Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 31
DAYTON - A recent shakeup in volunteers and personnel at the Columbia County Fair has generated a fair board with new members, a big fundraising challenge and without a fair manager. Former fair manager Shane Laib's contract expired in November for lack of a decision to renew it by a board reeling from resignations last fall, according to a county commissioner. Laib had served as the manager for two years and reportedly failed to turn over key documents necessary to run the organization,...
WAITSBURG - Despite reaching deep to maintain a perfect record this winter, the Dayton Bulldogs men's basketball team fell to the WP Cardinals 51-44 in one of the liveliest upsets of the season. The Cardinals, who pulled ahead early but fought in the end to hang on to their lead, managed to keep Dayton top scorer Garett Turner to just 9 points - far below his average. The other Bulldogs also had an off night, shooting dismally, but rallying in the last quarter to come within 4 points of evening the score....
WAITSBURG - A utility rate study that evaluated the cost of operating Waitsburg's sewer and water systems showed the city needs to increase its rates, but the city council said no to a proposal that would have raised rates by $14 a month over two years. Last Wednesday night, The Waitsburg City Council heard public comment on the utility rate increases. Not many of the large group of citizens remarked on the rate increases, but the sentiment was that the increases were high elsewhere in sales tax or car tab fees. City council members said they...
White wheat bids in Portland for late September (4 months ago) were close to $6.30 per bushel (Chicago was at $6.40). This week the bid is about $6.33 for white (Chicago $6.16). Wheat prices have accomplished very little in those months in the way of a trend, and there is little in the fundamental supply and demand balance sheet that appears large enough to trigger a serious breakout unless weather becomes really extreme ahead of harvest. There may be some who would argue from a more positive position, maybe based on a review of the difference...
January 26: Hirut Senter, Bruce Brunton, Marie Hayes, Rebecca Wilson, Howard Smith, Christopher Brunton, Peter Jones, Deanne Donovan, Kimberly Huwe, Zach Brown. January 27: Diane Estes, Micki Box, Gayle Broom, Casey Acevedo. January 28: Tana Lynch, Jack Cyr and Jennifer Thames. January 29: Dan McKinley, Carol James, Wm. Hoops and Marci Jo Lanning. January 30: Aaren Lindsey, Hudson Reser, Maxine Attebury, Bob Collins, Donald Want, Jill Ziegler, Michael Flanigan, Rachel Mercer, Kari Green and Travis Williams. January 31: David Hevel, Vicki...
Jeannette Marie Gagnon, 58, of Cheney, passed away on Sunday, January 22, 2012. Jeannette "Jeannie" Pear- son was born to the late Dr. Alfred Stanley and Mrs. Pauline Pearson, May 23, 1953 in Dayton, Washington. Jeannie was a longtime resident of Waitsburg, Washington. Jeannie was the valedictorian of her 1971 graduating class at Waitsburg High School. She attended Washington State University before marrying Dwight Earl Thomas in 1972. Their daughter Stacy Lynn was born in February 1978, and...
Former Waitsburg resident Sara (Leid) Heggen, 28, passed away January 12, 2012, at her home in Bremerton, Wash. Sara was born July 3, 1983, in Walla Walla, Wash, to Greg and Joan Leid. She attended school in Waitsburg, graduating from Waitsburg High School in 2001. After graduation she moved to Bremerton to attend West Sound Tech and received her Associates Degree and her Esthetician License. In 2001 she married Jason Heggen in Waitsburg. On January 3, 2005, their daughter Kayda was born. Sara...
WAITSBURG -- The WP Cardinals shook off a slow offensive second quarter to hold off the Walla Walla Valley Academy Knights last Tuesday for a 57-49 victory. The Cardinals grabbed the tipoff and hit the court running, landing the first two baskets of the night with a Zach Bartlow dish off to Dustin Wooderchak and a Sterling Eastman steal that he took the length of the court for two points. Wooderchak then took his turn with a steal, but lost control under the basket as he tried to find Bartlow, and gave the ball right back to the Knights....
PRESCOTT -- WP Tigers soccer coach Mark Grimm has been named 2011 Coach of the Year by the Washington State Soccer Coaches Association, a statewide sports organization that also named five Tigers to its All-State team. The WSSCA's 2011 Fall Soccer Teams include Girls 4A, 3A, 2A, 1A, and Boys/ Girls 2B and 1B players. The Tigers' 2011 playoff opponent St. George of Spokane featured prominently on the All-State list with four nominations, but Waitsburg- Prescott tied with Providence Classical...
WAITSBURG -- The WP Lady Cardinals remain in third place in the Blue Mountain League with a 52-27 victory over the Walla Walla Valley Academy Knights last Tuesday night. WP's Ronnie Hulce got things rolling with a quick bucket for the Cardinals, but the Knights quickly answered with a steal that they converted into a fast break layup. The Cardinal defense began with a full-court press that produced a stealing spree in the next few trips down the floor. WP's Kristin Potter got her hands on a Knight pass, but all the excitement of bringing the...
DAYTON - The Dayton Historic Depot's upstairs art gallery is now displaying photos depicting the strong, industrial rail yard trains taken by Charlene Collins Freeman. The photo exhibit made its solo debut last Saturday at the depot and will run through Oct. 1. Freeman, age 47, studied art at Mills College and the University of Utah. Freeman was born in San Francisco to an American father and Italian mother and was raised between Italy and the United States. She began painting and photographing...
DAYTON -- As close as Curtis and Sandy Seiss can tell, Woody's tavern started as Burdett's pool hall in about 1898. And that could make the iconic bar on Dayton's Main Street one of the oldest watering holes in the state. There's a few other saloons that claim that distinction: the Brick in Roslyn and Bickelton's south of Yakima. But whether Woody's -- soon to be renamed Threshers -- is in the top three oldest or not, there's no question the down-home establishment with its spectacular wooden...
Waitsburg 1-21 Fraudulent check reported on West Second Street. 1-22 Vehicle versus mailbox collision on Seventh Street. 1-23 Aggressive dog reported on Wheatland Drive. Prescott 1-17 Vehicle prowl on May Street. Dayton 1-17 Civil dispute on East Main Street. Sick animal reported on South Second Street. 911 call on East Clay Street, investigation found child was playing with phone. Criminal mischief reported on North Third Street. Warrant service. Residential burglary reported on East Washington Avenue. Civil dispute over property line on West...
My passion for Chinese Stir-Fry cooking started as a young cook in San Francisco's China Town. As a student attending San Francisco State, I defrayed my expenses cooking in a North Beach Pasta shop, eventually joining a team of China Town chefs cooking Cantonese on Grant Street. My first task at the China cafe was sauce making. I fell in love with the magic and simplicity of Chinese sauce ingredients and how the squiggles made every dish different and defined. I was eventually accepted among the all men Chinese staff and given the nickname,...
Ten Years Ago January 31, 2002 The community celebrates on the completion of the Waitsburg High School Gym - Vo-Ag Shop Renovation project. A spectacular photo of Palouse Falls, taken by Gary Lentz, is featured in the paper this week's Touchet Valley Ramblings by Vance Orchard. The falls, pictured in its wintry garb of snow and ice has been the subject of many articles written by those who visit it. Describing their findings as they dig into the written history of the falls, Vance quotes from a 1967 story about the falls, written for the Union-...
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg City Council heard public comment on a transportation benefit district last Wednesday night and members said they would rather increase sales tax than add $10 to annual car tab fees . No action was taken on the taxing district Wednesday after more than one hour of public comment. The city is weighing two taxing options to boost the amount of funding to go to street improvement and repairs. The first option is to add $10 to annual car tab fees for city residents. The...
LEO'S PENNY DRIVE SUCCESS WAITSBURG - Waitsburg High School's Leo's Club recently ran a penny drive and brought in $156.99. Pennies were collected in December and it was a class competition. The freshmen won the overall competition. Seniors brought in $9.07; juniors brought in $43.60; sophomores brought in $11.90; freshman brought in $68.42. The Leo's club members chose to split the $156.99 between the Black Dog Rescue Program and the Waitsburg Resource Center. They will give the rescue program 30 percent of the money and the food bank 70...
Waitsburg Memorial Scholarship Fund In Loving Memory of Sara Leid Heggen From: Reade & Mary Ferguson, Rick, Terry & Heather Ferguson...
I am supporting the Dayton School District M & O Levy that will be on the February ballot. I understand that the M & O levy is a replacement of the existing levy that we currently are paying. I realize that we all would like to pay fewer taxes. State funding, including funding for primary education, is being reduced as the state attempts to balance the current deficit. However, we cannot afford to let our local school system suffer deterioration due to lack of funding. Our school system needs to educate our students to acquire a competent...
Randy Hinchliffe's letter in the Jan. 19 issue of this publication was appreciated for the accurate facts presented without emotional language. For citizens upset about actual or potential changes the easiest target is often the faces in city hall. From having served in the past, I know that Waitsburg is small enough that the mayor and council members often get an earful on the streets, as well. More citizens should volunteer for the experience! Thanks to the council for listening to concerns expressed at the Jan. 18 meeting regarding the...
Voters living in Dayton have been keenly aware of the important role public education plays in the life of a community since its founding. Historical records indicate Dayton was among the first of Washington's communities to support public education and has continued to do so by supporting local school levy measures. There exists in the community an understanding that a strong and vibrant school system is a key part of a strong and vibrant community. I am passionately encouraging voters to continue their support for education by voting "YES"...
I encourage you (all) to vote "Yes" for the Dayton School District's Maintenance and Operations (M & O) levy. This is a replacement levy to keep vital programs. We all know it is a tough time economically, but we can't short change our kids. The financial cuts the school district has already made have been painful. They have taken their share of cuts so now we need to do our part to support them. We can't see our school go backwards even further. We are fortunate to have great leadership in our schools and can be assured that our money will be...
I would like to thank the citizens of Dayton for their past support of our school levies. It is no accident that our town is a great place to live. We are blessed to have many residents who have worked diligently over the years to create a place that people want to visit and live. The appeal of our community is the sum of many features. We are fortunate to have a welcoming downtown, a lovely park and swimming pool, library, hospital with emergency services, ski resort, and so much more. These are the things that attract families and businesses...