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WAITSBURG - At 8:55 last Tuesday morning, the mercury was already pushing 80. Twenty local students clustered in the cool shade of Waitsburg's First Christian Church, happily chattering as they waited to be signed in to the Waitsburg Resource Center's "Knock Out Boredom" program. According to Pam Conover, the program's director, that's a small crowd. "We've been having 40 kids come in," she said. Emily Wilson, a recent Prescott High School graduate, comes in on the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and...
WALLA WALLA COUNTY - The cities of Prescott, Waitsburg and Walla Walla are required to update their Shoreline Master Program regulations by June of 2016. As part of this process, community visioning meetings will be held over the next two years. These meetings are an opportunity for citizens to discuss and express their preferences for shoreline uses. The next local visioning meeting will take place at Tuesday, July 29 at 7 p.m. in the Waitsburg Lions Club Memorial Building at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds. A drop-in informational open house will...
NOTICE: Waitsburg City Hall will be closed July 24 - July 28. In case of emergency, please call Columbia County Dispatch or the oncall public works employee at 382-2518....
WAITSBURG - Wouldn't it be fun to relax with library namesake Fanny Weller over a game of checkers or to stand alongside Waitsburg founding fathers, William Preston, Sylvester Wait and William Bruce as they peruse the town? Soon, you will be able to do just that. Waitsburg's Main Street Art Project, which will commemorate these historical figures, is finally underway. The city first approached Sherwood Trust for public art funds last year, but withdrew the application when they realized they...
DAYTON - Dayton's First Congregational-United Church of Christ and First United Methodist churches have joined together to sponsor a Vacation Bible School from Aug. 5 - 8. The theme is Renew - Grow in Faith. Have Fun. Change the World. VBS is from 9 a.m. to noon on Tues - Thurs. and from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Friday. Children may be dropped off at the First Congregational Church on 3rd and Spring Streets in Dayton. Children ages 4-12 are invited to learn about the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4:1-9) and what it teaches about growing in faith and...
DAYTON - It may not seem like wood carving and gardening have a lot in common, but for 19-year-old Jordan Henderson they each provide a creative outlet and are steps on the path to entrepreneurship. Henderson has spent this spring and summer gardening and selling his organic produce from Deer Pond Gardens while the wood carvings he crafted over the winter are on display at the Wenaha Gallery. Both are businesses he's envisioned for some time. Following his senior year in high school, Henderson...
Dear Editor, Over the past years, I have become increasingly fed up with our Congress and their getting nothing done. Never before have I supported a candidate, but recently one candidate has changed my mind. When I discovered Dave Wilson was running for the 5th Congressional District, I was quick to join his large group of supporters. Wilson is a man of integrity, a man of his word and a man of action. He has the desire and knowledge to lead us into much-needed change. His pledge not to accept any outside money and his limit on how much he...
Dear Editor, The recent Fourth of July celebrations were the perfect opportunity to reflect on our great country and the leaders of the Continental Congress that declared independence from a government that no longer allowed proper representation or consent of the governed. Our country's governance needs to be restored to a functional level that represents the rights, principles and needs of the constituents rather than big money and special interest groups. This can only be accomplished by leadership that has the integrity, motivation and inde...
Dear Editor, Be it deliberate or careless, I think Sheriff Turner's detractors have lost their situational awareness (e.g. 7/13 letter in U-B). The records prove Sheriff Turner builds coalitions; he does not divide them. He's bolstered the Search and Rescue team; he initiated the successful Sheriff's Foundation; he's improved communication by hosting quarterly meetings in four of our communities, and he's earned the respect and support of key leaders like Police Chief Chuck Fulton (ret.), and Police Chief Scott Beiber. As the writer eloquently...
Every single person has something wonderful to offer - and I believe that every person should have the opportunity and the ability to reach one's full potential. That's why I was proud to cast my vote for H.R. 803, the bipartisan, bicameral Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which works to reduce the skills gap for all Americans, and ensures individuals with disabilities have the tools they need to succeed in all workplaces - including those that provide competitive and integrated...
I spent last Sunday at the mall in the Tri-Cities. I've never been big on shopping, so when I do head to Columbia Center I tend to find myself in a detached state of social critique and scholarly observation. (At least, that's the excuse I sheepishly offer my friends when I leave a five-hour shopping trip empty-handed and they begin enviously eyeing my plump billfold.) Last Sunday, I learned that I was never meant to wear a maxi dress. In the best-case scenario, I look like a fluorescent twig....
WAITSBURG - Primary election ballots have been mailed to voters in Walla Walla and Columbia Counties. The voting deadline is August 5. In Washington's "top-two" primary system, the top two vote-getters in each of the contested races will move on to the general election. Most of the local races in the two counties are uncontested, but Walla Walla County voters will face a choice of three candidates in county-wide races for sheriff and coroner. Three candidates have also filed for the District 3 position for the Walla Walla County Board of...
I last week's paper, we made a mistake that was more than misquito-sized. Or should I say mosquito-sized. Even though it was Dena Wood's article, that one's on me - I'm the headline guy, as well as the editor, and I didn't do either of those jobs justice in that case. I can honestly say that "mosquito" is one of those words that I don't write often enough to have fixed in my brain. (Although it is now.) That's especially true when press time is looming and I'm in a hurry. Speaking of "write," we made an unfortunate error in a campaign ad for a...
I n sports they call it "sudden death." While in many respects, politics has become less polite than sports, we give the current round of elections a more polite name: the primary. Many elected offices in Washington counties are up for election this year. In Walla Walla and Columbia Counties, a great majority of those are uncontested. They include Assessor, Clerk, Treasurer and Prosecutor positions in both counties, as well as Auditor and Sheriff in Columbia County. In the Touchet Valley area of Walla Walla County, voters will see two local...
July 25: Karen Wilkins, Evelyn Singer, Tim Pettichord, Lester Doering, Brendan Hiatt. July 26: Kay Witt, Susan Palmer, John Straley, Hazel Brown, Ross Estes, J.J. Dunleavy. July 27: Charles Danielson, David Gauch, Phyllis Spidell, Jim Nettles, Brad Eaton. July 28: Jim Mason, Bill Donley, Jack Otterson, Jr., Jay Herion, Calvin Morton. July 29: Bernard Donnelly, Ginger Henze, John Kenney, Rachel Reedy, DeLynn Liebermann. July 30: Pam Conover, J.E. McCaw, Kohl Perry, Tim Rogers. July 31: Glen Vogt, Joan Hamberg, Elizabeth Jorgensen, Joanna...
Dayton July 14 Unknown person sleeping on lawn in residential area on W. Patit Avenue. Sprinkler heads broken off on S. 3rd Street. Dogs reportedly left in kennel during excessive heat on E. Main Street. Citation for speed on Highway 12. Abandoned vehicle tagged for removal on S. 3rd Street. Citation for speed on E. Main Street. Concerned citizen calling about child welfare on S. 3rd Street. Suspicious person on S. 1st Street given a ride home. Theft from Little Goose Dam Road Bone Yard. July 15 Report of destroyed property on N. Cottonwood...
6 YWCA Fun Factory Preston Park, Waitsburg 2 - 3:30 p.m. Free fun for kids ages 5-10. Crafts, games and fun activities. Every Thursday through July 31. 25 Spark a Reaction Party Teen Party Dayton Memorial Library 4 p.m. Soup for the Soul First Christian Church (410 S. 3rd, Dayton) 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and enjoy a free community sponsored dinner on the last Friday of each month. For more info contact Judi Brooks at 382-4771. Transportation is available. For a ride call public transportation at 382-1647. Middle of Nowhere Session...
DAYTON -- Diner's can enjoy a "harvest dining experience" at this year's Evening at the Depot's Farm to Table Dinner right in the courtyard of the Historic Dayton Depot. The fundraising event takes place on August 2, with a social hour at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. The best of local produce and meats will be prepared by local chefs including: Roger Tumbocon of Manila Bay; The Q, Chefs Emery & Sandy Kleck; RAylene Sursley of the Country Cupboard; Mandi Wendt of the Weinhard Café & Bakery and Valerie Mutry of the Whoopem-up Hollow Café. Local b...
DAYTON - The Dayton Seventh-day Adventist Church (1525 4th Street) is hosting a free 5Days in Dayton vacation bible school, beginning at 9 a.m. on August 4. Children will learn from the heroes of the faith, with special visitors and activities. Show up a few minutes early on Monday to fill out registration forms....
Ten Years Ago July 29, 2004 Area farmers are harvesting at a good clip, according to J.E. McCaw, branch manager, Northwest Grain Growers, and are seeing No. 1 test weights, good quality and "quite good" yields. One field north of Waitsburg reported 136 bushels per acre, McCaw said, while the average is in the 90 bushel per acre range. The Starbuck Community Church will be celebrating 50 years as a Village mission Church this year. Pastor David McIlroy will officiate during a day-long celebration planned for Sunday, August 15. Twenty-five Years...
WAITSBURG - A fire on the south end of town was quickly contained early Saturday evening, but not before raising the heart rates of nearby neighbors. Perry Dozier's harvest crew took a break from their work, just south of town, to keep an eye on the black plume of smoke rising over the recently harvested hill of pea stubble to their northwest. Residents on the south ends of Orchard and Main Street, watched from their yards as leaping flames licked the hillside on the far side of Coppei Creek...