Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 41
WAITSBURG-Several residents commented on a range of topics at the regular June 19 Waitsburg City Council meeting. Under new business, the council opened the pool and discussed the Public Work Board loan program. Public comment Planning Commission chair Karen Gregutt provided a brief update on the comprehensive plan and development code updates which are currently under review by the state. Gregutt recognized Norm Bloom for his contribution to the process and said he has resigned his position....
WAITSBURG-Last week saw the demolition of the building located at the junction of Highway 12 and Highway 124 in Waitsburg. The building, which was formerly owned by Richard Lybecker, was purchased by Freedom's Northwest Credit Union (FNWCU) as the future site of a Freedom's Outpost. Freedom's Outpost sites benefit both travelers and community members, said FNWCU CEO Scott Garrett. Each "community-friendly" site is outfitted with a bench, bike rack, water dispenser, wi-fi, free air, and a...
Waitsburg resident and photographer Bill Rodgers shared this beautiful scene with The Times this week. Rodgers titled the shot "Coming Home" and commented that this is his favorite part of his "driveway."...
It was a full house at Ten Ton Coffee last Friday as well-wishers gathered to with a happy birthday to Anita Baker....
Ten Years Ago July 2, 2009 The Grand Opening of a radio controlled (R/C) track at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds set for July 24 is just one of the many features of a newly established organization, Rural Green Youth Enterprise. The new organization is aimed at supporting youth and communities in Walla Walla, Dixie, Waitsburg, Prescott, Dayton, Starbuck, and Pomeroy. Photo Caption: Here’s John Lloyd, in his blacksmith’s shop in Campbell, Calif, in 1908, this picture postcard courtesy of Town His...
June 21 DUI: Traffic complaint that turned into a DUI investigation handled by Washington State Patrol on E. Hwy 12 and Dewitt Road in Waitsburg....
DAYTON—The Mobile Community Services Office will visit Dayton and Flour Mill Park on Main Street form noon-4 p.m. on Tues., July 9. At this event, people can apply for cash assistance, basic food assistance, medical assistance and the Medicare savings program. Individuals can also drop off paperwork, complete eligibility review, mid-certification review and make changes to existing reviews....
DAYTON—A new grief support group will begin Mon. June 24, but new members will still be accepted for the first couple of weeks as the group gets underway. The group will meet Mondays from 6:30-8 p.m. at the First Congregational Church. The group follows the same guidelines as the Walla Walla Hospice grief support group and is using the 10-chapter book “Understanding Your Grief,” working through one chapter each week. “If someone is struggling with grief and grief issues, please come and share with others who are also struggling,” said faci...
WALLA WALLA—An Outshoot the Sheriff Trap & Skeet Shoot Fundraiser will take place Sat., June 29 from 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the Walla Walla Gun Club. Entry fees are $40/person; $35/youth under 18; $180 for team of five. All shooters must provide their own shotgun and only use lead shot; size 7 ½ to 8. Ear and eye protection required. Participants receive: one round of 25 clays with additional rounds available, lunch, T-shirt. Prizes for over 18, under 18 and ladies trap and overall skeet. There will be a shoot-off round for a tieb...
WAITSBURG—Just Another Chance Ranch will hold a free Family Fun Day on Sat., June 29 from 3-7 p.m. The ranch is located at 14224 E. Highway 12, halfway between Waitsburg and Dixie. Visit the ranch and find out what the summer youth program is all about. Enjoy face-painting, finger foods water balloons, games with prizes and a craft table. Call (509) 337-6056 with questions....
June 28: Kendra Roberts, Terry Dunn, Kathleen Walborn, Heather Ferguson, Jordyn Prince. June 29: Wanda Mattice, Linda Herbert, Gia Fluharty. June 30: Jeff Bartlow, Pete Kinder, Ralph Jones and Erin Mellish. July 1: Gary Hofer, Ellen Atteberry, Scott Clayton and Lynn McCaw. July 2: Marc Zuger, Jeannie Hurd, Corlene Scoggin, Patrick McConnell and Christianna Scudder. July 3: Edna Ruley, Dorothy Lambert, Sara Leid Heggen. July 4: Tucker Alleman, Kelly Rice, Dona Jean Smith, Suzanne Robert, James White, Ann Miller, John McCaw....
City of Dayton Seasonal Employment Applications are being accepted for seasonal grounds maintenance positions for the beautification of City parks, cemetery and other city-owned grounds. Work includes, but is not limited to: Maintaining lawns, plants, trees, shrubs and landscaped areas such as mowing, weed eating, planting, pruning, irrigating, etc.; perform minor maintenance of city-owned buildings and other park facilities. Apply at City of Dayton, Dayton City Hall, 111 S. Street, Dayton, WA 99328. Open until filled. EOE/ADA EMPLOYER. _____ W...
Hopefully, when American and Chinese leaders meet to resolve trade differences, talks won’t breakdown and result in a new round of tariffs or product restrictions. It is in both nations’ interests for presidents Trump and Xi Jinping to find common ground. Our state has lots riding on those negotiations. The Brookings Institute points out that Washington would be “the worst off” of any state because 154,000 people are employed in industries that would be affected by new Chinese countermeasures. Especially troublesome is the Chinese indicat...
DAYTON—The Boldman House Museum will host “Art in the Garden,” a garden party and art show on Sat., July 6, from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Local artists will share their garden and regional artwork with the public in the Boldman House Garden (410 N. 1st, Dayton). Stroll through the garden and enjoy the quiet breezes while viewing the wonderful artwork juxtaposed against the abundant blooms. The public will have the opportunity to meet some of the artists and view a wide variety of art. Refreshments will be served. Prospective buyers are encou...
WALLA WALLA County—The Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Showcase Awards will take place on Sept. 18 in the lobby of the Baker Boyer Bank downtown branch. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the awards ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. The Awards Showcase honors individuals and businesses for excellence, leadership, entrepreneurial spirit and business practices that enhance the community. This year’s categories include: Start-up Business of the Year, Business of the Year, Duane Wollmuth Catalyst Award, Agribusiness of the Year, Non-...
If you've seen or heard of someone performing an unsolicited kindness, we would love to hear about it at The Times and share the goodwill and isnpiration. Mail your "Cheers" to to those who still send hand-written thank you cards. I personally have received two in the last week and The Times received one recently. to Ron Francesco who washed the eggs off of his neighbor’s car after last week’s town-wide egging session. to the individual that purchased dinner for a young family at Whiskey Canyon last week. to the loc...
In light of the Columbia County’s recent adoption of a panhandling ordinance, it is interesting to note that Walla Walla police recently responded to a panhandling “turf war” dispute. At around 10 a.m. on June 19, police responded to the 800 block of S. 9th Avenue for a report of a fight between three people. It was reported that an argument had taken place over panhandling “turf” near McDonald’s, according to a Walla Walla Police Department media release. Riley N. Gribnau, an 18-year-old...
Bystanders couldn't help but stop and watch as a trucker hauling wind turbine parts successly navigated the S-curve between Preston Ave. and Main Street last week. Markeeta Little Wolf (plaid) shouted and clapped, offering extra encouragement, while husband Mike Hubbard nodded silent approval. Locals who missed the show will likely have plenty of opportunity to see another as PacifiCorp continues working to repower 78 wind turbines at Marengo I and 39 turbines at Marengo II, east of...
DAYTON-WAITSBURG—A Facebook page has been created for the new trail being developed between Dayton and Waitsburg, now known as the Touchet Valley Trail, and community members are being asked to provide input. To participate, visit the Touchet Valley Trail Facebook page and fill out a seven-question survey to help the trail committee understand what the communities would most like to see in the trail. A steering committee is working to develop a concept plan this year, with engineering being completed next year and construction starting in 2...
WALLA WALLA/COLUMBIA Counties—Local and state agencies already have burn bans planned or in place. Fire No. 2 Columbia-Walla Walla Fire No. 2 will institute a burn ban in Columbia and Walla Walla counties from July 8-Sept 15. That ban includes the City of Waitsburg and the end date may be extended if conditions warrant. Bureau of Land Management The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has issued fire restrictions on public lands administered by the BLM and the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) in eastern Washington. The order went into effect on June 22...
DAYTON—The Dayton High School Class of 1968 is sponsoring a free showing of the 1970 classic film Woodstock in honor of the 50th anniversary of the “greatest music festival ever.” The film, with a run time of three hours, will play Thurs., June 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Liberty Theater. Admission is free....
Dayton First Congregational Church-UCC/Dayton First United Methodist Church July 15-19 Theme: Peace Works Watch either church’s Facebook page for updates. Waitsburg Christian Church July 22-26 Theme: MEGA Sports Camp Bicycle rodeo on July 26 Ages K-6 welcome Watch the Waitsburg Christian Church Facebook page for updates or call Andraya (509) 540-4205 for more info....
Look familiar? These keys were found on 6th Street in Dayton and have been turned in to the Sheriff's Office....
DAYTON-Since it was built in 1882, the building at 211 East Main Street has been a mercantile, drug store, bank, survived a fire, and has been an International dealership, a Pontiac car dealership, and a tavern called the Frontier Too, until that closed in 2008. For eleven years it has been an eyesore, now sandwiched between Snapdrag Floral and Gifts, and Winter Rose Café and Boutique. But it has a promising future, according to Kim Lyonnais and Blaine Bickelhaupt, who were on hand at last...
Submitted by Superintendent Doug Johnson Good News in Dayton Schools 2019 graduation was a success Heather Clarys and Monica Chapman were honored as GEARUP Community Leadership recipients The Consolidated Program Review is nearly completed Consent Agenda Approved the Dayton High School ASB Constitution Approved Nicki as the new DW Combine Athletic Director Accepted the following resignations/retirements: Elementary Para Pro Debbie Witt, Grounds Custodian Jim Gallaher, Shane Robins Head High School Softball Coach Approved Cal Martin as High Scho...