Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 32
Class Motto: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" - Unknown author DAYTON - Graduation ceremonies are typically solemn occasions steeped in tradition and pomp, so the audience was at first star- tled, then delighted when the entire Dayton High School class of 2013 started singing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" during salutatorian Samantha Harting's commencement speech. Harting was describing various shared memories of the class that, for the most part, has been together since...
WAITSBURG - The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) is promoting its child safety education campaign, Take 25. The campaign encourages parents and guardians, educatiors, law enforcement officers and other trusted adults to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety. NCME developed the Campaign seven years ago to spread awareness of the issues surrounding missing and exploited children beyond May 25th, National Missing Children's Day. The Campaign, which spans from April 1 through June 15, encourages local org...
I f you're on the hunt for something fun to do for Father's Day next weekend, look no more. One of the benefits of living in the Dayton area is that All Wheels Weekend makes celebrating Father's Day a no-brainer. What guy doesn't like fast cars, good food and girls? All Wheels Weekend has got all three! Well, the "girls" may be guys gussied up for the tricycle "drag" races. But, as they say, "two out of three ain't bad". The weekend kicks off on Friday evening with a Presenta- tion of Cars at...
I did not know Mike Dunham well, but he made a lasting impression on me from the first day I met him a long time ago. I knew that I had met one of the good guys. There is something both exhilarating and terrifying for those who are amid the first wave of anything. The siren call of that new challenge urging forward those adventurous souls who buck trends; those who start something new (and when told "you're crazy" tend to quietly agree and go ahead with it anyway) is not for the faint of heart. We admire these forward-thinking iconoclasts...
Hlaf - that's a word that hasn't been used since around c1200. No, it is not a typo - it's the Old English word for "loaf". This is what our forebears called bread. Since the switch there's been no other name for it in the Eng- lish language. Sometime around 8000 BC, some nice folks were sitting around smashing up grain they had gathered to have as a side dish with their gnu entre. It must have rained because a paste formed of this rudimentary flour and in disgust at the mess made by the inclimate weather the blob was tossed into the BBQ. Some...
PRESCOTT - Summer Reading Program kick-off event: Summer Reading Program kicks off with a PG-rated movie shown at the Lions' Hall on Tuesday, June 18th, at 7:00p.m. Registra- tion for the Summer Reading Program, our Summer Reading Program Events flyer, and pre-registrations for the Pacific Science Center workshops will be available at this event. The themes this year are "Dig Into Reading" and "Beneath the Surface." Come explore these themes at the Prescott Library during June and July. Special events, held at the Prescott Lions' Hall,...
PRESCOTT - The Music Matters License Plate project, created and developed by Music Aid Northwest and managed by the Washington Music Educators Associa- tion, presented its first grant today utilizing funds raised by the 2012 sales of the new license plates. The grant was made to the Prescott Schools Music Department and was in the amount of $6,500. Funds will be used to pur- chase, repair and maintain instruments for the students in the Prescott School District. Funding cuts in recent years have had seriously negative effects on many school...
DAYTON - Graduates, families, teachers, administrators and the Dayton community concluded a successful Commencement of the DHS Class of 2013 last Saturday, June 8 at the high school gym. Thousands of scholarship dollars and recognitions were awarded to the graduates, including several to achievers from DHS Class of 2012. Three students from this year's graduating class are deserving of recognition for their hard work and academic dedication as Running Start students. Marshall Nechodom and Andre Fayette have been Running Start students sinc...
Scholarships to 2013 Dayton Graduates - Name - Scholarship - Amount Samantha Harting - AAUW - $300 Malia Frame - Ag Link Incorporated - $750 Samantha Harting - American College Foundation - $900 Samantha Harting - Anderson Perry & Associates - $750 Jessica Tate - Andrew Groom Memorial - $500 Malia Frame - Archer Ranch - $1,000 Dakota Hayes - Ben Dickinson Memorial - $1,000 Samantha Harting - Boise State University GEM - $12,584 Kane Hackett - Brandon Barton Memorial - $300 Malia Frame - Columbia County Cattleman's Association - $500 Malia...
WAITSBURG - Two massive miscues cost Waitsburg Elite a shot at the Washington Football League finals, and ended their season here Saturday versus Spokane, 37-31. Second-seeded Waitsburg dominated the game on paper, racking up more yards, fewer turnovers, fewer penalties, almost twice as many first downs and greater time of possession than the visiting third seed Wolfpack. But games aren't decided on paper. A fumbled lateral before halftime that Spokane ran back for a touchdown, and a b...
As a local resident for over 20 years, I realized this weekend that I'd been missing out by not attending one of Waitsburg's most longstanding traditions: the annual livestock show. As a "townie" who isn't involved in FFA or 4-H, I hadn't bothered to check out the show that takes place at the fairgrounds each June. That was my loss. Originally known as the Waitsburg Junior Livestock Show, the event formally changed its name to the Waitsburg Livestock Show and Fair several years ago in or...
Summer Food Program Begins June 17th DAYTON - Anyone ages 19 and younger is eligible for free breakfast and lunch through the summer food program at the Dayton Elementary Multi-purpose Room. Breakfast is served from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meal prices for those age 19 and over are: Breakfast - $2.25; Lunch - $3.50. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin or disability. Please ca...
DAYTON - A special meeting of the Dayton School Board will be held June 19 to discuss potential school facility improvements. The meeting will be in the high school auditorium from 6:30 - 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend. According to Superintendent Doug Johnson, the architectural and engineering firm BLRB Architects, has been hired by the district to prepare a study and survey to determine what potential projects the district might undertake. Representatives from BLRB's Spokane offic...
DAYTON - "It was so humbling, really humbling. Wow!" That's how Debbie Hays described the turnout for the fundraiser dinner and auction held Sunday evening. Friends organized the event to raise money to help Hays and her family travel and stay in Rochester, Minn., where Hays will receive treatment at the Mayo Clinic for a lesion in her brain. "People were lined up out the door and down the sidewalk before 6 p.m.," said Melanie Mings, a friend and fellow Dayton Bulldogs Booster member who...
Seniors: Deal, Seth R. 4.000 Leathers, Alex M. 4.000 Moss, Samantha A. 4.000 Xaudaro, Elizabeth Dozier, Logan R. Dill, Alexander L. Baker, Dakota E. Harris, Krystal Henze, Samantha L. Hofer, Katy E.Foxe, Jessica L.Smith, Michael J. Brown, Zacharie D. Shafer, BenjaminChapman, Rhiannon L. Estes, Dalton Stevens, Riley D. Gusse, Brandon J. Juniors: Pearson, Nicholas J. 4.000 Miller, Heidi I. Adams, Rebekah L. Bartlow, Nathan R.Brannock, Chelsey L.Baker, Meara M.Hamann, Kimberly A.Dorman, Haley...
WAITSBURG -- Waits- burg Garden Club meetings will be the third Saturday of each month. All meetings will begin at the Coppei Coffee Shop with a half hour of general exchange of information and nominations for "Waits- burg Garden Club Garden of the Month". Those who choose may join a tour of the selected garden or related location, guided by the owner/garden- er. No dues, No committees, no officers. The next meeting will take place Saturday, June 15th ; itinerary as follows: -8:30 to 9:00 a.m. gathert at Coppie Coffee to meet other members and...
WAITSBURG - On May Day, Waitsburg Elementary students took the first steps in a month-long walk, with the goal of providing water for the needy. Last Friday, students and staff culmi- nated the school year with an assembly where they learned that the school had met its goal and is funding a rainwater catchment and storage system for a school of 398 students in Kenya. In years past, Waitsburg Elementary School has par- ticipated in 'Walk Across America' as a fitness activity. This year, for the...
June 14: Haly and Shawny Ingle, Aaron Moffitt and An- thony Kiefel. June 15: Jeff Hofer, John Segraves, Ryan Mason, Glen Smith, Nicholas and Jonathon Danforth, Ruth Fulton, Diane Conover, Susa Roberts, Jim Burres, Darrell Syferd, Chey- enne Gritman and Maude Oberholtzer. June 16: Catherine and her Grandpa John Melvin Reese, Jon Hays and Courtney Streeter. June 17: Pat Davison and Gabriel Kiefel. June 18: Bernice Patrick, Linda Bode, Gertrude Brock and Ryan Leid. June 19: Barbara Johnson. June 20: Beau Marshall, Frank Loveall, Louis Donnelly,...
Ten Years Ago June 12, 2003 Awards for Preston Hall students, reflecting the entire school year, were presented Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 in the high school auditorium. Participation certificates were given to students who participated in Preston Hall sports. After which the coaches spoke of the upcoming potential for high school athletics. Sports recognized were volleyball, girls and boys basketball and track. Physical fitness awards were presented by Mr. Johnson, Preston Hall principal and school superintendent. Reaching the level of...
Now that summer vegetables are in the ground and beginning to peek-out over the tilth, you might think about the borders that surround your property and squeeze-in a few extra edible plants and extend the life of your summer bounty. I first started the practice of edible boarders when my son and his buddies returned from college for the summer. Cook- ing for them each evening I noticed the garden vegetables dwindled much faster, that and a ton of homemade bread for sandwiches! I begin designing the edible boarders for my summer garden in...
Corn supply: highest expected global ending stocks in the last eight years - negative. Soybean supply: largest global ending stocks of last seven years - negative. Wheat production: below-trend production in the US, but expanding production outside of the US leading to global ending stocks possibly the largest of the last four years. - negative. US dollar Index: weakening but still in two-year up-trend channel. - negative. Long-term interest rates trending higher with a growing sense that the Fed is about to tap the brakes on monetary eas- ing...
WAITSBURG - Three Waitsburg siblings and a Dayton flautist will present a Father's Day Recital at the First Christian Church of Waitsburg Sunday, June 16. The event begins at 3 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Performing will be Nick, Chad and Chloe Pearson, the sons and daughter of Randy and Becky Pearson of Waitsburg, and Samantha Eaton, the daughter of Lester and Janna Eaton of Dayton. Pianist Nick Pearson, a WaitsburgHighSchooljunior, will perform compositions by Debussy, Beethoven and Rachmaninoff. Guitarist Chad Pearson, playing...