Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 37
WAITSBURG-Pat Mohney will trade in his traditional behind-the-scenes role in the Waitsburg Celebration Days parade to take a seat front-and-center as this year's parade marshal. He was selected by the Celebration Days parade committee for his years of volunteerism and service in the Waitsburg community and his ongoing involvement with the Days of Real Sport and Celebration Days. Mohney moved to Waitsburg in the second grade and has made it his home ever since, staying to raise his two sons,...
WAITSBURG—In an attempt to retain students who might otherwise attend Running Start or SEATech, as well as address budgeting issues, the Waitsburg High School Board of Directors unanimously approved aligning Waitsburg School District graduation requirements with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) requirements at its April 18 board meeting. OSPI alignment The move was made to allow room for additional electives that may be more appealing to students. The change will also a...
DAYTON—At last week’s regular city council meeting, City Administrator Trina Cole spoke about a meeting that recently took place between city officials and representatives from Washington Water Trust and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The entities discussed the city’s proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWT), water quality issues, and a willingness on the part of WWT and the Tribes to pay for improvements at the current wastewater facility, to keep water, in, or ne...
There it is. You’ve got a gadget, all new tech, fresh out of its box, it’s shiny, it’s sleek. Isn’t it amazing they can make these so small? That’s technology for you. As devices of all kinds become a staple in our everyday lives, so to are technical difficulties. Do you know what they call people who fix Apple computers? Geniuses. As if it isn’t troubling enough to require assistance at all, you go to a Genius Bar and for [at least] $250 they will troubleshoot and fix computer hang ups. Best B...
Ten Years Ago May 21, 2009 It was Hot N Sunny in the First Race…..and the second…and the third…all the way to Sunday’s Queen’s Derby, with Chilly Wind a long shot that never got out of the gate for both days of the 2009 running of Waitsburg’s Days of Real Sport. The 91st Annual Dayton Days kicks off Friday with something for everyone, old and young. Friday is Family Night-just $20 gets the entire family into Pro West Rodeo with a Mutton Bustin’ event. Dayton Days 2009 Queen Brittany Prince is th...
May 11 Assist: A vehicle was stopped for suspicion of DUI on Hwy 12 and Dewitt Rd. Washington State Patrol took over the investigation. May 2 Warrant Service: A man was arrested on two misdemeanor warrants in the 900 block of Preston Ave....
The public is invited to join the Columbia County Friends of the Fairgrounds (CCFF) and 200 volunteers from the Latter Day Saints church, region-wide, for “Make-a-Difference-Day” on May 18 from 8 a.m. - noon. The fairgrounds and facilities will receive a major clean up and repair, according to Julia Mead, President of the CCFF. Some of the tasks include interior and exterior painting, cleaning and repair of the west grandstands and providing for general maintenance and repair. Anyone interested in helping can pick up a volunteer app...
DAYTON—Experience the daily life of a Dayton family from the early 1900s. On Sat., May 25 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., the Boldman House Museum at 410 N. First St. in Dayton, will demonstrate both old-fashioned chores and old-fashioned fun. Children can plant flowers in the Boldman Garden, do laundry with a tub and washboard, and make rope. They can also make butter, learn about old-time tools, try a reel mower and grind coffee. Visitors will discover how to cook with cast iron Dutch ovens and, starting around 11:30, there will be peach cobbler to...
Friday, 17 B: French Toast L: Pizza, Baby Carrots, Garden Salad, Pineapple Monday, 20 B: Scrambled Eggs & Sausage L: Hamburger ona Bun, Dark Green Leaf Lettuce, Tomato Slice, Oven Friens, Strawberries & Bananas Tuesday, 21 B: Biscuit & Gravy L: Chicken Cordon Bleu, Asparagus, Garden Salad, Blueberries Wednesday, 22 B: Cinnamon Roll L: Bean & Cheese Burrito, Spanish Rice, Cucumbers, Pineapple Thursday, 23 B: Breakfast Sandwich L: Chicken Nuggets, JoJos, Tossed Salad, Oranges...
May 17: William Keith, Sally Geiger, Kurt Wittman, Elizabeth Mech, Eric Keith, Drew Bennett and Janelle Meier, Jimmy Dunleavy. May 18: Becky Hodges, Dinah Lindsey, Virginia Reece, Vicki Ruley, Tessa Dutton, Tyler Knox, Sean Stonecipher-Sollars. May 19: Gerald Hawks, Tom Western, Gerald Collingwood, Terry John, Everett White, Walter Richard White, Joan Summers and Jimmy Crawford. May 20: Nektarios Reese, Wanda E. Johnson, Brandee Wheeler, Don Glover, Greg Reser, Judy Largent, Lyndsey Huwe and Vickie Hamann. May 21: Paul Powers, Johnathan Quigg...
Washtucna School District is seeking a full time 4th & 5th Grade Teacher for the 2019-20 school year. Washington State Teaching Certificate required. Interested applicants must submit a District Certificated Application Form (available at, Letter of Application, Resume, three letters of Recommendation, Placement File from Degree-Granting Institution and copy of Teaching Certificate to Washtucna School District, Attn: Vance Wing, 730 E. Booth Ave., Washtucna, WA 99371. Open until filled. Washtucna School District is an equa...
With the dust settling from the 2019 legislative session, the focus is assessing the impacts on taxpayers and our economy. Our state’s budget grew by a whopping 17.5 percent, which is one of the largest increases ever. Gov. Jay Inslee and his Democrat colleagues who controlled the legislature came to Olympia last January set on raising taxes despite higher than projected revenue collections. “Rather than looking for cost savings, lawmakers chose to raise more than $1 billion in new taxes over the next two years and $2.5 billion over four yea...
Dear Editor, Waitsburg Celebration Days is fast approaching. The reason for it was to maintain the date formerly held by Days of Real Sport after horse racing disappeared from the local scene. Volunteers are the key to the success of these events. Waitsburg Commercial Club proposed doing something to reserve the third weekend in May and the result was Waitsburg Celebration Days. Many of those involved with the weekend’s events are “retiring” due to various reasons. Walt & Gwen Gobel have co-chaired the Parade Committee for many years and this...
WAITSBURG-Community members are joining hands to put on a taco feed fundraiser and silent auction for longtime Waitsburg resident and Class of 2012 WHS graduate Cadman Donovan who was injured in a dirt bike accident on May 3. The dinner will take place at the Lions Club Building at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds from 4-7 p.m. on Wed., May 29. Dinner will include tacos, salads and desserts and a suggested donation is $10/person. Donovan suffered injuries that required him to be LifeFlighted to Sacred...
DAYTON—The Liberty Theater is in search of a piano accompanist for the Missoula Children’s Theater, August 5-10. That person will need to meet with the MCT directors the morning of Aug. 5, then attend rehearsals on only Wed., Aug. 7 and Thurs., Aug. 8 from 10:30-12:30 and for the two performances, Fri. Aug. 9 at 7 p.m. and Sat., Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. The music score is at a simple intermediate level. The theater is also in need of community members willing to host an MCT director. There are two directors, and each must have their own room for the...
WALLA WALLA—Sports physicals will be offered to students in grades 6 to 11 in all area schools on May 21 from 3-7 p.m. in the Walla Walla High School Big Gym. No appointments are needed. The exams will be performed by Providence Medical Group providers. The Providence St. Mary Rehabilitation Department, Providence Medical Group, Providence St. Mary Foundation and the Walla Walla Public Schools are partnering to provide the free exams. Students under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or come with the release and health h...
The month of May has been designated National Foster Parent Appreciation Month. There are nearly 9,000 children currently in foster care in Washington State. Children enter foster care at no fault of their own and most have endured some form of abuse of neglect which made conditions unsafe to remain in their home. Thankfully, there are caring adults who choose to become foster parents. Foster parents are willing to open their hearts and homes to the children in foster care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Foster parents provide the safety, love...
The Dayton Kiwanis hosted the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Dayton City Park. Dayton High School Honor Society students filled more than 1,000 plastic eggs with candy. Those who found the “Golden Eggs” received special prizes. Student applications have been received for $4,000 in Kiwanis scholarships to be presented at the Dayton High Commencement. Our next community events include the Dayton Days Rodeo on May 25th and All Wheels Weekend on June 14th - 16th. And, a ‘Shred Day’ will happen on June 29th at HomeStreet Bank with a shred truck a...
Did someone do a good deed or somehow make your day? Email with the subject line "Cheers" and we'll aknowledge them here. Cheers! To the Broughton Land Company crew that cleaned up trash along Patit Road in preparation for the Lewis & Clark walk. Cheers! To the local Girl Scouts who volunteered to serve at the fundraising dinner for Cadman Donovan. Also, to the many community members who are pitching in to help one of their own. Cheers! To the Waitsburg volunteer...
Waitsburg High School alumnus Bertha (Porier) Clayton was named Vice President of the Washington State University Alumni Association earlier this month....
WAITSBURG-As longtime volunteer firefighters retire and fresh faces fail to fill the void, the local volunteer pool continues to dwindle. With less than 20 active volunteer firefighters and four EMTs, Columbia-Walla Walla Fire No. 2 is actively recruiting new volunteers. Two events are planned over the next weeks to introduce interested parties to the department and volunteerism. An open house is planned at the station on Main Street in Waitsburg, following the Waitsburg Celebration Days...
Nobody likes deprivation, being without, suffering a lack of something needed. But sometimes, our very hardships are what make the difference, prompting us to wrack our brains for a creative solution. This is the option Walla Walla artist David Partridge took 60 years ago when his 4th grade teacher assigned the class to each carve a buffalo out of Ivory soap. "My family did not have the money for a bar of Ivory Soap," Partridge recalls. "The teacher, Mrs. Hill, wanted to know what I was going...
Leid has spent 15 years teaching at Waitsburg High School where he graduated in 1969 WAITSBURG-For Jim Leid, advocating for students and staff has been a priority throughout his teaching career. After 15 years teaching math at Waitsburg High School, Leid will retire from teaching, but hopes to maintain a voice in the community. Leid was raised in Waitsburg and is proud to say he has lived here is entire life here, aside from a short stint in his toddlerhood when his father, former Waitsburg Mayo...
PULLMAN, Wash.-Fifteen Waitsburg FFA members attended the 89th Washington FFA convention in Pullman over May 9-11 under the direction of Advisor Nicole Abel. "Along with the various contests and volunteer duties the students had, they participated in a leadership workshop of their choice, attended four general assembly session that heard keynote speakers from state and national officers as well as award recognitions, watched the WSU/UCLA baseball game, ate Ferdinand's ice cream, and experienced...
WALLA WALLA—Pacific Power presents the Off-Broadway touring production of Menopause The Musical at Gesa Power House Theatre with five performances August 1-4. Menopause The Musical is a joyous celebration of women who are on the brink of, in the middle of, or have survived “The Change.” Four women meet in a New York department store at a lingerie sale with nothing in common but a black lace bra...and memory loss, hot flashes, night sweats, not enough sex, too much sex, and more! This hilarious musical parody is set to classic tunes from the ...