Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the January 16, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • A Not-So-Hidden Treasure

    Dena Wood, The Times|Jan 16, 2014

    WAITSBURG - If you've been curious about the new storefront on Waits­burg's Main Street, wonder no more. Treasure: An Art­ist Cooperative - located on Main right next door to The Times -- will open its doors to the public on Friday. The store is a joint effort between three local artists: Leroy Cunningham, Jamile Scherief and Mickey Richards. Richards creates antler art and folk-style furniture and accessories. Jamile Scherief is a potter who adds a bit of "bling" to each of his pieces. C...

  • “Treasure” Opens in Waitsburg

    Jan 16, 2014

  • BART Racers Face Tough Conditions

    The Times|Jan 16, 2014

    MEAD - The Bluewood Alpine Race Team (BART) faced harsh conditions at the Youth Team's first com­petition at Mt. Spokane last weekend, but two skiers claimed one top-five and two top-ten finishes in the Giant Slalom event. Heavy, wet snow and fog made even finding the race site difficult and led to rough course conditions. A hard freeze Saturday night turned the wet snow to boilerplate, making Sunday's course extremely fast - testing the athletes' ability to hold an edge on their skis. Halle White (U14 Class) of Walla Walla led the team...

  • Lady ‘Dogs Win Touchet Valley Rivalry

    Jan 16, 2014

  • Learning From the Coach

    Jan 16, 2014

  • Wrestlers Take 5 at Lind-Ritzville

    Dena Wood, The Times|Jan 16, 2014

    RITZVILLE - Waits­burg Prescott made a good showing at the January 9 Lind-Ritzville tourna­ment. WP won five of their fourteen matches against Pomeroy, Lind-Ritzville and White Swan. Travis New­man and Kavin Kuykendall brought in two wins each and David Just grabbed the fifth. "Everyone wrestled hard," said Coach Lanny Adams. "It was a good match." David Just ( 126) - Pinned Oscar Pounce, White Swan, 1:25. "David came out with a high level of inten­sity, despite recovering from an illness," sai...

  • Lanning Scores 20 as Cards Beat Dayton

    Ken Graham, The Times|Jan 16, 2014

    WAITSBURG - In what coach Tavis Crittenden de­scribed as a "brutal" sched­ule, the Waitsburg-Prescott boys basketball team played four games in five days between Saturday and Tues­day. On Friday, the Cardinals traveled to DeSales and lost to the Irish 62 - 51. They beat Dayton Saturday night at home, 55-40, and then lost to WWVA Monday night, also at home, 66-58. As The Times was going to press Tuesday, the Cardinals were preparing to travel to Milton-Freewater to play the Mac-Hi Pioneers. On...

  • Dayton Girls Find Success at Home

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|Jan 16, 2014

    DAYTON - Dayton girls played two home games last week, coming out on top in both. On Tuesday, January 7, they defeated River View High School, with a final score of 44-31. "I thought we played pretty good defense again in the first half, as we held them to nine points," said Dayton girls basketball coach Clay­ton Strong. "Our defense also spurred out offense as we were able to get out on the break and get easy points in transition." Strong was also pleased with how the Lady Bulldogs shared the...

  • Lady ‘Dogs Take Win over Cardinals

    Dena Wood, The Times|Jan 16, 2014

    WAITSBURG - Home court advantage didn't spell a win for the Lady Cards who dropped a 2B League match to the Lady 'Dogs, 42-25 on Saturday. Bulldog Coach Clayton Strong was pleased with the win. "With a rivalry match you never know what you're going to get. They're always really com­petitive." WP's Samantha Fed­derson took the ball in the tipoff, but the Bulldogs grabbed it back and held the WP scoreless throughout the first quarter. Quarter one closed with a score of 9 - 0, Bulldogs. The C...

  • Task Force Receives Nearly $65,000

    Jan 16, 2014

    DAYTON - The Dayton Development Task Force announced that it has re­ceived $64,8xx in December through its newly imple­mented B&O tax incentive program. The money will be used to for a variety of projects and programs in Downtown Dayton. According to Task Force board member Marcene Hendrickson, who was in­strumental in getting the group qualified for the state program, the total amount included a $50,000 con­tribution from Columbia REA. Other donors in 2013 included Elk Drug, Banner Bank, Dayton Mercantile, Crothers State Farm Insur­ance and...

  • State Parks to Create “Mega Area”

    Ken Graham, The Times|Jan 16, 2014

    DAYTON - The Wash­ington State Parks Com­mission is planning a major change to the way it manages its parks in our area. The commission intends to form a "Mega Area," in which one manager will oversee a group of eight park facilities in southeast Washington. Gary Vierra will serve as Area Manager for the Blue Mountain Area. He will serve as manager for the fol­lowing park facilities: Field Springs Camp Wooten Lewis and Clark Trail andCampground Lyons Ferry (to be open by2015) Palouse Falls Colum...

  • Clarke to Speak at Commercial Club Meeting

    Jan 16, 2014

    WAITSBURG -- Dr. Car­ol Clarke, Superintendent of Waitsburg School District, will be the featured speaker at the next Waitsburg Com­mercial Club meeting to take place January 21, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are held at Waitsburg Town Hall, 121 Main Street and are open to the public and Commercial Club Members. The cost for dinner is $12.00 per person and there is no charge for program only attendance. Please RSVP your reservations to or 509 337-6546. Waitsburg Commercial Club is a 501C6 Chamber of C...

  • Touchet Valley Tack & Swap Meet

    Jan 16, 2014

    DAYTON - Horse enthusiasts and those looking to buy, trade and sell tack may take part in a tack swap at the Columbia County Fairgrounds Youth Building on Wednesday, January 29 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Proceeds from the swap will support Waitsburg Celebrations Days Cowgirl Ranch Racing -- one of many events planned last year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Waits­burg's love of horses and community. The event is open to the public and Dayton's 4-H club will offer refreshments. Admission is free to buy or browse. Those wishing to trade or...

  • Isaacson Represents BMCF at Commercial Club

    Jan 16, 2014

    WAITSBURG - Kari Isaacson, new Executive Di­rector of the Blue Mountain Community Foundation (BMCF), spoke at Commercial Club on January 7. For­merly of Tucson, Ariz., Isaacson assumed her position with BMCF on November 4. The BMCF started in 1984 "based on the idea that the area needed a place for donors who cared about the com­munity to make long-term investments." Isaacson shared that BMCF has approximately $34.5 million in assets and gives away around $2 million each year. The foundation serves Walla Walla, Garfield and Columbia Co...

  • “Brix & Brew” Donations Sought

    Jan 16, 2014

    DAYTON - The Dayton Chamber of Commerce will host their annual fundraising auction, the "Blue Mountain Brix & Brew Festival," on March 14. The Chamber is seeking auc­tion donations from businesses and individuals. Best-selling items in the past have included weekend getaway packages, tickets to plays or sporting events, art and specialty dinners prepared by local groups or individuals. Monetary donations are also accepted. Brix & Brew is the Chamber's main fundraising event of the year, providing much-needed revenue for events, adver­tising a...

  • Variety Show to Feature “The Groovy ‘60s”

    Jan 16, 2014

    DAYTON - This year's Spring Variety Show at the Lib­erty Theater will feature the theme "The Groovy '60s." The show will feature music and performances from the decade that started with beach parties and ended with the "summer of love." It will run the weekend of March 21 - 23. Director Bev Startin and her crew are holding auditions this week, through Friday. They are looking for performers of all ages to present the era in skits filled with a mix of song and dance. Rehearsals will begin shortly after. Tickets for the Spring Variety Show go...

  • School Offers Presentation on Measuring Student Growth

    Jan 16, 2014

    WAITSBURG - Waitsburg School District will be of­fering a presentation on how to measure student growth on January 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Waitsburg Elementary Library. Student growth may be measured through testing to deter­mine what students know and can do or by measuring how much progress is made between two points in time. This presentation will explain how student growth is measured in the Waitsburg School District. The presentation will cover Student Growth Percentiles, MAP tests and other tests used to measure student performance. The p...

  • Keeping it Local

    Jan 16, 2014


    Jan 16, 2014

    January 17: Anna and Anthony Reese, Bret and Bethany Moser, Kimmie Hamann, Zane Johnson, Dan Beckley, John Janovich, Tyler Woodworth, Eric Rich, Sheena Henze, Jeff Schulke, Jim Davison, and Jon Jensen. January 18: Kelley Fouste, Jason Thomas, Jennifer Low, Rowena Farrens and Arlene Hopkins. January 19: Bob Deal, Lynda Hogan, Debbie Rubio, David Webber, Reina Bruce and Clint Reser. January 20: Joan Leid, Wilma Johnson, Judy Jackson, Justin Hill, Jack and Jill Largent, Becky Pearson, Ken Jantz, Tricia White, Ryan Abbey. January 21: Paige Wood,...


    Jan 16, 2014

    8 Bluegrass Jam Coppei Coffee ( 137Main, Waitsburg) 6:30 p.m. New musicians welcome. Wyldlife Jr. High YouthGroup (Waitsburg) Preston Hall Gymnasium 7 p.m. 20 Storytime (every Mon­day) Weller Public Library,Waitsburg 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 21 Preschool Storytime(every Tuesday) Dayton Memorial Li­brary 10 a.m. Storytime (every Tues­day) Prescott Library 2:30 p.m. Crafts and stories geared to preschool children, but allages are welcome. American Legion PizzaNight Laht Neppur (444 PrestonAve., Waitsburg) 6 p.m. All veterans are welcome. Dayton Pl...


    Jan 16, 2014

    Dayton 01-07 Report of fraud by collections company on N. 1st street.Non-injury deer vs. car accident on Highway 12. Domesticviolence between mother and daughter on N. 5th Street. Do­mestic violence on E. Patit, verbal only. 01-08 Complaint about stray cats on Harlem Road. Abandonedtrailer reported on E. Commercial Street. Stray cow reportedon Highway 12. 01-09 Suspicious vehicle in neighborhood reported on MainRoad. Report of DUI at Main Street Texaco. Driver vio­lated school bus stop sign on N. Touchet Road. Lost walletreported to Columbia C...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jan 16, 2014

    Ten Years Ago January 22, 2004 Sen. Mike Hewitt, R-16th District, has been appointed chair of the Capital Budget Committee within the Senate Ways and Means Committee. Legal documents are pending, but an old-fashioned gentlemen's handshake has tightened the agreement between Columbia County Hospital District No. 1 and John A. Wood Jr. for a new location of the Waitsburg Clinic. At the January 15 board meeting, the Columbia County Hospital District was given an official not to proceed with plans to build a new clinic at the corner of 3rd and Main...

  • editor’s note

    Jan 16, 2014

    A decade from now, when readers of The Times get into their self-driving cars to be whisked automatically to work, many of them will probably lean back and pe­ruse the electronic version of this newspaper (ignoring the beautiful Touchet Val­ley Scenery, I'm afraid). It'll come right up on their dashboard screen, no doubt. In the Pioneer Portraits section of the January 18, 2024 edition of The Times (that'll be a Thursday - I checked), those passive automobile passengers will be able to read e...

  • Nebraska!!!

    Jan 16, 2014

    Words simply can­not express the degree to which I am bothered when the peo­ple in my life misconstrue my beloved Knowledge Bowl as a sport for those who have had the part of their brain containing the sense of humor removed in order to accommodate more quadratic functions. English translation: They think we're cyborgs. I don't blame them en­tirely - after all, that's sort of the way geeky types get portrayed in the me­dia. But first of all, most Knowledge Bowlers aren't geeks in the least (th...

  • Quote of the Week:

    Jan 16, 2014

    ~Marshawn Lynch, Seattle Seahawks running back, after he scored two touch­downs in Saturday's playoff win against the New Orleans Saints....

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