Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 36
Waitsburg Elementary School students got their hearts pumping in the WHS gymnasium last week during the school's annual Hoops and Jump for Heart American Heart Association fundraiser. Kindergarten through second graders jumped rope and hula hooped while the older students shot baskets. According to event coordinator Dinah Lindsey, the kids raised $2,311....
WAITSBURG – After voting in January to partner with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in their "Feel Free to Hunt" program in the city's watershed, Waitsburg's city council decided to take a closer look at the contract. At their Feb. 17 meeting, the council agreed to invite WDFW representatives back in March to clarify some questions that had arisen since the initial discussion. The watershed consists of about 800 acres along the north fork of Coppei Creek that has historically b...
DAYTON—Phasing documents for the hospital renovation and enhancement project have been uploaded to the CCHS website at, according to CEO Shane McGuire. In his report to the hospital board commissioners on Feb. 24, McGuire highlighted some of the details in each of the four phases of the project. He told the commissioners that construction of the new physical therapy and rehabilitation services department, the new main entrance, and early work on the public access corridor w...
WAITSBURG – The public is invited to attend a public meeting at the Lions Club building at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds on Thurs., March 10 at 7 p.m. Eric Zitterkopf from Anderson Perry & Associates will be available to discuss bridge rail design options for the Main Street Bridge replacement. City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe reminds citizens that election caucuses are open until March 10. Declarations of Candidacy to run for mayor or city council will be available at City Hall from March 7 through March 18....
Ten Years Ago March 9, 2006 The Waitsburg Knowledge Bowl team rallied to climb into third place but fell short of a state berth March 1 in Waitsburg. Team 1 consisted of Daniel Weis, Sarah Paul, Heidi Shepherd, Gracie Eastwood, Emily Hogan and Isaac Huether. Athletes from the 2005-06 basketball teams and cheerleading squad will be honored at the Winter Sports Dessert, scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, March 13 at the Multi-purpose Room of Waitsburg Elementary. Numerous awards and letters will be handed out by Chris Pearson, head boys basketball...
Wait-Hi students wrapped up National FFA Week by celebrating at the annual Harvest Ball on Saturday night. The FFA-sponsored Harvest Ball is a Sadie Hawkins-style event where girls ask boys and couples attend in matching T-shirts. FFA members celebrated all week with dress-up (or dress down) days and performed in an "Ag Olympics" competition during a pep assembly on Thursday....
Dayton Feb. 7 Report of cell phone theft. Caller had loaned phone and it had not been returned. Matthew Ransom, 30, Kennewick was cited for “speed too fast for conditions” when he lost control of his vehicle on compact snow and ice on North Touchet Rd. Vehicle partially blocking highway was up on a jack with tire missing. Deputies were unable to contact a responsible party so had the vehicle towed. Joseph Wilson, 42, Dayton was arrested and booked into jail for disorderly conduct. He was beating on doors and windows of the courthouse and ref...
To: Amanda Sundquist and Ian Gilbert from Prescott Wash., a boy, Oliver Kent Gilbert, weighing 8 lbs. 9 ozs,. born February 25, 2016 at Walla Walla General Hospital....
March 4: Bill Poirier, Marilyn White, Kathy Jansen, Ryan Jacoy and Nicholas Newbury. March 5: Dick Baker, Jean Miller, Larry Wayne Bunton, Paul Fischer and Kristen Danielson. March 6: Marianne Newell, John P. Janovich, Shane Johnson, Trulie Griffin, Michael Jantz, Ryan and Scott Downing, Del Benson, Larry Olson and Kevin Jones. March 7: Renee Adams, Jayce Dunleavy. March 8: Donovan Smith, Tanaa Maib and Scott Mason. March 9: Larry Johnson, Robert Langdon, Steve Pierson, Jennifer Bennett, Kay Baker. March 10: Bill Gluck, Win Deanna Anderson,...
4: Scrambled Eggs & Sausage; Fish & Chips, Slaw 7: Breakfast Sandwich; Grilled Chicken & Swiss, Corn on the Cob 8: Continental Breakfast; Chicken Quesadilla, Spanish Rice 9: Cinnamon Roll; Tater Tot Casserole, Roll, Broccoli 10: Combo Bars; Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Pepper Strips...
As the father of three daughters, I reserved the right to interview their dates. Seemed only fair to me. After all, my wife and I’d spent 16 or 17 years feeding them, dressing them, funding braces and driving them to volleyball tournaments and piano recitals. A five-minute face-to-face with the guy was a fair expectation. For the next few hours, she would be affected by his ability to drive a car, avoid the bad crowds and stay sober. I wanted to know if he could do it. I wanted to know if he was decent. This was my word: “decent.” Would he tr...
The exclusive hunting society that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was hanging out with when he died last weekend wore velvet emerald robes stitched with the words “Deum Diligite Animalia Diligentes,” or “Honoring God by honoring His creatures.” That appears to refer to the story of the society’s namesake, St. Hubert, who is the Catholic patron saint of hunting, fishing, trapping, rabies victims and - depending on the source you consult - dog trainers, mathematicians and opticians. But before he became a saint, Hubert was said to be jus...
Hey there, everyone! I’m sorry I haven’t been updating you guys more frequently, but that’s mainly because nothing much has happened. Life is still pretty much the same – pointless craft projects, it-never-rains-but-it-pours dispensing of homework assignments, lame attempts at creative writing, and not enough sleep. I am currently in mourning for my 4.0 GPA (November 5, 2009 – December 29, 2015 – rest in peace, old buddy). I received a B in Continuing Hispanic Culture, a 300-level discussion-bas...
Dear Editor, Mike and I are grateful to our community here in the Touchet Valley for supporting us so well through my cancer diagnosis, surgery and recovery. I had a very successful surgery outcome and will be following up with oral chemotherapy for six months, as a preventative measure against re-occurrence. This is (because I am, and continue to be on) a journey that is filled with many challenges, blessings, and healing. I can say this not just because of the good outcome, but because I have learned so much through the process about me, my...
Dear Editor, I take issue with Waitsburg Mayor Gobel’s comment, in the February 25th Times, in reference to our fairgrounds, where he is quoted as saying that, “Nobody’s come forward to help us with that situation or to get involved to help.” I know several people who both before and after that meeting, went into city hall, or called with offers of voluntary help. Two of us were at that very meeting trying very hard to volunteer. None of us have been contacted by you in any way, shape or form. In fact, we have been ignored. Mr. Kuykend...
Sentencing/Dismissals: Nicholas Anthony Beard, 26, Spokane; Originally charged of attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle, reckless driving, and driving under the influence in Oct. of 2014. Charges were amended to one count of failure to obey a police officer and one count of negligent driving in the first degree. Beard was sentenced to 24 months probation, drug and alcohol evaluation, and assessed $1230 in fines and fees. Ryan Phillips Timmons, 29, Dayton; case was dismissed with prejudice because the defendant’s right to a speedy trial...
Board members: Karen Tonne, Sara Fletcher, Leann Griffin, Eva Madrigal, Erik Young -Josh Neilsen made a presentation on the Apptegy app and platform to allow for better communication between the district and community. The board authorized Superintendent Cox to pursue pricing negotiations for the program. (See story, Page 7) -No athletes turned out for track but “lots” are signed up for Jr. High softball. Travis Crockett, Jose Gonzalez and Fernando Lopez were recognized as All-League players which, as Chairman Karen Tonne noted, was a fir...
The Dayton Historic Depot is featuring an exhibit of historic barns in our area, including the above photo of the Broughton Land Co. barn. The Depot's waiting room and ticket office are filled with a "Barns of Columbia County" exhibit. The exhibit was originally coordinated by Duane Dunlap and the photography is by Justin Jaech. Those who appreciate old rural architecture should not miss these photographs. The Dayton Historic Depot is open Wednesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4...
DAYTON—On Feb. 24, watershed stakeholders in Columbia County heard about an optional incentive-based program for protecting and enhancing critical areas, while promoting agriculture in the county. Bill Ehler, from the Washington State Conservation Commission, presented information about the Voluntary Stewardship Program, to roughly thirty people in attendance at the meeting, which was held at the county fairgrounds. VSP is a program that is allowed under the state Growth Management Act, and whos...
DAYTON—Beginning Tuesday, March 8, third, fourth, fifth and six graders in the Dayton School District can participate in an after school enrichment program. Students will meet three days a week, for four weeks, and be given the opportunity to explore a variety of activities including, art, dance, flag football, gardening, basketball and hoop shooting, soccer, and granola-making. The After School Task Force has been meeting regularly since April, 2015 to discuss plans for the program. In J...
DAYTON – Dayton resident Aidan J. Gemmell, 19, signed a plea agreement filed in Columbia County Superior on Jan. 20. Gemmell was originally charged with five counts of first-degree child rape, a Class A felony. He entered a guilty plea in an agreement that drops the charges to two counts of child molestation in the second degree, a Class A felony. Gemmell was charged with five instances of sexual misconduct with a minor under the age of twelve, between March and May of 2015. Each of those instances took place after he turned 18. Gemmell and h...
WAITSBURG – "Stick your finger right in that chamber there. Go ahead!" said Columbia County Health System Respiratory Therapist Tom Anderson to a student holding a human heart. Anderson, who is celebrating his one-year anniversary with CCHS, held Waitsburg fourth and fifth graders spellbound during a visit to their classrooms last week. And why wouldn't he? It's not every day that a visitor shows up with an actual heart and lung that students can touch and feel. Anderson looked like he was h...
PRESCOTT – Getting school notices home to parents – and then making sure they read them – is a challenge for most school districts. For Prescott Schools, the struggle is magnified because a large percentage of parents speak only Spanish. At the district's Feb. 25 school board meeting, the board previewed an app that claims to improve communications with parents, students, and the community-at-large. The mission of Apptegy, the app under consideration, is to "help schools build better conne...
PRESCOTT – At their Feb. 25 school board meeting, the Prescott School Board approved the purchase of 90 Chromebook computers to improve teaching efficiency. The computers come with a $35,000 price tag, but will be paid for through a federal grant that must be used or forfeited. Prescott Superintendent Brett Cox told the board that a staff survey indicated that teachers are eager to improve what they can do, from a technology standpoint, in the classroom. He said the staff voted to pursue the u...