Sorted by date Results 1 - 20 of 20
Local veterans led the way in Waitsburg's Fourth of July Veteran's March on Saturday morning. . ....
DAYTON – The city of Dayton is considering allowing licensed all-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, on city streets. City Clerk Trina Cole said she has drafted an ordinance, with input from the council's safety committee, that will go before the city council, and the community at three public hearings, before the council will vote on it. The first hearing will be the Monday meeting next week at 7 p.m. Dayton resident and ATV aficionado Matt Wiens spoke to the city council last month urging city l...
WAITSBURG – June ended on a high note for the City of Waitsburg when the Washington State Legislature appropriated $1.7 million to replace Waitsburg's Main Street Bridge. That funding was secured in the 2015-17 capital budget approved in Olympia on June 30. City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said he has been working to see the bridge replaced for three to four years and that the city has been working on it, off and on, for the better part of a decade. In addition to being narrow, the 9...
WAITSBURG – Waitsburg residents will want to mark their calendars now for the evening of Tuesday, August 4. Each year, on the first Tuesday in August, over 37 million people, across the nation, participate in National Night Out, an anti-crime and anti-drug event. And this year, for the first time, Waitsburg will be joining in the fun. Waitsburg city councilmember Deb Callahan and Fire District No. 2 Fire Commissioner Deb Fortner are organizing the event which will take place at Preston Park on t...
Thirty-two kids attended the three-day "Outback Rock" Vacation Bible School hosted jointly by the Waitsburg Christian and the Waitsburg Presbyterian Churches. . ....
Ten Years Ago July 14, 2005 A long-awaited one-of-a-kind commemoration through art of the Lewis & Clark journey is ready for viewing just outside of Dayton. A dedication ceremony is planned for July 15 at the site. To honor Lewis & Clark and their historic journey, over 80 steel silhouette sculptures of a typical encampment have been installed at the site just east of Dayton where the Corps of Discovery camped along the Patit Creek on May 2, 1806. Harvest in the Touchet Valley area is just getting going, says J. E. McCaw, branch manager of...
Waitsburg July 6 Male arrested on warrant on Willard Street. Prescott July 5 Underage male suspect contacted at the Prescott Pool regarding possessing and consuming alcohol. Suspect was issued a citation for minor in possession/minor in consumption. Dayton June 28 Caller reported a female sitting on the ledge of the Main Street bridge; deputy contacted two adult females who said they were watching the water. Report of cell phone theft on E. Main Street. Deputies responded to a report that a man was threatening another person with a machete;...
July 10: Bob Butler, Billie Leroue, Patricia Dunn, Roberta Osborne, Bob Swenson, Michael Kiefel, Rami Feryn, Al Thompson. July 11: Susa Roberts. July 12: Judy Townsend, Dick Surry, Lynette Newbill, Bill Duckworth, Deandra Smith, John Wood, Jr., Gayle Durkee, Bruce Anderson, George Downing. July 13: Tom and Gracie Lyman, Terri Schuler, Ron Kessler, Tom John, Janis Austin, Steve Low, Gary Vaughn, Kimberly Williams, Tucker Gleason. July 14: Karen Gregutt, Brett Tuttle, Pat Davis, Megan Price, Lauren Rohde. July 15: Howard Hays, Velma Sickles,...
Washington Legislature Slogs On Last week, the Washington State Legislature was within hours of passing a biennial budget, wrapping up business and going home. But a glitch developed at the last minute. Here’s how State Representative Terry Nealey, of Dayton, put it in an email message: Unfortunately, there’s some bad news. Due to some 11th-hour sabotage from Senate Democrats early Wednesday morning, the operating budget is now in jeopardy. The reason is Senate Democrats, despite an agr...
Do you remember those commercials (I think they were for Charter) that listed an implausible sequence of events resulting from having ordinary cable TV? (Example: “When you have expensive cable bills, you feel helpless. When you feel helpless, you want to do something about it. When you want to do something about it, you take karate. When you take karate, you want to use it. When you want to use it, you become the Fist of Justice. When you become the Fist of Justice, you crash through a glass r...
WAITSBURG – Waitsburg’s city crew worked quickly to repair problems with the installation of the city pool’s new liner last week. Rough patches of fiberglass were sanded down and the pool is being refilled. If all goes as planned, the pool should be open for business on Monday afternoon, July 13, according to City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe....
WAITSBURG – Both Waitsburg City Council and the Waitsburg School Board have changed their meeting dates for July. The City Council will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, July 16, rather than the regularly scheduled July 15 meeting date. Meetings are held at the Lions Memorial Building at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds. The Waitsburg School Board will meet Wed., July 15, at 7 p.m. rather than on July 22, as regularly scheduled. The Waitsburg School District’s 2015-16 Budget Hearing in scheduled for Wednesday, July 29 at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in the Pre...
Children enjoy science experiments, reading aloud, crafts and more at Waitsburg's summer reading program from 2-4 p.m. each Monday afternoon....
WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg Planning Commission is looking to fill two seats on the seven-position board. Commission chairman, William Polotochio and commission member Marie Gagnon have recently resigned their positions. The commission currently consists of K.C. Kuykendall, who is also a city council member, Karen Stanton-Gregutt and recently appointed members Larry Johnson, Brian Callahan and Stan Bly who took seats in January. A new chairman will be selected from within the commission. The Planning Commission will review progress of the p...
WALLA WALLA – AARP is offering its Smart Driver class at 1 p.m. on July 16 and 17 at Walla Walla General Hospital (1025 S. Second Ave.). The curriculum was developed to help drivers age 50 and older stay up-to-date with driving laws. Participants are encouraged to check with their insurance agent for details about the type of discount they can receive by taking the course. The cost of the eight-hour course is $20 with a $5 discount for AARP members. For more information or to find other courses, visit or call (509) 5...
WAITSBURG – YWCA’s Fun Factory will visit Waitsburg and Prescott weekly from June 16 – August 1. The Fun Factory will be at the Prescott school on Wednesdays from noon to 12:45 p.m. and at Preston Park in Waitsburg from 2-3:30 p.m. on Thursdays. The Fun Factory provides free outdoor fun for kids ages 5-10. The gold Fun Factory van means crafts, games and fun activities for children. For more information call (509) 525-2570 or visit
DAYTON – For several months, community leaders have discussed plans for an after school program for Dayton school children. Planning has been a collaborative effort, and funding has not yet been secured, but the ball is still rolling. School officials tried, at the end of the school year, for a grant to help fund the program but were unsuccessful. “I think it would be a good thing to continue planning to meet and discuss options for the future of some type of program,” Superintendent Doug Johns...
PRESCOTT – "I'm one of the luckiest guys in the world. I don't know how I ended up where I did, but I sure am glad," said NASCAR race car builder and crew chief, Chuck Carruthers. After 40 years in the industry, Carruthers is more than satisfied with life in Prescott, also known as "The Center of the Universe" on his business attire, website, and even the company car. Carruthers began building cars on the side, while attending Cal Poly Pomona College as a mechanical engineering major in the earl...
WAITSBURG – The summer food program at the Waitsburg Elementary School cafeteria is going strong in its second year, with the number of participants doubled over last year, according to Food Service Director Susan Wildey. "The program is great because children have a safe, fun place to enjoy free meals with their friends while networking and interacting with children they may never see or some they may never even have met," said Wildey. Breakfast and lunches are free to children age 18 and u...
A single combine was working in a field off of Ferris Road, south of Waitsburg on Tuesday. This year's start of harvest is one of the earliest ever....