Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Articles from the July 25, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 31

  • No Rain on this Parade

    Jul 25, 2013

  • Mules on the Move

    Jul 25, 2013

  • And So Harvest Begins

    Jul 25, 2013

  • A Meet to Beat the Heat

    Jul 25, 2013


    Jul 25, 2013

    July 29 - Aug. 2 Animal Crackers VBS Dayton First Congrega- tional Church - UCC, 3rd & Spring Street 9:00 a.m. to noon Ages 4-12; Free. Cur- riculum features five lessons on hunger and the Bible, animals, people and their needs, land and the environment, and passing on the gift. 2 Preschool Story Time(every Tuesday) Prescott Library 2:30 p.m. Wii Gaming Night (firsttwo Tuesdays of month) Prescott Library 5:00 p.m. Come to the library for Wii Gaming the first twoTuesday of every month. Open Mic Friday Coppei Café, Waitsburg 6:30 p.m. to 9:30...

  • The Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Audition

    The Times|Jul 25, 2013

    The Missoula Children's Theatre is once again send- ing a tour team to Dayton to mount a production of its original play, "The Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe," at the Liberty Theater. The play will be presented to the public on Friday, August 9 and Saturday, August 10 at 7 p.m. MCT will hold au- ditions at the theater on Monday, August 5. Young people entering first grade through those entering their senior year of high school can audition for a role. Those who wish to audition must...

  • National Night Out at Dayton City Park

    The Times|Jul 25, 2013

    Citizens of Columbia County are invited to the Dayton City Park on Tues- day, August 6, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for National Night Out. National Night Out is an annual, anti-crime and anti-drug event spon- sored by the National As- sociation of Town Watch (NATW), and co-sponsored locally by Sheriff Rocky Miller and his staff at the Columbia County Sheriff's Office. During National Night Out this year, the Dayton City Park will be filled with events and activities. Free hotdogs, courtesy...

  • Harvest – A Retrospective

    Gary Hofer, The Times|Jul 25, 2013

    There is a certain sweetness to the memories of harvest, especially if you fade out the heat-shortened tempers, or the seriously itchy spots on the inside elbows and the back of the neck. It is the only season when there is a team in the field working together. The rest of the year, farming is pretty much a solitary event. For me, harvest was more like a game and less like work (of course I did not have much responsibility in the early years ex- cept to be in the right place and ready when...

  • Off to Harvest

    Jul 25, 2013

  • Growers Hopeful Japan Will Lift Wheat Ban

    Imbert Matthee, The Times|Jul 25, 2013

    WAITSBURG - In his recent "Crops" column, Waitsburg writer and mar- ket analyst Gary Hofer noted that concerns over ge- netically engineered wheat found in an Oregon field are receding into recent memory. "No further presence of GMO wheat has been detected despite vigorous investigation," he wrote in his column published in the Times on July 11. And "Pa- cific Northwest white wheat growers are at least able to think about something other than the Monsanto GMO wheat controversies." But if growers...

  • Dayton Churches Partner for VBS

    Jul 25, 2013

    Vacation Bible School is going Animal Crackers! Using curriculum from Heifer International, First Congregational-UCC and United Methodist churches in Dayton are partnering to offer a week of music, crafts, games, stories, projects, and snacks. Kids from ages four through 12 are invited to join in the fun of "traveling" to various communities around the world where Heifer In­ternational provides animals indigenous to their area to teach sustainability, inde­pendence and development. The kids will choose the first day of VBS which animals will b...

  • Prescott Karoake in the Park and Late Night Swim

    Jul 25, 2013

    PRESCOTT - Prescott Park & Recreation District will be hosting Karoake in the Park on Friday, July 26th at 7:00 p.m. All are welcomed to come and sing or just to listen. Bring your own chair and/or blankets for seating. On Saturday, July 27th the pool will be open until 10:00 p.m. for a late night swim. The normal gate will ap­ply. $4 for adults and $3 for youth 6 through 17. That day the hours of operation will be from 12 noon until 10 p.m....

  • Paving Delayed on 7th Street

    Jul 25, 2013

    Paving is being delayed on W. 7th Street due to a change in schedule not previ­ously reported to the City; new paving date is not known at this time....

  • Preston Park and Fairground Restrooms Closed at Night

    Jul 25, 2013

    Due to afterhours vandal­ism, the restrooms at Preston Park and the fairgrounds will be closed at 4:30 p.m. and reopened at 7:30 a.m....

  • Waitsburg Sidewalks Need Work

    Dena Wood, The Times|Jul 25, 2013

    WAITSBURG - "As it is now, you can't safely walk from one end of town to the other," said City Administra­tor Randy Hinchliffe, refer­encing the state of disrepair - or even complete lack in some instances - of side­walks on residential streets. In an effort to make need­ed repairs and installations more affordable to home­owners, Hinchliffe has pro­posed that the City Council adopt a sidewalk policy that allows the city to partner with property owners, shar­ing the cost burden. While reside...


    Jul 25, 2013

    July 26: Kay Witt, Susan Palmer, John Straley, Hazel Brown, Ross Estes, J.J. Dunleavy. July 27: Charles Danielson, David Gauch, Phyllis Spidell, Jim Nettles, Brad Eaton. July 28: Jim Mason, Bill Donley, Jack Otterson, Jr., Jay Herion, Calvin Morton. July 29: Bernard Donnelly, Ginger Henze, John Kenney, Rachel Reedy, DeLynn Liebermann. July 30: Pam Conover, J.E. McCaw, Kohl Perry, Tim Rogers. July 31: Glen Vogt, Joan Hamberg, Elizabeth Jorgensen, Joanna Lanning, Rob Danforth, Angela McKinley, Don Richardson, Kenneth and Richard LaRue. August 1:...


    Pioneer Portraits|Jul 25, 2013

    Ten Years Ago July 24, 2003 Local grain producers have begun the 2003 harvest and preliminary indications are that the crop will be average, but the lack of rainfall in June will adversely affect yields and quality. Precipitation in June in the Touchet Valley and surrounding region was virtually nonexistent. "We haven't heard a whole lot yet," said J. E. McCaw, branch manager for Northwest Grain Growers in Waitsburg. Fall wheat yields are good but quality is down. The test weights are coming back on the light side. Missing that June rain is...

  • Judith Henderson’s Wine & Country Living

    Jul 25, 2013

    Readers have asked for more information regarding food labeling and what it means. As of today, conventional grown fruit stickers have four digits. Organically grown have five numbers, which start with the number 9, while the notorious genetically engineered foods have five numbers, starting with an 8. Other food labels to watch for: USDA Certified Organic: diary, eggs, meat, and poultry. The USDA ensures that foods with the certified label USDA Certified Organic come from animals that have never had antibiotics. The label American Grass-Fed...


    Gary Hofer, The Times|Jul 25, 2013

    I n the eight to nine trading sessions since July 11, Chicago wheat futures have declined about 40 cents per bushel, pushing down to new lows last seen more than a year ago. Last year from mid-June to late July, triggered by an ex- tremely hot and dry early summer that decimated northern hemisphere wheat and corn crops, wheat experienced a dramatic run of more than three dollars per bushel to highs around $9.45 per bushel in Chicago. There is no comparable condition this year, as wheat production is much nearer nor- mal, so the price has given...

  • HARVEST 2013

    Jul 25, 2013

  • Local Families Needed for Exchange Students

    Jul 25, 2013

    ASSE International Student Exchange Programs (ASSE) is seeking local host families for international high school boys and girls. These students are 15 to 18 years of age, and are coming to this area for the upcoming high school year or semester. These personable and academically selected exchange students are conversant in English, bright, curious and anxious to learn about this country through living as part of a family, attending high school and sharing their own culture and language with their newly adopted host family. The exchange stu-...

  • Up to Their Elbows in Local History

    Jul 25, 2013

    WALLA WALLA - Fifty Camp Fire girls and boys were down on their knees and up to their elbows in dirt at the Kirkman House Museum, carefully digging for buried treasures. With brushes and fine tools - no shovels allowed - they carefully excavated a part of the museum's garden to discover objects that might have been buried there over 100 years ago. This "dig" was just one of many activities the Camp Fire kids enjoyed at the first day of Kirkman House's three-day "Hands on History" program. The theme of the Monday, July 8 event was "Discovering...


    Jul 25, 2013

    Waitsburg 7-17 Bicycle taken on E. 8th Street; later recovered on MapleStreet. Deputies responded to an assault on Maple Street; 4th degree domestic violence. Burglary reported on E. 8th Street; nothing taken. 7-18 Violation of protection order on W. 6th Street; suspect ar- rested. Dayton 7-16 Vandalism reported on S. 3rd; vehicle egged. Report of driv- ing under the influence; vehicle drove into Garfield Countyand was referred to GCSO. Report of fire in Garfield County;referred to GCSO dispatch. 7-17 Domestic violence reported on E. Patit Aven...

  • Accessible Walkway Clarification

    Jul 25, 2013

    Dear Editor: The following is a clarification of news reported regarding the Lyons Ferry Accessible Walkway and Fishing Pad in The Times, last Thursday. Volunteers from around the region contributed time and materials to the project: • Port of Columbia; Project idea and administrative support • Corps of Engineers; Ad- ministrative support and authorizations • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Project funding • Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation: Support and authorizations • Premier Excavation, contractor who const...

  • Cotton-Eyed Joe

    Jul 25, 2013

    By the time you read this, Mule Mania will have come and gone. It was great. I especially enjoyed a timed competition called the "Saturday Social". I won't go into logistics. Let's just say it involved watermelon, a wilting palm tree, and coconut bras. Crazier things have hap- pened there. Trust mehellip; It was last year. I was serving for the first time on the Columbia County Fair Court along with three other girls my age. The four of us were clustered beneath a blue pop-up pavilion near a...

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