Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the May 21, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • A Sesquicentennial Success

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 21, 2015

    WAITSBURG–Waitsburg Celebration Days kicked into gear with a well-attended parade on Saturday morning, and partied on until The FrogHollow Band introduced their new lead singer just before midnight at the Burgers, Band & Brews event at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds. The fun-filled day offered enjoyment for everyone – art lovers, beer guzzlers and mud slingers alike. This year's patriotic parade boasted an impressive 68 entries. Fifteen of those were from Shriners clubs from the Columbia Basin, Spoka...

  • County Considers Port Development

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|May 21, 2015

    DAYTON – Port of Columbia Manager Jennie Dickinson is quite proud of the document she shared with The Times last week – the Blue Mountain Station Development Agreement. She and planning consultant Bill Stalzer collaborated at length to produce this "road map" for the Port's continued commercial development on Artisan Way. "This document explains in detail how everything we have planned at Blue Mountain Station fits within the county's current comprehensive development plan and zoning res...

  • Mule Mania & Dayton Days This Weekend

    May 21, 2015

    DAYTON – Memorial Day weekend will feature a buzz of activity this year the likes of which haven't been seen since the end of pari-mutuel horse racing several years ago. As the historic Dayton Days celebration has dwindled to a festive, but simple, downtown parade, event organizers have hatched a plan to rekindle the weekend excitement and provide a new opportunity for a blossoming event, Mule Mania. Mule Mania Beginning this year, Mule Mania will fill the Columbia County Fairgrounds with f...

  • Candidate Filing Closes; Some Positions Still Open

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    DAYTON – Numerous non-partisan offices opened for filing last week in Columbia and Walla Walla Counties. Filing closed Friday. Positions included those in the City of Dayton, Dayton and Waitsburg School Districts, Columbia County Health System, Port of Columbia and area fire districts. A special extended filing period will be held Wednesday through Friday next week for those positions that received no filers last week. For more information, contact the auditor's office in either county. For p...

  • Pioneer Portraits - May 251, 2015

    May 21, 2015

    Ten Years Ago May 26, 2015 The Class of 2005 of Waitsburg High School will hold commencement exercises at 8 p.m. Friday, June 10, 2005. The ceremony will be held on Kison Court. Twenty-three members of the class will receive diplomas. Giving the valedictory address will be Jill Bickelhaupt, who maintained a 4.0 g.p.a. during her four years of high school. Salutatorian of the Class of 2005 is Gabriel Kiefel, who finished with a 3.884 g.p.a. The Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee float, a replica of the mill built by Ed Lawrence and...

  • Waitsburg school Breakfast/Lunch

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    4: French Toast; Ham & Cheese Pockets, Cookie 25: No School – Memorial Day 26: Biscuit & Gravy; Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza 27: Longjohn; Nachos 28: Egg, Sausage, Hash Browns; Hot Ham & Cheese...

  • Police Notes - May 21, 2015

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    Waitsburg Nothing to report. Dayton May 10 Resident on Patit Road awoken by someone knocking on the door; requested deputies check the area, but they were unable to locate anyone. May 11 Suspicious black SUV reportedly parked near the school on E. Park Street; vehicle left before a deputy could respond. Possible violation of a no-contact order reported on E. Mustard Street. Caller on W. Main Street reporting assault, claiming he was kicked in the back by another resident. May 12 Theft of chainsaw and sound system speakers from Columbia County...

  • Birthdays - Week of May 21

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    May 22: Nancy Startin, Victor Langdon, Kathryn Kirk and Reed Olsen. May 23: Allen Ford, Greg Bichsel, Kathy Maioli, Elizabeth Hermanns and Bill Box. May 24: Bob Patton, Guy McCaw, Amanda Short, Amanda Higgins and Alexander LeClerc. May 25: Bill Hinchliffe, Holly Foster, Jason Payne, Wes Leid, George J. Robinson, Greg Leid, Abby Grende and Iris Reed. May 26: Hannah Perry, Pam Hermanns, Rob John and Pamela Gluck. May 27: Betty Maxwell, Sherrie Erikson, Michelle Anderson, Floyd Strohmaier, Mathew Conrath, Allen Robertson and Laisha Archer. May...


    Mayor Walt Gobel, The Times|May 21, 2015

    Dear Citizens of Waitsburg, Thank you for supporting our 2015 Waitsburg Celebration Days and celebration of our 150th anniversary of Waitsburg! It was a great turnout for everything. As Mayor of this “one of a kind” city, I was so proud of the weekend, but most of all, thanks to the many, many volunteers that made it happen. I am referring to the Waitsburg Celebration Board and committee members. The committee consists of the following very faithful members: Robbie Johnson serves as vice president, Marianne Newell as secretary, Deanne Joh...

  • Emma Philbrook: STUDENT LIFE

    Emma Philbrook, The Times|May 21, 2015

    As the end of my high-school career draws closer, people are asking me more and more frequently whether this column will continue once I leave for college. Unfortunately, the demanding coursework awaiting me as a freshman at Whitman will consume most of my free time, and so it will most likely be well-nigh impossible for this piece to continue in its current format. However, I have several ideas for utilizing this space in an entertaining manner well into the future, and I wanted to run them...

  • Waitsburg Memorial Day Program

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg’s annual American Legion Memorial Day program will take place, Monday, May 25 at 11 a.m. at the Waitsburg City Cemetery. The program will recognize Karen (Huwe) Mohney who was instrumental in building the Veterans Memorial Wall, located at the cemetery. The American Legion Auxiliary will provide a potato bar luncheon at the Waitsburg Elementary School multipurpose room following the program....

  • Community Yard Sale

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    WAITSBURG – The first Saturday in June marks Waitsburg’s 18th annual community-wide yard sale. For this year’s June 6 event, it’s free to be listed on the yard sale map, but the deadline is coming quick. To be included in the free directory printed in next week’s issue email by Monday, June 1, with your address....

  • Waitsburg Livestock Show and Fair

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    WAITSBURG – The deadline to enter items in Waitsburg’s 61st annual Livestock Show and Fair is just around the corner. Last year’s show boasted approximately 70 exhibitors, and the Applied Arts Building earned the coveted Washington State Fair Commission black-and-white ribbon as an outstanding display. This longstanding Waitsburg tradition – originally known as the Waitsburg Junior Livestock Show – was once open to only 4-H and FFA members, but now welcomes open class entries from youth and adults in Walla Walla County. Exhibitors compete in a...

  • Waitsburg FFA Fares Well at State

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 21, 2015

    WAITSBURG – Thirteen Waitsburg FFA members spent Thursday through Saturday at the State FFA Convention in Pullman. The team walked away with a several awards including another Nutrients for Life win. Local FFA President Mikala DeRuwe had the distinguished honor of making it to the finals as a top-10 state officer candidate. Waitsburg earned third place and a check for $1,000 for this year's Nutrients for Life Project. The project, spearheaded by DeRuwe, involved partnering with local ag c...

  • Elementary Students Bring History to Life

    Dena Wood, The Times|May 21, 2015

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg Elementary School third-grade teacher Marne Henderson loves finding unusual and exciting ways to bring learning to life for her students. Earlier this month, she accomplished that in a quite literal fashion when she challenged her students to bring historical figures to life as part of a "living museum." Henderson's students spent the last several weeks studying biographies. As a culminating project, each third grader wrote a report and dressed up as the person they were s...

  • Whiskey Creek Plans June 1 Grand Opening

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    WAITSBURG – Staff at Waitsburg's Whiskey Creek Sports Bar and Grill tested equipment and honed the menu at a soft opening earlier this week. Grill owner, Dan Cole says the restaurant's grand opening is planned for June 1. A few lucky guests were fortunate enough to taste "protein sandwiches" on Monday and seafood items on Tuesday. In addition to a massive plate of biscuit and gravy (topped off with a fried egg), Monday's guests taste-tested the Upside Down Southern (grilled chicken, smoked c...

  • 2015 Waitsburg Celebration Days Parade Winners

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    Buggy & Hitch: 1st – AJ Carriages 2nd – Walla Walla Fair Parade Marshals 3rd – Dixie Aichele Royalty: 1st –Asotin County Fair 2nd – Pendleton Round Up Court 3rd – Benton-Franklin Fair & Horse Heaven Rodeo Organizations: 1st – Friends of the Library 2nd – American Legion 3rd – Commercial Club Youth Organizations: 1st – Girl Scout Troop #531 2nd – Waitsburg Rainbow Girls Floats: 1st – Columbia County Fair 2nd – Waitsburg Class of 1980 3rd – Waitsburg Alumni Association Performance: 1st – Main Street Cowboys (Pendleton) 2nd – El Katif Sh...

  • Key to the Piano

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    Retiring Waitsburg Christian Church pastor of 25 years, Mike Ferrians, was honored in a retirement celebration on Sunday, May 17. . ....

  • Mule mania & Dayton days Events – Dayton, Washington

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    Friday, May 22 8 a.m. Mule Mania Classic (Classes 1-19) – Fairgrounds Outdoor Arena 9 a.m. Vendors Open Shops – Fairground Mall Noon-11 p.m. Beer Garden – Fairground Mall 1 p.m. Mule Mania Classic (Classes 20-33) – Fairgrounds Outdoor Arena 6 p.m. Chuck Wagon Cook-off & Dinner – Fairground Mall Saturday, May 23 9 a.m. Vendors Open Shops – Fairground Mall 10 a.m. Dayton Days & Mule Mania Parade – Main Street, Dayton 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Summer Season Opening at Blue Mountain Station Noon-12 a.m. Be...

  • Proposed Land Swap Has Neighbors Steamed

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|May 21, 2015

    DAYTON – Last week the Washington State Department of Natural Resources presented to several county residents at a public hearing its plan to sell 640 acres of land it owns in Columbia County to the Bonneville Power Administration in exchange for land deemed of equal value that BPA owns in King County. All three county residents in attendance were unhappy with DNR. Merle Jackson, a county commissioner and land owner in the rural northern part of the county where this land exchange is planned, s...

  • County Joins Purchasing Group

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|May 21, 2015

    DAYTON – Columbia County Commissioners agreed last week to sign an interlocal agreement with the Houston-Galveston Area Council, a government services organization based in Texas, through which the county may purchase product and services from other government agencies. Lisa Caldwell, emergency management director for the county, presented the agreement to commissioners last week. She hopes that joining the council will assist the county in purchasing a new 911 phone system for the Columbia Coun...

  • Memorial Events in Dayton

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    Friday, May 22: 9 a.m. installing flags and crosses on over 800 graves at the Dayton Cemetery. Everyone is welcome to help. Saturday, May 23: American Legion Post #42 Color Guard will lead the Dayton Days Parade on Main Street at 10 a.m. Monday, May 25: 7-10 a.m. veterans and friends invited to breakfast at Legion Hall, 211 E. Clay St. 11 a.m. Memorial Day ceremony at Dayton Cemetery. Tuesday, May 26: 9 a.m. Pick up crosses and flags from graves at the Dayton Cemetery. Again everyone is welcome...

  • Vote for SOS!

    Dian Ver Valen, The Times|May 21, 2015

    DAYTON – Local youth leaders are asking community members and other supporters to help save the Dayton Summer Youth Program (Summer Rec.). All supporters must do is go online to: Those who vote for SOS (Save Our Summer) will help Blue Mountain Counseling and the Coalition for Youth and Families win a $25,000 grant from State Farm Insurance. Projects that receive the most community support (the top 40 projects) through voting will b...

  • WP Boys Win Districts

    Ken Graham, The Times|May 21, 2015

    WALLA WALLA – The Waitsburg-Prescott boys won the Southeast District 9 track championship here on May 13. WP outscored a strong Asotin team, 191-148. "We had not won it two years in a row and it was a sweet win," said WP track coach Jeff Bartlow. "Kids got all excited about it. Everyone contributed and we will be sending 15 boys and one girl on to the Regionals next Friday in Spokane." Seniors Kobie Brown and Owen Lanning racked up big points in their events. Brown won the 110 and 300 meter h...

  • Andrews Wins Four Events at Districts

    The Times|May 21, 2015

    WALLA WALLA – Dayton senior Kaitlyn Andrews won all four of her events at the S.E. District 9 finals held here on May 13. In the 100 meters, Andrews led a strong Dayton field, with Bulldogs taking three of the top four positions. Angela Mascall was second and Carissa Price took fourth. All three had times under 14 seconds. Andrews also won the javelin, with a throw of 117 feet, five inches. Andrews, Mascall and Price will move on to the District 7//9 regional meet, Friday at Central Valley H...

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