Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the December 5, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Students of the Month

    Dec 5, 2013

  • Dayton’s Christmas Kickoff

    Dec 5, 2013

  • Car Prowl Suspects Arrested

    Ken Graham, The Times|Dec 5, 2013

    DAYTON - Three men were arrested here last week and charged with posses- sion of stolen property and various drug offenses. All three are suspects in a rash of burglaries from vehicles that have been reported in Day- ton in the past three months. On September 27, Ryan P. Timmons, 26, was ar- rested at a home on E. Commercial Street and booked into Columbia County Jail on charges of possession of methamphetamine, vehicle prowl and possession of sto- len property. On September 30, Ken- neth...

  • Online: Holiday Helps

    Dena Wood, The Times|Dec 5, 2013

    Facebook tends to give us a personal little peek into the lives of friends and family. This can be both a good and bad thing. I must admit to more than a bit of disappointment in those of you who chose to not only decorate - but also proudly and publicly dis­play - your Christmas trees BEFORE Thanksgiving! (It is intended to be obvious that I'm joking, but I've been misinterpreted often enough that I'm compelled to clarify just to be on the safe side.) It seems that most of those who did...

  • Books by Anne Lamott

    Tanya Patton|Dec 5, 2013

    For some of us, books are as important as almost any­thing else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die. -- Anne Lamott, "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life" Novelist and non­fiction writer Anne L...

  • Battle of the Communities Food Drive

    Dec 5, 2013

    DAYTON/WAITSBURG - Dayton and Waitsburg will battle it out in a basketball food drive fundraiser on Saturday, December 14 at the Waitsburg High School Gymnasium. Admission to the non-league games is a donation of non- perishable food items in a competition to see which town can bring in the most donations. JV Girls will play at 2 p.m., JV boys at 3:30 p.m., Girls Varsity at 5 p.m. and Boys Varsity at 6:30 p.m. Each community will have a trailer located in the Waitsburg High School parking lot where food items can be deposited. Attendees will...

  • Hundred-Win Bump

    Dec 5, 2013

  • WP Athletes Receive Awards

    Dena Wood, The Times|Dec 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Cheer coach Vicki Hamman kicked off Waits­burg's Fall Sports Awards by rec­ognizing the girls that keep the en­ergy going all season long - the WP cheerleaders and Cardinal mascot, Catherine Shepherd. "It was a long season," said Hamann, "but the girls did well." Awards were voted on by the team members and the Most Improved award went to Lissette Mendoza. The two seniors and co-captains - Heidi Miller and Meara Baker - took Most Inspirational and Most Valuable, respectively. Co...

  • Snow Is Flying!

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|Dec 5, 2013

    DAYTON - Tuesday morning, folks in Dayton awoke to the first snowfall of the season. Up the river and into the woods, eleva­tion 4545 feet, the general manager of Ski Bluewood writes, "We will be firing up the snow cats to get a closer look at our slope cover­ageshellip; Think Snow!" Eight inches of new snow was reported at the base of the resort. Ten inches at the summit. "Let it snow! Let it snow!!" Nobody can predict just when Ski Bluewood will open for its 2013-2014 sea­son, but ma...

  • Ambulance Service Membership Drive

    Dec 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG - In 1973 the Waitsburg Ambulance Service formed a subscrip- tion program for ambulance services. In 2009, the State determined that the term "subscriber" was inappro- priate and the program was renamed the Waitsburg Am- bulance Service Membership Program. For a donation of $35 per year, a member and anyone living in their household, will not be required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses in relation to their care, treat- ment and transportation to a medical facility. This service applies only to the Waitsburg Ambulance Service and...

  • ‘A Labor of Love’

    Dena Wood, The Times|Dec 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG - The north end of Waitsburg's Main Street will become home to a new business just in time for the Christmas shopping season. Waitsburg couple Ray and Deb Fosnot have rented the former Delta Connection building across from the Grain Growers and will open the doors as R&D Creations on Thurs- day morning. Ray is "working on retir- ing" and hopes the new shop will provide an outlet for him to continue doing what he loves - making creations from wood. His wife Deb enjoys turning trash to...

  • County to Hold Sales Tax Hearings

    Dec 5, 2013

    DAYTON - The Colum- bia County Board of Commissioners will hold two public hearings on December 18 in the Commissioners' Of- fice in the Columbia County Courthouse. The first hearing, at 2:30 p.m., will consider an ordinance amending Title 3 of the Columbia County Code re- lating to revenue and finance to create sales and use tax for chemical dependency, men- tal health treatment services or therapeutic courts. The second hearing, at 2:45 p.m., will consider a separate ordinance, also amending Title 3, to create sales and use tax for criminal...

  • Art at Dumas Station

    Dec 5, 2013

    DAYTON - Dumas Station Wines is hosting a "Five Artists" exhibit dur- ing the next two weeks. The show features local artists, including mother & daughter Iola Bramhall and Jill Ingram, along with Judy Robertus, Monica Stobie, and Anne Strode. Mediums vary from pastels, photography, oils and acryl- ics; to mixed media and wax paintings. The sizes also vary from small tabletop con- structions and 8" x 10" paint- ings, to larger paintings and mixedmediaupto3x4feet. The Dumas Station Winery at 36229 Highway 12 will be open and the artwork avail-...

  • Ladles of Love

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|Dec 5, 2013

    DAYTON - What would you do with an extra day? The members of Dayton's First Congregational Church decided they would use it to provide care, comfort and hot food to the community. So on February 29, 2012, Pastor Marj Johnston and her congregation provided their first free community soup and bread dinner. "It was meant to be a simple meal," Johnston said. "A safe place and a good, hot meal. We wanted to create a place of welcome at a time of year when people tend to be isolated." Dozens of...


    Dec 5, 2013

    December 6: Janet Unholz, Judy Reser, Christine Ezell. December 7: John Fenton Mason, Jeff Flores, Trey Cole, Hilary Hogan, Heidi Potolicchio. December 8: Ruth Senter, Lisa Patton, Cliff Griffin, Abby Michels. December 9: Russ Hays, Jerry Jeremiah, Jim Bird, Patty Hernandez, Ray Meier, Sarah Reser. December 10: Grant Woodworth, Bess Ammerman, Ron Thompson, Diane Fry, Sara Lytle, Lydia Fancuillo. December 11: Carl Baker, Robert Ezell, Tim May- berry, Niko Matthee, Caleb Solis. December 12: Ernest Brunson, John Archer, Allen Huwe, Chad Fry, Dawn...


    Pioneer Portraits|Dec 5, 2013

    Ten Years Ago December 11, 2003 Amanda McKinley of Waitsburg is graduating in less than four years (3.8 grade point average) through the WSU Honors Collee with a bachelor's degree in crop science. She will be among the students that will be recognized during the ceremony by WSU President V. Lane Rawlins. After the Tinman got his heart, the Scarecrow got his brain and the Cowardly Lion got his "cuh-hourage!" in the Touchet Valley Arts Council's production of "The Wizard of Oz," Mark Franklin of Dayton got his answer. The question he posed, with...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Dec 5, 2013

    A fter a great thanksgiving dinner and family not want- ing to take leftovers on the airplane, my refrigerator is stuffed with endless menu possibilities. This time of year, I love a toasted grilled turkey and cheese sandwich and, depending on the extra fillings, I'll eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have found it doesn't matter what kind of bread you use for a pan grilled sandwich, just be sure it's a bread of good quality and cut to a one-inch thickness. The bread's thickness lets the sandwich filling's moisture absorb and the...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Dec 5, 2013

    The price of wheat revealed by the Chicago markets since August/September of 2013 has been through quite a swing, starting from around $6.35 at harvest lows, moving up to $7.10 or so in October, then returning to the lows again in November. That is up and down 75 cents per bushel each way in about 2 months. The Chicago contract is a globally watched price and a good wheat price bellwether, although in this case, Pacific Northwest white wheat traded all the way through the period without a twitch or bobble. The price in September 5th was about...

  • Turkey Bingo

    Dec 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG -Turkey Bingo will take place at Town Hall at 4 p.m. on December 7. Doors open at 3 p.m. Turkey Bingo is a fundraiser sponsored by the Waitsburg American Legion Auxiliary Unit #35....

  • Kid’s Night to Shop

    Dec 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG - Waits- burg's Annual Kid's Night to Shop will take place Wednes- day, Dec. 11 at Town Hall from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Kids can receive help shopping for gifts -- most priced at under $10. Rainbow Girls, Waits- burg FFA and Waitsburg LEO Club members will be on hand to help children select gifts and to offer free gift wrapping. No parents are allowed, though they are welcome to wait for their children in the Fireside Room. Refreshments will be available. Those interested in having a table at Kid's Night to Shop should contact Rose...

  • Waitsburg School Bands Christmas Concert

    Dec 5, 2013

    WAITSBURG -Waits- burg School's Christmas Concert, featuring all four school bands will take place Monday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Waitsburg High School auditorium. The 5th graders will perform their first concert ever with versions of Jingle Bells, Good King Wenceslas, and other favorites. The 6th grade band will present Jingle Jolly Christmas, Up On the Housetop, and a mysterious piece called Ancient Hunt- ers. Preston Hall's middle schoolers will perform New World Symphony, Wynd- ham Festival Overture, the beautiful African Drum...

  • Sheriff’s Round Table Date Change

    Dec 5, 2013

    PRESCOTT - A new meeting date and time has been set for the Sheriff's Round Table Community Meetings for Prescott, Waits- burg and surrounding areas. The December 5 meeting has been moved to Monday, December 9 at 3 p.m. at the Prescott School District office, 207 S. "A" Street in Prescott. This will be a meeting with the Port of Walla Walla and the WA Dept. of Trans- portation regarding traf- fic safety issues. Directly following the meeting, the Sheriff will be available for questions and comments. Each quarter, the Sher- iff and/or a member...

  • Winery & Inn Raise Funds for Women’s Shelter

    Dec 5, 2013

    WALLA WALLA - Cam- eo Heights Mansion and Saviah Cellars are joining together in a No Room at the Inn campaign to raise funds to support victims of domestic violence this holiday season and to ensure that there IS room at the inn. The fundraiser that includes giveaways of room stays, gift certificates and magnum bottles of Estate Syrah hopes to generate over $4375 in funds for the STEP Walla Walla Women's Shelter. Beginning December 3 from noon to 1 p.m., for seven consecutive days, lo- cal selected businesses will have envelopes to hand out...


    Dec 5, 2013

    Waitsburg 11-29 Malicious mischief; rocks were thrown at south side ofHigh School causing damage to door and window. Dayton 11-26 Driver booked and released on Driving Without a License3rd degree. Vehicle prowl, cans of smokeless tobacco taken.Two vehicles were egged on E. Spring Street. Suspiciousactivity was reported and extra patrols requested on PatitAvenue. Vehicle vandalized on E. Dayton Avenue, back win- dow broken. Vehicle prowl on E. Patit Avenue, stereo taken.Report of hitchhikers jumping in front of highway traffic,deputies unable...

  • Governor Supports STEM

    Dec 5, 2013

    REDMOND, Wash. - Gov. Jay Inslee and leaders from Washington's business and education communities called Monday for continued improvement and coordi- nation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education for all students. Speaking at Washing- ton STEM's annual STEM Summit on Microsoft's Red- mond campus, Inslee pointed to the unmet need for STEM workers in the state's many technology-dependent businesses, from established companies like McKinstry and Microsoft to biotech startups working on innova- tive new medicines. " We've...

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