Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 46
Two new candidates vie for seats against a slate of returning incumbents WAITSBURG-It was a good turnout for Waitsburg's City Council Candidates Forum at Town Hall on Mon., March 25. All candidates were in attendance except for Marty Dunn who is running unopposed for mayor. Jim Davison facilitated the evening. Candidates were asked to share briefly why they were running for council and what they hoped to accomplish. Introductions were followed by a meet-and-greet with the audience. First-time...
“Winter’s Last Gasp”, 2019. "Photographically speaking, this is my favorite time of year - green winter wheat contrasting with earth tones and the exquisite sensuous shapes of melting drifts and cornices. Everyone in Waitsburg knows this scene along Middle Waitsburg Road, which I consider to be the long and scenic driveway to my 'country estate.' We are incredibly fortunate to live in such an exquisitely beautiful place," said Waitsburg Photographer Bill Rodgers....
DAYTON—About forty people gathered in the Delany Room last week to help kick off the first in a series of discussions regarding the planned 9.7-mile Waitsburg-to-Dayton Multi-use Path. Alexandra Stone, a landscape architect with the National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program was the guest speaker at the Dayton Chamber-sponsored Cup of Joe. Stone said the main thrust of the meeting was to gather concerns and interests to let a steering committee begin more focused work, in a sustained way. “Think about a dream...
WAITSBURG—On March 14, Detective Tim Hollingsworth, the digital forensic examiner for the area, spent the afternoon speaking with Preston Hall and Waitsburg High School students about Cyberbullying and Social Media Concerns. That evening, he addressed the community on the same topic. Because digital forensic training is so expensive, Hollingsworth said he provides services throughout the region. Hollingsworth is also the ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) investigator, the tactical commander for the Walla Walla SWAT team and the law e...
DAYTON-Railroad enthusiast and author Thomas Hillebrant spoke about the history of the Walla Walla and Dayton Rails at the Dayton Historic Depot on Mar. 21. Hillebrant said there was a "great clamor" from local grain producers, early on, to tap into world markets by rail. He said the first local rail ran from Wallula to Touchet and had wood rails. Baker Boyer Bank Founder Dr. Dorsey Baker financed it and it was completed in 1875. A "spider's web" of competing rail routes soon ensued, including...
WALLA WALLA-The Blues Crews tackled its first project of the season by repairing and upgrading a section of trail at Bennington Lake on Sat., March 23. Twenty-one volunteers showed up to remove brush and place 16 tons of gravel. Blues Crews volunteer with the Blue Mountain Land Trust to improve the quality and accessibility of local trails. Anyone who wants to lend a hand is welcome. Upcoming work parties are scheduled at Fort Walla Walla Natural Area on March 30 and Rooks Park on June 1. Join...
Ten Years Ago April 2, 2009 Photo caption: Freshman Ronnie Hulce won the 100 High Hurdles to a second place finish and later won the 300 intermediate Hurdles in addition to winning the high jump and carrying the baton in the 4X200 Relay. “We crossed the prairies, as of old, the Pilgrims crossed the sea. To make the West, as they the East, the homestead of the Free” is one of the quotes in the yearbook of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington yearbook. A group of Dayton women are seeking to reform a Dayton chapter of the Daughters of the...
Makenna Barron prepares to plant a pie in the face of dad Charlie Barron at the Waitsburg Lions Club Family Night last week. See Club Notes on Page 5....
Dayton photographer Ray Brown captured this photo of this full moon finishing off the first day of spring. This was the third time this year that a full moon has occured near the moon's closest approach, making it a Supermoon. This will be the last Supermoon of 2019. It is very rare for a Supermoon to coincide with the spring equinox. The next such event will be in 2144. According to the Farmer's Almanac, the moon is called a Super Worm Moon because, as the ground begins to thaw, earthworm...
COLUMBIA COUNTY—The Dayton-Columbia County Washington Fund Committee announces it is now accepting applications for 2019 grant money. The deadline for accepting applications is May 1, 2019. The fund is comprised of donations by community-minded people for the purpose of “enhancement, for the long term, of the social and economic well-being of the citizens of Columbia County, Washington.” The earnings of the fund, administered by the Blue Mountain Community Foundation of Walla Walla, are made available annually to Columbia County resid...
WAITSBURG—In honor of National Library Week the Weller Public Library will host a coloring contest running April 8-12. Coloring pages can be picked up at the library on March 28 and April 1. Entries must be turned in by April 6 to the library to select the winner for a prize. Ages 3 through 13 are eligible....
WALLA WALLA—The Walla Walla County EMS and Trauma Care Council will meet Thurs., April 4 at 6 p.m. at the Fulton Room in the Walla Walla Police Department. The agenda will include: EMS director report, EMS training, emergency management report, traffic safety report and a prevention report. Reports will be followed by round table discussions and district announcements. The meeting is open to the public....
WAITSBURG —The April Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon will take place at Waitsurg Town Hall at 11:30 a.m. on Wed., April 10. Evelyn Burt from Silverdale, Ore. will share a message titled, “Four Ps in a Pod – Yours for the Taking!” The four Ps are power, purpose, possibilities and peace. Evelyn traveled statewide and abroad with her husband through various military bases sharing encouragement to the chaplain spouses as well as senior leadership. Melissa Bryan and Caitlyn Robins from the Dayton Chamber of Commerce will share their responsib...
KAHLOTUS, WA—Vehicle crossings at Lower Monumental Lock and Dam, located at Snake River Mile 41.6 near Kahlotus, Washington, will be closed March 25-31, 2019. The closure is required to accommodate operations and maintenance activities using the top of the dam, according to operations officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District....
March 29: Robin Hogan, Austin Beasley, Carroll Smith, Edna Pearson, Jan DeCoria, Bob Stokes, Vanessa Lafer and Karen Peters. March 30: Hubert Kinder Jr., Rosemary Brinkman and Elizabeth Mercer. March 31: Bob Baim, Eileen Huffman, Steve Ruley, Christopher Hansen, Brandon Watson, John Hansen, Ed Lambert, Jack McCaw, Olena Newbury and Robert Hinchliffe. April 1: Nicole Baker, Mark Clifton, Lawrence Fullerton, Joe Cyr, John DuPree, Lynn Mantz-Powers, Caleb Leisure, Dan Henze, Corinne Kenney Hartley, Angela Rohde and Eric Rohlfing. April 2: Dan...
Friday, 29 B - Pancakes; L - Chicken Crispitos, Spanish Rice April 1-5 No School - Spring Break...
By Don C. Brunell Before our country, in haste, dives totally into renewable energy, we must carefully evaluate its impacts. By just focusing on eliminating natural gas, liquid fuels (gasoline and diesel) and coal to combat climate change, we ignore the effects of other forms of pollution generated by processes in which renewable energy components are made. Under the Green New Deal, the United States would become 100 percent reliant on renewable energy in a decade and eliminate CO2 producing fuels. It would cost up to $93 trillion over...
*A shout-out to the Waitsburg Lions Club for feeding the crowd during the Little Guys Wrestling match in Waitsburg on Saturday. *Thanks to Waitsburg School District Facilities Director for being willing to work a Saturday to get the softball field into shape. *Carrie Hennigar found a lost dog in the road in Waitsburg, tied her up, and kept her fed and watered until the owner was found (which happened quickly). Thanks for being a good neighbor!...
This "Don't Smoke - Pet a Cat" poster by Skylar M. won the most votes in the Columbia County Public Health Department's Great American Smoke-Out Poster Contest. Her poster will soon be seen gracing a local billboard....
SPOKANE, Wash.—Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) was named as a finalist for the Democracy Awards by the Congressional Management Foundation. She is recognized for excellence in the “Life in Congress” – Workplace Environment category, which highlights offices that have established policies and cultures that enhance the work-life fit and professional development of their staffs. This is McMorris Rodgers’ second year to be recognized by the CMF. In 2018, she received the Democracy Award for Innovation. Twelve House and Senate of...
Waitsburg Lions Club Update By Jesse Smit Waitsburg Lions Club had their annual Kids Night on March 12th. It is a special meeting that allows members to bring kids, grandkids and/or related family members to the meeting to learn more about Lions Club. Along with a great dinner, games and prizes. Our total turnout was 23 kids. The Annual Rib Feed is scheduled for May 4th. It runs from 6-8pm at the Don Thomas building at the Fairgrounds. Tickets are 30 dollars each and can be purchased at Waitsburg Grocery. Our next meeting is April 9. The Lions...
Show and Tell Board members received a summary of the training and implementation steps to recreate a highly capable K-12 program in the District. Emphasis is on adopting identification criteria expected by the state and determining project-based activities for those students identified as highly capable. That process will begin this year with assessment in the 5th grade. The board thanked Kirsten Frankie, Jeff McCann, Sara Ortuno and Amber Olson for their work with the program. Superintendent’s Report (Doug Johnson) -The District will s...
When a medical emergency occurs the City of Waitsburg and its surrounding homes and farms face challenges, as do all rural areas, in EMS response times and transport times to an emergency room. This monthly column, written by former firefighter and paramedic Randy Charles, is aimed at providing area residents, who are faced with a medical or traumatic event, some kind of knowledge and skills that can be utilized to help a stricken individual while waiting for EMS. OVERVIEW There are various types and degrees of burns. They can be caused by...
Columbia County Health System staff participated in live training on Wed., March 20. Staff experienced hazmat scenario training and worked with doctors on intubation, sutures and stapling. Staff members practiced suturing on chicken breasts and pig hearts, intubated pig lungs and used a videoscope to intubate dummies....