Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 31
Justin Bradford is excited to get underway as the new Superintendent of Prescott School District. Most recently, he was the Director of College Place School District's Special Education Department, and before that, he was Superintendent/Principal in Harrington, WA. As of Friday, July 24, Bradford has plans to open on-site when school begins August 31. Bradford has received survey responses from approximately 20 parents to date, who are supportive of in-person learning. He is working to encourage...
Governor and Health Secretary announce changes OLYMPIA—To combat the rising number of COVID-19 cases around the state, Governor Jay Inslee and Secretary of Health John Wiesman announced changes Friday to guidance and regulations under the state’s “Safe Start” plan. The changes center around restaurants, bars, and fitness centers, as well as weddings and funerals. Inslee and Wiesman said the state must suppress the current rise in COVID-19 transmission to allow more activities later in the year. “These prohibitions are part of our approach,...
Find detailed, accurate COVID-19 activity levels in our counties and our state here: Walla Walla County Health Department lists new, confirmed, recovered, and active cases in isolation daily at 5 p.m. at this link: The site also lists confirmed cases by community, gender, and age. Columbia County lists positive cases in-county and out of county (for those who contracted the virus in the county but live in another county), recovered cases in county and out, as well as...
WALLA WALLA—Would you like to receive County emergency notifications directly to your cell phone? Walla Walla County Emergency Management has added a new feature to its Citizen Alert emergency notification system from Everbridge to make it even easier to sign up for Alerts, Advisories, and Community Messages. Residents can text their Walla Walla County zip code to 888777 and receive real-time alerts and advisories directly from emergency management and other local agencies. There is no charge for registering, but standard text messaging rates w...
WALLA WALLA—The Blue Mountain Land Trust is introducing their new Botany in the Blues series, co-sponsored by the Washington Native Plant Society. The conservation organization will facilitate a “close-up” look at the plant diversity of our local Blue Mountains. Two options available: Join in on Wednesday, August 5th, at 7 p.m. for an online introduction to the local plant life found in our Blue Mountains accompanied by Emil’s Botany Booklet. Take this online session by itself and hit the tra...
WAITSBURG—The City of Waitsburg passed a $5.00 per user per month increase in utilities for the remainder of the year, then an additional $5.00 per month per user starting in January of 2021 to be used to help fund flood control improvements and repairs in and around the City of Waitsburg. Without an active flood control district, the City has limited funding options for flood control expenses. The City Council considered a variety of options, including a general property tax increase or a property tax bond before settling on the utility tax i...
WAITSBURG—The Weller Public Library will be offering activities for area youth in lieu of the summer reading program. Supplies will be available for pickup in the library foyer. This week, the library will be holding a coloring contest with prizes for the participants. There will be a dropbox at the library for completed pages, and children must put their names on their coloring page to get a prize. The projects will be: July 30- Coloring Contest August 6: Dinosaur Dig August 13: DIY Kite K...
DAYTON—The Columbia County Rural Library District board has announced the resignation of Library Director Dusty Waltner, who has accepted another job, effective July 31. Board Chair Karin Spann said because of uncertainties concerning COVID-19, and possible budget shortfalls, the decision has been made to appoint Kristie Korslund as Interim Director, for six months. As an employee at the library, Korslund has been involved in the library’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “This will get us through budgeting at year-end when we hopef...
Washington 16th Legislative District – Senator Perry Dozier (Republican Party) Elected Experience: Walla Walla County Commissioner 2009-2016 Chairman 3 years, Budget Committee 5 years; Washington; Association of Wheat Growers, Past President; Washington State Barley Commissioner; Northwest Grain Growers Board of Directors, Past President Education - Whitman College B.A. Economics Danielle Garbe Reser (Democratic Party) Elected Experience: As a first-time candidate, I'll bring a needed b...
I have known Mike Mitchell for 26 years. He’s been my legal opponent or the mediator or temporary judge in several court cases, and I’ve watched his law practice grow and thrive. Whether or not his clients had money, Mike was always an enthusiastic and wise and ethical advocate. That kind of balance and perspective will make him a wonderful full-time judge. When I was still doing litigation, it was always reassuring to walk into a courtroom and know that the judge used to do the very same work I was trying to do. Judges like that know the law...
To the Editor, I am writing this letter of endorsement for Representative Bill Jenkin’s run for State Senator in the 16th District. As a Representative in the WA legislature, Bill has been one of the most successful legislatures at getting legislation passed. I learned this fact as I was being educated on the legislative process, which showed me what a difficult and convoluted process it can be. That Bill was able to move legislation through the process was in itself impressive, but that he did it while in the minority party made it even m...
I am writing in support of Perry Dozier to be our next State Senator for the 16th Legislative District. This is my first ever letter to the editor. I served as the Clerk of the Board to the Board of Walla Walla County Commissioners for over 25 years. County Commissioners must be responsible, caring, knowledgeable, willing to listen and learn and make informed, sometimes hard, decisions on behalf of the citizens of the county. Perry was an excellent County Commissioner. He came into the position with considerable experience in dealing...
To the editor and to the voters of the Hells Canyon Circuit Court, In regards to the election now underway: first, vote and for you in Asotin, Garfield, and Columbia Counties, which comprise the Hells Canyon Circuit Court, make your vote for Superior Court Judge be one for G. Scott Marinella. He has the length of experience in presiding over cases in all three counties, the necessary judicial temperament and an abiding regard for the due processes of law. He works to ensure just adjudication in all matters while affording considerate treatment...
Dear Editor: I just wanted to say I absolutely loved Bri’s gardening article. So absolutely true. Gardening is a labor of love full of relaxation, peace and reward if attended and educated upon. I have learned so much the last two years and have so much more to learn, having fun and excited gardening friends with helpful suggestions and advice surely makes the difference. Love the idea of this rump tractor. It’s brilliant! Some of us aren’t so comfortable crawling around on the ground to be certain. I shall keep my eye out for one. Thank...
Dear Editor: It has been my pleasure of knowing Perry Dozier, his wife, and their families for 55 plus years. While Perry was in high school, he excelled in academics, athletics, and Associated Student Body offices. After graduating from Prescott High School, he attended Whitman College and graduated with a degree in economics. Perry eventually returned to operate the family wheat farm. He was a very active member in the Northwest Grain Growers, and he was President of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers. He also served as a Walla Walla...
DAYTON-Several members of the Dayton's National FFA Organization (Future Farmers of America) excelled at both local and state-level Career Development Events (CDE's) in the 2019-20 school year. There are five degrees that an FFA member may earn. The degrees, which can be awarded as early as 7th grade, recognize member growth within the organization. This year, Dayton had two members, Nolan Korslund and Mason Garcia, earn their Discovery Degree. The Discovery Degree, which is awarded to students...
OLYMPIA—The Washington State Coronavirus Response Joint Information Center reported on a new Center for Disease Control (CDC) report that emphasizes that COVID-19 can cause prolonged illness, including in younger people. The CDC released on Friday, July 24, findings from a telephone survey that indicates more than one-third of people diagnosed with COVID-19 who did not need hospitalization, had not returned to their usual state of health within two to three weeks of being tested. Among those b...
WAITSBURG—Matt and Krystal Wyatt Helping Hands of Waitsburg just announced a plan to clean up Preston Park this Saturday, August 1st, at 9 a.m. Lend a helping hand to clean up all sandbags that were left to help with the flood and remove the reminders of the devastation that affected over 60 homes in our community. We can also help out our City of Waitsburg workers who are doing a fantastic job with a high workload. With enough trucks and workers, the task will go very quickly. Needed: • Trucks to load sandbags • Masked workers with glove...
July 21 Dispatched to an address in the 100 block of Douglas Way for a domestic disturbance. Wallula, WA. July 24 A court order violation was reported at an address in the 700 block of Seventh Street, Waitsburg, WA. An illegal dumping incident was reported at an address in the 3000 block of Isaacs Ave., Walla Walla County. Officer was dispatched to State Route 12 for a vehicle prowl. Report taken. Deputies investigated a serious assault at the county jail by an inmate to jail staff. July 25 Driver arrested for DUI at an address on Coppei Ave....
Continues supporting the community DAYTON—This week, Bette Lou Crothers is wrapping up a forty three-year career as an insurance agent in Dayton. Not to worry, our Town Mother is not leaving us. “I’m still going to be downtown bugging everybody, doing All Wheels and Christmas Kickoff,” she said. There is nothing retiring about this hard-working Dayton booster. In high school and during college breaks, Crothers worked at Dorsey’s restaurant waiting tables. After she and Gene Crothers got married...
Natsiree Puttavon isn't "put upon" by any means. Most who've met her during one of her gallery talks, might not ever imagine her mood as anything less than merry and light. As a docent who explains the finer details of fine art, her disposition is serene. Yet, bubbling under the surface is a bit of anguish and sorrow as Puttavon faces down the daily grief. If you're someone who has experienced loss, you know. And if you haven't, know that you will at some point, loss and grief are inevitable. Ha...
Thoughts on the first weekend Major League Baseball is back, but it looks and sounds different this year. Watching broadcasts with no fans in the stands or with cardboard cutouts is odd. Without the sounds of the live crowd, I've already been tricked into believing that a couple of routine fly outs were going to be home runs based on how loud the ball sounded coming off of the bat. Instead of chatty fans near the broadcast booth, you can hear players in the dugout now. The Mariners are running...
WALLA WALLA—The Walla Walla YWCA is putting forth a challenge to anyone who wants to accept it; spend twenty-one days deepening your understanding of, and willingness to confront, racism. Those who accept the Challenge can sign up on the YWCA’s website to receive curated articles, podcasts, activities, and more, right to their inbox. The Challenge creates dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits and bring awareness to issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership. This program was first adapted by YWCA Cle...
On my first trip to Waitsburg to officially meet with contractors to discuss my home renovation, (or tear down), I arrived early and fortuitously wandered in to Ten Ton Coffee. After some introductions, I owned up to the fact that, yes, I was the owner of the wreck of a house on Orchard. The information whirlwind began. I received an encyclopedia of unsolicited advice, which I rapidly turned into solicited advice. Everyone encouraged me to renovate the house, their suggestions and contacts gave...
As the summer of 2020 winds down, a generation of students casts wary eyes upon the dawn of a new school year. With it will come many familiar bugaboos—homework, early mornings, regular bedtimes —as well as any number of new challenges related to the present pandemic. More specifically, for many students from the sixth grade on up, at least some of the new school year will take place online. (And when I say “sixth grade on up,” I mean all the way on up – Whitman is moving wholly online th...