Sorted by date Results 26 - 47 of 47
WAITSBURG - Routes were set, T-shirts and posters were designed, an insurance waiver - believed to be the biggest obstacle - was in hand. But then the Waitsburg Celebration Days (WCD) Committee learned that the planned May 17 Dead Man's Hand ATV Poker Run was not approved to take place on Walla Walla County roads. An April 29 letter to the committee from County Commissioner Perry Dozier explained that the Walla Walla County Public Works Department had denied the request. WCD organizers quickly...
DAYTON -- The Columbia County Democrats elected new officers at their monthly meeting in February. Officers include: County Chair - Cathy Lee- Haight; Vice-Chair - Heather Hiebert; State Committeeman - Dain Nysoe; Secretary - Brenda North; Treasurer - Marj Johnston. Meetings are held the first Monday of each month. Email for information....
DAYTON - Columbia County Health Systems (CCHS) will spend the month of May focusing on women ' s health iss ues as part of the Columbia County Wellness Project. So far, the Project has addressed diabetes, tobacco cessation, heart health, drug abuse and alcohol abuse. The big event for May is a Women's Show that will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Liberty Theater on May 17. The intent of the Women's Show is for women to be empowered and encouraged to be their healthiest and feel great...
DAYTON - In response to the Columbia County Health Department's focus on Women's Health for the month of May, Dawn Meicher, ARNP, of the Waitsburg Clinic shared updated cervical and breast cancer screening recommendations with The Times. According to Meicher, it is now recommended that the first PAP test be done three years after engaging in unprotected sex or age 21, with annual PAP's until age 30. However, after three tests with normal results, testing may be slowed to every three years and can be discontinued at around age 70, if testing...
Dear Editor: I am very concerned about the looming loss of use of the fairgrounds to horseback riders. Our adult daughter, impacted by cerebral palsy since birth, has just begun riding every Sunday afternoon. It is the day of the week she most looks forward to because of her love of horses and riding. She enjoys her teacher, Leanne and her helpers and appreciates how they've helped her improve her flexibility and mobility. Megan's ability to stand, walk, separate her legs, unclaw her toes, or flatten her feet are limited by her CP. Horseback ri...
Dear Editor: Thanks to Dena Wood for her article regarding Senior Projects. Tiffany Stewart must have done an outstanding job preparing her senior project about ending the State Board of Education graduation requirement for a culminating/senior project. It may have been different had there been more publicity about the original legislative hearing so legislators could have heard other points of view on the issue. It's interesting that Ms. Stewart's arguments were not enough for the original bill (to end the senior project requirement) to pass o...
I n May, school is in an odd state of flux, simultaneously grinding to a halt and picking up pace for the gauntlet of finals, cumulative projects, and standardized tests that daunt sojourners on the scenic footpath to summer. Spring sports have their playoffs (or whatever that equivalent may be); clubs go to their state conventions. In other words, May is busy, but somehow it doesn't feel busy. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the promise of three months of lusciously uninterrupted free time....
So here's a question to ponder over your morning coffee: If you had to run for re-election in order to keep your job, do you think you'd win? Would you even run? Rocky Miller and John Turner have to. Chris Miller and Debra Antes have to. Scott Marinella and John Knowlton have to. (The first two are sheriffs, the second two are assessors and the third two are judges.) And the list is much longer (see Page 2). Such is the life of the elected county official. Next week, seven county officials in...
Happy birthday to those missed last week: May 1: Josh Smith, Jennifer Jameson, Adam Erikson, Troy Larsen, Corinne Atkinson and Barbara Saxon Abbey. May 2: Kevin Davis, Patsy Fredericks, Bill Hopwood, Roger Hillis and TerriLynn Stensgar. May 3: Alexander Reese, Hanna Becker, Dorothy Wolfe and Andrew Peterson. May 4: Liya Senter, Tom Land, Anna Ray and Ashley Janovich. May 5: Jim Tuttle, Dian McQuade, Pamela Parsons, Todd Wood, Rhiannon Chapman, Kin Hofer, Kelly Thomas Ward, Jim Crawford and Kathryn Fry. May 6: Scott and Ellie Johnson, Betty...
Dayton April 29 Harassment reported on E. Richmond Avenue. Report of children harassing another child on E. Patit Avenue. Abandoned vehicle on Clay Street. Vehicle prowl with gun stolen on E. Main Street. April 30 Restraining order violation on E. Richmond Avenue. Panhandling reported on E. Main Street. Vehicle prowl on E. Main Street; male subject arrested. Trespassing reported on Starveout Road. Non-injury vehicle vs. deer accident on Highway 12. May 1 Abandoned vehicle notice placed at E. Dayton Avenue. Deer with broken leg reported at...
8 Dayton Lions Club Delaney Building 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. The Neuroscience of Addiction Liberty Theater, Dayton 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Join the Coalition for Youth & Families as they spend an evening with Dr. Kevin McCauley who will share how the brain constructs pleasurable experiences and what happens when this process goes wrong. Columbia County Planning Meeting Columbia County Planning Office (114 S. 2nd) 7 p.m. 10 Saturday Market Blue Mountain Station, Dayton 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A farmer's-style market with artisan foods, locally made wine and...
WA L LA WAL LA COUNTY -- Walla Walla County is seeking persons interested in filling a vacancy on the Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days Board of Directors that has been created due to the death of Mike Humphreys. Board terms are three years, with members eligible to serve up to a maximum of three terms (nine years). Members of the fair board meet once a month, or as needed; however, members perform board-related duties approximately ten hours a month during the year, then at a minimum, sixty hours a month in the weeks just before, during, and...
Walla Walla County (Four-year term, paratisan) Commissioner 3 Gregory A Tompkins Assessor Debra Antes Auditor Karen Martin Clerk Kathy Martin Coroner Richard Greenwood Prosecuting Attorney James L. Nagle Sheriff John Turner Treasurer Gordon Heimbigner Walla Walla Co. District Court (Four-year term, non-partisan) District Court Judge - Full Time John Knowlton...
Archie Elden Lindsey was born June 28, 1922, in LaJunta Colorado to Ralph and Mary B. Butler Lindsey. He grew up during the Dust Bowl times in a financially strapped family. He often told stories of the little they had as children especially when it came to food. He went through school there through the 8^th grade. Despite his lack of schooling, he was capable of carrying on a conversation, while calculating in his head the exact number of bricks or blocks it would take to do a certain job. He...
Ten Years Ago May 13, 2004 Thirteen students from Christine Pearson's 2003-2003 sixth grade class boarded a school bus in Waitsburg last Thursday, heading to Ft. Lewis to join family and friends in welcoming home the 159th aviation reiment from a year-long tour in Iraq. Jessica Huxoll trailed Asotin's Rachel Gundy for most of the anchor leg of the girls' 4X400, then caught her at the finish line, edging the Asotin team by one-one hundredth of a second for second place. Other members of the team are Natasha Montgomery, Brittany Zuger and Haly...
WAITSBURG - The Frog Hollow Band - voted Best Local Band in the Union Bulletin's People's Choice Awards the last four years running - is becoming as much a part of the fabric of the Touchet Valley as wheat fields, Walla Walla Sweets, fine wine and hot air balloons. The band will say "thank you" to their supportive fans with a free party on May 31at 7 p.m. at the Walla Walla Elks Lodge, in celebration of the release of their CD album titled "Days Like These." Singer/songwriter Zach Winters of...
DAYTON - Candidates around Washington State will file for elective office next week. The state's official filing period runs from May 12 through 16. Walla Walla and Columbia Counties both have a large number of offices open this year. In both counties, the auditor, assessor, clerk, treasurer, sheriff and prosecutor positions are open this year. Walla Walla County also has a separate elected coroner position open. All are for four-year terms. In Walla Walla County, Sheriff John Turner has...
WAITSBURG - Waitsburg Public Works Director Dan Katsel is one of five Washington state award winning "water pros." The first week in May is National Drinking Water Week, the week when the state Department of Health (DOH) honors the work and dedication of water system operators who work to make Washington water some of the safest and best-tasting tap water in the world, according to a DOH press release. "It takes an incredible amount of knowledge, dedication and hard work to keep water systems...