first, Miss Perpetual Motion. From the moment I woke up, I was on the go until I would fall sound asleep wherever I happened to run out of steam. I'd sleep anywhere, at the dinner table, on the floor reading, while playing a game. I was out! The second nickname was Miss Independent. My constant retort was: "I can (and will) do it myself!" Both my energy and fierce independence have been my stalwarts most of my life. But as I have recently learned,...

  • Opposites attract, but can they travel together?

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Oct 21, 2021

    Although Daniel and I enjoy many of the same things, we also have major differences in our personalities and ideas. For example, before he even starts boiling water for his morning tea, he gets dressed. I, on the other hand, can hang out in my PJs for hours. In fact, I’ve become an expert at fitting “sweats” over my PJs when necessary. Daniel considers the back of our dining room chair to be his closet. He neatly stacks his clothes at night in the order he will need them in the morning. On th...

  • To Everything There is a Season…"

    Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, The Times|Oct 7, 2021

    And the seasons all have their beginnings and endings. The season for driving through the Walla Walla Valley with my top down, the wind blowing in my face, is ending. According to my weather app, it looks like tomorrow will be the end of convertible weather, which coincides with my final push for tomatoes ripening on the vine. Sadly, I am watching my plants shrivel and wither away, as the days grow colder and shorter. I am glad that we at least did have a successful crop of cucumbers, peppers an...

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