Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the September 20, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 41

  • Lions Club Salmon Barbecue

    Sep 20, 2012


    Sep 20, 2012

    DAYTON - The Director of Walla Walla's Small Busi- ness Development Center, Joe Jacobs, is coming to help existing Dayton businesses and potential start-ups once a month. Jacobs will set up a station in the Dayton Chamber of Commerce to assist local individuals and business owners to help with a list of business needs. Jacobs will be prepared to assist with: business plans, buying a business, compliance assistance, customer service, disaster planning and recover, downturn-recession, e-busi- ness, facilities and equipment, family business,...

  • Time Out Adds Beer, Wine

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    DAYTON - Time Out Pizza owner Phillip Sor- tomme listened when his customers spoke, and now he's in the process of getting a beer and wine serving per- mit to prove it. The Dayton City Council approved the request for a permit at the last council meeting on Sept. 10 but Sor- tomme said there is still a lot to do. "(Getting the license) is something we have been considering since before we opened," Sortomme said. He said he wanted to get a feel for the community and his customers before getting...

  • Lawrence

    Sep 20, 2012

    Longtime area resident Ed Lawrence, 93, died September 14, 2012 at his beloved farm, Springacres Ranch. Edwin Fulton Lawrence was born December 24, 1918 to Edward and Edna Fulton Lawrence in Moscow, Idaho. His mother, Edna, died in the Spanish influenza outbreak of 1920 and the family decided that Ed would live with Edna's sister, Katy, and her husband Frank Neace. Katy and Frank had no children of their own and were happy to assume a parent­ing role. Ed visited his father in Chehalis during...

  • Brice Neil Jones

    Sep 20, 2012

    Brice N. Jones passed September 10, 2012 in Walla Walla after a brief bout with cancer. Brice was born on September 9, 1959 in Dayton, Washington to Richard R. Miller and Iola S. Peterson. He lived in and attended school in Waitsburg from 1970 to 1977 and gradu­ated from Walla Walla High School in 1978. Brice worked for the District 4 Fire Depart­ment while attending Walla Walla Community College. In 1981, he transferred to Eastern Washington University where he studied Computer Science. Brice married his soul mate, Sarah Teresa Clevenger, on A...

  • Columbia County Fair Exhibitor Winners

    Sep 20, 2012

    Columbia County Fair Special Award Winners 2012 Award and Recipient Swine Fitting & Showing FFAOverall Champ, Hanna Grant Swine Fitting & Showing FFAReserve, Emily Wilson Swine Fitting & Showing4-H Grand Champ, BryeanaMyrick Swine Fitting & Showing 4-HReserve, Cheyenne Marlow Sheep Fitting & Showing FFAGrand Champ, Hayden Fullerton Sheep Fitting & Showing FFAReserve, Trenton Ketselman Sheep Fitting & Showing 4-HOverall champ, Josilyn Ful- lerton Sheep Fitting & Showing 4-HReserve, Shayla Currin...

  • Kimzey Will Scale Heights For Prescott

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    PRESCOTT - Last week, the Prescott City Council appointed a new councilman, Chuck Kimzey, who hopes to serve his community bet- ter through his new role. Kimzey, age 53, has resided in Prescott for the past three years. "I just kind of fell in love with it out here," Kimzey said. "It's my little chunk of heaven." Councilwoman Val- erie Jacobson said she had heard that Kimzey had wanted to be part of the council in the past, but had missed the deadline to get on the ballot. When Coun- cilwoman...

  • WP Earns Consolation Prize

    Dan Groom, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    WAITSBURG -- Waits- burg-Prescott crammed eight games into the first five days of its first week of the 2012 volleyball season. The Cardinals emerged with four wins, three losses and the consolation bracket winner of their home tourna- ment last weekend. As reported last week, the Cards lost their opener to the giants of Colfax, Tuesday. On Wednesday, they returned to their home court to face Rosalia. In a match that went the distance, WP defeated the Spartans 15-25, 20-25, 25- 20, 25-19 and 15-11. On Thursday, the games continued against...

  • Dayton Places 2nd In Tourney

    Dan Groom, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    DAYTON -- The Dayton volleyball squad stumbled out of the gate in its open- ing week of the season losing to non-league opponents Garfield-Palouse and Pomeroy, but ended on the upswing with a second place finish at the Waitsburg-Prescott tournament Saturday. Dayton's Lady Bulldogs fought hard but were unable to win the four-game set against the Garfield-Palouse Vikings Tuesday, Sept. 11, in Palouse. The Bulldogs kept the scores close, but ultimately couldn't secure the win, walking away with...

  • Dayton Earns First Victory

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    DAYTON - The Dayton Bulldogs hit the field shoot- ing against the Ukiah Cougars Tuesday night and came out on top with a final score of 11-3, Bulldogs. In the first half, Pedro Bar- bosa de Deus scored a hat trick in the first six minutes of the game. The Bulldogs kept the pressure on, taking shots at ev- ery opportunity and keeping the ball in Cougar territory. Ian Smay took several great shots throughout the game, keeping the Cougars' keeper on his toes. Less than 10 minutes into the game, Zack Waggner headed to the goal for the Bulldogs'...

  • WP Rocks Pasco Invite

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    PASCO - The WP boys ran to win last Wednesday with Seth Deal and Tewedros McDowell placing first and second, respec- tively, in the men's high school cross country race at the District 9 League Meet. Deal finished in 17:01 with McDowell behind him at 18:00. These top scores helped the WP men's team place second overall. "Seth ran tough, but relaxed as his lead was never threatened," said WP coach Joanna Lanning. "Tewedros was terrific, show- ing signs of emerging as a real talent." However, Lanning said tak- ing the top two spots still wasn't...

  • Showing Off Defense, Tigers Knock Out Dayton

    Dan Groom, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    PRESCOTT -WP took on perennial soccer powerhouse St. George in Spokane last Saturday, and the Tigers did not fare well in their second contest of the season, losing to the Dragons, 4-1. Luis Fernando Escalante put WP on the scoreboard with penalty kick at the 38 minute mark to make it 2-1 at halftime, but it was the only goal the Tigers could muster. "We had 17 shots on goal," WP assistant coach Jay Potts said. "They had too many to count. We had a freshman goalie (Antonio Benito) start­ing back...

  • Meals Leaving Kids Hungry

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    WAITSBURG - School staff members and administrators are worried students are not getting enough food to fuel their brains because of new fed- eral nutritional guidelines enacted this school year. Susan Wildey, the food services supervisor for the Waitsburg School District, said the amount of food offered for breakfast and lunch by the district's caf- eterias has been reduced this school year. The change in nutritional guidelines for all school districts across the country is because of the...

  • Dayton Bulldogs Stymied By Asotin, 6-0

    Dan Groom, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    DAYTON - Four second- half turnovers and costly pen­alties at the most inopportune times doomed Dayton to a 6-0 defeat in its first league game last Friday versus Asotin. Asotin stymied Dayton's offense the entire first half, rarely giving the Bulldogs a chance to possess the ball, let alone move it down the field. The Bulldogs tallied a mea­ger 25 yards on only 15 plays. Meanwhile, the visiting Pan­thers racked up 127 first half yards on 32 plays, mostly on the ground. The few times the Pa...

  • Cardinals Tackle Tigerscots, 39-13

    Dan Groom, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    ATHENA, ORE. - Waits­burg Prescott faced its greatest adversity of the season against the Weston-McEwen TigerScots last Thursday, but the Cardinals erased its first halftime deficit of the season by putting on a sec­ond half football clinic en route to a comfortable, 39-13, victory. It looked like it might be an easy game for the Cards early on. On first possession, WP quarterback Sterling Eastman connected with receiver Chance Leroue for a 73-yard touch­down- the first of two long touchdown co...


    Sep 20, 2012

    Dayton School Board Minutes Special Meeting Sept. 12, 2012 * The meeting was opened with the flag salute. *The board discussed possible staffing chang- es for the fourth grade and kindergarten. *The discussion was opened for public comment. *The board moved to accept Superintendent Doug Johnson's sug- gestion to make no changes in the kinder- garten staff and hire a full-time para-professional for the fourth grade. *The meeting was ad- journed....


    Sep 20, 2012

    Dayton School Board When: September 19, 2012 Where: 609 South Sec- ond Dayton, Wa Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Consent Agenda Approve Minutes Sep- tember 5, 2012 & September 12, 2012 Approve September Bills Approve September Pay- roll Approve Soccer Volun- teer- Jorge Zuniga Reports Superintendent's Report -Operating Principles -Superintendent Goals -Board Calendar -Kindergarten Early Re- lease -180 Day Waiver Budget Status - PaulaMoisio Policy Review Policy 2005 - SchoolImprovement Plans (2ndReading) Policy 3413 - StudentImmunizations and life...


    Sep 20, 2012

    FREE SHOOTING DAYS DAYTON - The Co- lumbia County Shooting Association will be offering free days to sight in your rifles in preparation for the coming hunting season at no cost to the public. Free days will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 15, from noon to 5 p.m. Sept. 16, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 23 and from noon to 5 p.m. on Sept. 24. The range is on Patit Creek and Range Grade Road. A member of the as- sociation will be in attendance on those days. Contact 382-8926 for more information....

  • Dain Nysoe Is Newest Dayton Council Member

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    DAYTON - Dayton's new- est city councilman, Dain Nysoe, has been interested in gov- ernment since he was a page for the Senate in Olympia when he was 12 years old. Nysoe was appointed to the city council at the Monday, Sept. 10 meeting. He said he had been interested in joining the council recently, but he didn't meet the requirement of living inside city limits for a year because Nysoe and his wife, Claudia Nysoe, lived just outside of Dayton. So, when the council seat opened up after Terry...

  • Parents Air Frustration Over Class Size

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    DAYTON - The Dayton School Board voted Wednes- day night to hire a full-time para-professional to work with the now too-large fourth grade class and leave the kindergar- ten classes at half-day status. The decisions were based on recommendations by Superintendent Doug Johnson. The Dayton School District started the 2012-2013 school year with 12 fewer students then budgeted, com- ing in at 430 full-time enrollment students, which caused the district budget to be lower than expected, according to Johnson. The budget reduction made the long-term s...

  • Pastor’s Airplane Dreams Come True

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    WAITSBURG - For one Waitsburg pas- tor, building an air- plane is a once-in-a-lifetime dream. Pastor Bret Moser of the First Presbyterian Church will be spending the next year of his life building an engine and putting the fin- ishing touches on a replica of the World War II Trainer Tiger Moth tandem airplane. Moser said this kind of plane was the first airplane that ca- dets in Canada and England trained in for battle. His plane is about 80 percent the size of the original. Moser doesn't plan...

  • Secretary Of State Visits Waitsburg

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    WAITSBURG - After more than 40 years work- ing in Washington State government, 23 of which as an elected official, Sec- retary of State Sam Reed is ready to retire. But before his replacement is sworn in on Jan. 16 next year, Reed took one last tour of the state he spent his career serving. Reed toured the Bruce Mansion Wednesday, Sept. 12, during his visit to Waitsburg and said small towns are often underap- preciated. Reed said his experi- ence in the political system gave him an appreciation...


    Sep 20, 2012

    Waitsburg School Board Sept. 12, 2012 Board Members Present: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Marilyn Johnson, Greg Zuger I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Consent Agenda: Ap­proved IV. Reports Elementary Principal's Re­port: Dr. Carol Clarke *The elementary school had a meet and greet with parents *The Intermediate Classes are helping children learn to keep schedules and organize themselves, kids say the day goes by more quickly *The sixth grade class is heading to Camp Wooten later this month Secondary Principal's Re­port: St...

  • History Shines In Waitsburg’s Pioneer Fall Festival

    Morgan Smith, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    WAITSBURG - Locals and tourists flocked to the Bruce House Museum Sunday to im­merse themselves in Waitsburg history at the Pioneer Fall Festival. Sales and events up and down Main Street brought locals and people from out of town out to see the fare. The Bruce House and the Wilson-Phillips House run by the Waitsburg Historical Society was open for most of the day for festival-goers to tour. In the lawn around the museum, pioneer-themed vendors and ex­hibitions kept the audience mov­ing while lo...

  • Board Says No To M&O Levy For Staff

    Jillian Beaudry, The Times|Sep 20, 2012

    WAITSBURG - The Waits­burg School Board decided last Wednesday night it would not be running a maintenance and operations levy this school year to maintain current staffing lev­els, as was suggested. Each school year, the school board adopts a list of goals it would like to carry out. Su­perintendent Dr. Carol Clarke said she shared the board's draft goals with the district staff members and it was suggested that the school board ask the taxpayers this school year to pay an extra tax to keep the cur­rent staff members employed at the dis...

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