Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the March 24, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Waitsburg Candidates Speak Up

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The ballots are out for Waitsburg’s annual city government elections, which take place Monday, Apr. 4. As the only city in Washington still operating under its territorial charter, Waitsburg has the honor of bringing its mayor and city council members before the voters each April. This year, all of the incumbents are running, along with several new challengers. Current council member Debra Callahan is hoping to trade her council seat for that of mayor. Delores Nettles has also put...

  • Little Leaguers Get to Work

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    The first of four brand-new Little League fields was finished just in time for the Majors' first practice of the season on Monday afternoon. The other fields are nearing completion as well. The new complex will allow for all Little League games to be held in one spot, and can accommodate multiple games at one time. The city hopes the new sports complex will be used to host Little League tournaments in the near future....

  • Waitsburg Council Discusses Fairgrounds, Bridge, Crime

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg’s City Council weighed in on the replacement Main Street Bridge design, watershed hunting, and gave a brief update on the fairgrounds grandstands at a well attended March 17 council meeting. Public Comment Days of Real Sport Treasurer Terry Jacoy requested that the council reconsider the removal of the metal rail that runs along the existing horse race track. Plans had previously been made to remove the rail and grass in the track to provide an open area for a new spo...

  • "Safari Guide," Special Education Highlight Dayton S.b. Meeting

    Michele Smith, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    DAYTON—Last week four students in Mrs. McGhan’s multiage, grades 2-3, classroom came to the Dayton School Board meeting to share with board members a recent writing activity they did in the classroom. “Safari Guides” is the first of many “show and tell” type programs that will be presented by students and teachers at future board meetings, according to Superintendent Doug Johnson. The assignment for Mrs. McGhan’s students was to pick an animal to research and write about. The students pres...

  • Alcohol/Tobacco Retailer Business Training

    Mar 24, 2016

    DAYTON – The Columbia County Public Health Dept. Tobacco Program and the Blue Mountain Counseling Alcohol Prevention Program are sponsoring a retailer business training for those who work with alcohol and tobacco sales and those who serve alcohol at businesses. Representatives from the Spokane Liquor Cannabis Board will provide training in two sessions on Mon., March 28 at the Delaney Building (111 S. 3rd St.) in Dayton. The first session will run from 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and the second session will be from 1:30-4 p.m. The presentation will c...

  • Easter Egg Hunt

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Grange and Commercial Club will host their annual Easter Egg Hunt, complete with prizes and a visit from the Easter Bunny at the Waitsburg City Park at 10 a.m. on Sat., March 26....

  • BINGO Brings in Bucks

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    WAITSBURG – TEAM RELAY’s annual Shamrock BINGO event raised $1,400 for the American Cancer Society this year. Businesses donating prizes to the event include: The McGregor Company, Wilbur-Ellis, Kenna’s Etched Glass, Puget Sound Energy, Whiskey Canyon Sports Bar & Grill, Northwest Business Services, The Tuxedo Tavern, Burger Hut, Waitsburg Hardware, Blue Crystal, Laht Neppur, Eleanora Montgomery....

  • BMS Easter Celebration

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    DAYTON - Join the businesses at Blue Mountain Station, on Sat., March 26, for an Easter Egg Hunt at noon with multiple categories and over 300 prizes. There will also be craft and food vendors and special Easter promotions in the Co-op Artisan Market, including home-made goodies and Girl Scout cookies....

  • Pioneer Portraits - March 24, 2016

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Ten Years Ago March 30, 2006 Waitsburg’s Garden Club held its first meeting Monday evening March 27 at Delta Connection, under the direction of funder Karen Gregutt. Eighteen charter members formed the new group. Twenty-nine members and guests of 55 Plus enjoyed a “wee bit o’ green” during a noon potluck at Ye Towne Hall, March 24. Lillian Judd and Netta Mohney served as hostesses. The group welcomed back and sang “Happy Birthday” to Margaret Rutledge, and welcomed guests Clarice Aaronson, Richard and Loretta Done, and Denise Wood. Twenty-Five...

  • Prom Dress Fittings Available

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    DAYTON – Volunteers are offering a service for local high school girls who are looking for a prom dress without spending a fortune. Dresses will be available to Dayton, Prescott and Waitsburg high school students for $20. If the dress is dry cleaned and returned in good shape the $20 will be returned. Fittings are offered only during the below days and times: Thurs., March 24, 5-6:30 p.m. Sat., March 26, 9-11 a.m. Wed. March 30, 3-4:30 p.m. Sat., April 9, 9-10:30 a.m. Thurs., April 14, 5-6:30 p.m. Sat., April 16, 9-11:30 a.m. Appointments m...

  • Waitsburg School Breakfast/Lunch

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    7: Pancake on a Stick; Mozarella Bread Sticks, Marinara Sauce 28: Biscuit & Gravy; Chicken Patty on a Bun; JoJos 29: Continental Breakfast; Cheese or Pepp Pizza, Carrots, Pineapple 30: Longjohn; Bean & Cheese Burrito 31: Breakfast Pizza, Nachos, Pepper Strips...

  • Police Notes - March 24, 2016

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Dayton March 6 Report of person knocking on a door and would not go away. Individual was confused and deputy escorted to correct residence. Report from third party of threats between individuals; unfounded. Report of male and female fighting alongside Whiskey Creek Rd. Verbal only. Report of possible animal mistreatment; unfounded. Report of a chain locking gate containing a horse had been removed for the second time in 1500 block of S. 2nd. March 7 Report of aggressive panhandler. Subject contacted, under investigation for city codes...

  • Birthdays - Week of March 24

    The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    March 25: Marilyn Johnson, Lee Brannock and Richard Basel. March 26: Whitney Baker, Rod Estes, Emma Brookshire, Dottie Frohreich, Chet Bond, Jim Kessler, Dawn Nichols and Kris Lytle. March 27: Bill Laughery, Rachel Halley, Emory Flathers, Tammy Brown, Samuel Donnelly and John Mason. March 28: Natalie Faye Teal, Bill Hopwood, Gary Thomas, Jeff Broom, Terri Conover-Stroud, Collette Waltermire and Bret McKinney. March 29: Robin Hogan, Austin Beasley, Carroll Smith, Edna Pearson, Jan DeCoria, Bob Stokes, Vanessa Lafer and Karen Peters. March 30:...

  • Waitsburg's Got News

    Ken Graham, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Here at The Times we sometimes complain to ourselves that there’s not much news in Waitsburg. It often seems like not a whole lot is going on, and so we must get our lazy selves off our behinds and venture out in search of news. Don’t get me wrong. A lot of what qualifies as news you don’t want happening in your town. “Quiet” and “laid-back” are often virtues, not faults. But the last few weeks here in “The Burg,” our job has gotten easier. The news is coming at us at a rapid pace. And that ne...

  • Ground Rules For a Garden that Lasts

    Adrian Higgins, The Washington Post|Mar 24, 2016

    Suddenly, the whole world has burst into bloom and started to turn green. The abrupt transition happens every year, even if the miracle of it always seems to take us by surprise. Sometimes you just have to state the obvious: Spring is joyful. In a dynamic, temperate plant world such as ours, the burgeoning of the leaves and blossoms stirs a corresponding growth in our spirits. There is also work to be done in the spring, but amid this natural reawakening, it doesn’t seem like real toil. If you want to channel this ebullience into something more...

  • Students Raise Funds for Former Classmate as He Battles Cancer

    The Washington Post|Mar 24, 2016

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg High School Leo's Club President Timber Frohreich and Vice President Jacob Dunn, along with fellow club members, are spearheading a "Cash for Cody" Drive to help their friend Cody Washburn, an Athena/Weston High School junior. Cody attended Waitsburg High School in the past and this is where his family calls home. Months ago, Cody was in a tragic car accident where he was life flighted to Seattle with broken bones and had to have pins placed into his hips. He was in the h...

  • Who Doesn't Like a Bit of Chocolate at Easter?

    Michele Smith, The Washington Post|Mar 24, 2016

    DAYTON-You've likely seen these chocolate Easter eggs at various venues around town over the years. You have probably indulged in them a time or two. Have you wondered who makes them, how they are made, or why? The fudge Easter eggs are a fundraising project sponsored by the sixteen members of the Skyline Juniors, a local women's fraternal organization. "The Skyline Juniors are a community service club," said member Joy Brown. "We do projects and give back to the community." Brown said the club...

  • The Language of Possibility

    Michele Smith, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    DAYTON-Brad Barton, a certified drug prevention specialist and a card-carrying member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, appeared at the Liberty Theater on Thursday to delight the crowd with a number of what he called "cheap, cheesy magic tricks." This included levitating cards, turning bubbles into marbles, and performing "the torn and restored newspaper" illusion. Barton also offered some sobering statistics about alcoholism. According to the Utah Department of Substance Abuse Prev...

  • Waitsburg Candidates for Mayor - Gobel

    Dena Wood, The Washington Post|Mar 24, 2016

    Incumbent Mayor Walt Gobel is vying for his sixth term since taking office in 2010. "I'm concerned about the community. I think everybody has a responsibility to support the community as much as they can. Serving as mayor is my way of doing that," Gobel said. Gobel has worked as Supervisor of Transportation for Pasco School District, Loss Control/Safety Specialist for ESD #123, and served 26 years as a Washington State Patrol officer, where he retired as a detachment sergeant. "My whole career...

  • Waitsburg Candidates for Mayor - Callahan

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Three-term city council member, Debra Callahan is running for mayor and says she hopes to have the opportunity to take Waitsburg's many great resources and make them even better. The 36-year Waitsburg resident raised her children, grandchildren, and foster children here while working actively in the community. Callahan belongs to Commercial Club and the Historical Society, served on the Waitsburg School Board and the Touchet Valley Arts Council, and is a volunteer administrative assistant for...

  • Waitsburg Candidates for Mayor - Nettles

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Lifelong Waitsburg resident Delores Nettles says her history here, along with a strong concern to make sure the voices of Waitsburg citizens are heard, caused her to throw her hat into the ring for mayor. Nettles said her parents moved here when she was one and, aside from time away while attending college, she has lived here ever since. She taught school in Dayton and has run a successful hair salon in Dayton for 45 years. “I’m very concerned about the city. I’ve been on the council befor...

  • Waitsburg Council Candidates - Dunn

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Incumbent council member Marty Dunn is no stranger to city politics. Dunn has served two terms as mayor and has been on the city council since the early 2000s. "I left the council for a couple of years but returned due to my desire to ensure the City of Waitsburg is able to respond to the increasing economic and organizational challenges which it faces. I will bring a fiscally conservative and responsive perspective to the operations of the city," he said. Dunn moved to Waitsburg in 1995 and...

  • Waitsburg Council Candidates - Gregutt

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Karen Gregutt is vying for a first-time seat on the council, eager to contribute her professional expertise and fresh ideas to promote and enhance Waitsburg. Gregutt's career includes 30 years as managing partner at Kaye-Smith Productions in Seattle, producing and directing commercials and documentaries for national companies and brands. Gregutt and her husband, Paul, purchased their first home in Waitsburg in 2005. After extensive renovations, they moved here full time in 2011. The couple has...

  • Waitsburg Council Candidates - Hockersmith

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    Longtime Waitsburg resident and current Community Service Award (formerly called Citizen of the Year) recipient Kate Hockersmith, will make her first-time bid for a council seat this year. Hockersmith moved to Waitsburg with her husband, Eric, in 1992, and the couple raised their two sons here. "I have fundraising, marketing, organizational skills, and work well with others, seeking collaboration rather than confrontation," Hockersmith said, when asked what she brings to the council table. Hocke...

  • Waitsburg Council Candidates - House

    Dena Wood, The Times|Mar 24, 2016

    If there was a "People's Choice" award it would go to incumbent Kevin House who has consistently garnered the highest community vote since he was first elected to council in 2010 under the "Truth & Trust" slate. House moved to Walla Walla and began working for The McGregor Company in Waitsburg in 1996. By 2003 he and wife, Christy House, decided that Waitsburg was where they wanted to live long term and raise their two sons. "Some of my background that has been helpful as a council member is my...

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