Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the March 20, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • Mandi Wendt Takes Over The Weinhard

    Mar 20, 2014

    When a chef named Gabe Knapp opened a small café in the front of the Wein­hard Hotel about 20 years ago, Dayton had already gained a reputation as a fine dining destination. Patit Creek Restaurant was con­sidered one of the best places to eat in eastern Washington (it still is). Knapp aimed to join that club, which he did. I moved to Dayton in 1996 and got to know Gabe, and fully enjoyed not only his great food (particularly his Panini sandwiches), but his eccentricity (not quite the "Soup Nazi"...

  • Official State Waterfall

    Mar 20, 2014

  • SPRING SPORTS SCHEDULES Waitsburg-Prescott Track and Field

    Mar 20, 2014

    Waitsburg-Prescott High School Baseball 2014 Schedule...

  • Lady ‘Dogs Suffer 9-1 Loss at Weston-Athena

    The Times|Mar 20, 2014

    WESTON-ATHENA - A dreary day made for dreary play as the Dayton Bulldogs softball team faced the WestonMcE­wen TigerScots in Athena on Monday afternoon. The Lady 'Dogs walked away from their first full (non-league) game of the season with a 9-1 loss. "It was a very cold and windy day for softball," said Bulldog Assistant Coach Desirae Jones. "Weston-Athena has a very good program and we made too many errors to stay in the game with them. Their pitching and defense held us to just three hits. Lexus Ward pitched well for us for her first full...

  • Dayton, WP 1-1 at Jamboree

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 20, 2014

    PRESCOTT -- High spirits, warm weather and a semi-sunny afternoon made for an ideal kickoff to high school softball season at Saturday's Jamboree between Waitsburg, Dayton and Touchet. Teams played three innings each and took advantage of the non- league event to try players in new positions and get a feel for the upcoming season. First up was WP against Touchet. Touchet was ahead 2-0 at the end of in­nings one and two, but WP pulled out a win, scoring four points in the bottom of the third...

  • Scenes From a Jamboree

    Mar 20, 2014

  • Prescott Seeks WP Combine Changes

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG -- As baseball season begins, the Waitsburg School Board was thrown a curve ball with a proposal that "came out of left field" according to Board Chairman Ross Hamann. Prescott School Super­intendent Brett Cox -- on behalf of the Prescott School Board - recently submitted a proposal requesting sev­eral changes to the current athletic combine agreement between Waitsburg and Prescott. District 9 WIAA Executive Director Bob Kirk was on hand at the March 12 Waitsburg School Board m...

  • Coming Soon: Whiskey Creek Sports Bar & Grill

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG - In what Ken Cole Jr. described as "a weird offshoot of community service" a group of locals are forging ahead with plans to bring casual family dining back to Waitsburg. The demolition of the long- vacant White Stallion restaurant was slated to begin Wednesday. Investors hope to have the tentatively named Whiskey Creek Sports Bar & Grill up and running in its place as early as October. Dan Cole, Ken Cole, Jr., Guy McCaw and Byron Seney, along with wives Trina, Elizabeth, Lynn and...

  • American Legion Spring Conference

    Mar 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG - The American Legion Post #35 Spring Conference will take place Sunday, April 6 at Town Hall. An RSVP lunch will be served at 1 p.m. Lunch is $12 and will include Pulled Pork and BBQ chicken, Boston Baked Beans, assorted salads and desserts. The Barnstormers will provide lunchtime entertainment. A memorial service will be held after lunch, fol­lowed by a meeting of the American Legion District 12 and a Meeting of the la­dies Auxiliary. Legion Post #35 will have American flags (100% made in the USA) available for sale for a cost of $...

  • Mayor and Council Run Unopposed

    Mar 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG - City Clerk Randy Hinchliffe congratulated Waitsburg's City Council and mayor at Monday night's City Coun­cil meeting, letting them know that no one had filed Declarations of Candidacy to run against them in this year's election. Ballots have been mailed out and will be tallied on April 7. Hinchliffe said a typical voter turnout in unopposed elections is about 20%....

  • At the Feet of the Masters151

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 20, 2014

    BELLEVUE - Waits­burg's Barnstormers - Chris and Emma Philbrook, Rob­ert Walsh and Sam Mc­Gowen -- joined over 30 bands and 200 musicians at Wintergrass - the "biggest and best" bluegrass festival in the country earlier this month. The Hyatt Regency Bellevue was home base for the four-day festival that draws Grammy and award winning artists as well as emerging artists and fans. Headliners included Tim O'Brien & Darrel Scott, the Cleverlys, Matuto and many more. "It's an amazing learn­ing exp...

  • A Wee Bit o’ Corned Beef and Cabbage

    Mar 20, 2014

  • Schoolhouse Under the Stars

    Mar 20, 2014

  • School Bond Levy Informational Meetings

    Mar 20, 2014

    DAYTON - Dayton Citi­zens for Education and the Dayton School District will be hosting two informa­tional meetings to provide the public with information on the bond issue which has been placed on the April 22 ballot. The meetings will take place at the Delaney Building from 7p.m. to 8p.m. on Tuesday, April 1 at and from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 10. The $19,995,000 bond will cost local taxpayers $2.53 per thousand of as­sessed value for 20 years. Local dollars will be supple­mented by $4,000,000 of state matching funds. The pro...

  • Plastics are Recyclable in Dayton

    Ken Graham, The Times|Mar 20, 2014

    Best Western Hotel sponsors Earth Day recycling challenge DAYTON - Recycling has been an option in Dayton for years for many materials, including cardboard, paper, cans and bottles. Even motor oil and old appliances can be dropped off at the Dayton transfer station. But plastic bottles and other containers have never been on that list, until now. For the next month, Day­tonites are being challenged to show their earth-friend­liness by filling a 15-yard disposal bin for plastic re­cycling bin th...

  • Vote Yes for the Kids!

    Mar 20, 2014

    Dear Editor: It is very important that the citizens of Dayton and Columbia County pass this bond to renovate the high school and do parts of the grade school. There are too many problems to describe in a letter as to what needs to be done to bring the school up to present day standards. The last major renovation was done in 1985 and badly needs to be improved. We do not only need this for the students but we also need this for the survival and improvement of our community. Currently, the school has major roof, electrical and other...

  • A Headline- Dominated Market

    Mar 20, 2014

    The price of wheat is stronger now than at any point since last fall in late October. Many market observers are citing the Ukraine/Crimean crisis as a factor, although the winter wheat crop planted in the Ukraine is in reason­ably good shape and there have been no interruptions in export activities. The Crimean deep water port of Sevastopol is not a major export point for Ukrainian wheat, with only a small percentage of their grain moving through that point. Still, the potential for violent disruption of busi­ness activities presents an u...

  • Support Urged for Dayton School Bond Levy

    Mar 20, 2014

    Dear Editor, As a citizen and tax payer I believe our students today and in the future need your help. Our parents, grandparent, great grand­parents and community members provided the facilities we needed while we were stu­dent, now it is our turn. A recent study and survey conducted by ar­chitects and engineers identified three defi­ciencies related to Dayton's school facilities. These include; Mechanical systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical) Safety, health, and security Classroom availability and size A c...

  • Spring is (Almost) Sprung

    Mar 20, 2014

    I was hammering away at an essay in Spanish class the other day when half the class suddenly shut down their computers, gath­ered their books, and filed out the door. At first, I was curious, but then I had a flashback from the previous year's second semester - a handful of kids on the auditorium stage dancing with invisible actors as the teacher read the lines of seven absent classmates. Spring sports, it would seem, are now upon us - along with, perhaps more shockingly, spring itself....

  • Some Drivers Could See New Tab Fee Next Year

    Rebecca Gourley, Wnpa Olympia News Service|Mar 20, 2014

    OLYMPIA - Some Washington drivers could see a new fee added to their vehicle- tabtransactions starting next year. Both the Senate and House agreed on a bill that would add a $5 fee for vehicle- registration renewals and purchases and a $12 fee for title transactions through public offices. Unless the bill is vetoed by the governor, a rare occurrence, it will become law. The money generated by the new fees would pay for a third 144-car ferry. Currently, private businesses that offer these services already charge an admin­istrative fee, online...

  • Political Cartoon

    Mar 20, 2014


    Mar 20, 2014

    March 21: Brad Huffman, Doris Williams, Linda Stone­cipher, Margie Huwe, Lane Huffman, Rebecca Stokes, Ken Lenhart. March 22: Garrett Buffington, Kenneth Lewis, Mary Hamblen, Gia Fluharty, Amy Morrow and Cole Janovich. March 23: Jayce Bayer, Sally Baker, Mary Hunziker, Beryl Witt, Ron Bishop, Seth Straayer, Jennifer Pierson, Sandy Baker. March 24: Michael Smith, Fred Hamann, Chloe Pearson, Kim Iverson, Randy Sorick, Jeff Harper, John Dodson and Lacey Maki. March 25: Marilyn Johnson, Lee Brannock and Richard Basel. March 26: Whitney Baker, Rod...


    Mar 20, 2014

    Waitsburg March 11 Identity theft reported on 19,000 block of east Highway 12; credit card information taken off stolen Xbox and used. Domestic violence problem on W. 3rd Street, no arrests. Subject arrested on warrant on Harmon Street. Dayton March 11 Report of open door at Train Depot, unfounded. Pan­handling reported at Banner Bank. Illegal burning on S. 2nd. Stolen vehicle recovered in Umatilla County. Domestic violence on S. 4th Street; verbal only, protection order filed. March 12 Juvenile problem reported on S. 3rd Street. Vandalism to v...


    Mar 20, 2014

    10 Crafternoon ( everyWednesday) Dayton Memorial Li­brary 3:30 p.m. All ages welcome. Red Cross/NHS BloodDrive Waitsburg High SchoolGymnasium (420 CoppeiAve.) 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. The Waitsburg NationalHonor Society is hostinga Red Cross Blood Drive.Call Liv Leid at (509) 337-6351 to schedule an ap­pointment. Dayton Lions Club Delaney Building 6:30 p.m. 20 Kiwanis Delaney Building (Day­ton) 12 p.m. Grief Support Group(2nd & 4th Thursdays) 6:30 p.m. First CongregationalChurch (214 S. 3rd Street,Dayton) This is an ongoing, opendiscussion group of...

  • Annual School Carnival & Silent Auction

    Mar 20, 2014

    WAITSBURG -- Waits­burg's Home and School Association will be hosting their annual carnival and silent auction to raise funds for elementary programs on March 21 at from 5:30 to 7:30 in the Waitsburg Elementary School Multi- purpose room. The carnival will include a silent auction as well as games such as Plinko, a basketball shoot, bean bag toss, "fishing," a cake walk and more. Face painting and Bingo will also be available. Game, cakewalk and face painting tickets will be 5/$1. As­sorted food items such as hotdogs and elephant ears will a...

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