Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the February 13, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 38

  • FFA Marketing Team Places Third in District Competition

    Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG -- Five Waitsburg FFA members traveled to Pullman High School on January 5 where they competed in District FFA Marketing and Job In­terview Career Development Events (CDE). Junior Caitlyn Jones, sophomore Zion Branson and freshman Emily Ad­ams competed in Market­ing for the first time and placed third, qualifying to advance to the state level. In the Marketing competition, teams develop and present a marketing plan for a cur­rent agricultural product, supply or service. The team pre...

  • Who was that selfless Hero?

    Feb 13, 2014

    The Times spotted someone several times last weekend with a small snowplow clearing the sidewalks of Waitsburg, both downtown and in the neighborhoods. Despite the best efforts of our intrepid reporters, we were unable to identify this cold-weather hero. If you know who it was, go to our facebook page and tell us....

  • Klondike Derby Scouts

    Feb 13, 2014

  • St. Valentine’s Day Luncheon and ‘Greatest Lovers in History’ Fashion Show

    Feb 13, 2014

    WALLA WALLA - Quail Run's St. Valentine's Day Lun­cheon and Greatest Lovers in History Fashion Show will take place February 14 at 1 p.m. The menu features Wild-Mushroom Pasta Alfredo with Chicken (or vegetarian chicken), a special 'champagne' salad, grilled vegetable medley, homemade cross-top rolls, individual heart-shaped Red Velvet cakes. After lunch, a very special fashion show salutes The Greatest Lovers in History. Featured couples will include the likes of Anthony and Cleopatra, Napoleon and Josephine, Elizabeth Taylor & Richard...

  • Prescott Lions Sam Erwin Memorial Breakfast

    Feb 13, 2014

    PRESCOTT - The Prescott Lions serves an all-you-can- eat breakfast the third weekend (Sat. and Sun.) of every month. This month's breakfast takes place February 15 and 16 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and is the annual Sam Erwin Me­morial Breakfast. All funds go to the Prescott High Scholar­ship Fund. The Lions Club will be serving pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns and juice and coffee. The cost is $7.00. Breakfast will be served at the Lions Community Building located on the corner of High­way 124 and D St...

  • WSU Women in Ag Conference Registration

    Feb 13, 2014

    WALLA WALLA -- The 2014 Women in Agriculture Conference offers women in Washington, Oregon and Idaho a unique opportunity to gather in 28 locations for a one-day event featuring knowledgeable speakers, inspiring stories, practical advice for improving farm management skills and networking with other women producers. The statewide event takes place on March 15 with a local meeting location at Walla Walla Community College. This year's event, "Change Happens: Make It An Op­portunity," covers topics including farm business decision- making, using...

  • Let it Melt, Let it Melt!

    Feb 13, 2014

  • Touchet Valley Sports Stats

    Feb 13, 2014

    Southwest 2B Boys Basketball Final Regular Season Standings League Overall...

  • Ooops . . . Correction!

    Feb 13, 2014

  • Waitsburg Celebration Days Moves Forward

    Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG - Ten peo­ple showed up at Tuesday night's Celebration Days meeting and hatched a plan that they are optimistic will allow Celebration Days to continue as an annual week­end event. The group hopes that an ATV poker run and rid­ing lawnmower barrel racing will replace the sheepdog tri­Learn als that took place at the fair­grounds last year. The pos­sibility of ATV safety courses and demonstrations was also discussed. The Celebration Days Committee still has one big hurdle to jump - finding a local 501c3 that would be willing to add t...

  • Waitsburg to Field-Test “Smarter Balanced” Assessments

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg School District will face a new challenge this spring as middle and high school students and teachers prepare to field-test the new Smarter Balanced assessment tests recently adopted by the State. After working through a sample test, teachers and adminis­trators are convinced that pa­rental involvement and sup­port will be cru­cial to student suc­cess. A Student Assess­ment Infor­mation M e e t ­ing for all middle and high school students and parents has been schedul...

  • AFS Exchange Program Accepting Students and Hosts

    Feb 13, 2014

    AFS Intercultural Pro­grams, a student exchange program, is accepting host family applications in the Walla Walla Valley region for the 2014-15 school year. High School slots are avail­able for AFS students in Walla Walla, Waitsburg and Dayton. Participants are carefully matched and vol­unteers are always on hand to make sure that students have the support and tools needed for a positive experi­ence. Although students do not arrive before August, fami­lies interested in hosting can begin the application process now. Thousands of young peop...

  • Late Tournament Results:

    Feb 13, 2014

    Waitsburg-Prescott 53, Asotin 47 The WP Cardinals boys basketball team beat a tough Asotin team Tuesday afternoon and will move on to the sub-regional tournament to be held in Waitsburg and Day­ton this weekend. Game time and location will be determined later this week. Dayton vs. DeSales - Tuesday Night The Dayton/DeSales girls basketball game had not yet finished as of press time Tuesday. However, Dayton will move on to the sub-regional tournament to be held in Waitsburg and Dayton this weekend. Game time and location will be determined...

  • Hammerdown Fitness Moves

    Feb 13, 2014

    DAYTON - Dayton's only CrossFit-style gym has moved to Dayton's Main Street. Hammerdown Fitness is now located in the former auto repair building at the southwest corner of Main and Fourth Streets. It was previ­ously located at the Port of Columbia. Owner Chuck Amerein and Trainer Jerrod Cully are both CrossFit-certified trainers. Hammerdown offers morning and evening group workout sessions Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. For more information about Hammerdown Fitness, call Amerein at (509) 540-1023....

  • WP Bounces DeSales

    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg boys' basketball team won their fifth straight game on Feb. 5, defeating DeSales in the District 9 Tournament play-in game 73-47. The defeat sent De­Sales home for the season, and put WP in the weekend tournament, which was de­layed due to weather. The Irish jumped out to an early 9-2 lead, but WP came roaring back with an 18-4 run to lead after the first quarter 20-13. They never looked back. The Cardinals led 43- 21 at the half and 63-30 after three quarters. Owen L...

  • Four WP Wrestlers Advance to Regionals

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG - Four WP Wrestlers placed high enough at last week's sub- regional tournament to ad­vance to regionals competi­tion. Tristan Newman, who has lost only two matches all season, took first place as League/District Champion. David Just placed fourth and Tyler Brooks and Tyler Hoff­man each placed sixth. Sub-Regionals took place February 8 in Colfax. Par­ticipating teams included Waitsburg/Prescott, Almira/ Coulee/Hartline, Lind/Ritz­ville, Liberty, Colfax/Gar- Pal, Wilb...

  • Valentine’s Day Dinner at Town Hall

    Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG -- A prime rib dinner, complete with salad, potato, bread, veg­etable, dessert and bever­age will take place Friday, February 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Waitsburg's Town Hall (121 Main Street). Black Lilly will perform music for dancing. Silent and live auctions of Valentine gifts will take place and adult beverages will be available. All proceeds go to benefit Waitsburg Town Hall Main­tenance and Operations. Tickets are $20 per person and may be purchased at Waitsburg Hardware, Waits­burg Grocery, Coppei Coffee and Hugs, Gifts and Col...

  • Jared Brown “Muster” and Commercial Club Meeting

    Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG -- The next meeting of the Waitsburg Commercial Club is Tues­day, February 18, at 6:30 p.m. at Waitsburg Town Hall. Preceding the program, the American Legion will have a send off, aka a "mus­ter", for Jared Brown, son of April and Frank Gould, as he leaves to start his enlist­ment with the US Army. All community members are encouraged to attend and of­fer support. The program will feature Jim German, Waitsburg Mix­ologist and owner of jimger­manbar with his wife, Claire Johnston. Jim will share his business experience from the past...

  • Mornings in “Heaven”

    Dena Wood, The Times|Feb 13, 2014

    WAITSBURG - A hand­ful of Waitsburg residents spend a portion of each Thursday morning in "Heav­en," intently focusing on ev­ery movement of their body as Patti Jo Amerein gently adjusts and repositions them. "The Heaven Space" is what Claire Johnston and Jim German have dubbed the long, narrow room con­necting jimgermanbar and the AMO Gallery -- the space where Amerien, a former professional dancer, instructs the group in the practice of Pilates. Amerein danced profes­sionally in Las Vega...

  • Courtroom to Get Emergency Repairs

    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 13, 2014

    DAYTON - In a special Monday meeting this week, the Columbia County Board of Commissioners approved a measure to allow emer­gency repairs to the ceiling and carpet in the courtroom of the Columbia County Courthouse, after accidental damage caused by a con­tractor. The measure allows courthouse Maintenance Supervisor Dave Finney to hire a local contractor for the repairs without going through the normal bidding process. In January, a worker with Pringles Power Vac of Walla Walla was cleaning d...

  • Building a Better Bulldog

    Feb 13, 2014

  • Park Plan Hearings Set

    Feb 13, 2014

    DAYTON - Three public hearings will be held next week to allow public input on a new Cooperative Park Master Plan for Columbia County. The plan is a joint effort of Columbia County, the City of Dayton and the Port of Columbia. The City will hold its hearing on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall board room. The county will hold its hearing on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Columbia County Planning office. The Port's hearing will be Thurs­day at 10 a.m. in the board room at the Port office. Comments may also be submitted in writing to the...

  • Ebony and Ivories Saturday

    Feb 13, 2014

    DAYTON - TVAC Pro­ductions is hosting a special event Saturday at the Liberty Theater called "Ebony and Ivories." Music begins at 7 p.m. with a collection of classical and contemporary musi­cal pieces performed on piano by local musicians Jim Thorn and Randy Pearson with accompaniment pro­vided by the Pearson family. After the music, the fun con­tinues in the Liberty Annex where chocolate desserts will be served with cham­pagne and/or sparkling cider. The event is being held to raise funds to purchase a piano for the Liberty Annex, which is u...

  • Council Rejects Events Permit

    Ken Graham, The Times|Feb 13, 2014

    DAYTON - The Dayton City Council on Monday voted to reject a proposed or­dinance to establish a special events permit for Dayton. The 6-1 decision came after the council heard several public comments in opposi­tion to the measure and after considerable debate among council members. Council­man Dain Nysoe cast the lone dissenting vote on the motion to reject the ordi­nance. The ordinance was pro­posed by the council's Pub­lic Safety Committee, of which Nysoe is chair. It was a scaled-back version...


    Feb 13, 2014

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