Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the February 26, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 31

  • Whoopemup Plat OK'd, with Conditions

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    WAITSBURG – Warren Land Company cleared hurdle number one after receiving a conditional preliminary plat approval for the proposed Whoopemup Meadows subdivision at a Feb. 19 Waitsburg City Council public record meeting. The council, with member K.C. Kuykendall absent, voted unanimously to approve the preliminary plat with conditions as recommended by City Attorney Jared Hawkins, rather than disapproving, as recommended by the Waitsburg Planning Commission. The 114-unit, 50-acre subdivision, t...

  • Waitsburg School Breakfast/Lunch

    Feb 26, 2015

    9: Pancake on a Stick; Turkey OR Ham Sandwich, Potato Salad 2: Breakfast Sandwich; BBQ Pulled Pork, Corn on the Cob 3: Biscuit & Gravy; Bean & Cheese Burrito, Spanish Rice 4: Green Eggs & Ham; Dog on a Log, Oodles of Noodles, Blue Goo, Pink Ink 5: NO SCHOOL -- Snow Make-Up Day...

  • County Objects to Monteillet Liquor License Renewal

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    DAYTON – The Columbia County Commissioners have formally objected to the granting of a liquor license renewal to Monteillet Fromagerie, according to a letter written to the Washington State Liquor Control Board last week. The current liquor license on file with the state for the Fromagerie will expire soon. Monteillet Fromagerie is a cheese-making facility two miles west of Dayton that expanded its business to include retail sales of cheese, as well as wine and cheese tasting events. As part o...

  • Road Trip: Visit to Retail Pot Shop in Prosser is eye-Opening for County Leaders

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    DAYTON – In less than three weeks the Columbia County Commissioners will decide whether to extend the county moratorium on marijuana, allow marijuana operations in the county, or ban them altogether. In December, they agreed to extend the moratorium until March to allow more time to investigate the issue and make an informed decision. A public hearing regarding the county's moratorium is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. on March 16 in the commissioners' board room. The county's 15-month-long m...

  • Supporting the Team

    Feb 26, 2015

    A group of Dayton High students cheers . . ....

  • Kenneth Ray Smith

    Feb 26, 2015

    Kenneth Ray Smith, 49, passed away February 16, 2015 at Dayton General Hospital. He was born October 5, 1965 to Terry and Judy (Watkins) Smith in San Miguel Naval Station, Philippines. He then moved to Winter Harbor, Maine when he was only a few months old where he lived until he was three years old. In the Summer of 1969 they moved to Yokohama, Japan, where he and his family lived for two years. His Family then moved to Misawa Air Force Base, Japan, where they lived for three years. In 1974 the family moved to Novato, California where his fath...

  • Boys and Girls State Honor Night

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg American Legion Auxiliary is hosting a Boys and Girls State Honor Night Dessert at Town Hall on March 2 at 7 p.m. It is a family affair for anyone interested in learning more about Evergreen Girls and Boys State, a program that simulates Washington State government. Reservations are requested. Emma Philbrook attended Girls State from Waitsburg last year and will share her experiences. Matthew Warren, from Dayton, attended Boys State and will also talk about his experience. Both Warren and Philbrook won the Samsung A...

  • Dayton Snow Day Moved to June

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    DAYTON – The snow day originally scheduled for make up on March 6 has been moved to Thursday, June 11. This will be the last day of school, according to Superintendent Doug Johnson. “The decision provides parents with two weeks’ notice of the change,” he said. “The basis for the change centers on the success of the high school girls’ basketball team. Other factors include the challenges of finding enough certificated and classified substitutes and making transportation arrangements for both the tournament participants and getting students to...

  • Commercial Club City Council Candidate Forum

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Commercial Club will host a Waitsburg City Council Candidate Forum on Tuesday, March 3 at Waitsburg Town Hall. Incumbent and new candidates are invited to speak to community members for three to five minutes and take questions about city government from the audience. To run for Waitsburg City Council, visit It is important to meet the deadlines. The March 3 Commercial Club meeting includes dinner at $12 per person. Please RSVP reservations to or call (509) 337-6546. T...

  • Citizen Award Nominations

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Commercial Club is now accepting nominations for the 2015 Community Citizen of the Year Award. Nominations may be submitted, in letter form, for the Commercial Club Executive Board to consider at their March 3 meeting. Citizens of the Year for 2014 were Larry and Deanne Johnson. Please email nominations to or mail to Waitsburg Commercial Club, Post Office Box 451, Waitsburg, WA 99361. Nominations must be received by Tuesday, March 3 to be considered....

  • Pioneer Portraits

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    Ten Years Ago March 3, 2005 Waitsburg High School sophomore Courtney Gritman was crowned princess of the 2005 Pioneer Posse Court Sunday Evening. Nathan Hamann, son of Fred Hamann and grandson of Jan Chronkhite, both of Waitsburg, was recently presented with the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist pin while serving aboard the U.S.S. Camden, a fast battle support ship providing fuel, ammunition and other stores. Nate is on his way to the Great Lakes Naval Station near Chicago to start medical tech school. Twenty-Five Years Ago March 1, 1990 A ne...

  • Police Notes

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    Waitsburg Nothing to report. Dayton Feb. 16 Deputies arrested 26-year-old Dayton resident Heather Dame on a Columbia County felony warrant. Deputies assisted Franklin County Sheriff’s Office with a single-vehicle, non-injury collision on Palouse Falls Road in which the driver lost control of the vehicle on a corner and caused damage to the driver’s side of the vehicle; both driver and passenger were uninjured, however the driver was cited for speed too fast for conditions. Deputies arrested 19-year-old Dayton man Dante Brown on a warrant from t...

  • Birthdays

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    February 27: Rylan Lybecker, Jerry Baker, Larry Land, Bill Broadhead, Jane Schulke, Katy Pearson Zemke. February 28: Jill McConnell, Brock Winegar, Cindy Hiatt, Sharon McDaniel, Jean Coe, Tressa Johnson, Merry Nelson, David Marr, Todd Dimak and Jeremy Nichols. March 1: Bill Zuger and grandson Jacob Dunn, Norma Chapman, Joan Bottles and Bill Keith. March 2: Alina Reese, Dean Atkinson, Kyla Winger, Rich Fry, Sandy Startin, Peter Mercer, Bill Callahan, Mike A. Mayberry and Jessica DeCoria. March 3: Sarah Moser, Mike Vennum, Michelle Miller,...


    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    It’s hard to feel bad about the world during a week like this. That’s because spring training has begun. As you read this, position players (that’s what they call non-pitchers or catchers) are reporting to major league training camps in Arizona and Florida. (Pitchers and catchers showed up last week.) The news from Washington (D.C.) and the Middle East may be dismal, but the Mariners are tied for first. So are the Cubs and the Mets. Hope “springs” eternal, as the “Cactus” and “Grapefruit...

  • Senate Proposal Includes Gas Tax Hike

    Cooper Inveen, WNPA Olympia News Bureau|Feb 26, 2015

    OLYMPIA—The Senate’s new transportation package is being hailed for its bipartisan support, while some critics find aspects of it troubling. The proposals were revealed on Feb. 12 after 22 months of negotiations and would mostly fund various highway projects in the state’s more congested areas. The package would raise $15 billion over a 16-year period mostly through an 11.7 cents-per-gallon gas tax implemented over the next three years. Washington’s current 35.7 cents-per-gallon gas tax would increase by five cents in July, 4.2 cents in July...

  • Emma Philbrook: STUDENT LIFE

    Emma Philbrook, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    And now, presenting some valuable insight into the human psyche: The Nine Steps of the Grieving Process! Step One: Denial. “Wait. So let me hear that again. An elite prep school who edged us out by a few points last year is coming to compete with us at Knowledge Bowl Regionals because they are the only team of their size in their area. And they’re not bringing their berth with them? And at the same time, one of our two berths is getting taken away? So only one team out of four gets to go to Sta...

  • Board Approves April School Levy

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    DAYTON – The Dayton School Board approved a resolution last week to place a capital projects levy on the April 28 ballot. The levy will request $800,000, collected over a two-year period during 2016 and 2017, to fund purchases and repairs that address safety, security and efficiency. The district has scheduled a public informational meeting for next Wednesday, March 4, to provide background on the proposed levy. The regular board meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. and then adjourn to the special public meeting at 7 p.m. in the high school a...

  • Public Meets Principal Candidates

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    DAYTON – The public is invited to meet candidates for the permanent Dayton School District secondary principal on the evenings of March 2 and 3 in the high school auditorium. Times will be announced. A schedule will be posted on the school website at The selection committee is interviewing candidates this week to recommend for advancement to the second stage of the hiring process. The selection committee plans to have a recommendation ready to present to the superintendent by Thursday, March 12, with the potential a...

  • WHS KB Team Takes First at Regionals

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    WAITSBURG – In a war of wits, Waitsburg once again took first place in the 2B District 9 Regional Knowledge Bowl meet on Feb. 23, securing a spot at the state meet. This will be Waitsburg's fourth consecutive State meet and the last for senior and team leader Emma Philbrook. The WHS Knowledge Bowl team competed with strengths and smarts against 2B local rivals Dayton and DeSales High Schools. Led by senior Philbrook and junior Stuart Walsh, Waitsburg walked off with the win scoring 103 p...

  • It's Cookie Time!

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    WAITSBURG – When 7-year-old Jessika Lambert wanted to follow in big brother Daltin's footsteps and go into scouting, she was forced to join a Girl Scout troop in Walla Walla since there were no local troops. However, when she sold cookies in Waitsburg, she received so much interest from moms and daughters that she decided to do something about that. Jessika used the money she made from her first cookie sale to help start a troop in Waitsburg. A year later, local young ladies are busily p...

  • City Council Elections

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    WAITSBURG – It’s time for anyone interested in a position on Waitsburg’s City Council to make their intent known while being aware of important deadlines. The top vote recipients – five for council and one for mayor – are elected to one-year terms. Candidates must submit a Declaration of Candidacy with the Waitsburg city clerk within the first ten working days of March, which means they must be filed between March 2 and March 13. Caucuses may only be held between 35 and 25 days prior to the election, which means they must take place by March...

  • Dayton Considers Afterschool Program

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    DAYTON – What’s the best way to keep kids out of trouble after school? Give them safe, healthy activities to enjoy, says Dayton’s interim Secondary Principal Kate Wenzl. Members of Columbia Cares, the Coalition for Youth and Families, Columbia County Public Health and county commissioners agree. “The amount we have to pay for juvenile incarceration goes down when we have an afterschool program,” said Columbia County Commissioner Dwight Robanske. The county budgeted $70,000 for juvenile detention...

  • Dayton Considers Revising Signs, Sidewalk Codes

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    DAYTON – The Dayton Planning Department is offering a final workshop this Thursday from 6-8 p.m. in the Delaney Building at the Dayton Memorial Library regarding current city regulations for retail signs including permanent signs on buildings and temporary signs such as sandwich boards on sidewalks. Last week Planning Director Karen Scharer and her Whitman College intern Katie Stewart met with several downtown and "fringe" commercial business owners (such as the Port of Columbia) in two w...

  • Wenaha Showcases Local Artists

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    Several members of the Blue Mountain Artist's Guild displayed their talent . . ....

  • 'Hogs' for History

    The Times|Feb 26, 2015

    Dozens of history supporters turned out Saturday . . ....

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