Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
CEO Shane McGuire also reports on tele-psychiatric services, palliative care DAYTON--Speaking at the Hospital District board meeting for April, CEO Shane McGuire talked about the outreach and business enhancement initiatives that he and other CCHS staff have been working on. Contracts with the University of Washington to provide psychiatric support for CCHS patients are being finalized. Plans also include provision of tele-psychiatric services, so that patients can have face-to-face time with psychiatrists, he said. “We are particularly e...
WAITSBURG – Jill Wood couldn't hold back the tears when she learned that she and her husband John had been selected the 2018 Waitsburg Celebration Days parade marshals. "It means a lot because of the history. We lived Days of Real Sport from the time the girls were selected to court in the spring until the end of September. Days of Real Sport was a huge part of our lives," said Jill, who spent 20 years chaperoning DRS courts with John by her side. John and Jill have strong community roots. T...
WALLA WALLA – Candidate filing for 2018 local and state elections opens Monday and runs through Friday. In Walla Walla County, Candidates may electronically submit declarations of candidacy through our website at: Walla Walla County candidates may also file in-person at the elections office at 310 W. Poplar St. or by mail. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Walla Walla County positions that are open this year include Assessor, Auditor, Clerk, C...
DAYTON—Columbia County Public Works Director Andrew Woods has accepted a job in Olympia, where he will be the compliance and data manager at the state’s County Road Administration Board. “What I will miss most are my co-workers and the community,” said Woods. Woods is also proud of the grant funds the county has received for road and bridge projects and for fleet and facility modernization during his time with Columbia County, he said. Woods has served as Columbia County Engineer since January 2006. He said his last day on the job will be June...
Ten Years Ago - May 15, 2008 On this 95th year of the Days of Real Sport, the Parade Marshals are Erma Lee Smith, her son Glen and Erma Lee;s grandson and Glen’s son, Greg, all in the honor of the Smith family’s long history of involvement and support of the annual race weekend. The annual community celebration plans to entertain its friends and neighbors from near and far with a parade and two days of Quarter horse and thoroughbred horse racing and plenty of after-hours fun. Photo caption: A Walla Walla couple believes they had a close enc...
Evan and Kayla Eaton, of Dayton, welcome their beautiful new daughter, Ash Lynae Eaton. She was born April 24, 2018 at 1:08 a.m. She weighed 7.2 lbs., and was 19.5 inches long. Ash is the 7th generation Eaton to reside in Columbia County. Proud Great Grandparents are Wilbur and Audrey Eaton. Sublime Great Great Grandmother is Verla "Grams" Rouse....
POMEROY – The May Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon will be held at the Pataha Flour Mill (50 Hutchens Hill Rd.) in Pomeroy on May 16 at 11:30 a.m. The meal will be catered by Louise Von Vogt and Crew and is $10. Reservations are requested by May 11 to Judy at 509-399-2005. Karon Heineman from Sherwood, Ore., will share the truths she learned when “I Remember Grandma” triggered a new thought process. Holley Wood from Starbuck will play the Dulcimer and share her history playing the instrument. Jon Von Vogt will also provide special enterta...
The Walla Walla Elks Lodge awarded $500 Nicholas Memorial Grant scholarships to Waitsburg High School students Brandon Boudrieau, Cade Branson and Thomas House. Dayton High School senior Cole John was awarded the $500 Walla Walla Elks Lodge Vocational Grant as well as a $1,000 scholarship from the Washington State Elks Association....
WAITSBURG – Waitsburg Chapel will host evangelist/prophet Rev. John Weatherly on Mother’s Day weekend. Meetings are Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. Weatherly has ministered in Walla Walla, Olympia, Yakima and Hermiston. He has also ministered on Native American reservations across the U.S. and Canada. The Waitsburg Chapel is located at 320 W. Second St. For more information, contact Pastor Jim Daves at (509) 337-6235 or (509) 386-7785....
DAYTON - TVAC Productions and the Liberty Theater will hold an open meeting on May 23 at 6:30 pm in the theater to share information about this year’s fall musical production of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” This year’s director is Brenda Henderson. Details about the show, production dates and rehearsals will be shared, as well as all the information performers need to prepare for auditions June 4, 6 and 7. There are a variety of roles for all ages in this production, and opportunities for assisting with set construction, stage c...
DAYTON – Dayton’s First Congregation Church is hosting a resource workshop for youth mental health first aid on May 21, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. A trainer from Quality Behavioral Health in Clarkston will lead the program. This workshop will introduce unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health challenges in adolescents. It is geared to teach people how to support youth, who are showing signs of mental stress. “In one week’s time we had three young people threaten to harm themselves,” said Congregational Church Pastor Marj John...
May 10: Walter Vennum, Mary Davis, Kristin Mock, Peggy Hall, and Justin Zuger. May 11: Evelyn Ladd, Vance Price, Donna Hempel, Lynda Patton, Liv Leid, Ronald Leinbach and Melissa Ferrians. May 12: Katy Leid, Erin Dutton, Kazmira Grende, Jonathan Abbey. May 13: Lola Spirotas, Terry Bloor, Kevin Moormann, Jack Gawith and Lavina Meyer. May 14: Daniel Thomas Reese, Marge Tabor, Maggie Pietila, Lynna Larsen, Lee Fisk, Marilyn Robert, Barbara Wood, Suzie Payne, Debbie Fisher, Brian McKenzie and Alison Huwe. May 15: Pete Rohde, Charlie McCown,...
DAYTON – Beginning Thursday night and running for two weekends, the Liberty Theater lifts the curtain on this year's May Melodrama, "A Bad Day at Gopher's Breath." The setting is the Old West. The notorious Rawlins gang is getting ready to ride into Gopher's Breath to rob the bank. Never particularly adept in their careers as outlaws, the gang is finding success particularly difficult this time around, with the town's corrupt sheriff also in pursuit of the loot. Thrown into the mix are a b...
Dear Editor, I believe most would agree the discussion of the fate of the Waitsburg Fairgrounds Grandstands has been going on for too many years. Differing views by members of the latest Grandstand Committee regarding public support for the grandstands resulted in the recent Advisory Vote. The results of that vote left little doubt as to the “will of the people” but now even that is being questioned by some. If the Waitsburg City Council is still not willing to accept and act on the outcome of the advisory vote may I offer one final sug...
Dear Editor, There is a virus spreading across America. It harms the 1 in 5 Americans affected by mental health conditions. It shames them into silence. It prevents them from seeking help. In some cases, it takes lives. What virus are we talking about? It’s stigma. Stigma against people with mental health conditions. But there’s good news. Stigma is 100% curable. Compassion, empathy and understanding are the antidote. Your voice can spread the cure. May is Mental Health Month and Blue Mountain Counseling is raising awareness in the role men...
RICHLAND – The Dayton-Waitsburg softball team began their first round of EWAC District playoffs at Columbia Field here on a high note, winning in a rout over Lyle-Wishram-Klickitat, 15-0, in a mercy-rule-shortened three-inning game. However, DW lost a heartbreaker in their second game, falling to Liberty Christian 11-9 in eight innings. In the first game, DW took a 4-0 lead into the bottom of the third inning before exploding for 11 runs to end the game on the 15-run rule. DW had 10 hits, and pitcher Megan Robins gave up no hits against LWK. E...
DAYTON--There are some timely reminders coming from the WSU Dayton Extension Office regarding noxious weed control, 4-H and local crop tours. The county's Noxious Weed Control Coordinator, Rachel Hutchens, said the Weed Control Board is funded by county assessment, and there is some cost sharing available, for chemical costs, application costs, or both, to control of some of the county's worst noxious weeds. They include yellow star thistle, Japanese and Bohemian knotweed, leafy spurge and...
DAYTON-Audrey Bensel joined the Dayton Chamber of Commerce staff last month as assistant manager. She will share duties running the office in Downtown Dayton with newly hired director Melissa Bryan. Bensel was circulations manager at the Dayton Chronicle for about a year, before accepting the Chamber position. "This is right up my alley," she said. "I like to host parties." Bensel grew up in Dayton and graduated from Dayton High. She went on to WSU and graduated with a BA in Theater Arts in...
I really like that time of year when I can start making desserts with fresh fruit, and rhubarb is usually the first to be used. One either loves rhubarb, or like my son, never acquired a taste for it. My mom would often make a rhubarb sauce, to be eaten with fresh cream, or plain in my case. I like to add strawberries and/or blueberries occasionally. We have a huge rhubarb plant, so we can have it as often as we like, or share it. While looking up the nutritional value of rhubarb, I found it is a vegetable, not a fruit, so I stand corrected. I...