Sorted by date Results 1 - 24 of 24
KENNEWICK - Four contestants each from Prescott, DeSales and Connell high schools sat at round tables in the lobby of the South Hills Church in Ken- newick last Wednesday. In front of them was a metallic strip wired to a box near the moderator who sat across from the players. She fired off a question: "Name the Egyptian president who was assassinated by extremists in 1981 for ne- gotiating peace with Israel." Several students slapped their hands on the strip to make the buzzer go off and signal...
I lived in Seattle for my first four years of school, before our family moved to Clark County, where I completed High School. I returned to Seattle for college at UW (which took more years than I care to admit) and then lived there for about ten years after. I've always been a "Seattleophile." I'm a regular reader of the Seattle Times and an enthusiastic visitor, riding ferries, visiting SAM (hint: it's a museum), eating in Pioneer Square and getting a coffee about every ten minutes. Still, I'm amazed when I read in Seattle- area pap...
DAYTON - When Mike Spring was learning to brew beer a few years ago, he took a class for home brewers at Ice Harbor Brewing Company in Kennewick. Now that he and his wife, Ann, own a brew pub in Dayton, they hope to help and encourage local home brewers by offering classes and other services, like Ice Harbor does. The Springs As The Times went to Press, they were planning to open Wednesday, with new wood floors and a new bar configuration. "We'll still have some remodeling work left to do,...
PRESCOTT - A big white background stretches across rows of shelves as a projector sends images of classic "Mario Brothers" characters bouncing across the screen. The students who gather on the first two Tuesdays of every month aren't at a party - as the game's title would suggest - they're in the library. Twice a month, from 5 p.m. to closing, the Prescott Public Library hosts Wii night, an event that brings students to the library to enjoy video games and socialization with their peers. Branc...
Andy Winnett and Jim Davison received the 2012 Waitsburg Booster Club Boosters of the Year award at a recent basketball game. According to Booster Club President Ross Hamann, Winnett and Davison were instrumental in the construction of the new pressbox, providing hundreds of hours of the their personal time, knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm to see the project through from beginning to end. It would not have happened without their selfless contributions to our kids and com...
WALLA WALLA - The Dayton girls basketball team ended their season Friday after a tough game against St. George, falling 55-29 to the Dragons. The game opened slowly as both teams took the court at Whitman College prepared to defend their final shot at heading to Spokane for the state tournament. The lady Bulldogs had a visible height disadvantage and struggled to work around the Dragons. But the Dragons were not quick to put points on the board, putting up eight in the first four minutes. In...
TACOMA - Before WP Tiger Tristan Newman even set foot on one of the many mats at the Tacoma Dome Friday, he had every reason to celebrate victory, his coach, family and friends in the stands said. "It's always been our goal to get kids here," said head coach Lanny Adams, who has been a wrestling coach for 28 years, waiting to see a competitor to state. "Tristan has helped me make that dream come true." Newman, a freshman expected to make future appearances at state, did not advance after losing...
Dayton City Council Minutes When: February 11, 2013 Consent Agenda: Approved council minutes, claims vouchers and payroll warrants. Reports: Dayton Chamber of Commerce presented 2012 4th Quarter Report. New Business: Considered Ordinance No. 1831, accepting a donation of $599.29 from Dayton Skate Club and summary for publication purposes. Both were passed unanimously....
"A lways make ethi- cal decisions", was the main focus of the presentation delivered by two representa- tives of the Better Business Bureau February 7 at the Farm Forum in Spokane. Nineteen Waitsburg FFA members boarded a bus ear- ly in the morning and headed to the Agricultural Expo- sition, a three-day event held at the Spokane Convention Center. Thursday was "FFA Day, which meant numer- ous chapters from all over Eastern Washington came together to listen to speakers and learn about...
I magine leaving the larg- est city in the world and journeying halfway around the globe to live in a rural town of 1,200. That's precisely what Chao Lei Dai experienced when she left Shanghai, China (pop. 23 million), to spend the school year as a foreign exchange student in Waitsburg. I was delighted to spend some time talking with the charming Chao Lei, who uses Cherry as her American moniker, about life in our country. The desire to experience the American lifestyle goes back a generation...
February 22: Cheri Maxwell, Gerald Morgan, Charles Morgan, Tristien Cook, Alexandra Bloor and Nicole East- wood. February 23: John A. Reese, Jay Thomas, Jane Conover Waldher, Jason Cook, Becky Harshman, Margaret Gibson, Heidi Sickles and Brandon Cole. February 24: Susan Segraves, Jason Wheeler, Helen Por- ter, Eric Nunn, Wanda Gales, Dane Henze, Misty Reid, Andy Maib, Martha Kenney, David Danforth, and David Baker. February 25: Diane Dill, LeAnne Piersol, Lana Herrera. February 26: Dena Wood, Alisha Marshall, Dorothy Hall, Wayne Emerson,...
Ten Years Ago February 20, 2003 Washington senators voted 49-0 to help Waitsburg keep its spe- cial city status, which can be an economic benefit for the town, but at the same time permit terms for elected officials to be set greater than the present one-year terms. Sen. Mike Hewitt, R-16th District was a prime sponsor of Senate Bill 5244 which passed Tuesday. Because Waitsburg is an unclassified city, the town charter requires annual elections of city officials. City officials asked Hewitt to help change state law so that the City could, at...
Smart is the new America; have you heard this? The saying refers to today's saving and spending practices across the US and in particular, our spending at the supermarket. As far as smart buying of foodstuffs, I watch my pennies carefully. I know cheap food is not always a good buy, in fact most commercial food lacks flavor and nutritional value. Upgrading our food and beverage purchases to the higher standard in clean organic whole foods may cost more - as much as twenty cents on the dollar - but the higher standard is considered the best buy...
When I have a wheat position on, that is when I am either long (bought) or short (sold). Even after 30 years of analysis and trading of the wheat market, I still have a tendency to notice anything that affirms my position first. It just happens. I know that this is not an objective way to evaluate a market, and does not lead to the best decision-making. I also know that the awareness of this bias is the best and probably only antidote to its effects. So the fact that I own wheat fu- tures, say around $7.50, may lead me to seek reasons to own...
Waitsburg 2-18 A stolen vehicle recovered was reported on J Street. Do- mestic violence was reported on Preston Avenue. The subjectwas arrested on a warrant out of Benton County. 2-17 A subject arrested on a warrant out of Walla Walla was re- ported Preston Avenue. A commercial burglary was reportedon Main Street. The suspect entered the business, took cashand left. The investigation is ongoing. 2-14 A driver with a suspended license was reported on StateRoute. The driver was arrested for the suspended license andfor warrants out of Kennewick...
I ' m 99.9% sure that there's an article about the local Knowledge Bowl teams somewhere in the paper you're holding. Before you continue with reading this week's column, please search out that article and read it. It will help you understand the jargon. Is it there? If not, feel free to slap me silly the next time we bump into each other. Did you read it? Good. This week, I thought I'd give you an inside view of Waitsburg's Knowledge Bowl team. We're not nearly as serious as one would be led to believe. For example, two of our members toted...
Dear Editor, We are presenting a re- sponse to Dan Groom's col- umns in The Times regarding why some Dayton High School students choose other activities other than playing sports. The students in our AP Civics class take excep- tion to some of what was said in the columns and would like the opportunity to pres- ent other possibilities. The students in the class got together and wrote a letter in response to Groom's columns. We are not al- lowed to include the students' names with the letter since most of the students are under the age of 18....
Dizzy and I rolled into the burg on a sunny Sunday afternoon earlier this month. You re- member Dizzy. He is the black labradoodle I adopted from the Walla Walla Hu- mane Society as a puppy a few years ago and almost lost on a dark winter's night off Smith Hollow Road last time I wrote a column about us. Of course he was alive and well that night, sitting patiently by the back door after I searched for him for hours up and down the fields and almost gave up. He was there, back home, just like a...
This week's Times includes our monthly business sec- tion. Often the businesses we feature there are new, or they are businesses in transition - hopefully a positive transition. This week we introduce Mike and Ann Spring, who re- cently purchased Skye Book and Brew in Dayton and are reopening it as Chief Spring's Fire and Iron Brew Pub. The Times is also preparing to publish our annual Spring- Summer Visitor's Guide. (We publish an annual Fall-Winter Visitor's Guide as well. So, for those who are counting, that makes our Visitor's Guide...
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg Grocery Store fell victim to a thief in the early hours of Sunday morning. The thief made away with $226 and was in and out in less than a minute, grocery store owner Dan- ny Cole said. The store does have an alarm system, but un- like the last two robbery attempts targeted at the locally-owned grocery store, the thief was not de- terred by the sudden loud siren sounding through the store. Cole said he is thankful for his Stryke alarm sys- tem because it has proven...
WAITSBURG - The city of Waitsburg received two grants totaling about $700,000 to update Seventh Street between Main and Arnold Streets. One of the grants is $615,000 and is supplied by the Department of Transportation and the remainder of the $700,000 is funded by the state Transpor- tation Improvement Board. City Administrator Randy Hinchcliffe said the bid for a contractor will be awarded at the March City Council meeting and the project will begin on May 1. For the first week of May, the contractor will remove trees and prepare for the...