Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the February 14, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 24 of 24

  • Dayton, County Talk Planning

    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    DAYTON - The City of Dayton and the Columbia County board of commis- sioners have begun discus- sions regarding the possibil- ity of once again combining planning services. Last fall, Dayton ended an agreement in which it contracted with the county for planning. At the time, city council members said they felt city residents weren't receiving effective planning services from the county planning office. Columbia County continues to provide building inspection within the city. Former Columbia...


    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    Ah…it’s that time of year again. The time of year when it’s nigh impossible to read a paper, magazine or watch a televi­sion show without being bombarded by visions of chocolate and diamonds. (Sorry, guys, the season appears to be largely marketed to the female persuasion.) The time of year when you are to, in the words of the clergyman from Princess Bride, “tweasure your wuv.” If you haven’t seen the movie Princess Bride, you absolutely must. As a matter of fact, that would make an ideal Val...


    Larry Davidson, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    Champagne is awesome and has its place. But it’s not the answer for the romantic days of February. The correct answer, for those of you playing along, is sweet wines – wines that are normally considered dessert wines. Sweet wines don’t have to be gross, they just have to be well-made by someone who knows what they’re do­ing with this style of wine. To that end, we’re very fortunate to have a producer right in our own backyard that produces some of the best in the country. First let’s talk about what makes a wine sweet. Sugar. That was easy was...

  • EAT

    Larry Davidson, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    Yes, I’ll admit it - I’m a romantic! I believe that the ro­mance and attention that we shower on the person we adore should be year round, not just on Valentine’s Day. So what do you do when the ideas run dry and you are grasping to find something to show your sweetheart you care? Showering your love with great food is one of the sim­plest ways to say “I Love You” over and again. So what kind of foods says that precious phrase more than others? There’s a whole category of foods that fall into the realm of natural aphrodisiacs. So I thought I’d...

  • “Smokin’ Snowboard”

    Feb 14, 2013

  • Lady Cardinals’ Season Ends With District Loss

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg-Prescott girls bas- ketball team closed their sea- son after a tough loss against St. George's Dragons, 52-21 in Colfax Thursday, Feb. 7. The relatively young team took third in the league and is proud to have claimed that title, head coach Jerry Baker said. The lady Cardinals played hard in the first period pull- ing ahead and leading for part of the first period. The Cardinals brought the heat and defended their trip to playoffs, matching the Drag- ons' score when...

  • Bulldogs Face ‘Must-Win’ After First-Round Loss

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    DAYTON - The Dayton girls basketball team faced a strong district seven team Saturday, and while the lady Bulldogs were able to hold some ground, they weren't able to pull ahead, falling 50- 36 to the Colfax Bulldogs. Both teams opened tak­ing shots at every opportu­nity. But Dayton struggled to hit the net taking 14 attempts and hitting only two for five points. Colfax took 18 attempts and hit seven, helping their ladies pull ahead of Dayton before ending the first period 18-7. The score gap d...

  • First Tiger Wrestler Makes State

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    REARDAN - Freshman Tristan Newman is content to revel in the prospect of being the lone Tiger going to the state wrestling meet at the Tacoma Dome Friday and Saturday, but only for a moment. He's quick to point out that he wouldn't have gotten this far without all his years as a "little guy" in Waits­burg's "Matbird" program (a nod to his parents and coaches) or his teammates on the Waitsburg-Prescott wrestling team. "I wish they could be there with me," he said about the other Tigers who...


    Feb 14, 2013

    Columbia County Board of Commissioners When: February 6, 2013 Columbia County Public Works: Inter-local agreement with Asotin County was ap- proved. Courthouse pool ve- hicle was approved. Cellular telephone policy discussion was tabled to a later date. Bid was opened for 2013 chemical supply contractor and referred to engineer. Executive session on union negotiations was held. Emergency Management: Relief dispatcher pay scale was previously approved. Resolu- tion on 2013-10: Holiday Policy for Dispatch was approved. Blue Mountain Action...

  • Remembering Don Hodgson

    Feb 14, 2013

    "Don Hodgson's last pep rally" was held Saturday in the Dayton High School Gym to remember the former Dayton teacher who died February 2....

  • Youth & Government Elections Results

    Feb 14, 2013

    Waitsburg - Meara Baker Assistant Lobbyist - Garrison Martin Assistant Editor - Kendra Roberts Assistant Attorney Gen­eral - E.J. Meserve Committee Chair - Jessie Hopkins 8th grade Speaker - Nikki Fisher Secretary of the Senate - Cherry Dai Press Photographer - Matthew Hoilman Assistant Sergeant AtArms - Hannah Grant Fair Elections Commis­sioner Dayton - Guy Spalinger Committee Chair (Also running for gover­nor) - Caitlyn Robins Secretary of State - Carlos Oribio House Speaker - Etta Huwe Committee Chair - Samantha Harting Governor's ca...

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry Shares the Love

    Feb 14, 2013

    None are exempt from experiencing hardship. As Helen Keller so aptly stated, "All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming." In my experience, "over­coming" happens most quickly when we realize that we are not alone. Assuring people that they are loved, cared for and most of all not alone, is what the Waitsburg Prayer Shawl Ministry is all about. Initiated by Joan Helm and sponsored by the First Christian Church, the Prayer Shawl Ministry began in the fall of 2009. Helm, a...


    Feb 14, 2013

    February 15: Ephraimia Reese, Andrew Wertz, Neta Henze McKenzie, Joe McCown Jr., Ansehl Hofer, Christina Hofer, Jack Otterson, Stacy Ashcroft and Wanda Witt, An- drew Wertz. February 16: Jason Eaton, Mike R. Mayberry and Loren Eng. February 17: Loyal Baker, Jack Rodgers, Chris Blair, Mathew Kurth, Betty Sauer, Angela Webb and Larry Law- rence. February 18: Cole Lindsey, Greg Schuler, Lauri McKin- ley, Michael and Philo Murphy, Nancy Powers, Ann Ahler and Charles Mead V. February 19: Carrie Abel, Margaret Osterero, Rick Harp- er, and Mark...


    Pioneer Portraits|Feb 14, 2013

    Ten Years Ago February 13, 2003 After hearing three hours of impassioned, sometimes harsh public testimony, the Waitsburg City Council voted 4-1 to proceed with the hotly contested SR 12-Coppei Avenue improvement project. Nearly 80 concerned individuals at- tended the marathon 4 ½ hour meeting Feb. 5 where more than a dozen people - about half in favor, half opposed - voiced opinions, feelings and facts that ran the gamut from orderly information about the Coppei improvement project to heartfelt memories of the 1996 flood. Twenty-Five Years...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Feb 14, 2013

    A few years ago, I sat in Vintage Cellars and was intro- duced to a glass of Rulo Syrah. To my delight, this was the best Syrah I'd ever tasted. Needless to say, the next day I went to the Rulo winery, bought a case of this vintage and proceeded to drink myself silly for a whole year, giving bottles as gifts and to pair with holiday dinners. Recently, I was introduced to Rulo's 2011 Sundance Char- donnay and was equally blown off my bar stool! For Rulo Winemaker/Owner Ken Schlicker, having a BS in Microbiol- ogy and MD from Stanford may have...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    Rules for trading wheat, or anything else that has a changing price: (1) Know the trend before any de- cision is taken. (2) Do not trade or hold positions against the trend. (3) No trend, no trade. Sometimes the tough part is just identifying the trend. The definition could be a moving average of recent prices, or even as simple as putting a printed chart on the table and looking at it from a few feet away. If the pattern shows that "it" is moving lower in price, there is no reason to get out the mi- croscope, or do a page of calculus. Just...


    Feb 14, 2013

    Waitsburg 2-7 An attempted break-in at a travel trailer in the last fewmonths was reported on Stonecipher Road. 2-9 An attempted burglary was reported on Preston Avenue. Adoor handle was damaged. Dayton 2-5 Report of suspicious at Dayton Mercantile Subwaydeemed unfounded. Vehicle prowl reported on N. 1st Street.Threats were reported on E. Richmond Avenue. Recklessdriving reported on E. Main Street in Starbuck. Juvenileproblems were reported at Dayton Elementary School. Acase of harassment was reported on E. Patit Avenue and de- termined to be...

  • We need a state energy policy that aligns supply with demand

    Rep. Terry Nealey, Special To The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    It is an honor to serve a legislative district that is within the energy hub of the Pacific Northwest. To the north of the 16th District, the Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant at Hanford generates 1,150 megawatts of electricity. The Snake and Columbia rivers with their hydro power dams are directly in the district. One of the earliest and larg- est wind farms in Washing- ton was built on Hopkins Ridge near my hometown of Dayton. We've long enjoyed low power rates in our state be- cause of the abundance of energy. But I'm...

  • Student Life

    Emma Philbrook, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    My mother walked into the computer room to find me staring at a blank Word docu- ment. "Um, hi," I said. "Hi," she offered in return. "Writer's block?" "Yup," I said. "Nothing happened last week. Abso- lutely nothing." "Well," she pointed out, "nothing happened the week before last and you still squeezed a column." "Yeah. A column about something that happened over Christmas break." "Well," she said, "your seeds arrived last week. Write about that." "Well, yeah, but that's hardly a whole...

  • That’s Amore

    Feb 14, 2013

    He looked at me as if I were the only thing he could see and said, "When the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie, that's amore." It wasn't very romantic. Taking advice from music usually isn't a very good idea, but there is one thing I always seem to take away - food and ro- mance go hand-in-hand. Even the rapper 50 Cent made the connection in the early 2000s singing "I love you like a fat kid loves cake." Clearly, the man can't help being a hopeless romantic. But when we mix food and love,...

  • Daytumbia? Colayton?

    Feb 14, 2013

    Last time we checked, the city of Dayton contained about 2,700 souls. They make up a large portion of the total population of Columbia County, which stands at around 4,200. The city and county each has its own legislative body, and each oversees important services for its constituents. Dayton residents get many services from both entities. And some services overlap. Many years ago, Dayton had its own police department. After much discussion and negotiation, some of it very con- tentious, the police department was disbanded and the city...

  • Political Cartoon

    Feb 14, 2013

  • Youth In Government: Gavel to Gavel

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Feb 14, 2013

    DAYTON - Senior Bull- dog Samantha Harting saw several of her friends get scraped up in motorcycle spills, so when it came time at her high school Youth & Government club to propose a new law in Olympia, she crafted a bill that might protect them better. Junior Cardinal Meara Baker, a member of Waits- burg's Youth & Government club, chose a different issue for her bill. She feels that as a state of immigrants, Washington should have a law requiring high school students to graduate with foreign...

  • Fields of Green

    Feb 14, 2013

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