Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the May 23, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • Blue Mtn. Station Gets Funds

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 23, 2013

    OLYMPIA - Thanks to a small Dayton delegation making the case before the state's Department of Com- merce here last week, Blue Mountain Station will get new funds to hook up to Dayton city sewer and en- sure that its largest prospec- tive tenant can operate in the business park. While construction of the first 6,900-square-foot build- ing began last week, Port of Columbia Manager Jennie Dickinson, future BMS tenant Reggie Mace, Dayton Chamber Director Brad Mc- Masters and Pacific Power's Bill Clemens traveled to the state capital to present...

  • Wanted: Manly Men (In Dresses)

    May 23, 2013

    I n the 1959 movie "Some Like It Hot", Jack Lem- mon and Tony Curtis play a couple of jazz musicians who accidently witness the St. Valentine's Day massacre. On the run from the mob, Jack and Tony dress up as Daphne and Josephine and join an all-girl band. Soon they become best friends with the band's vocalist, Sugar Kane, played by the voluptuous Marilyn Monroe. One of the most popular movies of the following year was "Psycho," in which Anthony Perkins murders the beautiful Janet Leigh in a...

  • Farmers Market Starts This Week

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 23, 2013

    DAYTON - Hoping to shake off its rocky past, the Dayton Farmers Market opens this Saturday with more vendors, a longer sea­son and more marketing sup­port than ever before, orga­nizers said earlier this week. "I'm super optimistic," chamber director and board member Brad McMasters said. "Everybody seems ready and positive." Organizers and vendors are so geared up this year, they're starting the seasonal outdoor market early to take advantage of crowds expect­ed to come to town for the Day...

  • District Track Meet Results

    May 23, 2013

    May 16 and 17 in Clarkston WP Boys 100 Meters - Varsity - Finals 1. 11 James Thompkins 11.56a 4. 12 Alex Dill 12.40a 5. 12 DJ Leroue 12.49a 6. 9 Kobie Brown 12.56a 200 Meters - Varsity - Finals 1. 11 James Thompkins 23.35a 5. 12 Alex Dill 25.38a 400 Meters - Varsity - Finals 1. James Thompkins 51.33a 3. Dalton LaRue 55.34a 4. Kobie Brown 56.17a 6. Kevin Aquino 56.68a 800 Meters - Varsity - Finals 4. Jada Alfred 2:11.35a 5. Tebo Martinelle 2:12.24a 1600 Meters - Varsity - Finals 2. Seth Deal 4:26.47a 6. Tebo Martinelle 4:59.56a 8. Jacob Dingfiel...

  • Sports Awards

    May 23, 2013

    Softball Most Improved: Kassidy Kuyk­endall Most Inspirational: Katy Hofer Most Valuable Players: SamMoss, Jen Nichols, Chelsey Bran­nock First Team All-League: SamMoss, Jen Nichols, Chelsey Bran­nock Baseball Most Improved: Chad Pearson Most Inspirational: Dalton Es­tes Most Valuable Player: DaltonEstes First Team All-League: ChanceLeroue, Dalton Estes Girls Track Most Improved: Beka Adams Most Inspirational: Stacia Deal Most Valuable Player : MaddyWitt Coaches Award - Joanna Lan­ning: Jada...

  • Lady Bulldogs Go to State as Fourth

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 23, 2013

    SPOKANE - If the Lady Bulldogs' last two games of the regionals tournament Saturday were a struggle, the first matchup against Colfax showed them at their best. The 9-6 victory over the other "Bulldogs" secured a seed at state and placed Dayton fourth in District 7 & 9. In the end, a three-run homer from Jessica Tate ac- counted for the three-point margin that put the Lady Dogs over the top in their game against Colfax. "It was really cool," Tate said with an "H" smeared on both cheeks for her...

  • WP Places Second In Regionals

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|May 23, 2013

    SPOKANE - While their home town celebrated 100 years of horse racing Sat­urday, the WP Tigers had a "real sport" celebration of their own 135 miles away. Fresh from wining the District 9 title in Walla Walla the previous weekend, the Waitsburg Prescott softball team proudly held up a sec­ond place regionals trophy at Merkel Field in Spokane. The Tigers placed high in the pre-state District 7 & 9 tournament after beating the Mary Walker Chargers 11-3 in the first game and cross- valley rivals Day...

  • Andrews to state in two events for Bulldogs

    May 23, 2013

  • WP Sends Eight to State

    Ken Graham, The Times|May 23, 2013

    CLARKSTON - The WP Cardinal boys came up five points short against a dominant Asotin team, fail­ing to capture the 2B District 9 team championship after six straight winning years. But the team had many out­standing performances, and they'll send eight boys to the state championships in Cheney this weekend. James Thompkins con­tinued his dominance in the sprints, winning the 100, 200 and 400 meter dashes and anchoring the winning 4 x 100 relay team. Thompkins will be one of the favorites at st...

  • Blue Mountain Land Trust “Learning the Land” Hike

    May 23, 2013

    Here's a riddle: What's smaller than a baseball, but has a huge impact on our local economy? If insects came to mind, you're on the right track! Millions of bees, beetles, and butterflies are critical to the flowers and fruits of our crops, gardens, and natural areas. Blue Mountain Land Trust invites you on a unique morning of discovery for "What's the Buzz?" On Sat- urday, May 25th at 10:00am, we'll be searching out some of the insects that pollinate our flowers. This program will be led by Sandy DeBano, an invertebrate ecologist at Oregon...

  • Farewell to the Boilers and the “Zamboni”

    Ken Graham, The Times|May 23, 2013

    DAYTON - John Hutch- ens knows exactly how many passes it takes to clean the floor of the multipurpose room at Dayton Elemen- tary School. "Thirty-three times," he said, waving his finger up and down the floor while pushing the Speed Scrub 2001 (a.k.a "Zamboni") past a crouched photographer. It wasn't between peri- ods at a hockey game, but a small crowd gathered any- way to watch, shortly after a lunch period last week, as Hutchens completed the task for one of the last times. He retired...

  • 4-Hers Take Top Honors at Show

    Jared Farley, Special To The Times|May 23, 2013

    SPOKANE - April 30 through May 5, the Waits- burg Corral Wranglers, along with other 4-H clubs from Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana, par- ticipated in the 78th annual Spokane Junior Livestock Show. Members from Waits- burg that attended were Amy Farley, Drew Farley, Jared Farley, Caleb Barron, Leigh- ton Dorman, and Seamus House. May 1, the Corral Wran- glers achieved a major ac- complishment with four of the six members placing in the top ten, while competing in livestock judging. Overall in the intermediate division, 86 exhibitors...

  • Backstage Notes

    Shauna Fletcher:|May 23, 2013

    Despite a rather hectic week of school, on Saturday I rose up early with a mission in mind. I carefully whipped on my mascara, chugged some coffee while I picked up an en- thusiastic fiancé, and together we drove to Waitsburg, where I witnessed my very first Cel- ebration Days parade. It was well worth the few hours of missed sleep. In my twenty-six years, I have enjoyed many other parades. My mom used to take me and my brother to the Christmas parade in Walla Walla, and we would gladly shiver in the cold to see Santa. We almost always...

  • Waitsburg Court on Parade

    May 23, 2013


    May 23, 2013

    May 24: Bob Patton, Guy McCaw, Amanda Short, Aman- da Higgins and Alexander LeClerc. May 25: Bill Hinchliffe, Holly Foster, Jason Payne, Wes Leid, George J. Robinson, Greg Leid and Iris Reed. May 26: Hannah Perry, Pam Hermanns, Rob John and Pamela Gluck. May 27: Betty Maxwell, Sherrie Erikson, Michelle An- derson, Floyd Strohmaier, Mathew Conrath, Allen Robert- son and Laisha Archer. May 28: Roy Phillips, Mike Snyder, Jo Wolfe, James Wright, Andrea Miller and Jessie Duckworth. May 29: David Moser, Geraine Hansen, Harry Seaton, Randall Johnson,...


    Pioneer Portraits|May 23, 2013

    Ten Years Ago May 22, 2003 The top two finishers at the District 9 track meet at WSU's Mooberry Field will advance to the state track meet May 29- 31 at Cheney. Thirteen Cardinals, under coaches Ron Hun- tington, Dave Klicker, Jeff Bartlow and Leslie Stockton, will be vying for a chance to compete at the state meet this Friday and Saturday in Pullman. Advancing from the Blue Mountain League meet (sub-district) meet held May 12 in Walla Walla will be Marci Jo Lanning, Natasha Montgomery, Bertha Poirier, Charlee Long, Jessica Huxoll, Kurtis...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    May 23, 2013

    Pliny the Elder, the ancient Roman naturalist and phi- losopher, recommended chewing anise as a breath freshener. Dill was once venerated as a charm to ward off witches. Modern thought encourages herbs in cooking with tasty, healthy results and recommends growing an herb garden if you love watching dragon flies and butterflies bob- bing through the wonderland. The definition of an herb among aficionados: "An herb is any herbaceous plant that has useful purposes." OK, but what about the Butterflies and Dragon Flies ? I say do your research,...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|May 23, 2013

    The wheat market's price behavior over the last week has become cautious. The bears, that snarling, hairy group of negative-biased sellers, have become less willing to extend their positions, even as the bulls, like Fer- dinand, are sitting just quietly, smelling the flowers. The "large speculator" category of traders included in the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (CFTC) weekly Commitment of Traders (COT) report are currently holding about 23,682 wheat futures contracts net "short" sold in Chicago . Historically speaking that is a relat...

  • AAUW Scholar Recognition 2013

    May 23, 2013

    DAYTON - American As- sociation of University Wom- en invited this year's Scholar Recognition Award recipients and their families to a tea reception in honor of their accomplishment. Dayton High School teachers nominated the junior girls with the high- est achievement in Math and Science to receive AAUW's Scholar Recognition Awards. This year's recipients are Kiara Biggar - Science and Rainbow Laws - Math. Science teacher DougYen- ney said, "My nomination goes to Kiara Biggar. Kiara exhibits a p...


    May 23, 2013

    Waitsburg 5-10 Deputies assisted intoxicated person out of the TouchetRiver at Preston Avenue and had him transported to the hos- pital by Waitsburg Ambulance. 5-15 Theft of weedeater and blower from back of pickup onW. 2nd Street. 5-20 Two-vehicle, non-injury collision on Coppei Avenue. Prescott 5-15 Subject arrested on warrant from residence on Highway124. Dayton 5-15 911 call; unfounded. Juvenile related problem reported onS. 3rd Street. Theft of chicken wire reported on E. 1st Street. Report of two Black Labs running loose on E. Dayton Av-...

  • Thanks to City Cleanup Crew

    May 23, 2013

    Dear Editor, This morning, May 14th, was spent riding around Waitsburg with Ivan Keve, in his classic turquoise and white Ford Pickup, as a shotgun spotter for debris piles for City Cleanup Day. The Waitsburg City Crew is a hard working bunch; fun to be around! City Administra- tor Randy Hinchliffe donned his work clothes and pitched right in to help the clean up. Volunteers Jim Burris and dump truck, Skip Carpenter and tractor, Larry John- son driving Jack McCaw's dump truck, went above and beyond the scope of their Commercial Club job...

  • Congratulations to Miller

    May 23, 2013

    Dear Editor, It was good to learn Rocky Miller has been appointed Columbia County Sheriff. Rocky's many years experi- ence and knowledge as a law enforcement officer will be beneficial for our county. Liv- ing in this county and raising a family and having an integral part in the schools, church and being active in the community is beneficial. How honorable it must be for someone to choose to remain local rather than move on to other areas just for advancement and promotion. The county has been through some trying times, to reflect back to...

  • Celebration Daze

    May 23, 2013

    I woke up at 6:30 last Saturday morning. My toes hurt, which may or may not have had anything to do with the fact that I had crammed them into my mother's cowboy boots and danced until nine-thirty the previous night. I yanked myself out of bed and threw on a pair of black jeans with silver embroidery, as well as a black camisole. I ate breakfast and put on excessive quantities of Mary Kay makeup, as my mother curled my hair into ringlets tight enough to pass for strawberry-blond automotive...

  • Hats Off To Our Animals

    May 23, 2013

    The past few weeks have given us a chance to talk about the human side of the century-old tradition we now call Waits- burg Celebration Days. Of course, I would be remiss to pass up one more opportunity to praise every- one who made the centennial a success, from Mayor Walt Gobel and Mrs. Mayor Gwen Gobel to Karen Mohney, who spearheaded Sunday's very enjoyable family day at the fairgrounds. There are many others to thank, but the list is simply too long. It's probably hard to find Waitsburgers...

  • Another Parade?

    May 23, 2013

    Memorial Day weekend has been special in Dayton for many years, with the celebration of Dayton Days. We've been told his year is the 95th running of the Dayton Days Parade, which kicks off at 10 a.m. Come down to Main Street and see all the court roy- alty from around the northwest, along with dozens of horses. It's a special site not to be missed....

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