Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 25
Investigators are still searching for the cause of a fire late Sunday night that destroyed two homes on East Washington Avenue in Dayton. "Honestly I don't know if we'll ever find out what started it," Fire Chief Rick Turner, of Columbia County Fire District 3, told me on Monday afternoon. "We're still working on it, but the fire completely destroyed the house, and any little bit of evidence there was is probably gone." Nobody was injured in the fire, which started at 11:25 p.m. in an...
WAITSBURG – Two years ago, Councilman K.C. Kuykendall approached Waitsburg’s city council with a proposal to transfer management of the horse facilities at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds to a nonprofit organization that would oversee the creation and development of what he hoped would become the Blue Mountain Equestrian Center. That agreement was approved, with the city agreeing to a five-year commitment. At last month’s council meeting, Kuykendall announced he was ready to call an early end to the a...
SEATTLE – It may be a challenging trip, but 94-year-old Murray Fisher didn't hesitate a moment when he was invited to be honored by the Seattle Mariners at Safeco Field as part of their "Salute to Those Who Served" program. Fisher will be recognized on July 25 for the role he played during WWII as a top secret code breaker – secrets he's now free, and proud, to share. Fisher attended school in Waitsburg until his senior year, when his father, who worked for the railroad, was transferred to Day...
Forty-five children, eight youth helpers and many adults made Starbuck's annual Vacation Bible School a success this year. Fifteen children reportedly received the Lord as their savior during the week-long "Growing with Jesus" themed event. Adults from Walla Walla, Waitsburg, Dayton and Starbuck helped with the Bible School. Children from those towns, as well as several out-of–area grandchildren, attended the Bible School. Many Dayton kids took advantage of the "Cool Bus" transportation from D...
Ten Years Ago July 5, 2015 Jessica Hofer, past worthy advisor of Waitsburg Assembly No. 68, Order of Rainbow for Girls, was selected to fill the office of Grand Nature at the Grand Assembly held in Tacoma, June 23-25. She is the daughter of Terry and Betty Hofer. Waitsburg 55+ group had a perfect day for the picnic in the city park on June 9th. It was very pleasant to sit in the shade of those beautiful big trees and “shoot the breeze” with our fellow senior friends and neighbors. Walt Harris delighted our palates with perfectly turned hot dog...
Waitsburg Nothing to report. Dayton June 21 Cell phone reported lost at Columbia County Fairgrounds. Wallet located in alley on W. Dayton Avenue; returned to owner. Caller reported someone sleeping in the Dayton Post Office; subject was escorted from the premises. June 22 Threats reported on W. Commercial Street. Boise driver Donna Gage, 51, was cited for speed and on suspicion of driving with a suspended license on Highway 12 near milepost 372. Single-vehicle rollover collision on Thorn Hollow Road; 31-year-old Dayton resident Joshua Bye was...
July 3: Edna Ruley and Sara Leid Heggen. July 4: Tucker Alleman, Kelly Rice, Dona Jean Smith, Suzanne Robert, James White, John McCaw. July 5: Gina Wilson, Karen Gilson, Neil Carpenter, Sierra Segraves. July 6: Roger Beckel, Leo Cobb, Donna Groom, Milt Priggee. July 7: Joann Willis, Margaret Wilson, Tim Presler, Lloyd Keith, Louie Branson, Tawnya Richards. July 8: Allan Wilson, Rick DeVaney, Susan Archer, Aricka Huwe, Kylee Henry. July 9: Michael Henze....
WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg City Pool will be closed until further notice due to unforseen problems with the new liner....
WALLA WALLA COUNTY – Anticipated triple-digit temperatures Walla Walla County Commissioners have declared a burn ban, running from Friday, June 26, through Sunday, July 5. The ban may extended, if warranted. During this time all burning, including agricultural, residential and recreational, as well as special (roadsides, ditches, etc.), is banned. The ban also includes other burning that would normally be allowed without a permit. The ban does not apply to fireworks that have been legally purchased and used....
I grew up in the heyday of Smokey the Bear. Smokey drilled into our heads the message that we needed to stir our campfires until they were dead out, and that we must never ever throw a lit cigarette out our car window. Smokey doesn’t get the press he once did (he died in 1976, at the age of 26) but his message is as important as ever - perhaps more so. As The Times’ Dian Ver Valen has been reporting the last couple of weeks, we’re in a drought. River levels are at record lows and tempe...
I’ve always loved studying environmental science for two basic reasons. One is the large amount of impressive vocabulary you pick up and can use in everyday contexts– e.g., “That’s eutrophication for ya!” and, “I sense the formation of a positive feedback cycle here”. The second is how much of it applies to life and society in general. High school is an ecosystem, and it’s much easier to navigate when one thinks of it in terms of resource niches, apex predators, and keystone species, as opp...
Dear Editor, Take a moment and thank your volunteer firefighters in Columbia and Walla Walla County (Waitsburg). They are on duty for us, providing first class, responsive fire and property protection, including education for rural forest homeowners. Our volunteers choose to protect us. They serve our rural communities at the their own expense, skipping time with their families, especially in our time of need. They are on duty during holidays, weekends and after midnight. Our quality of life here is much improved by the sacrifices these...
WALLA WALLA COUNTY – With high temps and a burn ban in effect, Walla Walla County commissioners and fire officials are urging citizens to take extra precautions this 4th of July. Statistics state that the 4th of July results in more than $35 million in damages annually, nationwide. “Although last year we thought that the fire severity issues couldn’t get any worse, this year, with the lack of snow pack in the Blues and the extended triple-digit forecast for the county, we are definitely in extreme conditions for the upcoming 4th of July holid...
WAITSBURG – Current, aspiring, and might-be-interested kid-musicians are invited to to learn and jam together in Preston Park each Wednesday morning (weather permitting) at 11 a.m., beginning July 15. For more information, call Kate Hockersmith at 337-8789....
WAITSBURG – As part of Waitsburg Celebration Days, the city sponsored a promotional night at the July 6, Walla Walla Sweets baseball game against the Yakima Valley Pippins at Walla Walla’s Borleske Stadium. As part of the promotion, the City received 125 tickets to give away. The majority of those tickets were distributed during the Celebration Days parade, but approximately 25 random single-seat tickets are still available. Anyone who would like to attend the July 6 game is welcome to stop in at City Hall for a ticket. Tickets will be giv...
PRESCOTT – The Prescott Joint Parks & Rec. Department is once again hosting the Tri-Cities Steel Drum who will perform a concert in the Prescott Park on Thursday, July 9 at 7 p.m. The band is back by popular demand following last year’s performance. Bring lawn chairs and/or blankets and enjoy this free event. A donation box will be available to help defray the expenses of the group....
DAYTON – Many people in Columbia County know what it's like to wake to the sound of roosters crowing. Even in some parts of town. For the caffeinated at heart in Dayton, a rooster in the morning means so much more. It means fresh coffee, conveniently located right off of Highway 12 on the western edge of town, served by the chipper, smiling and often psychic Judy Rowland. "People hardly ever have to order," Rowland said, claiming that she has memorized 95 percent of her customers' favorite d...
DAYTON – Executives with the Columbia County Health System are in the final stages of hiring an architect for the Dayton General Hospital upgrade approved by voters with a $5.5 million bond levy last year. Chief Operations Officer Shane McGuire reported to the hospital district board last week that two architects had replied so far to the ad that ran in both The Times and Dayton Chronicle for the last two weeks. The timeline for the project is to have an architect selected before the next b...
WAITSBURG – "But where do we put it?" That is the first questions parents ask insulin pump representatives, doctors, and diabetes educators when setting up a small child with a pump or continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to help to manage their diabetes. Pocket Innerwear owners believe they have the answer, and the company recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to help make that solution available on a larger scale. "It can be overwhelming for a parent to figure out how to help a kid maintain, m...
WAITSBURG – John and Marilyn Stellwagen are once again hosting Waitsburg's unofficial Fourth of July Veterans March parade followed by a community potluck at Preston Park. The event continues to grow each year, with nearly 100 people attending last year's festivities. Everyone, including organizations like Rainbow Girls, Boy Scouts, etc. is invited to join the parade. Wave a flag or decorate your bike, stroller, wheelchair, or anything else in red, white and blue. Parade participants line up i...
Board members: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Marilyn Johnson, Randy Pearson, Greg Zuger. *The board was presented with expected costs of facilities priorities as determined by architects in preparation for upcoming capital projects bond request. The board felt that the estimate of $5.1 million (as opposed to the $4.8 million that would keep taxes the same) was too high and requested additional info and clarification of costs. *In response to feedback from the community, the board discussed changing the time of High School graduation from 8 p.m....
Last weekend, while all of you were marinating in record triple-digit heat, I was relaxing on Puget Sound, enjoying temperatures in the mid-80s and mild breezes off the water. The official purpose of my trip was to check on my father's boat, which is moored at the Port of Bremerton marina. In reality, that was just a free place to sleep while I got a quick big-city fix. Besides a couple of ferry trips to Seattle, and way too much time and money spent at Starbucks, I took some time Saturday to to...
BREMERTON - The Bremerton Naval Shipyard is one of the largest U.S. Navy facilities. Approximately 190 acres was purchased on Sinclair Inlet in 1891 for what was to be a repair facility. With the advent of World War I, the yard began constructing battleships. It became a major shipbuilding and repair facility during World War II, and to this day remains an important maintenance and repair facility for navy ships. The Puget Sound Navy Museum, located next to the Bremerton ferry dock, tells the st...
DAYTON – A single-vehicle accident on Highway 12 west of Dayton blocked traffic for several hours on Monday morning. At approximately 10 a.m., a caller reported that a semi-truck traveling eastbound on the highway hauling produce had drifted off the road into the eastbound ditch at milepost 366. Both occupants of the truck were transported to Dayton General Hospital with unknown conditions. The truck lost its load, and the roadway was blocked for several hours while workers from the Department of Transportation cleaned up the produce. W...
DAYTON – Robotics Day Camp will take place July 7 and 8 in the 4-H Extension Office conference room (202 S. 2nd) from 1-4 p.m. The camp is recommended for youth ages 8 to 12 but 13 and 14 year olds are welcome to participate. The fee is $20 per youth with a reduced fee of $10 for Columbia County 4-H members. Class size is limited to 12 youth and the registration deadline in Thursday, July 2. Registrations may be picked up at the extension office or call Donna Hanger at 382-4741 to reserve a spot....