Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 39
WAITSBURG - Weller Public Library is successfully navigating the waters of technology while working to bring their patrons on board. Earlier this year, the library provided local residents with access to the Washington Anytime Library, where members may access thousands of eBooks and audiobooks 24-7. This month, the library invites patrons to increase their technological literacy through the use of the Microsoft IT Academy (ITA) - providing free access to a wide range of Microsoft online co...
WALLA WALLA COUNTY - Citizens can save themselves a trip to Walla Walla by applying for permits thorugh the eTRAKiT! portal. The types of permits and projects that can be applied for online include: Plumbing/Mechanical, Refoofing, Siding/Windows, Residential Burn, Boundary Line Adjustemnt and Accessory Dewlling Unit. Fees may also be paid online. You can find the eTRAKiT! portal at or call the office at 509-524- 4710 for more information....
WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg High School National Honor Society is hosting a Red Cross Blood drive at the Waitsburg High School gymnasium (420 Coppei Ave.) on Wednesday, March 19 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Call NHS Advisor Liv Leid at (509) 337-6351 to schedule an appointment....
WALLA WALLA COUNTY - Walla Walla County and the cities of Prescott, Waitsburg and Walla Walla are beginning the three-year state-mandated process of updating their Shoreline Master Programs. Project management team meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 3 p.m. in the county commissioners' training room at 314 West Main Street (2nd floor) in Walla Walla and are open to the public....
WALLA WALLA - Area youth are invited to attend 4-H Super Saturday, a day of fun-filled, informal educational workshops. Individuals may explore new areas of interest, improve existing skills, and participate in hands-on activities. 4-H Super Saturday is open to all youth in grades 1-12. Classes offered include: Introduction to Theatre, Parasite Puzzle, Jazzercise, Vet Help Line, Karate, Animal First Aid, Soups On, Engineering the Earth, Exploring the Effects of Water Erosion, Energy Engineering, Re-Purposing, Recycling, Usable, Searc...
WAITSBURG - The annual Commerical Club (Chamber of Commerce) meeting will be held March 18, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at Waitsburg Town Hall. At this annual meeting, next year's officers will be elected and the recipient of the Commercial Club Community Service Award will be announced. Mr. Jeff Broom received the award in 2013. Cheryl Skiffington, Columbia County Hospital Clinic Manager, will give an update on the Waitsburg Clinic. Meetings are open to the public and Commercial Club Members. The cost for dinner is $12.00 per person and there is...
WALLA WALLA - Pomegranate Center Executive Director Milenko Matanovic and his team will be facilitating the design and creation of a gathering spot on "D" Street in Prescott, over the next few months. The site is just south of the Prescott library. Milenko believes the best way to teach community building skills and principles of leadership is through community projects in a program he calls Pomegranate Fellows Intensive Training. There are still a few openings for the Spring 2014 class to be held in Walla Walla County. Read more about the...
Waitsburg-Prescott High School Baseball 2014 Schedule...
Special thanks to Fair Hostess "Mom" Mikki Smith for arranging photos and written interviews....
WAITSBURG - While WP high school wrestlers have wrapped up their season, the Waitsburg Matbirds are gearing up for their eighth year on the mats. The team performed well at their first meet of the season in Colfax on Saturday. The Matbirds were founded by Travis and Kari Newman and Laura and Bill Brown, and compete in the Washington Little Guy Wrestling League. "There was no wrestling here when our boys were young so we drove them to Dayton where there was a Little Guy League at the time,"...
Students have two weeks left to enter into Doodle 4 Google 2014. The winning artwork will be showcased on Google's homepage logo for millions to see and the artist will receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology grant for their school. The contest is open until March 20th. Washington state students from K-12 are invited to enter doodles inspired by the theme: "If I could invent one thing to make the world a better placehellip;." More information, including all contest rules, are available at
WAITSBURG -- Waitsburg's Home and School Association will be hosting their annual carnival and silent auction to raise funds for elementary programs on March 21 at from 5:30 to 7:30 in the Waitsburg Elementary School Multi- purpose room. The carnival will include a silent auction as well as games such as Plinko, a basketball shoot, bean bag toss, "fishing," a cake walk and more. Face painting and Bingo will also be available. Game, cakewalk and face painting tickets will be 5/$1. Assorted food items such as hotdogs and elephant ears will...
WAITSBURG - Frank Reser taught in Prescott for "many years" before retiring in Waitsburg where he spends his days driving bus, playing local handyman and, most recently, creating unique wine barrel furniture. Reser is donating a barrel stool and table set to the silent auction that will take place during the upcoming Waitsburg Elementary Home and School carnival fundraiser. A commitment to children and community runs in the family. Sons Clint and Kurtis are both teachers, as is his da...
Are all of you aware that spring has sprung? Well, maybe not weather-wise; I am referring to the time of year when we all 'spring ahead'. Did you remember to set your clocks ahead and also change the battery in your smoke alarm? It's not too late to do so now. It has been a busy time at Columbia County Senior Center. We had two speakers last week. Diane Ver Valen, who is with Columbia County Emergency Management, explained (or at least tried) the importance of registering our telephone numbers for the CodeRed program. Colleen Sproul,...
WALLA WALLA - The National Weather Service is seeking volunteers to participate in upcoming weather spotter training on April 1 in Dayton and April 9 in Walla Walla. Weather spotters trained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather Service assist meteorologists by providing up-to-date information about storm activity. The Skywarn Weather Spotter training is free. Dayton's training will be held at Fire District 3 (206 W. Main) at 6:30 p.m. on April 1. The Walla Walla training will take place at 10 a...
DAYTON -- The Dayton General Hospital Auxiliary will be holding their Easter Bake Sale fundraiser on Friday, April 11 from 9 a.m. to noon in the hospital lobby. Purchase baked goods for Easter dinner and support the hospital while doing so. Donations are welcome. Please have baked goods donations delivered to the hospital between 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on April 11....
DAYTON - Senior round table lunches take place every Tuesday and Thursday at noon at the Senior Center at 403 E. Patit Street. Meals are $4 for those over 60 and $7 for those under 60. There are no income criteria or membership fees. Enjoy a hot meal in a social setting. Play pool, cards or spend time visiting. Please call 382-2836 to RSVP by the day prior....
DAYTON - From Beach Blanket Bingo to the Summer of Love, the decade all of us old folks can't forget will come to life again next weekend in TVAC Production's Spring Variety Show. "The Groovy 60s" will be presented March 21-23 at the Liberty Theater in Dayton. The show will feature music, dance and skits from movies, TV shows and all those hit singles we can't get enough of. "I'm surprised how much the younger cast members have connected to these songs," said Variety Show Director Bev S...
From Safeco Stadium to the Qwest Field and Exhibition Center in Seattle, lottery revenue has been the winning ticket for various cash-starved state accounts. A proposal in the Legislature would turn lottery proceeds into new classrooms across Washington State. In 2000, voters approved Initiative 728, a measure that directed lottery revenue from the state general fund for K-12 education, including class-size reduction. However in 2009, funds were reallocated into the the state general fund for the 2009-2011 biennium to cover a projected b...
Dear Editor, On March 18, 2014, at the Annual Meeting of the Waitsburg Commercial Club, we will continue our long standing tradition of honoring a person or persons who have gone to extraordinary efforts to help make our community a great place to live and to do business. In addition, we will take time to elect a new slate of officers and board members to lead the economic development organization known as the Waitsburg Commercial Club. The Waitsburg Commercial Club was incorporated in 1903 as a 501C6 economic development nonprofit...
Dear Editor, As a recent resident of Waitsburg I have discovered myself in a position most of you are familiar with - sometimes you have to leave Waitsburg for everyday shopping needs. Surely it's easier and cheaper (gas- wise) to shop here rather than surrounding towns. Sometimes I have to go to Dayton (bigger grocery, pharmacy, restaurants), Walla Walla (more restaurants, even bigger groceries and more pharmacies, plays and concerts), or even the Tri-Cities (Costco & other big box stores). Sometimes it's just a lot less expensive to get...
(This is a public service announcement courtesy of the West Seventh Street Institute for Juvenile Health.) Cold and flu season is almost over, but parents of high-school juniors in the greater Waitsburg area shouldn't let their guards down just yet. A crippling new disease is ravaging the normally vivacious and hardy Class of 2015, a disease which knows no treatment and can beleaguer its victims for months before symptoms grind to a halt. The cause of this dread condition, if not the cur...