Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the October 17, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 39

  • Waitsburg City Council 10/14

    Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Waits- burg City Council Members are: K.C. Kuykendall, Marty Dunn, Kevin House, Karl Newell, Debra Callahan and Mayor Walt Gobel. Reviewed 2014 Budget Summary. Automating ir- rigation at City Park and Cemetery to be priorities. Approved Resolution 2013-625 AWC to partici- pate in Association of Wash- ington Cities self-insurance program. Reviewed Flood Re- sponse Plan. Marty Dunn noted a large Cottonwood in the creek near Main Street Bridge. City Clerk to check on removal. Approved ordinance 2013-1013 Budget Amend- ment regarding...

  • 2013 General Election Ballot Initiatives and Candidates

    Oct 17, 2013

    State Measures Initiative to the Legislature 517 Concerns initiative and referendum measures This measure would set penalties for interfering with or retaliating against signature-gatherers and petition-signers; require that all measures receiving sufficient sig- natures appear on the ballot; and extend time for gathering initiative petition signatures. Initiative to the Legislature 522 Concerns labeling of geneticallyengineered foods This measure would require most raw agricultural commodities, processed foods, and seeds and seed stocks, if...

  • Fearing Faces Metro for Appeals Court

    Ken Graham, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    Washington State Court of Appeals Judge George Fearing was appointed to his position in May to replace the retiring Judge Dennis Sweeney. He's been on the bench since July 1. Fearing is now running for re-election to complete the final three years of the unexpired six-year term of his Division III, Position 2 slot. He is being opposed by Kennewick defense attorney John Gary Metro. Until his appointment, Fearing was a partner in the law firm of Leavy, Schultz, Davis and Fearing, in Ken- newick,...

  • Prescott Lions Fundraiser Breakfast

    Oct 17, 2013

    PRESCOTT - The Prescott Lions serves an all-you-can-eat breakfast the third weekend (Sat. and Sun.) of every month. This month's breakfast takes place Oct. 19 and 20 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Lions Club will be serving pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns and juice and coffee. The cost is $6.00. Breakfast will be served at the Lions Community Build­ing located on the corner of Highway 124 and D Street....

  • Alumni Wanted for Volleyball Match

    Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG - During homecoming week WP will be hosting an alumni volley­ball match. This match will take place Thursday, October 24 at 6 p.m. Senior volleyball and cross-country athletes will be recognized at 5:50 p.m. that evening, just prior to the alumni match. Any Prescott-Waitsburg alumni interested in being on the alumni vs. WP alumni team, please contact Coach Dinah Lindsey at (509) 337- 6461. All alumni athletes are welcome to help us fill the team. Please plan to join us for a WP vs. Alumni volleyball match as part of our Home­coming C...

  • Students Stand Against Bullying

    Dena Wood, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Orange is the traditional color of fall, adorning everything from pumpkins to the turn­ing leaves. Last Wednesday, the halls of Waitsburg High School and Preston Hall Middle School were filled with orange as well - but it had nothing to do with fall or Halloween. Waitsburg students, as part of a month-long aware­ness campaign sponsored by the high school ASB offi­cers, wore orange to demon­strate a united stand against bullying. ASB members decided to participate in Na­tional Bull...

  • MASS Band and Choir Concert

    Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG -- HS MASS Band and Choir in­vades Waitsburg High School again on Wednesday, Octo­ber 23! About 250 students from a dozen small schools from Touchet to Asotin to Oakes­dale send bands and choruses to rehearse and play together for just one day. Their direc­tors have chosen music in advance and rehearsed it with them since school started. The band will number about 150 students, which is much larger than these students normally get to play with. The choir will also be large. The music for this year's MASS is includes the choir singing...

  • WW Rural Library Board Opening

    Oct 17, 2013

    WALLA WALLA -- Wal­la Walla County Commis­sioners are seeking appli­cants for the Walla Walla County Rural Library Board of Trustees, to fill an unex­pired term through January 1, 2017. Information on this position is available at under the Library Board section of the website. The board meets on the second Monday of each month, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at various district locations in the county, to review library operations, authorize actions, and ensure that the needs of the library district population being served are...

  • WP X-C Supports Breast Cancer Patients

    Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG -- W-P Cross Country athletes are proud to support breast can­cer awareness and are kick­ing off a fund-raiser for Providence St. Mary Cancer Center's breast cancer special needs fund. This year the ath­letes are selling a flashy pink and black wristband sporting the words "GO PINK!" The bands sell for $3 each or 2 for $5. Proceeds will benefit this important fund to help as­sist breast cancer patients in their time of need. Contact an X-C athlete or Coach to purchase ar band and show support. Bands will be sold at the Homecoming vol...

  • “Gutbuster” a Learning Experience for WP Cross Country

    Dena Wood, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    MILTON FREEWATER - The WP Men's cross-country team placed eighth out of eight teams in the aptly named 5,000 Meter Gutbuster meet at the Milton Freewater Golf Course on Friday. Runners raced through the golf course and around the track before tackling the "gut­buster" of a hill behind the golf course, descending, and heading for the finish. "It was a very tough course, with a big hill with rough foot­ing in many place," said Coach Joanna Lanning. On the women's side, Em­ily Adams placed 7th ou...

  • Tigers Can’t Stop St. George

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    PRESCOTT - If Friday's game against the St. George Dragons is any indication of the Tigers' playoff chanc­es, the team has made improvements. But the 2-0 loss against the powerful opponent from Spokane also means WP isn't quite there yet. "They were the better team Friday," assistant coach Jay Potts said. "But we have more talent and need to get better results. We played really well." Potts said the Tigers, playing at home, controlled the game for most of its duration. At the half, the game was a scoreless standoff. "It was a back and forth...

  • Jaguars Bounce Lady Cards

    Dena Wood, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Time is running out for the Lady Cards to qualify for the No­vember 2 league tourna­ment, which makes Thursday night's loss to Tri Cities Prep all the more disappointing. "Only four teams qualify for the league tournament," said WP Coach Angie Potts. "We either need to win two and DeSales doesn't win another match, or we need to beat DeSales and force a tie breaker match." The Jaguars took a strong lead in set one of Thursday's match, maintaining it to win the set 25-12. "In the f...

  • Losses Slow Lady Bulldogs

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    DAYTON - The Lady Bulldogs' winning streak came to an end last week with losses against number one Tri Cities Prep and second-place rival Asotin. "This was a tough week for us," head coach Shannon Turner said. "We went five games with both of these teams earlier in the season and only lost by two points in the fifth game. We just didn't go out and play as a team this (past) week." By contrast, Dayton lost to TCP in four sets last Tuesday - 5-25, 21-16 (for Dayton), 10-25 and 21-25, and in three...

  • Cardinals Crunch Bulldogs

    Ken Graham, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Waits­burg Prescott running back Chance Leroue averaged more than 10 yards per carry and scored two touchdowns Friday, as he led the home­town Cardinals to a lop­sided 41-7 win over Dayton. Besides gaining 135 yards on 13 rushes, Leroue also caught one pass for 11 yards. WP quarterback Owen Lan­ning added 62 yards on five keepers and scored two TDs of his own. Taking advantage of mul­tiple Bulldog turnovers, the Cardinals racked up five touchdowns in the first half, going to the...

  • Prescription Drug Take- Back Event

    Oct 17, 2013

    The Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office has sched- uled a Prescription Drug Take-Back Event for October 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Waitsburg Fire Station on Main Street. This is an op- portunity for citizens to bring in old and unwanted pre- scriptions for free disposal....

  • Waitsburg Garden Club Meeting

    Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg Garden Club meets the third Saturday of each month. Next Meeting: This Saturday, October 19, Coppei Coffee Shop: 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.: Meet other members and enjoy a quick exchange of informa- tion on the plans for the group. 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.: Stay in the coffee shop for a garden book swap Bring your loved garden books that you no longer need and swap them for something new. Any unclaimed books will be donated to the library. Members may stay as long as they want. New members are always welcome. Call Karen Gregutt...

  • Waitsburg School Board

    Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Waitsburg School Board Members are: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Marilyn Johnson, Randy Pearson and Greg Zuger. Hamman and Johnson were absent. Middle and High School ASB Officers presented re- ports. High School Officers shared about the anti-bullying campaign they are sponsor- ing. Transportation and Fa- cilities Supervisor presented updated estimate on removal of large tree causing repeated damage during windstorms to school-owned home adjacent to middle school. Original estimate was $600 and actual came in at $2000 because of...

  • Local Ladies Prepare to Party

    Dena Wood, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    WAITSBURG – The Blue Mountain Sweet Ade- lines Chorus is hard at work putting the final touches on music and choreography for their annual concert to take place at 7 p.m. on Oct. 25 and Oct. 26 at the WWCC Performing Arts Center. This year’s concert is titled, Sweet! It’s Mardi Gras! and five local ladies hope to see you there. Barb Knopp, Marilyn Johnson, Vanessa (Johnson) Leamy, Margaret Terry, of Waitsburg and Jan Nealey of Dayton, sing the praises (literally) of Sweet Adelines and speak...

  • Dayton City Council – 10/14

    Oct 17, 2013

    DAYTON - The Dayton City Council has set an in initial budget workshop for Monday at 6 p.m. at City Hall. The city's preliminary 2014 budget will be presented to council members at that time for their review and to make adjustments. No formal action will be taken at the workshop. A public hearing on the budget is scheduled to be held during the council's regular meeting October 28. A sec- ond budget workshop has been scheduled for October 30, but may be cancelled. Additional public hearings on the budget are scheduled for November. The council...

  • Healthcare Assistor Training Offered

    Ken Graham, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    DAYTON - The Colum- bia County Public Health Office and the Columbia County Health System will offer training to anyone interested in becoming an in-person assistor to help local residents sign up for the new Washington Health Insurance Exchange. Representatives from Washington Health Benefit Exchange will be in Dayton October 22 to provide the one-day training, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Delaney Room at the Dayton Memorial Library. The trainers will return October 29 for certification of...

  • “Welcome to Dayton”

    Ken Graham, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    DAYTON - After an er- rant truck wiped out the cedar sign welcoming visitors to Dayton as they enter from the west, the Dayton Chamber of Commerce got to work on creating a new one. The result, now in place, is a much stouter concrete and brick structure that will be much more difficult for er- rant drivers to hit, and cause much more damage to their car when they do. The freshly painted sign, along Highway 12, just be- low Dayton Tractor and Ma- chine's shop at the Port of Columbia, is one of...


    Oct 17, 2013

    October 18: Matthew Frohning, Julia Klucas, Edna Kirk, Vicky Maiden, Jesse McCaw, Tanya Maurer, Edgar Tarp. October 19: Ruth Peterson, Noel Atkinson, Rosemary Archer, Lynn Carpenter, Wyatt Withers. October 20: Owen Lee Cole, Rochell Duncan. October 21: Pearl Bickelhaupt, Steve Ahler. October 22: Sofia Mercado, Gary Greenwell, Donna Hempel, Tom Archer, Holly Kinart, Susan Duckworth. October 23: Tim (TJ) Hofer, Dana Demaris, Cherie Hinchliff, Tom Richardson. October 24: Selina Mercado, Tyler Linderoth, Janet An- derson, Betty Elder, Ramona...


    Pioneer Portraits|Oct 17, 2013

    Ten Years Ago Thursday, October 23, 2003 Waitsburg Cross Country will run today in Colfax in prep- aration for the District meet in Deer Park next Friday. Oct. 31. Five Cardinals ran in the Walla Walla High School meet at Ft. Walla Walla Park, competing in the junior varsity meet. Coach Ron Huntington is anticipating fielding a five-member team at District in Deer Park on October 31. Brad Huffman, Matt Baker, Jimmy Crawford, Tyler Berg and Connor Talbott will comprise the team. The sole girls' runner is Marci Jo Lanning. At Walla Walla, Baker...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Oct 17, 2013

    For readers who don't know, the column Wine & Country Living is several years old now. But did you know, I began covering our farming community and local winemakers ten years ago in a column titled, "The Val- ley Gourmet," published in Walla Walla's original lifestyle magazine, Foyer. If you remember, the Valley Gourmet column was similar to today's Wine & Country column covering everything from creature comforts, small family farming and regional winer- ies; always closing with an original recipe, a scrumptious food photo and a local wine...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Oct 17, 2013

    There is no market of any stripe that is not watching events in Washington, D.C. with a kind of horrible fascination. It is like watching a horror film, knowing that the chainsaw killer is in the next room, and bad things are going to happen, while secretly relying on the author to rescue the heroine just in time. The problem is that there is no way to know if the script will kill her off and leave her boyfriend sobbing and alone at the end, or if both will prevail and ride off into the sunrise to- gether as the monster (apparently) dies in...

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