Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the July 12, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 16 of 16

  • Columbia Pulp Pilot Plant at Pomeroy is a Beehive of Activity

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    POMEROY--The Columbia Pulp Pilot Plant, located at the Port of Garfield in Pomeroy, is a hub of activity. "It's busy here, which is good. It's what we want," said Kyler Lovgren, maintenance manager at the plant. Lovgren said that about 20 people are currently working at the pilot plant. "It's moving fast. A couple of months ago we had hardly any equipment, and now it looks like this," he said pointing to all of the workers and complicated machinery. So far, Lovgren said, there have been no...

  • Kristina Brown is New Dayton MS/HS Principal

    Michele Smith, The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON-The Dayton School Board has approved Superintendent Doug Johnson's recommendation of Kristina Brown for Dayton Middle and High School Principal. "Kristina has a strong desire to support teachers as they seek instruction strategies...I believe Kristina will be a strong member of our school team," said Johnson. Board President Dan Butler said Brown was one of a field of 10 candidates for the position. He said three candidates were interviewed, with two advancing to the final interviews on...

  • Waitsburg Planning Commission is Back in Business

    Dena Martin, The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    WAITSBURG – Waitsburg Planning Commission Chair Karen Gregutt reminded City Council members at their June 20 regular council meeting that a full review of the city's comprehensive plan and development regulations is just around the corner. She said the commission is hoping for strong public participation throughout the process. "It's a very extensive effort. We need people to roll up their sleeves and participate in order to have a very proactive, citizen-based and robust advisory committee," G...

  • Pioneer Portraits

    Jul 12, 2018

    Ten Years Ago- July 17, 2008 A few local wheat producers have dipped their toes into the 2008 harvest this week, and harvest start-ups within the next week or so are likely to be delayed by the effects of the cool spring the region experienced. Start ups will likely be “a little later due to the cool spring” says J. E. McCaw, manager of the local branch of Northwest Grain Growers. Mc Caw expects “full swing” to be going late next week. “It’s about a week behind normal”, he said. Grain harvest in the Whetstone area started Monday with Jack Mille...

  • Evening at the Depot Auction Aug. 4

    The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON – The Dayton Historical Depot Society’s annual Evening at the Depot Auction will be held on August 4, with a social hour and music by Bobby K and Mike McQuary on the Depot’s courtyard at 6 p. m. The live auction will begin at 7 p. m. McDonald Zaring Insurance is providing wine by Dumas Station, microbrew by Chief Springs Fire and Irons, and hors d’oeuvres catered by Grassroot Gourmet. This year’s major auction package is five nights at a Samish Island private waterfront vacation home, for up to six adults in three bedrooms, and with...

  • Tree and Vegetation Trimming

    Jul 12, 2018

    By Clint Atteberry, Columbia County Planning and Building Dept. DAYTON -- Sight distance standards help provide safety for vehicles entering roadways from side roads, driveways, parking lots and alleys. Vegetation should be pruned and trimmed for visibility first, and tree health and aesthetics second. Vegetation that obstructs motorist and/or pedestrian view of traffic signs or signals, or obstructs a public facility, should also be trimmed. It is the duty of the property owner of the abutting property to keep the trees on, or overhanging the...

  • Commissioners' Office Relocates

    Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON – The Columbia County Commissioners’ office has moved to a new location: 311 E Main Street, Dayton (just west of the Courthouse). All meetings will be held at the new location starting July 16, 2018....

  • Birthdays

    Jul 12, 2018

    July 13: Tom and Gracie Lyman, Terri Schuler, Ron Kessler, Tom John, Janis Austin, Steve Low, Gary Vaughn, Kimberly Williams, Tucker Gleason. July 14: Karen Gregutt, Brett Tuttle, Pat Davis, Megan Price, Lauren Rohde. July 15: Howard Hays, Velma Sickles, Steve Witt, Mary Duncan, Ray Clayton, W.L. Clayton. July 16: Margaret Fitzekam, Judy Bauerlie, Karlee Young. July 17: Mack Garrett, Bill Hamann, Emily Hubbard. July 18: Andrew Estes, Jean Krause, Mike Hinchliffe, James Hamilton, Connie Maiden, Judy Groom, Courtney Gritman, Stephanie Thomas....

  • Sheriff Turner Endorses Crider

    Jul 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, As this season unfolds, I unfortunately hear more and more inaccurate information about the candidates for Sheriff. Due to this, I feel compelled to share with our community, so they may make an informed choice. Mr. Stroe was hired as a deputy by Sheriff Humphreys in 2007. Matt attempted and did not graduate from the basic police academy on two separate occasions. Upon my taking office in 2011, the Criminal Justice Training Commission advised that Stroe had not achieved state certified peace officer status due to not successfully...

  • Crider is Best Choice for Sheriff

    Jul 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, I support Mark Crider for Sheriff. Mark is not your average administrator. One of the first interactions I had working with Mark Crider in the field was while responding to a drunk driver, who had attempted to flee into Oregon from College Place Police. As I responded to the area, I heard the dreaded sound no patrol officer wants to hear as they respond to a call…… The sound of an administrator calling over the radio that they are on scene. Instantly your day is ruined. You know exactly how it’s going to go. You are going to pull...

  • Crider is the Man Needed for Sheriff

    Jul 12, 2018

    Dear Editor Walla Walla and law enforcement are in my blood. My uncle, Arthur Klundt, was Sheriff of Walla Walla County in the 1960s and 1970s. My cousin, Kenneth “Buzz” Klundt, was Sheriff in the early 1980s. They inspired me to pursue a career in law enforcement, which I started at the Walla Walla County Jail in 1983. In 1984, I became a deputy with the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office. By March of 1985 I had transferred to the Washington State Patrol, where I’ve spent the last 33 years. The last 23 years of my career have been spent w...

  • Randy Pearson Retires from Waitsburg School Board

    Emma Philbrook, The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    WAITSBURG – After 20 years as a member of the Waitsburg School Board, Dr. Randy Pearson has stepped down, leaving a vacant seat which the district is trying to fill. The reason for his resignation? Pretty simple, he says: "I don't reside in the school district anymore, so I can't legally be on the board. Otherwise, I'd probably still be there." "It is bittersweet," he added. "We love Waitsburg, and we have a lot of friends here. I grew up here, and I raised all my kids here, and it's a bitterswe...

  • Ceasar Rivera is New Columbia County Deputy

    Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON-The Columbia County Sheriff's Office has a new deputy in the making. Since he was hired on July 1, 32-year-old Caesar Rivera said he has been getting to know the ropes. "It feels good," he said. "I'm trying to remember names." Rivera is a 2002 graduate of Pasco High School and attended Columbia Basin College in 2005-06. When he was a student at CBC, his uncle, Jesse Romero, who is a Pasco Police Dept. detective, suggested he try a career in law enforcement. Rivera said after a ride along...

  • Photos from Columbia Pulp Pilot Plant

    Jul 12, 2018

  • Dayton Alumni Weekend is July 20, 21

    Ken Graham, The Times|Jul 12, 2018

    DAYTON – The annual Dayton High School Alumni Weekend is coming up on July 20 and 21. Several classes will be holding reunions that weekend, along with the traditional parade on Saturday morning, and many other activities. Longtime DHS Alumni Association members Dell and Phil Groom will serve as parade marshals. The Alumni Association is also giving special recognition to Dayton native Eulalie Schreck, who will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of her 1938 DHS graduation. The Alumni Association has announced some important changes from its p...

  • Strawberry Pizza

    Jul 12, 2018

    I had to smile as I was digging through my drawer to find this recipe. I had remembered exactly the paper it was written on, but had to go through them one by one, and of course it was the second to the last one. Now when I post a recipe, it goes into my recipe folder on the computer and I can easily do a search to find one. But this hand-written recipe dates back some 25 years. I have made this many times, but not recently. It is delicious – basically strawberries and cream cheese on a s...