Sorted by date Results 26 - 28 of 28
DAYTON - While the wind and early spring rains still descend on the Touchet Valley more than the rays of the sun, Erin Horan is already busy planting this year's garden at the Monteillet dairy farm. The heartier items - peas, radishes, Lima beans, fava beans, spinach and potatoes - are in the ground, with beats and carrots soon to follow. It's one of the lessons the manager of the Monteillet farm's CSA (communitysupported agriculture) has learned from last year, when she first planted the...
DAYTON - When Washington state instituted a fee several years ago for documents filed at the county auditor's office to help offset the cost of fight homelessness, Columbia County Commissioners were sure it would take a long time to raise enough money to address the issue here. Although the state-mandated fees were set up to help counties build a reserve of cash intended to help the homeless, the roughly $12,000 per year leaders expected to raise wouldn't amount to much for years to come - or so they assumed. But in just a few years, that fund...
DAYTON - Amidst the excitement of announcing the court and program for the Columbia County Fair this weekend was the anxiety country fairs across the state share these days: funding from Olympia. With horse racing already nixed this year for Dayton Days, fair organizers fear another blow to a local cultural tradition if lawmakers cut $2 million in state subsidies for fairs across Washington and, of this, $31,000, or almost half the budget, for the Columbia County Fair. "With the loss of the fund...