Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 37
WAITSBURG-Seventeen members of the Class of 2019 made the traditional march down Kison Court to receive their diplo- mas at Waitsburg High School's 123rd commencement ceremony on Fri., May 30. Friends and family celebrate with the exiting seniors who spoke about shared experi- ences and future dreams as they proudly joined the ranks of WHS alumni. Strains of "Pomp and Circum- stance" filled the gymnasium as graduate siblings Megan Forney and Kirsten Miller served as flag marshals. Associated...
DAYTON-For most people, the dream of achiev- ing Best in World status in their art is simply that – a dream. But for Tom Schirm, of Dayton, that dream is well within reach. In fact, Schirm currently holds third place Best in World Overall honors for his realis- tic fish carvings. In early May, Schirm traveled to Springfield, Mis- souri where the competed in the World Taxidermy and Fish Carving Championships. Schirm entered his 13-inch, westslope cutthroat trout carving in the T...
WAITSBURG—The Waitsburg City Council invites the public, and especially landowners, to attend a free Firewise meeting at the Lions Club Building at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds on Tues., June 25 at 7 p.m. Speakers from the Department of Natural Resourc- es, the Walla Walla County Conservation District, Fire Districts No. 2 and No. 3, emergency management and more will provide information on how commu- nities can work together to take action to prevent fu- ture losses. The Walla Walla County EMD will present a give a Power Point presentation p...
ost of the time, it's not par- ticularly pleasant being bitten by a bug. Ticks, mos- quitoes, bees, killer ants, and large, ag- gressive, unidentifiable buzzing things with wings tend to provoke adverse emotional and physical reactions in hu- man beings. But there is one bug that artist Sum- mer Barcenas welcomes being attacked, and bitten, by: "I was bitten by the travel bug years ago, and continuous travel is my medi- cine," the Walla Walla painter says. "The main theme of my art is wan-...
Ten Years Ago June 11, 2009 Twenty-six members of the Class of 2009 received diplomas and tossed their mortar boards at the 113th commencement of Waitsburg High School last Friday, June 5, 2009. At the reunion of the Waitsburg Alumni Asso- ciation on May 23, Sally Chase Baker, daughter of Bette Chase of Waitsburg and the late Berger Chase shared the inspiring story of Tony Lloyd with those in attendance. Baker’s presentation underscored the differences in communications that were typi- cal d...
DAYTON—The Dayton Creative Co-op has a series of classes planned for June. Classes include: Ms. Hogan Quilt – Wed., June 12, 1-6 p.m. Sock Monkey – Thurs., June 13, 6-9 p.m. Paper Piecing – Wed., June 19, 1-6 p.m. Soul Journal – Mon., June 24, 6-9 p.m. Floral Fling – Wed., June 26, 1-6 p.m. Floral Note Card-Cutting Machine Class – Sat., June 29, 2-5 p.m. Learn more by calling Jessica at (509) 316-6546 or jessica@daytoncreative or visit visit the Dayton Creative Co-op Facebook Page...
STARBUCK—The next Christian Women’s Connection luncheon will be held at Judy’s Garden, located at 825 Highway 261 in Starbuck. The meal will be catered by the CWC team and the cost is $12. Reserva- tions are requested by June 7 by calling Judy Jackson at (509) 399-2005. Phyllis Nettleton from Nampa, Idaho will share her story of surviving an automobile accident that severely injured her and killed her husband. The couple collided head-on with two teenagers in a stolen car going 130 mph. Through God’s hand, the next 11 years brought Phyllis...
WALLA WALLA—Registrations for two Fort Walla Walla Museum Kids Camps are now open. Explorers Kids Camp will take place on Tues., June 25 from 9 a.m.-3:45 p.m. This fun and educational day camp features guided activity stations that allow children ages 9 through 11 to experience life like the explorers of old. Stations will include bird identification, building a model trading post, leaf press and bookmark, owl pellet exploration, nature scavenger hunt, and more. Pioneer Kids Camp will take place on Tues., July 9 from 9 a.m.-3:45 p.m. This d...
WALLA WALLA— Fort Walla Walla Days will take place on Sat., June 15 and Sun., June 16 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. There will be encampments, reenactors, demonstra- tions in the blacksmith and harness shops, and Living History performances all weekend long. Admission is $9 general, $8 seniors/students, $4 children 6-12, free for FWWM museum members and children 5 and under. For more information contact 509-525-7703 or visit fort-walla-walla-days closer to the event date for a full schedule of events....
June 7: Judy Adkins and Dana Maki. June 8: Jamie Gritman, Patty Hendrickson, Sarah Price, Gary Cox and Kevin Erickson. June 9: Kay Heady, Jack Roberts, Barbara McCauley, Edward Fisher, Ed Sickles, Jenny Rencken, Marne Henderson, Cathy Abel. June 10: Jake Long, Belinda Johnson, Linda Doyle and Mike Drew. June 11: Frank Donnelly and Kathie Payne, Katelyn Lambert. June 12: Suzanne Moser, Ida Polley, Chad Lambert, Joshua Reser. June 13: Anne Nelson, Michael Raven, Jan Cronkhite, Larry Weir, Bob Newbury, Mike Talbott, Cecilia Ace...
Fri, June 7 B: Combo Bars L: All School Sack Lunch (K-5 Field Day) Summer Food Program Mondays – Fridays, June 17th – August 16th (No meal service July 4th & 5th) Breakfast – 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Lunch – 11:30 a.m. – Noon...
ROUTE BUS DRIVER Minimum qualifications: Class B CDL, air brake restriction lifted, student endorsement, passenger endorsement. Training may be available. For additional information please contact: Colter Mohney at (509) 337-6301 ext. 3400 cmohney@ Positions are open until filled. Waitsburg School District has immediate openings for substitute school bus drivers, substitute teachers, substitute classroom para-educators, substitute custodians, and substitute food service assistants. Application materials are available online @...
Editorial cartoons for the week of June 6...
Last January, Boeing was poised for another record year. The company’s order book burst at the seams. Things seem to be going Boeing’s way. In 2019, Boeing planned to step up deliveries of KC46 aerial refueling jets to the U.S. Air Force and the new 777 composite-wing jumbo jet was entering its critical test phases with plans to begin deliveries within the next two years. Boeing’s contracts for new aircraft climbed to 1,500 Dreamliners (787) and over 5,000 Max (737) jets. The company is capable of handling increased production. Its mammoth manu...
Dear Editor: It’s never too late to say “Thank you”!. We have been planning to send personal notes out to the many volunteers that helped make our Waits- burg Celebration Days Parade, but as usual some- times, life just happens. The biggest issue is that we do not have each of your mailing addresses so that makes it a major project, one that we do not have time for right now. Therefore, we are thanking each of you, via The Times with this Letter to the Editor. First of all, we thank the WCD Board of Directors for their support. They conti...
June 1 Warrant Service: Warrant service in the 300 block of W. Fourth Street in Prescott. Theft From Motor Vehicle: Yard equipment was stolen from the bed of a pickup overnight on Coppei Ave./Preston Ave. May 30 A bicycle was found in the 300 block of Cemetery Road in Dixie. May 28 Non Criminal: Expired medications were found on Seaman Road, Waitsburg May 27 Burglary: An unknown suspect(s) damaged the victim’s locks and locking mechanisms on a garage door in the 700 block of Maple Street in Waitsburg. The victim stated it appears the s...
Waitsburg's Pat Mohney is making the rounds. At least on the cover of The Times, that is....
Discovery Kids - 10:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. - Every Wednesday A new, revamped and improved interactive story time for those in the toddler years! Come sing, dance, play and learn with Flash the Sloth. Family Story Time - 6:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. - June 6th Story time with the whole family! Take the stories home along with a support item and stay afterwards for dinner! Chamber Music Festival - 3:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. - June 7th Join us in the Delany room and listen to some of Walla Walla’s finest musi- cians. Refreshments will be available at the event. Ki...
Waitsburg High School inducted three new members into National Honor Society in the WHS auditorium on Mon, June 4. High School Principal Stephanie Wooderchak and Guest Speaker Gabe Kiefel welcomed the new members....
WAITSBURG—A new art gallery is opening at 117 Main Street. Owner Claire Johnston will have an art show every two months. “The space is for anything creative; food, performance, movement, dance, or any kind of audio stimulation,” says Johnston. Stay tuned for ArtXAgent’s grand opening....
WALLA WALLA—Providence St. Mary Medical Center is accepting donation re- quests for activities to improve the health of the community. The medical center gathers information on community health needs every three years and uses it to create a Community Health Improvement Plan which guides most donations made by Providence. The most recent plan identifies six high priority areas: youth at risk, home- lessness, behavioral health access, substance abuse, obesity and healthy lifestyles, and immunization rates. Providence St. Mary is focused p...
DAYTON—The Club will sponsor the Summer Food Service Program for chil- dren in Dayton. Meals will be available for children 18 years and younger at no charge at 528 W. Cameron St. The program will run weekdays from June 24 through Aug. 2 with lunch served from 12-12:30 p.m. and a snack at 3-3:30 p.m. Contact The Club Director Jim Pearson at (509) 204-3146 with any questions....
WAITSBURG-The Touchet River is a 55-mile tributary of the Walla Walla River and in its valley sprawls endless hills and fields of wheat end-capped by barns and mills. Our local landscape boasts breath- taking views that draw tourists and gasps, but is also seemingly difficult to capture in photograph. Especially when taking pictures as passengers from the highway at speed rendering every shot at least a little blurry. Without specialist equipment such as a drone, one might think it is...
DAYTON-Dayton High School 2019 graduates will receive their diplo- mas in a commencement ceremony on Sat., June 8 at 1 p.m. in the Dayton High School gymnasium. Neylan Bryan The Dayton High School Class of 2019 Valedictorian Neylan Bryan said she plans on studying wildlife biology at Montana State University in the fall. Following that, Bryan would like to at- tend Stanford University, where she would pursue a Master's in Wildlife Bi- ology, specifically in Mammology. "I've always been really...
As longtime volunteer firefighters are retiring, the local volunteer pool continues to dwindle. With less than 20 active volunteer firefighters and four EMTs, Columbia-Walla Walla Fire No. 2 is actively recruiting new volunteers. On June 8, the department will be on hand to answer questions about the department and volunteering at Spark in the Park in Prescott. The department, along with LifeFlight, will be in the Prescott Park from 1-4 p.m. Volunteers will also man a booth at Pomegranate Park...