Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 28
Rosie Warehime has retired as the Weller Public Library manager. She was a grandma figure for many children in Waitsburg and will miss helping people find books, reading with kids, and engaging them in crafts. She had always been excited to go to work and stated it was the most wonderful and rewarding job she had ever had. Before going to work at the library, Warehime worked at Grain Growers for 20 years. She also worked at the AG Link store, in the office at the Green Giant Company, and the Nat...
DAYTON—The Dayton School Board met for its regular meeting at 6:03 p.m., July 20, 2022. School board members Zac Fabian, Grant Griffen, Chair Jeffrey McCowen, Korinda Wallace, and Superintendent Rich Stewart were present at the auditorium. Aneesha Dieu attended on Zoom. The regular meeting followed a budget hearing held at 5 p.m. The board began the meeting by approving the Consent Agenda. During the public comment period, Jeremy Trump, a parent, and member of the Dayton-Waitsburg Athletic Combine Committee spoke. “Thank you for the opp...
WAITSBURG—The Waitsburg School Board met on July 21 for a quick business meeting followed by a budget hearing. All board members were present. Board members went over the revised DW Wolfpack Athletic Code of Conduct. Dayton and Waitsburg school districts received the code revisions before the meeting. Dr. Carol Clarke brought up some editorial issues with the current code version, but the consensus was that the content was acceptable. Board member Stephanie Cole gave a brief update on the l...
DAYTON-Wildhorse Foundation presented the Liberty Theater with a $20,000 check for the balcony remodel project....
DAYTON—Elvis will run a second week. Please see our nearby advertisement, or our website, for movie dates and times. We have eliminated the seat buffering between groups, but online seat selection is still available. However, the incidence and spread of BA.5 variant of COVID is high, so we highly recommend that you wear face masks in the theater. We appreciate your cooperation. Also, registration of children for the Missoula Children’s Theater continues Friday, July 29. Then local children will rehearse for 5 days (Aug. 1-5) to perform The...
WALLA WALLA—The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, invites the public’s comments on the draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and the Lower Snake River Channel Maintenance Immediate Need Dredging for Commercial Navigation Environmental Assessment (EA). The Corps proposes to restore the lower Snake River federal navigation channel by removing sediment below the Ice Harbor Dam navigation lock near Pasco, Wash., and near the confluence of the lower Snake and Clearwater rivers near Clarkston, Wash., and Lewiston, Idaho. Th...
WALLA WALLA COUNTY—The body of the individual located on July 6 has been identified, and the next of kin has been notified. The deceased has been positively identified as 24-year-old Miguel Perez Barragan of Tri-Cities. He was born in Kennewick and was working in residential construction, according to his funeral notice. Other details surrounding his death have not yet been released as this is an ongoing investigation. In the afternoon of July 6, WWSO deputies were notified that a citizen had found human remains east of Walla Walla in a r...
A fake Facebook profile has been created and is interacting on the Facebook public group, Dayton Speak Freely. They are using the name, Tracey Kelley. This person created their page on May 6 of this year. Their profile states they live in Starbuck, WA. They have no FB friends, but follow one business in Dayton. This person made no FB posts until July 19, leading me to believe they were just browsing public posts without commenting until now. This person has started conversations in the FB group by asking about candidates running for local offic...
The primary election voting period ends next Tuesday, August 2nd. It is important to vote in the primary as it will narrow the field for two important positions - County Commissioner in the 3rd District and the16th LD Position 1. The voters in District 3, mostly the western part of the County, will determine which two candidates will be on the November 8th general election ballot. If you’re not registered to vote it isn’t too late - one can register online at SOS.WA.GOV or the county website and in person as late as Tuesday, August 2nd at the...
This is a note of appreciation to the Waitsburg Ambulance crew for saving the life of my friend. On Monday, July 25, I called for an ambulance for a friend who was suffering a cardiac arrest. The crew arrived in minutes and immediately started CPR. Their quick response and training saved his life, as he had not one more minute of time to spare. I am so grateful and thankful they were there. They will forever be my heroes. Sincerely, Patricia Gleason Waitsburg, Wash....
To the editor: Darren is an effective advocate for the valley as he strives to keep our valley culture. He devotes a significant amount of time and effort working in the community through and is there to support our future, the youth of this valley. His experience on several town and county committees, shows he understands how local government works – and doesn’t. He can hit the ground running on day one. He isn’t afraid to seek out new ideas and different perspectives, weighs the alternatives, considers possible outcomes, and develops reaso...
October 13, 1963 – July 7, 2022 Steven Duane Sickles passed away peacefully in his sleep at 12:34 a.m. on July 7, 2022. He was surrounded by family after battling a rare disease called Multiple System Atrophy (MSA). This disease took him away from all of us way too soon! Steve was born October 13, 1963, to Robert and Velma Sickles in Walla Walla, WA. He grew up in Waitsburg and attended Waitsburg Schools all the way through high school, graduating in 1982. He was the youngest of 4 children. S...
Parents Tanner and Micah Beeks of Goldendale Wash. welcomed daughter Piper Jo Beeks who joins three-year-old big brother Wesson. Piper was born at OHSU on Monday, July 18, weighting in at 6 pounds 11oz. Everyone is healthy and happy. Oh yes, grandparents Stacy Baker of Glenwood Wash., and Andy and Denise Winnett of Waitsburg are delighted....
WALLA WALLA/WAITSBURG—Temperatures are forecast to be well above normal for at least the next week in Walla Walla. Considering the heat wave, some city crews and the contractors working on the Alder and Poplar projects will start work at 6 a.m. to lessen the impact of the high temperatures on outdoor workers. Walla Walla city sanitation crews will begin commercial collection routes at 3 a.m., this will not affect residential service. This will be a temporary change, beginning Monday, July 25, and only in effect until temperatures return to a t...
WALLA WALLA—The National Weather Service has issued an Excessive Heat Warning for Walla Walla County and the surrounding areas through Friday, July 29, 2022. Dangerously hot conditions, with temperatures around 105° to 115°, are expected. To assist residents who do not have access to air conditioning during the hottest part of the day, a cooling center is being opened at 401 S. College Ave, in College Place, Wash. The cooling center will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. starting Tuesday, July 26th, through Friday, July 29. The center for Hum...
DAYTON—Beat the heat at the library. The National Weather Service has announced a heat advisory this week in Columbia County, so the Dayton Memorial Library has opened its doors as a cooling center during regular business hours. All are welcome to get out of the heat, watch a movie and enjoy cold drinks and snacks. Stay cool, everyone! Columbia County Rural Library 111 S 3rd St. Dayton, WA...
WALLA WALLA—The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Spokane District has issued a fire restrictions order. The fire restrictions order includes prohibiting the building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, including charcoal briquette fires, except when contained within provided metal rings. The temporary ban took effect July 22 at 12:01 a.m. in the following counties: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, W...
WALLA WALLA COUNTY—The Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners seeks applicants to fill an alternate position on the Walla Walla Water Conservancy Board. This member will serve as an alternate in a reserve capacity as a replacement for absent or recused commissioners. Terms on the water conservancy board are six years. In compliance with state statute RCW 90.80.050(2), for equal representation, applicants need to meet one of the following criteria to fill these vacancies. • Individual water right holder who diverts or withdraws water for use...
WALLA WALLA—The Sustainable Living Center (SLC) is excited to announce the Summer Sustainability Public Workshop Series. Join SLC staff and guest presenters this summer as they explore pollinators, up-cycled art, landscape design, sustainable gardening practices, and preserving the summer harvest. The series kicked off on Monday, July 18, with a workshop on curating pollinator-friendly gardens. Artist and internationally renowned garden designer Kate Frey shared her expertise and resources, including Annie’s Annuals, Perennials, and the Xer...
DAYTON—Sheriff Joe Helm and the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office will be busy at Dayton City Park for the 14th Annual National Night Out. Join the deputies on Tuesday, August 2, from 5:00 p.m- 8:00 p.m for a night geared towards building partnerships between local law enforcement and the communities they serve. Exhibits and displays to be expected throughout the evening include a LifeFlight helicopter tour, a Search & Rescue Humvee, command trailer, and quads, and a photobooth. Local organizations, including the Coalition for Youth and Fam...
The Friends of the Weller Public Library organized their 2022 Bookmark Contest. Kids in four age groups were invited to submit their bookmark designs. The groups were K-2nd grade, 3rd -5th grade, 6th-8th grade, and 9th -12th grade. The winners from each group will receive a prize and their designs printed for distribution at the library. The winners' designs will be printed and available at the library after July 31. Winners will also receive prizes. Congratulations to: Wesley Wyant – K-2nd E...
The Bruce Museum has been spruced up for the summer thanks to two generous grants received by the Waitsburg Historical Society (WHS) this year. The funds allowed repairs to the Juliet balconies, widow's walk, the replacement of rotted support beams, and a complete exterior repainting of the building. Secretary Rebecca Wilson said that historical Society members began working on grant applications in January of this year, and it was an intensive process. The organization identified two grants,...
One of our favorite camping spots is Winchester Lake State Park in Idaho. It is about 36 miles south of Lewiston and has a great lake to kayak or paddleboard, as motorized boats are not allowed. With an Idaho fishing license, you are sure to catch a few fish for a fish fry. The area also offers some nice hiking trails. Winchester is a small town of about 500 people, and this year we were camping during the 4th of July holiday and enjoyed the town's festivities. People came from around the area...
Cole Porter’s song is on point this week, “It’s too darn hot.” It’s too hot when even the dandelions popping up in the garden are dying from the heat. I thought those weeds were invincible; evidently, even they have a heat tolerance level. The weeds we planned to blast with Roundup are slowly turning brown and withering away. It saves breathing in some poison for the moment. Mugsy is not adapting well to the heat. Usually, he is anxious to join me on a walk or go outside to run around and chase...
Pacific Rim makes a wide range of affordable Rieslings in a variety of sweetness levels. The Dry Riesling featured here is richly fruity with a luscious blend of peach, apricot, and papaya fruit. Though it is accurately labeled as dry the ripeness of the fruit provides a slight impression of sweetness, which rounds out the palate and cuts through the tart acidity. The flavors extend into a pleasing finish with a mix of orange blossoms, Meyer lemon, pink grapefruit, and a cascade of ripe...