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Columbia-Walla Walla Fire No. 2 volunteer retirees were honored by their peers at a fire station barbeque on Sun., July 15. Retiring volunteers received plaques thanking them for their years of service, with former Assistant Fire Chief Neil Henze also receiving a mounted fire axe....
DAYTON— At last week’s Dayton City Council meeting Christine Broughton was selected by the council to fill the remainder of Zac Weatherford’s city council term, which was created when he became Dayton’s Interim Mayor. The council interviewed Broughton and two other applicants, Cara James and Charity Herren. Mayor Weatherford thanked James and Herren for their interest in serving on the city council and encouraged them to apply for the seat recently held by Kathy Berg. Berg has submitted her resignation from the council effective June 30. Art...
COLUMBIA COUNTY—A grant of $637,000 will take the Touchet Valley Trail, to be developed between Dayton and Waitsburg, from the planning to engineering stages. The grant, awarded by the Washington Department of Transportation’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program will be used for environment analysis, surveying and engineering design to develop the trail and river crossings to 90-percent design completion, according to a Port of Columbia press release. Once constructed, the 9.7-mile “rails with trails” multiuse path will run adjacent to the...
DAYTON-Dayton's annual National Night Out event will take place at the Dayton City Park on Tues., Aug. 6 from 5-8 p.m. Columbia County residents are encouraged to join with thousands of communities nationwide in celebrating an evening of family fun and information during the anti-crime and anti-drug event. The City Park will be filled with events and activities. Banner Bank will provide free hotdogs which will be served with a smile by Dayton Kiwanis and Lion's Club volunteers. Pepsi-Cola...
"I have never seen the wildflowers as profuse as they are in The Blues right now. The color is mind boggling, and the carpets of wildflowers is in places vast. This scene is on Skyline Drive on the west side of 'The Milkshakes' on the way to Table Rock on July 11, 2019," wrote Waitsburg photographer Bill Rodgers. Have a shot you'd like to share with our readers? Send it to
Holly (left) doesn't qualify as a farm dog, but yours might! The Times is planning an extra-special Harvest Issue, to come out on July 25, and we need your help. We would love to show off our local canine farm hands, but we need you! If you have (or know of) a farm dog, snap a high resolution photo and send it to along with the following info: name owner's name age breed dog's favorite job or activity...
Ten Years Ago July 16, 2009 Some of the Spring Valley Ranches ground was once owned by William G. Preston, who spent several years in a variety of enterprises before landing in Waitsburg and becoming one of the most prominent landowners. The Smiths farmed the ground for several decades on behalf of Preston heirs. Preston and his brother Platt, came to the Touchet Valley, arriving in Waitsburg around 1865 and soon buying a stake in the flour mill built by Sylvester M. Wait. Two new spring wheat...
Alcoholics Anonymous - Dayton: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p.m., Dayton First Congregational Church-UCC dining room, 214 S. 3rd St. Alcoholics Anonymous – Waitsburg: Saturday, Monday and Friday, 9 p.m., Presbyterian Church basement, 504 Main St. American Legion Post #35: First Monday, 6 p.m., Waitsburg Town Hall, 121 Main Street. American Legion Post #42: Second and fourth Wednesdays, 7 p.m., American Legion Building, 211 E. Clay St., Dayton. Bingo: Every Friday, doors open at 4 p.m. Bingo at 6 p.m. Dayton Eagles, 222 E. Main Blue Mountain H...
Last week I was reminded that just because I am an avid reader of newspapers and the owner and publisher of this newspaper, I am not a reporter. This hit me when I opened the July 11 Times and found an error I was completely responsible for. First, by giving incorrect information to the managing editor, Dena Martin, then not proofreading the final story before it went to print. As I said, I am not a reporter. I am, however, a publisher so I am printing my first correction: The article "Patriot's Parade Begins with a Dare" states that Anita...
Shortly, after Apollo 11 landed on the moon and astronaut Neil Armstrong took his famous first steps on the dusty lunar surface, some comedian in our army unit at Ft. Knox, KY, posted a sign in our barracks: “Sorry, Drill Sgt., No Green Cheese!” Our basic training drill instructor was already “highly agitated” because President Richard Nixon ordered a “training holiday” so we could watch live television coverage of landing. On July 20, 1969, our unit was supposed to take what was called “Military Stakes.” That test would determine if we...
DAYTON—A Free Mobile Food Giveaway will take place on on Thurs., Aug. 8 from noon-2 p.m. at Columbia County Fairgrounds. Please bring a box to take food home. Volunteers are needed to help package produce and are requested to arrive at 10:30 am to set up. Anyone wishing to help should contact Janet Bye at (509) 520-7939 (leave message if no answer) or email This event is sponsored by Blue Mountain Action Council, Thrivent Financial and Redeemer Lutheran Church....
WAITSBURG—Greg Blake & Real Country will visit Waitsburg to perform a country music/bluegrass concert at ArtX Gallery, located at 117 Main Street in Waitsburg, on Wed., Aug. 7 at 7 p.m. The concert is hosted by the Touchet Valley Music Project TVAMP) and Rural Enrichment Youth Services. “Greg Blake has been to Waitsburg before and he is always a big hit!” said TVAMP Director Kate Hockersmith. Learn more at
COLUMBIA/WALLA WALLA Counties—The public survey for the Touchet Valley Trail, posted by the Port of Columbia, will remain open through the end of August. Stakeholders would appreciate input from anyone living in the area. Find a link to the survey at
DAYTON—Dayton’s Wenaha Gallery will hold a special event on Sat., July 20 for Alumni Weekend, which happens to fall on the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. The gallery, located at 219 E. Main, will offer artisan treats all day and will feature a special wall of Alan Bean work. A drawing for Bean’s America’s Team post, valued at $195, will be held. Through July 20, Wenaha Gallery customers will receive a ticket into the drawing for each $50 spent at the gallery....
Submitted by Patricia Wilson Waitsburg Assembly girls Annie Trent and Kendra Smith attendeded the 2019 International Order of Rainbow for Girls Grand Assembly July 12-14 in Yakima. Both girls were 2018-2019 Grand Officers. At the 2019 session, Kendra Smith was appointed to the position of Grand Camps for the upcoming year. This position is very busy, requires high organization skills, and involves working with state officers around the state. Kendra also received a $1,750.00 Rainbow Dad education scholarship. She is currently a student at...
Submitted by Patricia Wilson Seven members of the Waitsburg Eastern Star Chapter attend WA State Grand Chapter June 24-26, 2019, in Wenatchee. Waitsburg’s Worthy Matron Patricia Wilson served as Page to the Grand Worthy Matron at Grand Chapter. It was reported that WA State raised $55,926.00 in the 2018-2019 term for Fred Hutchinson Breast Cancer Research, $700.00 in the first three months of 2019 for the new project of Service Dogs ($150,000 nationally), and over $35,000.00 was awarded in education scholarships....
WAITSBURG—The Waitsburg Christian Church will host a Mega Sports Camp Vacation Bible School on July 22-26 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. VBS Registration forms are available for download at and should be brought to the first day of VBS. Children will be collecting food and resources for the Waitsburg Resource Center. If attendees beat last year’s collection of 489 pounds, they will duct tape Pastor Matt to the wall! Volunteers are needed and welcome. Contact Andraya at (509) 540-4205 for more information. Bicycle Rodeo The eve...
July 11 APS Referral: Adult protective services referral in the 11 block of N. “E” Street in Prescott. July 5 Theft: Deputies investigated a report of theft on the 700 block of Coppei Ave. in Waitsburg....
Views from the festivities....
July 19: Ray Johnson, Jessica Hofer, Jacob Johnson, Adam Mellish, Zachariah Beasley, Marilyn Stellwagen, Porter Larsen. July 20: Gary Marshall, Beverly Low, Brandon McKinney, Alexa Groom, Jamie Pettichord, Lisa DeCoria, Reagan Miller, Joan Winslow. July 21: Jill Wood, Andy Mays, Susann Anderson, Jackson Hogan. July 22: Virginia Neace, Tom Keeney, Kathy Buroker, Krissy Lytle. July 23: Inez Fletcher, Danielle Lehr, Chance Allen, Ashley Johnson, Thomas Reed, Dale Puckett. July 24: Jo Ellen Watson, Jessica Duncan, Mason Palmer. July 25: Karen...
MAIN STREET SALON DAYTON Private room with restroom available for rent Salon station for rent Call Christine 509-382-2060 CITY OF DAYTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The City of Dayton is looking for a new crew member to join our Public Works Maintenance Department. This is an entry level position; however, a State of Washington Water Pollution Control Plant Operator 1 is desirable. The ideal candidate will have a strong desire to learn and be trained in the operating and maintenance of the City’s public works infrastructure, including, but not limi...
Note from the editor: This article was reprinted with permission from the Blue Mountain Heritage Society Summer 2019 newsletter. The Times thought our readership would find it both as enjoyable and informative, as we did. From the BMHS newsletter editor: The Blue Mountain Heritage Society focuses on preserving the history of southeastern Washington. As we record information about the area’s past, references to people and places are common. In fact, the names of the places quite often mirror the names of the people. In this newsletter, we o...
DAYTON-"It's really amazing how much has been done with just volunteers. We have a really committed group of people working together to preserve our local history," said Blue Mountain Heritage Society (BMHS) President Paula Moiso. Since the BMHS was officially formed in 2004, the all-volunteer group has been hard at work educating the public about the rich and diverse history and resources of southeastern Washington through three heritage museums including the Palus Museum, the Smith Hollow...
Submitted by Booker Rest Home Activities Coordinator Jessica Reger A wet and wild time was had by all at Booker Rest Home in Dayton on Friday July 12. Booker kicked off their 2nd Annual Summer Fun Day, and fun was had by all! The day started with some resident/staff team relay races; bed pan races, a wheelchair agility race, and a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) race. Not only were these relays a lot of fun, but some of them like the PPE relay and the agility relay actually applied useful...
MILTON-FREEWATER, Ore.—Blue Mountain Pheasants Forever will host a youth trap shoot, Sat., July 20 at East End Rod and Gun Club in Milton-Freewater, Ore. Larry Boe will provide a habitat restoration presentation at 8:00 a.m. with the trap shoot immediately following. Youth age 18 and under are welcome to participate, including youth not yet a member of the Chapter. Youth participants not already a member of Pheasants Forever will receive chapter-sponsored membership enrollment. Clay targets and shotgun shells will be provided by Pheasants F...