Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the March 19, 2020 edition

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  • D-W's winter athletes celebrated at awards banquet

    Dave Schreindl, the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    Thursday's Dayton-Waitsburg Winter Awards Banquet had a bittersweet atmosphere, while laughter rang out throughout the Waitsburg Elementary's multipurpose room there was also the realization that this might be the last athletic celebration for D-W for some time. It was shortly after this meeting that word got out that Walla Walla and College Place had shut down athletic events and then on Friday, March 13, Governor Inslee announced that Washington State schools will close for six weeks,...

  • Baseball card companies: a brief history

    Eric Umphrey, the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    A sporting goods company called Peck and Snyder printed up the first baseball cards in the 1860’s and used them for advertising their products. A picture of a player was on one side and on the back was the advertisement for the company. The cards were given out like flyers for free. These were the first cards produced in bulk and the first to be used for advertising. Before this time the cards that were produced were called cabinet cards since they were often displayed in cabinets and used as ke...

  • Waitsburg Resource Center seeks Easter blessing basket items

    the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    WAITSBURG—The members of the Waitsburg Resource Center committee are seeking donations of items designated for Easter blessing baskets. Generous citizens can drop items off at the Waitsburg Catholic Church at 405 W. 5th Street, the Waitsburg Christian Church at 604 Main Street, the Waitsburg Presbyterian Church at 504 Main St., or to the Waitsburg Resource Center itself, located at 106 Preston Ave. Please donate your items by April 16....

  • Warren Community Action fund applications

    the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    WALLA WALLA—Applications are being accepted for grants from the Warren Community Action Fund of the Blue Mountain Community Foundation at The deadline for submission is Friday, May 1, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. The application is online only. Nonprofit and charitable entities are encouraged to apply, particularly those serving Columbia and Walla Walla County, particularly the Waitsburg area. The Warren Community Action Fund honors the deep roots of the Warren Family in this area and is focused on continuing the t...

  • Tomato and onion starts at Blue Mountain Station

    the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON-The Port of Columbia notes that Blue Mountain Station's Verdurous Gardens is deep into garden preparation. Lorrie & Tom Bensel have hundreds of tomato plants started, some for use in their garden and some that will be available for sale later this spring. Use of Blue Mountain Station's commercial kitchen is ramping up, and the BMS Co-op Market & Nursery has Walla Walla Sweet Onion starts for sale!...

  • Sarah Hlebichuk becomes Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor

    the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON-2001 High School Graduate, and former Dayton resident Sarah (Anderson) Hlebichuk LCSW has earned the prestigious Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor (RPT-S) credential conferred by the Association for Play Therapy (APT) according to its CEO Kathryn Lebby. To receive this credential, applicants must have earned a master's or higher mental health degree from a higher education institution. Then they must have 150 hours of play therapy training, plus five years and 5,000 hours of...

  • Pioneer Portaits

    the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    Ten Years Ago March 24, 2011 During the past several years, all has been relatively quiet on the meth front. But in recent months, it appears that local production and consumption of the drug are back on the rise, according to law enforcement officials in Walla Walla and Columbia counties. It was like a scene from the Sherwood Forest. Men, women, and children tromped through the woods carrying bows and quivers filled with arrows, but this wasn’t Robin Hood and his band, nor was it Merry Auld England in the 12th century. [Photo caption] T...

  • Mountain Apple-Oat Pancakes

    Teeny McMunn, the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    If this sounds familiar, I shared it a few years ago. It was what came to mind Saturday morning while looking at the bright snow outside. Weekend mornings have more time to fuss with breakfast, or maybe your breakfast comes later in the day. These are hardy, flavorful pancakes. The cardamom gives it an extra touch. If you don't have any and would like to try the recipe, let me know. I have plenty. Peanut butter or no peanut butter? I didn't realize that pancakes could be controversial! Of...

  • Port of Columbia has hired a new economic development coordinator

    Michele Smith, the Times|Mar 19, 2020

    DAYTON-"I'm very excited to become part of the Port family. I have a lot of great ideas and creativity and look forward to working with other community partners in Dayton," said the Port's new economic coordinator Jennifer DeLannoy. DeLannoy has many years of retail and restaurant management experience under her belt. She also has experience in accounting and finance and is working toward a BA in Accounting. For the last six years DeLannoy has been a small business owner, marketing Kid Hub. She...

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