Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 27
PRESCOTT - The Prescott School District has selected a new superinten- dent. After a process that began with five candidates, background checks, and site visits, Brett Cox of Walla Walla was invited to address the publicWednesday eve- ning in the Prescott Elementary School library, as the school board was approach- ing the end of their search. Cox will replace retiring Superintendent Bill Jordan, who has served in that po- sition for three years. He submitted his resignation in January and has...
A re you planning a little get-together with friends sometime this spring? If you live in Dayton, you may need to get permission from the city first. City Council member Dain Nysoe is spearheading an effort to require city residents who are planning an event to submit a "Special Events Permit Application" first. The draft application that was reviewed by members of the council's public safety committee on Thursday (I got my grubby hands on a copy too) is 12 pages long, single spaced. It's a ligh...
2 Storytime (every Thurs- day) Weller Public Library 10 to 11:15 a.m. Weekly storytime gearedto preschoolers. 3 Rock & Blues Jam Coppei Café, Waitsburg 6:30 p.m. All ages welcome. 4 Lion's Club All-You- Can-Eat Rib Feed $25 per person Join local Lions Club members in an all-you-can-eat Rib Feed. This annual fund- raiser is lip-smacking good. Contact: 509-337-6145 Larry Johnson, 2012-2013 Lions Club President 6 Toddler Storytime (everyMonday) Dayton Memorial Li- brary 11 to 11:30 a.m. Storytime for ages 1 through 3 years. Baby Storytime...
DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs scored three runs in the second inning of game one to take a 3-2 lead, but struggled the rest of the afternoon Tuesday against an overpowering WP Tiger baseball team. Dayton pitcher Lowden Smith struck out 13 tigers in the first game, but the Bulldogs committed four errors as the Tigers cruised to a 10-4 victory. Dalton Estes also pitched an outstanding game for WP, striking out nine. The Tigers scored four runs in the fifth inning and two each in the sixth and...
DAYTON - The Bulldogs track and field team is ready to show off its growing talent at the first home meet of the season co-hosted with Waitsburg Prescott this week, head coach Dan Nechodom said. The meet, which will draw league teams from Asotin, DeSales, St. John- Endicott, Tekoa-Oakesdale- Rosario, WP and Walla Walla Valley Academy, starts at 3:30 pm Wednesday. The afternoon is expected to be sunny with temperatures in the upper 60s. "They're excited," Nechodom said about the eight boys and seven girls on his young team. "I see a lot of...
PROSSER - The Cardinals placed 10th in the tough Prosser Rotary Invitational Saturday thanks to the lofty performances from runner Seth Deal and thrower Ben Shafer. "Seth and Ben both stood out and, between the two of them, got all of our points that we collected as a team," WP head track and field coach Jeff Bartlow said. WP's 32 points allowed the boys team to vault ahead of such competitors as Richland, Kennewick, Ellensburg and DeSales. Dayton did not participate in the event. Shafer p...
PRESCOTT - The WP Tigers made a huge comeback in the bottom of the seventh inning during the first game of a double- header against the Lady Bulldogs, scoring five runs to take a 9-8 walk-off victory. In game two, the Tigers shut out Dayton 7-0. The Bulldogs held the lead the entire first game, but lost control in the final inning. The Bulldogs scored their first run in the second inning, then batted around the third inning, scoring four more runs. They held steady through the fourth in...
Grant Supports Quilt and Blanket Giveaway The Pacific Power Foun- dation awarded a $1500 grant to the Walla Walla chapter of Project Linus to help support the purchase of materi- als used to make quilts and blankets. Project Linus is a nonprofit organization where volun- teers create comforting, kidfriendly quilts and blankets for local traumatized youth at the request of organizations such as Helpline, YWCA Women's Shelter, American Red Cross, Department of Children and Families, Chil- dren's Home Society and local schools, among others. For...
DAYTON - In March, 1983, about 300 Dayton residents attended a town meeting at the multipurpose room of Dayton Elementary School. The meeting was called by the Dayton Chamber of Commerce, whose board president at the time, Mike Chamberlain, decided the time had come to do something about Dayton's mori- bund downtown. According to several long-time residents who were there, the meeting generated lots of excitement. At the end of the meeting, five separate projects names were stuck to the wall and...
Waitsburg Middle School Honor Roll 8th grade: 4.0 Jacob Dunn Taylor Hays 3.25 or better Emily Adams Jade Alleman Lexi Brannock Landon Callas Jared Farley Jasmine Foxe Morgan Forney Timber Frohreich Kyle Gradwohl Nicolas Kitselman Selina Mercado Stephenie Nerf Aislynne Pope Taylor Spoonemore Julia Taylor Cameron Terry 7th grade: 4.0 Leighton Dorman 3.25 or better Cade Branson Clarissa Espana Thomas House Tayler Jones Joseph LaRue Kyle Martin Samuel McGowen Anna Nerf Chloe Pearson Christopher Philbrook Gillian Pope Iris Turnipseed Robert Walsh...
WAITSBURG - Deter- mining the best proactive response to the local drug problem received significant attention at last week's City Council Meeting in Waits- burg. Discussion revolved around two main options: instituting a neighborhood watch program and/or re- taining a full-time school resource officer, to be shared between Prescott and Waits- burg. Council member K.C. Kuykendall requested a slot on the council agenda to address the situation fac- ing Waitsburg. "We have a greater than average d...
April 26: Charlie Baker, Ernest Hermanns, Delores Net- tles, Dain Henderson, Rich Lee, Gregory Kalahele-Stearns,Bryan Thomas, Patsy Donavon, Dawn Keith, Anna Newburyand George Porter. April 27: Kathy Harshman and Tom Morrison. April 28: Garry Katsel, Judy Deines and Tom Hiatt. April 29: Cole McMorris-Rodgers, Nancee Hinchliffe,Kenny Finch, Glenda Mings and Emily Yokel. April 30: Janice Wills, and Patti Eng. May 1: Josh Smith, Jennifer Jameson, Adam Erikson,Troy Larsen, Corinne Atkinson and Barbara Saxon Abbey. May 2: Kevin Davis, Patsy...
Ten Years Ago April 24, 2003 Instead of announcing the 2003 Days of Real Sport parade, David McConnell, the "Voice of Waitsburg," and his wife Jill, will be its Parade Marshals, giving this year's parade one of those unique Waitsburg twists. It promises to be a different view of the parade than the McConnells have seen from their perch next to City Hall since the early 1960's. In fact, being honored as parade marshal will mark the first time in decades in which the deep, mellifluous tones of Mc- Connell's voice will not be heard as riders,...
You've heard the term GMO in relation to seed and our immediate food chain, but what does GMO stand for? "Genetically Modified Organisms, whose ge- netic material has been altered." I recently attended an agricultural symposium covering a ten year study on GMO's and its effects on humans, pets, livestock, wheat, food grown and water. Clearly, the GMO issue is based on all living things of the earth, yet today, infor- mation has not been made available to the public, until now. The unmentionable issue of Monsanto purging the world of its...
I n the 17 trading sessions since the USDA's last Quarterly Stocks Report on March 28, after which wheat prices in Chicago dropped 45 cents like a stone, the price of wheat has tried very hard to rally. Every day the market has searched for scraps of positive news like a Bride-to-be's search for a lost engagement ring. The drought news from the Midwest has lost its power to influence the market unless a resumption of dry and hot conditions emerges very soon. Recent freezing temperatures in the US have clearly slowed wheat crop development and...
Bettie Lloyd Chase passed away on April 20, 2013 at the Book- er Rest Home. She was born March 20, 1920 in Waits- burg, WA to Ralph G. Lloyd and Jessie Conrad Lloyd. Bettie lived her entire life in the Waitsburg area and had a deep understanding of the area and a great appreciation for the residents of the Touchet Valley. As a young child, she grew up on Jasper Mountain before the fam- ily moved to Waitsburg. She attended Waitsburg schools graduating in 1938. In 1941, she married Berger Chase,...
Waitsburg 4-18-13 Malicious mischief to pop machine on Main Street. 4-19-13 Deputy assisted CRT with transporting suicidal subjectfrom Wheatland Drive to Walla Walla. 4-20-13 Deputy assisted WWPD by locating a suspect vehicle thatwas used in a theft in Walla Walla. 4-22-13 Theft of medication over last 30 days was reported onPreston Avenue. Dayton 4-17-13 Criminal mischief to the train caboose was reported onMain Street. A theft was reported on Canright Road. Theftwas reported on Lower Hogeye Road. Attempted assaultreported on S. Willow...
Dear Editor, There are a bunch of peo- ple involved and working hard to bring our annual celebration to our wonderful little city. The event is called Waitsburg Celebration Days and it is being planned for the weekend of May 17, 18th and 19th. So far the community has responded very well helping to make this weekend some- thing special. This year, once again, the Commercial Club is sponsoring the Parade on May 18th. As Waitsburg citizens are wonderful volunteers, we (the Parade Committee) are seeking nominations of a very special person/family...
A s the crowd began to filter into the pa- vilion at the Columbia County Fairgrounds, I straightened my back a notch and affixed a smile to my face. "What are we supposed to do?" asked Heidi Miller, who is my fellow Columbia County Fair Hostess this year. "Smile," I said. "Say hi. Show off our new outfits." Indeed, our outfits this year are exception- ally showy. We've adopted a pink, black, and silver color scheme, which was reflected in the pavilion's décor on this particular night - the night of the Kickoff Dinner. We began greeting peo- ple...
I n this issue of the Times, we have included our twice-annual Touchet River Valley Visitor's Guide for spring and summer. Copies are also available at the Times office and the Chamber of Commerce in Dayton. All businesses are en- couraged to get a stack and come back when they run out. Readers will have them here as an insert in the paper to remind them what we have to offer and share with visiting relatives. We print 10,000 of the 32-page tab and distribute them in the Tri Cit- ies, Walla...
Shortly after we posted the sad news that Bettie Chase left us, the comments poured in to our Facebook page from everywhere. "She was a grand lady," one reader wrote. "A true icon to our community," said another. "She was a kind, delightful woman with a fabulous sense of humor," noted a third. "She was always there when someone needed some- thing." And in almost every comment was this sentiment, now echoing throughout our community: "She will be missed." She will indeed. The town and the valley somehow feel quieter and perhaps a bit less...
DAYTON - The Dayton City Council voted Monday evening to hire a new city planner who will report only to city officials, and work in- dependently of the Columbia County planning director. The motion passed by a 5-1 margin, with council mem- ber Arthur Hall dissenting. The new planner will replace Kim Lyonnais, who was recently hired by Colum- bia County to replace retiring planner Richard Hendricksen, beginning May 1. Lyon- nais was hired by the city in October as part-time planner, but...