Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the February 20, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • Dena Wood: Out & About

    Feb 20, 2014

    Last June, in this col­umn, I wrote of at­tending a Sustainable Living Fair and Green Home and Garden Tour. Both were sponsored by the Sustain­able Living Center (SLC) - a 501c3 organization that focuses on informing and educating consumers about the benefits of conserving resources and making use of sustainable or renewable energy sources. I walked away from the tour particularly impressed with a project by Tim Ben­nett, who had added solar panels to his home. A 20% payment by the Sustain­able...

  • Touchet Valley Sports Stats

    Feb 20, 2014

    Southwest 2B Boys Basketball Final Regular Season Standings League Overall...

  • WP’s Newman Returns to State

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 20, 2014

    KITTITAS - WP sopho­more Tristan Newman will make his second appearance at the state wrestling tourna­ment at the Tacoma Dome this weekend, after placing fourth at the regional tourna­ment here Friday. Mat Clas­sic 26 begins Friday WP wrestlers faced stiff competition in Kittitas. Of the four competing wres­tlers, only Newman claimed a win. He won three of his five matches, securing fourth place in the region. Tristan Newman (285): Bye first round; pinned by Mark Daturi (Mary Walker) 3:05; pinn...

  • Cardinals Beat WWVA After Blowout at Home

    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 20, 2014

    Lind-Ritzville-Sprague 78, WP 32 WAITSBURG - The Lind- Ritzville- Sprague Broncos galloped into WP's home gym in the first round of the District 7/9 playoffs and trampled the cardinals into dust. The 78-32 loss put WP into a Monday loser-out game, which they survived. LRS had a 14-8 lead after one and then lit up the gym in the second, outscoring the Cardinals in that frame, 26-6, to take a 40-14 lead into the locker room. Corey Brownlee led WP scoring with 11 points. WP 69, WWVA 65 SPOKANE -...

  • Bulldogs Chew Up Davenport

    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 20, 2014

    Dayton 39, Davenport 30 DAYTON - Dayton's Lady Bulldog basketball team outlasted a tough Dav­enport team to take a win in the first round of the South­east Washington District 7/9 playoffs 38-30 Saturday in front of an enthusiastic home crowd. Dayton jumped to an early 14-2 lead at the end of the first quarter, only to see it disappear in the second. The Lady 'Dogs led the Lady Gorillas by a point at the half before hitting a dry spell in the third quarter to fall be­hind 19-16. A quick co...

  • Artisan Food at Saturday Market

    Feb 20, 2014

  • Walla Walla – Sasayama Sister City Exchange

    Feb 20, 2014

    The WallaWalla-Sasaya­ma Sister City Affiliation Committee coordinates two week student home stays for Sasayama, Japan students in Walla Walla in March/April and facilitates two-week trips for area students to visit Japan in October. Their goal is to support high school exchange students, both in­bound and outbound, and to support and promote cultural exchange events through art, music and dance. Prepara­tions for each exchange be­gin several months prior. Par­ties interested in becoming a host family or participating in a two-week exch...

  • ASSE Student Exchange Programs

    Feb 20, 2014

    Qualified high school students are offered the op­portunity to spend four or six weeks during the sum­mer holiday in Europe, Asia, South America or Australie. Language knowledge is very helpful but not required to qualify. Programs are avail­able for students ages 15 to 18. Apply with ASSE Stu­dent Exchange Programs at Host families to host a foreign exchange stu­dent are needed as well. To learn more contact Veryl An­derson at the regional office at 1-800-733-2773 or email at

  • AFS Intercultural Programs

    Feb 20, 2014

    AFS Intercultural Pro­grams, a student exchange program, is accepting host family applications in the Walla Walla Valley region for the 2014-15 school year. High School slots are avail­able for AFS students in Walla Walla, Waitsburg and Dayton. Participants are carefully matched and volun­teers are always on hand to make sure that students have the support and tools needed for a positive experience. Although students do not arrive before August, fami­lies interested in hosting can begin the application process now. Thousands of young peo...

  • Waitsburg Checks In

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG - It is not unusual for Waitsburg high schoolers to study alongside a student from a foreign country - learning about the exchange student's way of life while introducing them to American ways and local traditions. This year, for the first time in several years, Waitsburg is not host to an exchange student. With area exchange pro­grams actively soliciting both host families and stu­dents interested in intercul­tural learning experiences, The Times decided to check in with last ye...

  • Heart and Sole Run

    Feb 20, 2014

  • Saturday Market Draws Crowd

    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 20, 2014

    DAYTON - The Blue Mountain Station Co-op Market hosted its third weekly Indoor Market on Saturday and attracted an enthusiastic group of shop­pers. The market is held in the center community section of the Port of Co­lumbia's new artisan food center. When a Times reporter visited, camera in hand, several vendors were eager to show off their wares, and musician Heather Stearns was playing her guitar and singing. Soup was being provided by Little Dipper Dairy, a tenant at BMS. Gypsy Girl G...

  • People’s Choice Award Winner

    Feb 20, 2014

  • Fair Fundraisers Planned

    Feb 20, 2014

    DAYTON - The Colum­bia County Fair Board will hold a Kickoff Dinner and Auction on April 26 in the Pavilion at the Fairgrounds. Festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. The event will include live and silent auctions and music by Rich and Nancy Monacelli. Tickets for the fundraising event will be $10 for adults and youth, and $5 for children 7 and under. The evening will include a pie/desert auction and a variety of silent auction items. On May 31, the fair board will present a BRN4D Bar­rel Racing event at the fair­grounds arena. Riders from ar...

  • A Saturday Market Sale

    Feb 20, 2014


    Feb 20, 2014

  • County Seeks Veterans Advisory Board Applicants

    Feb 20, 2014

    WALLA WALLA- Walla Walla County is seeking ap­plicants for up to six open­ings on the Veterans' Relief Advosory Board (VRAB). The VRAB is responsible to advise the Board of County Commissioners on the needs of local indigent veterans and their families. Applicants must be resi­dents of Walla Walla County and must be veterans from either local branches of na­tionally recognized veterans' service organizations or the veterans' community at large. Only veterans are eligible to serve as board members and members should be available to attend one...

  • Parent-Student Meeting on New Testing

    Feb 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG - All Waitsburg High School and Middle School students are encouraged to attend a Stu­dent Assessment Informa­tion Meeting on Tuesday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Waitsburg High School Auditorium. At that meeting, parents and students will receive information about the state assessment system and the new online Smarter Balanced Assessments. They will also be given the opportunity to access the practice test online and receive information as to how they can access the practice tests at home....

  • Boys & Girls State Honor Night Dessert

    Feb 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG - Five Waitsburg and Prescott youth will share their experiences at Boys last summer at an American Legion and Auxil­iary presentation and dessert night on Monday, March 3 at 7 p.m. at Waitsburg Town Hall. All junior class students and their parents, as well as parents of those who attend­ed last year, and all school staff are invited to attend. Students who attended Boys and Girls state last summer will give speech­es and share their experi­ences with the audience. Last year's boys' delegates, sponsored by the American Legion, wer...

  • HIV/AIDS Parent Preview Night

    Feb 20, 2014

    WAITSURG -- Parents with children in grades 5-12 are invited to attend the Waitsburg School District HIV/AIDS Parent Preview Night on Wednesday, Febru­ary 26, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the school library, located in the Waitsburg Elemen­tary Building (184 Academy Street). Following a preview of the materials, parents who wish to have their child ex­cluded from participation in the HIV/AIDS Prevention Program may sign a release form. State law requires that parents or guardians attend such a meeting before they can have their child or legal wa...

  • Waitsburg School Board Minutes

    Feb 20, 2014

    Preston Hall Board Room, Wednesday, Febru­ary 12, 2014 Board members: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Marilyn Johnson, Randy Pearson, Greg Zuger Heard reports from: El­ementary Principal, Sec­ondary Principal, Athletic Director, Transportation/ Maintenance/Facilities Su­pervisor and Superintendent. Passed second reading of Policy/Procedures 5011: Sexual Harassment. Passed Policy/Procedures 4130: Title 1 Parent Involve­ment revisions....

  • Prescott Joint Park & Recreation District (PJPRD) Minutes

    Feb 20, 2014

    PJPRD Activity Center, Thursday, January 9, 2014 Commissioners in at­tendance were Doug Venn, Matt Tunell and Patsy Walsh Adams. Commissioners Shull and Buley were absent. The job description for Pool Manager/CPO was pre­sented and approved. Security needs were dis­cuttes. Tunell will find out if the project is eligible for Risk Management funds from the Association of Washington Cities. Pool Manager Lee Con­lee discussed the need of either replacement or repair of the sand filter valve before summer. A Strategic Planning ses­sion was set for...


    Feb 20, 2014

    2 Grief Support Group(2nd & 4th Thursdays) 6:30 p.m. First CongregationalChurch (214 S. 3rd Street,Dayton) This is an ongoing, opendiscussion group offeringgrief support. New par­ticipants are welcome. CallTeeny McMunn at 509-386-5287 with questions. Home and School As­sociation Meeting Waitsburg ElementarySchool 6:30 p.m. Agenda to include in­formation about the Title 1program and services at theelementary school as well asa review of the Title 1 ParentInvolvement Policy/Proce­dures. Input from parents isneeded. 22 Winter Farmer's Mar...


    Feb 20, 2014

    February 21: Dick Brunton, Ted Hopwood, Rich Pier­son, Travis Wood, Joshua Wood, Chris Huwe and Molly and Mandy Hays. February 22: Cheri Maxwell, Gerald Morgan, Charles Morgan, Tristien Cook, Alexandra Bloor and Nicole East­wood. February 23: John A. Reese, Jay Thomas, Jane Conover Waldher, Jason Cook, Becky Harshman, Margaret Gibson, Heidi Sickles and Brandon Cole. February 24: Susan Segraves, Jason Wheeler, Helen Por­ter, Eric Nunn, Wanda Gales, Dane Henze, Misty Reid, Andy Maib, Martha Kenney, David Danforth, and David Baker. February 25...


    Feb 20, 2014

    Dayton Feb. 11 Residential burglary on E. Patit Avenue; unknown ifanything was taken. Child abuse reported at E. Park Street.Reckless driver reported on Highway 12; state advised.Possible violation of protection on E. Washington Avenue. Feb. 12 Possible DUI reported on E. Main Street. Feb. 13 Report of people not obeying crossing guards at elemen­tary school. Stray horses reported on N. Touchet Road.Harassment reported on N. Touchet Road. Report of fraudon E. Tremont Street. Feb. 14 Bicycle found abandoned in City Park. Civil matterregarding...

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