Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the December 28, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Opening Weekend

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    Skiers and snowboarders were all smiles at Ski Bluewood on opening weekend. The resort opened Fri., Dec. 22, just in time for winter break, with 14 inches of fresh snow and a total of 23 inches at the base and 30 inches at the summit....

  • 2017 In Waitsburg and Prescott : The Year in Review

    Dena Martin, The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    The struggles and contentions of 2016 allowed for a year of growth and positive movement for the City of Waitsburg in 2017. The former Waitsburg City Fire Department operated successfully as Columbia-Walla Walla Fire No. 2, the city organized a tree committee and a fairgrounds task force to deal with ongoing issues of public concern and the newly replaced Waitsburg Main Street Bridge opened to traffic in December. As 2017 ends, the school district, under the guidance of new District...

  • Columbia Pulp, Hospital and Railroad Are Top Stories in Dayton in 2017

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON-Columbia County was a happening place in 2017. Columbia Pulp "Pulp Fiction" became fact in July when Columbia Pulp I, LLC secured financing for its $184 million straw pulp manufacturing plant near Starbuck. Excavation began in earnest in August, and the official groundbreaking ceremony and site tour took place in October. The $184 million facility will produce 149,000 tons per year of market pulp from wheat and alfalfa straw and 95,000 tons per year of carbohydrate-lignin co-product....

  • Dayton Chamber Director Let Go

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON – Dayton Chamber of Commerce Director Justin Nix was terminated from his position on Tuesday morning, effective immediately, according to chamber board president Bill Clemens. Clemens said that the Chamber has decided it needs to move in a different direction, and so felt it was best to part ways with Nix. Clemens also said that the Chamber Assistant and Events Manager, Melissa Bryan, will continue to hold the chamber office open until the board is able to meet early next month and make a decision about moving forward to hire a new d...

  • Dayton-Waitsburg Athletic/ACTIVITIES Combine Meeting, Jan. 8

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    WAITSUBURG – The Waitsburg School District will host an athletic/activities community combine meeting on Mon., Jan. 8, at 6 p.m. in the elementary school library, located at 184 Academy St. in Waitsburg. The format will be similar to the meeting recently held in Dayton. There will be an overview of the combine as well as next steps. Community members will have an opportunity to ask questions in an open question-and-answer session....

  • Helen Marie (Long) Rich

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    After a years-long struggle with a number of health issues, Helen was called home on Fri., Dec. 8, 2017. Helen Marie Long was born on March 7, 1954 to Richard and Juanita Long in Dayton, Wash. She was raised and went to school in Waitsburg, Wash., graduating in 1972. On June 3, 1972, she married Monty B. "Chip" Rich in Waitsburg, and in September of 1972, they moved to Asotin where they lived to the present. She was mother to tow sons. Helen worked at Tri-State Memorial Hospital from 1975-1976...

  • Pioneer Portraits - December 28, 2017

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    Ten Years Ago January 3, 2008 With a skiff of snow and threatening skies, construction workers busy with the new Waitsburg Clinic at the corner of Third and Main were hard at work a couple of days after Christmas. Through mid December, concrete was poured and soon a floor was put down, then last week walls were up and indeed the Clinic is beginning to take shape. The structure if hoped to be roofed and ready for interior work by mid January. One man was arrested and Walla Walla County Sheriff’s deputies are investigating another suspect f...

  • WWCSO Daily Press Board

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    Dec. 20 Attempted fraud reported on Coppei Ave. Dec. 18 A juvenile was arrested on a warrant out of a vehicle in Waitsburg on Dewitt Road and E. Hwy 12. Dec. 17 A Dayton woman reported a theft from her Waitsburg storage unit. Dec. 14 Simple assault between teen girls at Waitsburg High School. Report of an assault at Jubilee Leadership Academy....

  • Winter Break Lunches and Activities

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Resource Center will provide holiday activities and lunches for children of all ages at the Christian Church (corner of Main and 6th St.) on the following days: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Dec. 26, 27, 28 and Jan. 2, 3, and 4. Activities will begin at 11 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Contact Pam Conover at 337- 8876 for more information....

  • East Coast New Year's Eve

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON – Ring in the New Year at the Liberty Theater with a special screening of The African Queen, the 1951 classic World War I adventure starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn. Directed by legendary director John Huston, the film tells the story of a missionary who tasks a gin-swilling river boat captain to attack an enemy ship. The film starts at 7:00 pm and is followed by a reception in the Liberty Annex. Celebrate with a complimentary glass of champagne and a 9 p.m. East Coast New Year’s Countdown....

  • Wildhorse Gifts $18,000 to Boys & Girls Club

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON – Thanks to the Wildhorse Foundation of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation recently awarded a $18,346 grant to the Boys and Girls Club of Dayton. The funds will allow the organization to add heating units to the east and west ends of the building, to provide adequate heat throughout the entire facility. The transfer of the building property, on Cameron St., from Dan and Ginny Butler to the Boys and Girls Club of Dayton is complete and will further strengthen the club’s fundraising ability....

  • Birthdays - Week of Dec. 28

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    December 28: Brendan Donovan, Peggy Baker Mudd, Marie Leonard, Nancy Otterson, Jo Ann Perry, Ellie McWilliams, Scott Huwe, Gail Harshman, Sarah Chromy, Kelly Jo Lyons, Janice Mason Eatherton, Christopher Danforth, Richelle Coleman, Jayce Gleason and Jay Dimak. December 29: Jared Kibler, Betty Rollins, Linda Anderson, Howard Laughery, Dick Finch, Miles Hubbard, Holly Menino, Kevin Blair, Colby Mayberry. December 30: Bob Collins, Megan McKinney, Henry Hubbard, Krista Houle. December 31: Janice Ford, Beth Tietjen, Gail Leid, Eva Leroue, Nancy...

  • Cartoons

    Dec 28, 2017


  • Dayton-Waitsburg Full Combine Lacks Parent Support

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON-A recent survey of parents and students in grades 6-12, show fewer than originally thought, are in favor of the full athletic combine with the Waitsburg School District, said District Superintendent Doug Johnson. Two hundred thirty surveys were sent to parents with 85 responses. Thirty-eight percent approved a full combine and sixty-two percent said "no". Two hundred surveys were sent to students and the response is half in favor and half opposed. The main reasons cited are the cost,...

  • Columbia County Adopts 2018 Budget

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON—The Board of County Commissioners has adopted the final 2018 current expense fund in the amount of $4,521,893 and the 2018 various budgets in the amount of $5,874,285. The 2018 Public Work Department budget, with total authorized expenditures of $6,778,811 has also been adopted. County employees will receive a 2% cost-of-living adjustment and step increases were given to some employees. The BOCC wanted to hire a human resources manager but there was no room in the 2018 budget, according to Commissioner Mike Talbott. Talbott said the B...

  • Ski Bluewood Opened Friday

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON – Ski Bluewood began its 2017-18 season a bit later than usual, but opened the mountain just in time for winter break. Snow sport enthusiasts were welcomed to Bluewood on opening day, Fri., Dec. 22 “We’re off to a bit slower start this year than anticipated due to snow conditions. but with 14 inches of fresh snow and a total of 23 inches at the base and 30 inches at the summit, we’re ready to welcome everyone back to the mountain for great holiday skiing and snowboarding,” said Bluewood General Manager Kim Clark. Bluewood will be open da...

  • Roger Trump retires after 45 years of service in Col. County

    Michele Smith, The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    DAYTON-It is official. Roger Trump is retiring and the county celebrated his long career last week at the courthouse with cake and a plaque honoring his service. What hasn't Trump accomplished in the last forty five years, since beginning work with the County Survey and Bridge Crew, in 1972? He said from 1972 until 1982, he worked on the county road crew, advancing from laborer to road grader, as well as operating Trump's Custom Cut farm slaughter business. Trump said he quit, for a time, to hel...

  • Tiger-Scots Take Cards, 69-19

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    ATHENA – The Athena-Weston TigerScots boys' basketball team took a first quarter 25-3 lead against the Waitsburg Cardinals and never looked back, winning the Dec. 22 game here with a score of 69-19. Freshman Shawn Evans and senior Cade Branson were top scorers for the Cardinals, bringing in five points each. Freshman Zac Bly followed with three points, and sophomores Seamus House and Johnny Wyatt and freshman Alvin Knowles adding two apiece. TigerScots 69, Cardinals 19 WAITSBURG (19) - Evans 5...

  • Weston-McEwen Beats Lady Cardinals, 57-12

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    ATHENA – The Lady Cardinals fell 57-12 in a non-league road match against the TigerScots here on Dec. 22. Junior Devon Harshman led the Cardinals scoring with six points followed by seniors Ariel Sandau with four points and Tayler Jones with two. TigerScots 57, Cardinals 12 WAITSBURG (12) - Ahler, White, Jones 2, Sandau 4, Williams, Larson, Harshman 6, Pearson. Totals 5 2-5 12. WESTON-MCEWEN (57) - Scheibner 5, Hearn 5, Coffman 6, Vescio 17, Finifrock 4, Moses, Davis, Quaempts 18, Lambert 2, B...


    Teeny McMunn, The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    This is a favorite with my kids and requested every year, along with my dinner rolls, and this year, the sweet potato dish with marshmallows. I have made my dinner rolls for a long time, but this time, it seemed all the stars were not aligned as the bottoms burnt and they didn’t rise as much. Sigh! All the time, ingredients, and cost that goes into them and they were a failure. I’m not sure if I will have time to redo or not. I posted my tragic day on Facebook and by the response, I had good company. This recipe has several names and Chex mix...

  • Strange But True

    The Times|Dec 28, 2017

    by Samantha Weaver * It was German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein who made the following sage observation: “The hardest thing to understand is why we can understand anything at all.” * If you’re planning a trip to South Africa, you might want to keep in mind that there are 11 official languages there. * It is customary in India for those who celebrate Christmas to decorate a banana or mango tree -- evergreens being in rather short supply in most parts of south Asia. * Those who study such things say that a normal cat has 230 bones...

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