Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 32
Emily (7) and Isaac (4) Knudson enjoyed the ride when dad, Lloyd, decided to flatten out the driveway by pulling the kids in a big bucket behind a side-by-side after last week's snow. The Kunudon canines made sure they weren't left out of the fun!...
WAITSBURG – Rebecca Holderman says she is enjoying her first time serving on a royalty court and representing Waitsburg as the 2019 Celebration Days Queen. Holderman has been promoting Waitsburg and Celebration Days since December but will officially take the crown from reigning Queen Makenna Barron at the 2019 Queen's Coronation Fundraising Dinner on Feb. 22 at Waitsburg Town Hall. Holderman lives in the country outside Milton-Freewater with her parents, Brent and Kim Holderman, and her t...
DAYTON – Columbia County Sheriff Joe Helm has officially joined the ranks of law enforcement officials across the state who will not enforce Initiative I-1639. I-1639 was placed on the ballot as an Initiative to the People and approved by voters on Nov. 6, 2018. The Initiative increased restrictions on the purchase of firearms, raising the minimum age to purchase a semi-automatic firearm to 21, adding a more extensive layer to background checks, increasing waiting periods, and enacting storage requirements. On Feb. 11 Columbia County Sheriff J...
WALLA WALLA – On Sat., March 9, AAUW’s Great Explorations in Education will present “Reach Beyond the Stars,” a science, technology, engineering and math adventure for 5th through 8th grade girls, at Whitman College, 9 a.m. - 2:45 pm. The cost is $5 and includes lunch. Registrations will be accepted through March 6 or until classes are full. Setting the tone for this year’s event will be Dr. Liz MacDonald, a 1995 Wa-Hi graduate and NASA scientist, who will be the keynote speaker at Cordiner Hall. Liz received a NASA scholarship to attend th...
Ten Years Ago February 19, 2009 Waitsburg native Susan (Lawrence) Talbott and her family, on an airline flight recently espied familiar surroundings in the February 2009 edition of the Alaska Airline Magazine. Yep, there on page 25 was a brief tidbit about an exhibit at the Washington State History Museum that compares Washington state’s past with the present-and it captured the well-known1909 horse show photo from Waitsburg’s Main Street and the 2005 shot of townspeople on about the same spot nearly 100 years later. Photo caption: Winners of...
DAYTON – On Monday, the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office posted to its Facebook page warning citizens about a phone fraud case. An individual claiming to represent the Sheriff’s Office advised a citizen that she had outstanding warrants and/or tickets and would need to repay them via pre-paid phone cards. Unfortunately, the victim fell for the call and was scammed out of a large sum of money, according to the Sheriff’s Office. The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office stresses that it will never call anyone over the phone to let them know they have...
DAYTON – Columbia Pulp will host a job fair for production operators on Feb. 22 at its administrative offices located at 115 E. Main in Dayton. There will be two sessions, one from 9-11 a.m. and one from 3-5 p.m. Bring a resume and be prepared for a same-day interview....
DAYTON – The Eagles Jimmy Durante fundraiser, planned for Feb. 16, has been canceled temporarily due to the snow. The fundraiser, to support 4-H and The Club, will be rescheduled....
DAYTON – The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian will host a community open house to discuss future fish and wildlife habitat projects planned for the North and South Touchet Rivers and Rainwater Wildlife Area. The meeting will be held in the Delaney Building at the Dayton Public Library at 7 p.m. on Thurs. Feb. 28. The meeting is intended to communicate the stream and upland habitat restoration work that the Tribes are conducting near Dayton, and to address questions from the community. Presentations will be delivered on management a...
WALLA WALLA County – The Blues Crew, a Blue Mountain Land Trust volunteer group, is a fun and rewarding way to give back to the places you love to hike. The Crew is currently getting ready to prep trails for spring and summer visitors. The Crew will kick off with a work party on Sat., March 9 to clear Fort Walla Walla Natural Area’s Rempel Trail. On Sat., March 23, the Crew will assist the Army Corps of Engineers on the Whitetail Trail at Bennington Lake. Learn more about the Blues Crew and sign up to volunteer at https://bm...
DAYTON – The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian will host a community open house to discuss future fish and wildlife habitat projects planned for the North and South Touchet Rivers and Rainwater Wildlife Area. The meeting will be held in the Delaney Building at the Dayton Public Library at 7 p.m. on Thurs. Feb. 28. The meeting is intended to communicate the stream and upland habitat restoration work that the Tribes are conducting near Dayton, and to address questions from the community. Presentations will be delivered on management a...
DAYTON – The City of Dayton Planning Commission is comprised of five members who hear and make recommendations concerning amendments to zoning ordinances and various land use decisions. Members serve on a volunteer basis and must reside within the Dayton city limits. Terms range from 2-4 years, pending appointment schedule. The Dayton Planning Commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Planning and Building Office at 114 South 2nd Street. If you are interested in supporting your community by serving on the P...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) released the following statement following President Trumps State of the Union address last week. “Tonight, the president challenged us to look at the opportunities ahead. He challenged us to transcend our differences and come together for the sake of our country. Our nation was founded on every person’s fundamental human rights for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To protect our freedom and American greatness, those are the principles we can and m...
Thursday, February 14 Love in Three Acts Liberty Theater, Dayton 6:30 p.m. Visit for ticket information. Sunday, February 17 Royal Opera House production of “The Queen of Spades” Gesa Power House Theater 2 p.m. Tuesday, February 19 Paint Your Own Dog’s Nose Party Weinhard Hotel 6:30 p.m. Reserve a spot by calling (509) 948-3552. Friday, February 22 Waitsburg Celebration Days Queen’s Coronation Dinner Waitsburg Town Hall 6 p.m. Friday, February 23 Pheasants Forever Fundraiser Banquet Walla Walla Fairgrounds 4-9 p.m. Get tic...
Friday, 15 B - Pancakes; L - Hamburger, fries, garden salad, pears Monday, 18 NO SCHOOL - President's Day Tuesday, 19 B - Biscuit & gravy; L - Teriyaki chicken, rice baby corn, sugar snap peas, mandarin oranges Wednesday, 20 B - Cinnamon roll; L - Corndog, fries, potato salad, apples Thursday, 21 B - Pancake on a stick; L - Turkey sub, chips, cookie cucumbers, grapes...
February 15: Ephraimia Reese, Andrew Wertz, Neta Henze McKenzie, Ansehl Hofer, Christina Hofer, Jack Otterson, Stacy Ashcroft and Wanda Witt, Andrew Wertz, Brianna Wray. February 16: Jason Eaton, Mike R. Mayberry and Loren Eng. February 17: Loyal Baker, Jack Rodgers, Chris Blair, Mathew Kurth, Betty Sauer, Angela Webb and Larry Lawrence. February 18: Cole Lindsey, Greg Schuler, Lauri McKinley, Michael and Philo Murphy, Nancy Powers, Ann Ahler and Charles Mead V. February 19: Carrie Abel, Margaret Osterero, Rick Harper, and Mark Johnson.A...
When I received notice of the AAUW Great Explorations program, coming in March (see Page 2), I wanted to take the opportunity to share with our readers what a fantastic opportunity this is for 5th-8th grade girls. The program is $5 and includes a lunch. (Scholarships are available.) My daughter, who is now 22, participated years ago and loved it. When I texted to ask if she remembered going to a science program at Whitman College she said, “Yes! I was just thinking about that the other day a...
By City Clerk, Randy Hinchliffe I am sure many of you have noticed by now the stretch of land being developed at the eastern edge of the City. Mild temperatures in December and January prompted the City to start work on a road project to straighten out Taggart Road from its current position to the highway as a means to improve traffic safety and access in that area. At this time, the contractor has moved out for a month or so to hopefully give the ground some time to dry out before they start placing rock on it in preparation for chip sealing...
DAYTON-"Women are going to be excited about it," Museum Director Tamara Fritze said about the new exhibit currently on display at the Dayton Historic Depot. This exhibit includes clothing, foundation garments, and hats and purses, from the 1890s through 1989, with accompanying history for each decade about fashion and culture. Fritze said it has taken about a month to finish the exhibit. "Matching the dress form to the clothing was the most challenging part," she said. "We had to come up with...
Talk about Art By Carolyn Henderson When life handed Barbara Coppock a bushel of lemons, she didn't stop with just making lemonade. The Clarkston artist, who creates intaglio print etchings of cherished buildings, landscapes, and landmarks of country scenes, set up a (figurative) lemonade stand and started a profitable business in the midst of personal tragedy. It started after Coppock's children graduated from high school and flew the nest, leaving her time to pursue her printmaking interests...
A column by Dena Martin It's always fun browsing through past issues of The Times, especially when it comes to perusing advertisements from bygone years. Times have certainly changed. In some ways for the better, and in others, not so much. Ads of the past were far from politically correct. I did a bit of Googling on ads from the 20s through 50s and found some gems. A series of ads from the 30s urged women to use Iodized yeast to prevent being "skinny." According to some of these ads, men were...
PRESCOTT – According to a Feb. 9 story in the Tri-City Herald, Ralph and Cheryl Broetje sold Broetje orchards to the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan in late December. The fund will operate the company under the First Fruits brand. The article states that the sale did not include the Tierra Vida housing development in Pasco or the Center for Sharing in Franklin County. It did include Broetje's Orchard properties, FirstFruits Marketing of Washington, LLC and Snake River Housing, LLC. In August o...
In this multi-part series, The Times connects with Waitsburg businesses, churches and organizations to hear their plans for 2019. Waitsburg Presbyterian Church The Waitsburg Presbyterian Church, located at 504 Main Street, is saying good-bye to Pastor Bret Moser, who will retire at the end of the month after 15 years of service. The church is in the process of setting up a search committee to find a new pastor. The congregation will hold a going-away celebration for the Moser family on the last...
DAYTON—At their regular meeting last week, the Board of County Commissioners and Charles Eaton, the county engineer, discussed moving ahead with their intention to create a county-wide flood control zone district, a process that was started by City of Dayton Mayor Craig George and former County Commissioner Merle Jackson, early in 2017. At that time, Commissioner Jackson expressed concerns about recent high water events and the accumulating amount of gravel just north of the Highway 12 B...