Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the April 24, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 26 - 42 of 42

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  • Board Approves Part-time Hire

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 24, 2014

    WAITSBURG - In a grudging decision, Waitsburg's School Board voted to hire an additional certificated teacher for the 2014-15 school year, with the District absorbing the cost of the nonstate funded position. The part-time position will allow the district to provide one class per elementary grade level - rather than the current combined classes - and the sixth grade class will move from the elementary school to Preston Hall. The decision was made in response to instructional and scheduling chall...

  • Is Money Speech?

    Apr 24, 2014

    Dear Editor, If money is speech, what's the upshot? - U.S. a democracy? The Supreme Court in both the Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions used convoluted, tortured, and harmful free speech arguments to turn over the election process to moneyed interests. In Citizens United they allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts for "independent expenditures." In McCutcheon they allowed the very wealthy to donate about 30 times as much money in elections as before. The majority in the 5-4 decisions said a one point "there can't be...


    Pioneer Portraits|Apr 24, 2014

    Ten Year Ago April 29, 2004 Jill Bickelhaupt, the daughter of Dan and Nancy Bickelhaupt, and Gabe Keifel, the son of Michael and Kristi Kiefel, were the recipients of the Junior Achievement Award presented by Masonic Lodges of Southeastern Washington. Cole Lindsey, the son of John and Dinah Lindsey, Waitsburg, has received the merit-based Academic Honors Scholarship from Eastern Washington University in Cheney. The scholarship is awarded to students with exceptional records. Twenty-Five Years Ago April 27, 1989 Don McAlpin was introduced at the...

  • Worrying About College

    Apr 24, 2014

    I t seems as though I talk about college (or college related topics like the SAT) quite a bit in this column. I’m not sure why. My lead theory is that I’m so preoccupied with getting all the right forms into all the right people on time, in order to apply for scholarships and sign up for tests, that it sort of tints my whole life with equal parts anticipation and anxiety. I promise – and this is a pinkie promise – that I will abstain from all this throughout the entire month of May. If I win a...

  • Ken Graham: From the Editor

    Apr 24, 2014

    A s this issue of the Times went to press, initial results showed that the Dayton School District's capital bond levy was going down to a big defeat. This isn't a surprise, but it leaves the Dayton community with a problem. The school facilities are getting pretty worn out and maintenance costs are mounting fast. I've talked to a lot of people over the last couple of months about the proposed levy, and even most of the people who planned to vote no didn't argue with any of that. But they...

  • Political Cartoon

    Apr 24, 2014


    Apr 24, 2014

    April 25: Sharon Pauley, Nancy Meyers, Bernice Mock, Richele Heilburn and Randy Schuster, Michael Bessey April 26: Charlie Baker, Ernest Hermanns, Delores Nettles, Dain Henderson, Rich Lee, Gregory Kalahele-Stearns, Bryan Thomas, Patsy Donavon, Dawn Keith, Anna Newbury and George Porter. April 27: Kathy Harshman and Tom Morrison. April 28: Garry Katsel, Judy Deines and Tom Hiatt. April 29: Cole McMorris-Rodgers, Nancee Hinchliffe, Kenny Finch, Glenda Mings and Emily Yokel. April 30: Janice Wills, and Patti Eng. May 1: Josh Smith, Jennifer...


    Apr 24, 2014

    Waitsburg April 19 Report of burglary, theft of firearm, theft 2nd degree, theft 3rd degree and malicious mischief on Rogers Road in Prescott. Suspects entered a building and took several firearms with ammunition and jewelry. Suspect(s) broke a television and .22 caliber rifle. Dayton April 15 Assault reported to Courthouse, under investigation. Assistance at fire alarm on S. 5th Street. Report of lights from vehicle and sounds of an animal being abused reported on S. 3rd Street, unable to locate. April 16 Residential burglary reported on S....


    Apr 24, 2014

    7 Dayton Developmental Disabilities Leadership Reception Dayton best Western Plus Hotel and Suites 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Open house with WA State Representative Maureen Walsh, for people and families that have children with developmental disabilities. The focus is specifically for people and families that have special needs or a disability, not other political agendas. This is not a fundraising event, but seed money donations will be accepted. 26 Drug Take Back Day Waitsburg Fire Station (Main Street) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your old and...

  • Correction

    Apr 24, 2014

    We regret that two 8th grade students were omitted from the 3rd Quarter Preston Hall Honor Roll printed last week. Chloe Pearson (4.0) and Cade Branson should have been included in the list....

  • Harpists Perform at First Thursday Concert

    Apr 24, 2014

    WALLA WALLA -- The next First Thursday concert will take place on May 1 at 12: 15 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 323 Catherine Street. The Walla Walla University harp ensemble will perform, directed by Chelsea Spence. Admission is free. Donations are gratefully accepted and will be given to the ASWWU mission project, "To Build a Home". This initiative hopes to raise $100,000 to build and maintain an orphanage in Peru. Walla Walla University's harp ensemble started in 2012 as a harp duo, and has expanded to a group of as many as five harpists....

  • AAUW Honors Tech Trek Campers

    The Times|Apr 24, 2014

    DAYTON - Three Dayton Middle School students were recognized by the Dayton AAUW chapter last week for their participation in the 2013 Tech Trek camp. Eighth-graders, Payton Dowdy and Melody Reeves, were given certificates, and Kailey Newhouse, a seventh-grader, was honored as the 2014 scholarship awardee for the 2014 Tech Trek camp. Tech Trek is a week-long summer camp focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) for girls entering eighth grade. The camp, in its second year in...

  • Prescott School Carnival

    Apr 24, 2014

    PRESCOTT - The Prescott Associated Student Body is sponsoring their annual school carnival on Saturday, April 26 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Prescott High School Gymnasium. Each high school class or club creates a booth and receives the money they raise to use toward projects or their senior trip. Games will include Jail, Sucker Draw, Cake Walk, Hoop Shoot, Pie Throwing and more. Tickets are 25 cents each. Food will also be available. Prescott students and staff encourage the public to come and join them for a fun Saturday...

  • Dayton School Bond Levy Trounced

    Apr 24, 2014

    Approved - 381 (27.73%) Rejected - 993 (72.27%) These preliminary results were available just as The Times was going to press Tuesday. We will have in-depth coverage of the Dayton School Bond Levy special election in our upcoming May 1 issue....

  • Prescott Design Unveiled

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 24, 2014

    PRESCOTT - "Do we have the green light? Are we good to move ahead?" asked artist and Pomegranate Center founder and executive director Milenko Matanovic. Attendees at the April 15 Prescott Vacant Lot Project Open House responded with an enthusiastic round of applause. A $25,000 grant from the Pomegranate Center, along with their decades of experience working alongside communities to create gathering spaces, will allow Prescott to transform the empty, burned-out lot between the Tuxedo Tavern and...

  • Water Rates Rise for Repairs

    Dena Wood, The Times|Apr 24, 2014

    WAITSBURG - Waitsburg residents will see a six dollar increase in their next utility bill. The increase, which brings the base water rate to $33.90, was approved at the April 16 City Council meeting in order to meet imminent water line repair needs. The rate adjustment arrives on the heels of a 3% increase that took effect in January. City Clerk Randy Hinchliffe originally proposed an increase of $4.90 in December 2013 in order to fund needed line upgrades and well repairs. That proposal was...

  • A Fine Night for Poetry and Music in Prescott

    Apr 24, 2014