Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 35
Boomerang is a neat little plugin that can come in very handy for Gmail users. Frankly, I don't know exactly what a "plugin" is, even though I use several of them. As best I can tell, they add a specific feature to software or a pro- gram you are already using. But don't worry. You don't need to understand it to en- joy the benefits. You do, however, need to use Gmail as your email client. If you don't already, you might consider it. I use Gmail and have my busi- ness and personal
Historical fiction is my favorite genre. It both entertains and educates. Reading a well- researched, well-written work of historical fiction is a wonderfully painless way to learn about the culture, politics and history of a par- ticular place and time. While homeschooling my two old- est children (now 17 and 20), we relied heavily on histori- cal fiction to make history come alive and "stick". I've read and enjoyed scores o f ex- cellent young adult a nd adult historical fic- tion but most...
School League Overall W-L W-L WP 3-1 6-2 DeSales 3-1 5-3 Asotin 2-2 5-3 TC Prep 2-2 5-3 Dayton 0-4 1-7...
DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs' football season ended Friday night with a 31-0 loss to the Mabton Vikings. Bulldogs ended their season 0-4 in league play and 1-7 overall. The Bulldogs had a solid game on the ground, rushing for 199 yards, compared to 146 for the Vikings. Running back Lowden Smith, playing with a hurt ankle, gave an outstanding performance in his final game, rushing for 132 yard on 25 carries. But Mabton's passing game proved too much for the Bulldogs. Viking QB Roy Zavala threw for 99 yards and one touchdown. The bulldogs were...
ASOTIN - The Dayton Bulldogs volleyball team placed third in district after losing in three against the Asotin Panthers but beating the DeSales Irish in four this weekend. Dayton placed after number one Tri-Cities Prep and number two Asotin. The Lady Dogs move on to regionals in Pasco, where they face the Davenport team from District 7 in a 9 a.m. game at Chiawana High School on Saturday. "The girls are ready for the challenge," head coach Shannon Turner said. "It's always good to be one of the teams to go on. They're pumped about that. But...
CONNELL - After beating Northport on Saturday, the WP Tigers move on to host a tough St. George on Friday and Northwest Christian or Valley Christian on Saturday. Both games are at home in Prescott. The Tigers could not be stopped against winless Northport and against winds of up to 50 miles per hour blowing through the field at Connell. The team logged 16 goals and allowed Northport only one ineffective shot on goal compared to its own barrage of 63 shots. "We kind of knew going in," assistant coach Jay Potts said about their toothless o...
SPOKANE VALLEY - Cold, wind and rain added to the obstacles facing the WP Cross Country team at Saturday's District Meet at the Plantes Ferry Soccer Complex here. District 9 combines with District 7 with the top four Women's teams and 20 individuals and the top six Men's teams and 30 individuals qualifying for State. Two WP racers - Emily Adams and EJ Meserve - faced the elements and their competitors with the speed and perseverance necessary to advance to the state competition. Fres...
DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs made themselves proud Saturday in their first- round playoff game here Saturday, losing to #2 seed Valley Christian 1-0. The game was scoreless for 79 minutes before the panthers scored in the last minute, to avoid the upset. "As a coach, I could not ask more from a team," said coach DJ Frame. "It was an amazing game to watch. All 11 players on the field worked as a team." Frame said he is particularly encouraged that eight of his 11 starters will return next...
DAYTON - Voters in the Dayton School District will likely be asked in April to approve a major bond levy measure to finance the first comprehensive school reno- vation here in 30 years. The District's facilities review committee last week decided to proceed with a plan that is projected to cost $24.2 million. About $19.5 million of that would be funded by the bond, to be repaid by local property taxes. The remain- der would be covered by state matching funds. Dayton School Superintendent Doug Jo...
PASCO - At the end of regulation play in Friday night's game here between Waitsburg-Prescott and Tri- Cities Prep, the score was tied 35-35. That's ten total touchdowns. And, just as importantly, that includes ten successful PATs (points after touchdown, or extra points). WP kicker Antonio Benito and TCP kicker Hogan Jones were each perfect through 60 minutes. In the overtime period, each team had a chance to line up on offense at the opposition's 25-yard-line and attempt to score. WP won t...
DAYTON - The Dayton School District is invit- ing parents, guardians and interested members of the community to join an effort to help children find success in school with a free dinner and presentation in the Dayton Elementary School Multipurpose Room at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, No- vember 13. Child care will be provided. The presentation, by Walla Walla members of the Children's Resilience Initia- tive, will explain Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and ways to help children develop resiliency. ACEs are experiences that deeply impact a...
Applications are currently being accepted for Hosts and Hostesses for the 2014 Columbia County Fair. If you are currently in 9th - 11th grade you are eligible to apply. Applications can be picked up at Dayton High School, Waitsburg High School or the Columbia County Extension Office. Applications are due Novem- ber 15, 2013....
DAYTON - Veterans and friends are invited to a Veteran's Day breakfast from 7-11 a.m. Monday, November 11 at the Ameri- can Legion Post 42, located at 211 E Clay St, in Dayton. Breakfast is free but dona- tions will be accepted. The Frank E Bauers American Legion Post 42 is one of the oldest posts in the state, established in 1919, the same year congress chartered the Ameri- can Legion organization. The American Legion is the nation's largest wartime veterans' service organiza- tion, committed to mentor- ing youth and sponsorship of wholesome...
PRESCOTT -- Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Prescott School District will hold a special meeting/work session on November 7, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the Retreat House at Vista Hermosa, 1111 Fish- hook Park Road, Prescott, WA 99348. The meeting is being called in order to offer the board members ongoing professional development via a work session with ESD 123 Superintendent Bruce Hawkins. To ensure compli- ance with the Open Public Meetings Act, the Board will treat the meeting on Novem- ber 7, 2013 as a special meeting, and...
WAITSBURG -- Fami- lies, groups, individuals or businesses who wish to pro- vide a Christmas Basket to a Waitsburg family in need must fill out a donor card. Those wishing to receive a basket, or are aware of a family in need, should fill out a recipient card. The cards are available at the Presby- terian Church, the Christian Church, the Catholic Church and Waitsburg Hardware & Mercantile and must be completed and returned by November 30. Donors may choose the size of the family they wish to provide for and will re- ceive detailed...
WAITSBURG -- Waits- burg High's LEOs Club will be sponsoring their annual Waitsburg Community Food Drive on Thursday, No- vember 14. All high school students will meet in the high school parking lot at 5:30. Maps of the community will be distributed and food items will be collected in town and taken to the Waitsburg Com- munity Food Bank. Food donations from each class will be weighed at the Food Bank and the class that brings in the most food items (per weight) will win a special treat! Residents who wish to participate but will not be...
WAITSBURG - A leaf bin is now present in the City Shop lot (inside the fence) and available to residents. Leaves may be dropped off during the week when the shop is open and may be bagged and unbagged. Please take advantage of the recy- cling bins at the City Shop as well, especially the new cardboard recycling bin....
ASSE International Student Exchange Programs (ASSE) is looking for outgoing people to serve as Area Coordinators in the Western Region of the United States. ASSE provides academic year and semester exchange programs in the United States for high school-aged students from around the world. Students are 15-18 years old, have passed a series of academic and character requirements, and are anxiously awaiting an opportunity to embark on their American adventure. Area Coordinators will recruit and screen new Area Representatives, supervise and train...
WAITSBURG - On No- vember 8, 1899 a 30-foot high arch draped in patriotic colors stood in the center of Waitsburg's Main Street. A bell - brought from the Philippines -- hung from the center of the arch and was rung continuously by a boy dressed as Uncle Sam and a girl dressed as Columbia. A crowd welcomed home the soldiers of Waitsburg's Company K as they passed ceremonially beneath the arch before taking part in a town-wide celebration that included a banquet, fire- works and a dance. On Frida...
Ten Years Ago November 13, 2003 WorkSource Walla Walla recently presented two local employers with special awards to recognize their efforts in hiring and developing employees. In conjunction with the WorkSource Employer Committee, WorkSource Walla Wal- la presented the 2003 Employer of the Year Awards to Ameri- can West Bank, Walla Walla and Columbia County Hospital District, Dayton. The Eastern Washington WorkForce De- velopment Council, recognized Cliffstar Corporation, Walla Walla, as the Workforce Development Area's 2003 Employer of the...
November 8: Bruce Gentry, Melvin Keiser, Jennifer Har- wood, Kristen Baker, Dana Weir. November 9: Frances Scott, Robert Hawks, Jodee Li- ebermann, Alan Jackson Jr., Corrie Cozier, Lillian Carpen- ter. November 10: Ruth Hansen, Kaitlin Vaughn, Ruby Pot- ter, Stephanie Zuger, Nathan Stroobants. November 11: Wes Moors, Judy Annabel, Dick Beck, Freda Kay Price, Nadine Branson, Sherill Roberts, Kathy Carpenter, Barb Knopp, Herb Bessey. November 12: Randy Halley, Blaine Pasley,. November 13: Delores Gohlman, Toni Jones-Riggs, Tom Manley, Anne...
Elegance, like beauty, is very much in the eye of the beholder. And, like beauty, elegance is a word that is hard to define but easy to exemplify: we know what elegance is but we may not know who or what has it. When I asked readers what elegance meant to them, I received a list of modern people, places and things that were aesthetically perfect, forming a palette that ishellip;well, elegant! The first item collectively mentioned was a bubble bath and champagne, gold cufflinks, silk shirt, silver tea service, a yacht, a jaguar car, JFK, Coco...
Tuesday marked the 12th trading day during which the December wheat price in Chicago worked to lower levels: a 50-cent decline, which surrendered pretty much all of the upward gains from the mid-September/mid- October rally. Even in its weakness, the pattern still allows the concept of a larger up-trend line, as the price would have to reach and confirm below $6.35 (21 cents below Tuesday's close) per bushel to negate the new positive slope created when the price poked above seven dollars in October. Current wheat owners that have sweated out...
Bertie and Edna (Bitzi) Baxter are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary this Saturday November 9th, 2013. The couple met at Skagit Speedway in Alger, WA. Bert raced Super modifieds and Bitzi was a pit girl. The couple's first date was at the drive-in where they saw Lady and the Tramp. The couple was married on November 9, 1963, at the private home of a family friend in Snohomish, WA. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter have one child, Bart (Tiffany) Baxter of Waitsburg, WA. They have two grandchildren,...