Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the May 2, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • Port to Issue Bonds for BMS

    Ken Graham, The Times|May 2, 2013

    DAYTON - In a special meeting last week, the Port of Columbia commissioners agreed to issue bonds through Banner Bank of up to $300,000 to complete construction of the first building at Blue Mountain Station. The vote was 2-1, with Commissioner Earle Marvin dissenting. The move will allow the Port to proceed with construction of the first phase of the artisan food center planned for the site at Dayton's west end. Five firms have signed letters of commitment to rent the eight spaces in Building 1...


    Dena Wood, The Times|May 2, 2013

    May promises to be filled with ac­tion at the Liberty Theater. The month starts off with a showing of the sci-fi adventure,"Oblivion", followed by the uplifting biographical sports drama," 42". Later in the month, the Liberty gets your heart racing again with "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" and the political thriller", The Company You Keep". "Oblivion", starring Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, and Olga Kurylenko takes place on planet Earth after it's been devastated by de­cades of war. Jack Harper, p...

  • software

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 2, 2013

    While I'd wager that most everyone has at least heard of, I wonder how many realize just how useful a tool it can be. Once known mainly as a means of promot­ing the latest viral frivolity, has morphed into a truly valuable resource. Using for pretty much anything and everything seems to come naturally for the younger generation. My youngest recently prepared for his very first ski trip. When I relayed that a friend suggested he watch a few skiing...

  • bOOKS

    Tanya Patton|May 2, 2013

    David Finch is an intelligent, hardworking, engineer with a thriving career. He is a self-confessed nerd and the father of two young children. He likes to watch television and hang out in coffee shops. He loves music, reality TV and his wife, Kristen. He even owns a home in the suburbs of Chicago. Finch also has Asperger Syndrome. The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man's Quest to be a Better Husband is an hilarious account of Finch's process and plan to save his marriage by facing his autism...

  • bOOKS

    May 2, 2013

    I find memoirs boring and I'm not particularly in­terested in the Kennedy family, so I don't know why I plucked Mrs. Kennedy and Me: An Intimate Memoir off the library shelf. Perhaps it was the cover photo or the tone of the title but whatever it was, I was capti­vated from the very first page. The author, Clint Hill (with help from award-win­ning journalist Lisa McCub­bin), retired in 1975 as the Assistant Director of the Secret Service but from 1960 to 1964 his assignment was to protect Jacque...

  • League Track Meet at Dayton - April 24 - Complete Results

    May 2, 2013

    WP Boys Results 100 Meters - Varsity - Finals 3. Alex Dill 11.78 9. Luke Alexenko 12.19 11. Kobie Brown 12.28 11. Kevin Aquino 12.28 27. Brandon Penner 13.68 200 Meters - Varsity - Finals 10. Brendan Donovan 25.12 11. Alex Dill 25.21 13. Kevin Aquino 25.46 14. Dalton LaRue 25.68 22. Brandon Penner 28.02 400 Meters - Varsity - Finals 3. Kobie Brown 57.12 4. Kevin Aquino 57.68 800 Meters - Varsity - Finals 3. James Thompkins 2:08.18 4. Seth Deal 2:08.69 5. Zac Brown 2:13.24 7. Jada Alfred 2:16.72...

  • Tigers Struggle Against Tough DeSales Teams

    The Times|May 2, 2013

    Softball: DeSales over WP 8-1 / 8-0 PRESCOTT - DeSales knocked the WP softball team out of first place in league standings Tuesday, with an 8-1 victory over the Tigers in the first game of a double-header. Sam Moss scored the only Tiger run with a solo home run. "We started light, but went on to play well," said WP coach Angie Potts. "DeSales is a good team. They hit the ball well and run aggressively. We need to be ready for that." Potts said she still felt good about the game. "I'm not...

  • Dayton Boys Still Alive

    The Times|May 2, 2013

    ROSALIA - The Day­ton Bulldogs baseball team may have played its last two games of the season Tuesday night, but they're still in the running for the playoffs. They will likely end up in sixth. The young Dogs lost both games in their doubleheader against the Tekoa-Oakesdale- Rosalia 5-2 and 13-1 in the final five-inning game. They ended the season 2-10 in league and 5-12 overall. The losses were disap­pointing, head coach Sal Benavides said, but the team hasn't given up hope to get its act together for the playoffs starting Tuesday. "We can b...

  • Lady Bulldogs Headed For Third

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 2, 2013

    TEKOA - The Lady Bull­dogs seemed headed for third in league after sweeping Tekoa-Oakesdale-Rosario in their last doubleheader of the regular season Tuesday. "The girls did well today," assistant coach Des Jones said in a telephone interview after the away games. "They played together and they played smart." In 14 innings marked by a handful of snow flurries, Dayton beat the Nighthawks 11-8 in the first game and 6-4 in the second, ending the season on a high note. "We've struggled some and we...

  • Local Athletes Shine at Dayton Meet

    Ken Graham, The Times|May 2, 2013

    DAYTON - Asotin High School's powerful track and field teams won both the boys' and girls' team competitions last week at the District 9 meet held last week at the Dayton High School Track. On the boys' side, how­ever, the WP Cardinals made a strong showing, notching 105.5 points to Asotin's 120.5. Third place Tekoa- Oakesdale-Rosalia scored only 34. "We were missing James Thompkins' 30 points (100, 200 and 400)," said WP coach Jeff Bartlow, "as again he would have won those eventshellip;he is...

  • Dayton FFA Plant Sale

    May 2, 2013

    The Dayton High School FFA Plant Sale is May 3rd and 4th in the greenhouse next to the high school gym on Third Street. Friday the sale is open 3-6 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A variety of flowering annuals will be for sale as well as a limited number of vegetable starts....

  • Monte Stiles: Discovering Joy, Igniting Change

    May 2, 2013

    Liberty Theater, May 9, 7:00 p.m. A unique and powerful message of hope, adventure, inspiration and discovery. Monte Stiles combines his experience as a federal drug prosecutor with a passion for wildlife and outdoor photography. Monte provides valu- able insights about every- thing that is wonderful about life - a world full of amazing people, beautiful landscapes, fascination creatures, and boundless opportunities. Sponsored by: The Coala- tion for Youth and Families, The Drug Free Communities Grant and Columbia Cares....

  • Blue Mountain Christian School Open House

    May 2, 2013

    Blue Mountain Christian School will have an Open House, Tuesday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m. This will be a registration and general in- formation might. We will be accepting students, grades preschool through second grade, for the coming year. The school is located at 203 S. 2nd Street, across from the Dayton post office. For more information call Maxine Garr at school from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Mon. - Fri. at 386-3830, or at home after 1:00 p.m. at 382-8997....

  • Local Thespian Makes Good

    Shauna Fletcher, The Times|May 2, 2013

    WALLA WALLA - Like most graduating seniors, Cougar Henderson is look- ing forward to starting a new chapter in his life. But not just yet...Henderson's last weeks of high school will certainly stand out from the rest. He is about to kick off his eighth theatrical production in the past calendar year, in Wa-Hi's production of "Bye Bye Birdie." A self-proclaimed "sixthgeneration Waitsburgite," Henderson was bitten by the theater bug early. He became determined to be on stage after seeing "The...

  • Waitsburg & Prescott 2013 National Honor Society Inductees

    May 2, 2013

    Prescott: Aldair Esalante Blanca Quiroz Jada Nelson Daniel Stanell Alesandra Diaz Waitsburg: Hanna Grant Emma Philbrook Stacia Deal Talen Larsen Tyler Shafer Ben Shafer Devin Acevedo Luke Gales-Alexanko Paige Wood Sofia Mercado Owen Lanning Chance Leroue...


    May 2, 2013

    Waitsburg's Friends of the Library will be hosting local authors and teachers who will share about the creative writing process. Introduction to Creative Writing discus- sions will take place at the Weller Public Library with dates, times and speakers as follows: May 2 at 6:30 p.m. Dani Harper May 9 at 6:30 p.m. Liv Leid May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Liv Leid Commercial Club, May 7th at 6:30 p.m. at Waits- burg Town Hall. Steve Van Ausdle, President of Walla Walla Community College will be our featured speaker. Please make reservations at...

  • First Woman Custodian to Retire

    May 2, 2013

  • Just Say ‘No’ to Texting and Driving

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 2, 2013

    WAITSBURG - "Just Say 'No' to Texting and Driving." That's the name of the campaign Waitsburg High School senior Logan Dozier has created. And he hopes it will have lasting impact on not only Waits- burg teens, but on the larger communities of Waitsburg, Dayton and Prescott as well. Dozier was motivated to create the program because the dangers of distracted driving recently "hit home." While developing the pro- gram has been "a LOT of work" and doesn't count toward any type of school credit or...


    May 2, 2013

    May 3: Alexander Reese, Hanna Becker, Dorothy Wolfe and Andrew Peterson. May 4: Liya Senter, Tom Land, Anna Ray and Ashley Janovich. May 5: Jim Tuttle, Dian McQuade, Pamela Parsons, Todd Wood, Rhiannon Chapman, Kin Hofer, Kelly Thomas Ward, Jim Crawford and Kathryn Fry. May 6: Scott and Ellie Johnson, Betty Mosley, Joan Ken- nedy, Barbara Danforth, Annette Bergevin, Marcy Thomp- son, Theron Barbee, Jonathan Cosper and Kylie McConnell, Katelynn Martin. May 7: Jake Kibler, Richard Ford, Herb Mettler, Brayden Wood, JoAn Fiala, Rose Rinell, Fred...


    Pioneer Portraits|May 2, 2013

    Ten Years Ago May 1, 2003 It's hard to miss the yellow ribbons tied to telephone, street signs and just about any other stationary object along Main Street. Yes, they do represent soldiers in the Middle East. More specifically, they represent the 214 men and women of A Company, 5th Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment. Mrs. Pearson's Sixth Grade class at Preston Hall Middle School are official sponsors of A Company, and responsible for the ribbons around town. It all began with a patch given to Scott Huxoll, Jr., a student in Pearson's class....

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    May 2, 2013

    This weekend is Spring Release. Get out and sample the newest wines offered by our local winemakers during this international event. You might even be surprised to find a celebrity elbow to elbow in the tasting rooms. One spring release I had musician Boz Scaggs belly-up to the bar at Wildberries Café a Vin, where a bar of wild winos enjoyed the pouring of an aromatic Saviah Cellars, Syrah, a wine I will get back to later in the column. In the meantime, the farming news is that Corn will have plenty of low ground moisture during the summer...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|May 2, 2013

    A s the old screen door slaps shut and the grain markets step off the porch ready to go to work, the jacket collar is turned up against the chilly wet wind. Snow is in the forecast for some plains states and rain is slowing down the corn planters and starting to worry spring wheat planters in Canada. Late corn planting, which could lead to a shift of corn acreage to later-planted soybeans, is not a big concern yet. The optimum window of planting is generally open until the second week of May for a wide swath of the Midwest, and US producers of...

  • Robert Eugene Hulce

    May 2, 2013

    Waitsburg, Wash- ington resident, Robert Eugene Hulce, 85, passed away April 22, 2013, at Dayton General Hospital, Dayton, Washington. Bob was born October 12, 1927, in Burbank, California, to Albert and May Darling Hulce. He graduated from Vivian (South Dakota) High School in 1946, and also earned a Surgical Technician cer- tificate from Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, Texas that year. He served as a surgical technician in the US Army during WWII, being dis- charged in 1947. In...

  • Barbara Jo Fry

    May 2, 2013

    Barbara Jo Fry, age 63years, died April 25, 2013 at the St. Mary Center. Private fam- ily graveside services will be 2 P.M., Friday May 3, 2013 at the family plot in the Dayton City Cemetery. Arrangements are through Hubbard-Rogg Funeral Home 111 S. 2nd\ St. Dayton, WA 99328. Barbara was born July 20, 1949 in Dayton, WA. Her parents were Fer- min and Pat Trujillo Ben- nett. She was a gradu- ate of Waitsburg High School with the class of 1967. She has been with her husband Steve Reeves for many years, living in Walla Walla, where she enjoyed...


    May 2, 2013

    Waitsburg 4-23 Subject arrested on warrant out of Columbia County onW. 8th Street. Vehicle prowl reported on Harmon Street. 4-24 Assault reported on Preston Avenue. Theft reported onPreston Avenue. 4-25 Theft of firearm reported on Hulce Lane. 4-26 Responded to two vehicle collision at Coppei and 9th Street. Dayton 4-23 Report of juveniles smoking on 4th street bridge; deputy responded, no citations. Erratic vehicle was reported on E.Dayton Avenue. Verbal warning for "no valid operator'slicense" was issued on E. Main Street. Suspicious circum-...

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