Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 26
WAITSBURG - The cen- tennial celebration of Waits- burg's Days of Real Sport will not have the traditional pari-mutuel races for which the third weekend in May became so famous over the decades. But the big weekend that organizers are now calling Waitsburg Celebration Days on May 17-19 is shaping up to be action-packed for lo- cal families and visitors. It will have everything from a Cowboy Dance on Friday to court races Saturday, and plenty of kids activities on Sunday, according to mem- bers of the committee that met on Monday night to firm...
The Liberty Theater started the month with the Oscar-winning comedy/drama, "Silver Lin- ings Playbook." The rest of the month will bring crime, excitement, humor and some animation to entertain the masses this March. This weekend, the crime thriller "Side Effects" will be playing. The film stars Rooney Mara, Channing Ta- tum and Jude L aw and was directed by Stev en Soder- bergh. When Emily Taylor's husband is sent to prison, she suffers from severe depres- sion that persists after her husband...
I n last month's review of SketchUp, I credited the discovery to Pinter- est. Truth be known, nearly all displays of astounding creativity and impressive know-how on my part can be attributed to Pinterest. For those unaware, Pin- terest is a visual bookmarking site with a social twist. Users create "boards" in different categories, then "pin" relevant photos and captions. A click on the photo takes you to the original blog or website. Unlike browser bookmarks which often leave me mystified as to...
Dayton resident Roslyn Edwards is well known in the Touchet Valley as a terrific actress and great supporter of local live theater. Roslyn doesn't know a stranger and is one of my favorite book friends. It doesn't matter where we meet or how long we have to chat, the topic of books - what we're reading or have recently read - always comes up. She usually has two or three books going at one time and isn't afraid to try different genres. As librarian at Dayton Elementary School for the past 15...
DAYTON - After a strong season complete with a first round win at playoffs, Dayton's baseball team is a mix of fresh young faces, seasoned talent and no seniors. And by fresh faces, head coach Sal Benevides means really fresh. The four current seniors who would filled out the team last year, decided not to play this year, Benavides said. So he had to pull younger players up to the varsity team to fill out the roster. The 13-student team now includes four eighth graders as well as two ex...
PRESCOTT - Waitsburg Prescott didn't cap the season the way it wished to last year, earning an early exit with losses to Adna and Warden on the opening day of the 2B state softball tournament in Yakima. Thankfully the Tigers will have nearly every starter back, along with fifth-year head coach Angie Potts, for another try at the title trophy. "We didn't have the best showing (at state)," said Potts. "We probably didn't go into it with the best-I don't want to say the attitudes were ba...
PRESCOTT - Waitsburg Prescott coach Dustin Snedigar sails into his fourth season at the helm of the Tiger baseball program with plentiful pitching but little varsity experience on his 2013 roster. Lost from last season's state quarterfinal team are pitcher and shortstop Zach Bartlow, and the entire outfield of Justin Zuger, Chris Manzano, David Herzog, and sub Eric Rosenfeld. Returning, however, are senior starters from last year, Dalton Estes at shortstop and pitching, Tucker Alleman at cat...
The Times DAYTON - The 2013 high school softball season might turn out to be a bit of déjà vu for the Lady Bulldogs and their fans. Many of the same players who proudly took the team's scrappy record- setting game to state in Yakima last year are back, head coach Terry Robbins said. "We have a very good nucleus to build around," he said. "My seniors are my leaders." The 2012 Lady Bulldogs broke almost every record in the school's sports history books: the most runs, at 235; the most dou...
February 20, 2013 -Gear Up program submitted a report citing numerous professional development opportunities for teachers as well as college readiness and inquiry classes for students. -The AVID program was begun using financial support from the grant. Faculty members will be attending a workshop/training in San Antonio, Texas this summer. -A third meeting for the bleacher replacement project was scheduled for Feb. 27 with hopes to determine configuration plans and select a vendor for the project. -Request for Qualifications proce...
DAYTON - Dayton High School is brimming with cultural diversity this year as it plays host to six foreign exchange students, representing France, Germany, Brazil, Japan, and Thailand. The Times spoke with Takayuki Inoue of Japan and Nora Mansur of Germany regarding their experience in the U.S. Takayuki (Yuki), a sophomore at Dayton High, is hosted by the Kerekulas, a family who resides in the country with their four homeschooled children. Rural life and a large family provide stark con...
Prescott Joint Parks & Recreation District Agenda March 13, 2013, 7 p.m. PJPRD Activity Center, 101 S. D St. #A; Prescott -Updates on Sherwood Trust purchases, delivery and installation. -Updates on Strategic Planning Meetings -Discussion regarding federally mandated ADA pool lift, kiddie pool and costs. - Swim hours, dates and pass costs to be set. -New state minimum wage, lifeguard pay sched- ules and employee con- tracts will be reviewed. -Policy revisions for the 2013 season to be considered. -A facility improve- ments wish list will be...
This week I come to you on an inside page, as I wish to talk brief- ly about Waitsburg and its schools. A couple of weeks ago, I visited Dr. Carol Clarke in her office at Waitsburg el- ementary school to talk with her about a talk she gave at the Commercial Club dinner in Waitsburg last month. Clarke is the superintendent of schools and also serves as principal for the elementary school. Toward the end of our conversation, we got off onto the subject of cookie dough, and how a group of...
March 8: Donovan Smith, Tanaa Maib and Scott Mason. March 9: Larry Johnson, Robert Langdon, Steve Pierson, Jennifer Bennett, Kay Baker. March 10: Bill Gluck, Win Deanna Anderson, Frank Re- ser and Casey Worth. March 11: Bettie Chase, Jacqueline Klaas, Catherine Donnelly, Kelly Lodato, Aaron DeFord, James Kenworthy and Adraine Michels. March 12: Cherie Kurth, David Donnelly, Ben and Bill Brown, Susan Webber, Jimmie Young, Walt Warehime, Elizabeth Abbey, Teresa Johnson and Lory Duckworth. March 13: Corey Puckett, Susan Watson, Kathy Loge- man,...
Ten Years Ago March 6, 2003 The Blue Mountain Heritage Society is tackling a longstanding mystery which has surrounded a Cliffside are on the Snake River. It is one of the new organization's first projects. We speak of the site just north of Eureka, which some have surmised was once the location of a village of prehistoric people, possibly of the Palouse Indian tribe which once roamed the Snake environs between Clarkston and Pasco. If investigations being started by the new historic organization bear fruit, we might well be a site of...
The earth made us who we are today, and no matter what we think, she isn't done, yet. Her stretching and belch- ing can be felt and heard around the world. It seems this spinning tub of lard's behavior is her way of saying, "I am in this too, you knowhellip;" To put it bluntly; her antics do affect each and every living thing on earth and the environ- ments we live in. That's why I prefer to see myself as a caretaker on the globe, giving a listen regularly to what the old gal needs, keeping her calm and less frustrated. I know if I pay...
U.S. Wheat exports have expanded from the pace of recent months, but not enough to cause the stress from demand that could change the current trend. The movement in Chicago futures in the last week has been in narrow daily ranges, contained above $6.97 and below $7.27 per bushel, matching the low last seen in late June of 2012 just as the price of wheat began a climb that reached $9.47 in the then-nearest July 2012 futures contract. There is buying support at this level, but strong reasons for global buyers to pay up for wheat are not yet on...
2-27 School parking signs defaced with black paint on S. 3rd Street. Suspicious circumstances reported on E Park St; deemedunfounded. Residential burglary reported on S. 5th St; under in- vestigation. Telephone fraud reported on Deer Pond Lane. Tele- phone fraud reported on E. Jackson Street; deemed unfounded. Verbal domestic dispute reported on S. 4th Street. Broken glassin roadway on Hogeye Hollow Road. 2-28 Noninjury accident reported; vehicle in ditch on N. TouchetRoad. Noninjury accident reported; trailer in ditch on TucannonRoad....
I t started out as a bit of daredevilish investigative reporting. It ended up being the worst two hours of my entire weekend. The trouble began Mon- day before last, when a rather disturbing announcement was made at school: A group of students had set up a Facebook page where teen- agers from Waitsburg could express their, er, true feelings about one another. Some- times, apparently, that sim- ply meant saying that they thought someone was attrac- tive. Other times, it meant anonymous...
The Washington State Su- preme Court recently struck down a requirement for a two-thirds vote in the Legis- lature to increase taxes. The two-thirds majority rule had been approved five separate times by voters in a series of initiatives. The requirement was challenged by a coalition of House Democrats and education groups, who had grown increasingly frus- trated by the inability to "raise revenue" (buzzword in Olympia for raising taxes) to address budget shortfalls. This year, the Legislature must close a budget short- fall of just under $1 bi...
I think we can all agree that movingww is stress- ful. It's time-consuming and exhausting. Last weekend, my boy- friend and I moved out of our rental house and into an apartment, and all of the things I despise about mov- ing came rushing back. Every stage of moving is "the worst part of moving" to me. Packing up all of my worldly possessions - that's worst part of moving. An- other 9x13 pan? What am I, a one-woman bakery? Then there's the physical act of moving all of the box- es, the...
I n a presentation to the Commercial Club in Waits- burg last month, Waitsburg school superintendent Dr. Carol Clarke spoke about the changes she sees in the school, the greater community and the country. In the wake of the school shootings in Newtown, school security and bullying issues are a high priority right now with all schools, including the ones Dr. Clarke Runs. It's an unfortunate fact of life. In the Times editor's column on Page 5w, Clarke talks about the hope she has for improving the level of personal interaction, not only within...
WAITSBURG -- The annual Shamrock Bingo fundraiser returns this year. The classic game will be hosted on Saturday, March 9. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and games will begin at 5 p.m. The event will run until 8 p.m. in the Waitsburg Elemen- tary School multi-purpose room. There will be 20 games during the evening at $1 per game for Bingo cards and prizes for the winners. There will also be a chili feed for $3 per person. The event is hosted to rais money for the annual Relay for Life event held locally in two locations. The event will take...
The Dayton Chamber of Commerce’s biggest fund- raiser of the year is coming March 15. This year’s organizers say the auc- tion items are better than ever. The premier package is a week stay in a beautiful five-bed- room farmhouse in Provence, France. Oth- er items up for auction include WSU Cou- gar football packages, romantic getaways, golf packages, Seattle Mariners baseball packages, jet boat trips, original artwork and wine packages. A special silent auction table will feature many ite...