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Next Stop – Hollywood Mrs. G and I have long believed that Cookie has that something extra that sets all celebrities apart from the rest of us. The “It Factor”—personality, pizzazz, and the natural ability to light up a room simply by entering it. It’s talent and good looks, a warm and welcoming demeanor, and knowing intuitively that when the spotlight hits you, it’s showtime! Cookie passes all these tests with flying colors. And yet... stardom has evaded her. Every day you see dogs in tv comme...
Ten Years Ago August 18, 2011 [Photo caption] Fire fighting trucks rush to the scene behind the Whetstone home of Steve and Joan McMunn, where a local farmer disked a larger buffer area to keep the flames at bay. The fire started half a mile to the west at the home of Dave and Joyce Koschmeder. Local fire fighting officials said several area farmers helped them keep the fire from damaging two homes. [Headline] “One of the Best Years” Despite numerous challenges, 2011 yields and prices lift crop prospects in Touchet Valley. During patrols in...
A harvest crew from Broughton Land Company kicks off their wheat harvest on Poulson Road....
I never really liked Swedish meatballs all that much, until a college buddy's German mom cooked them for dinner one night while I was visiting in Bellingham. (Does this mean they are actually German meatballs?) No matter. I was sold, and I have been making these savory little flavor bombs for at least 30 years. This is comfort food and is great for a crowd on a cold wintery evening. Not to worry, they are great in the summer as well. Mrs. Doppelganger's Swedish Meatballs To make the meatballs: 1 medium onion, finely minced and sautéed in butter...
WAITSBURG-Sometimes, sitting down and reconnecting with familiar faces can heal beyond recognition. As a born 'people person,' the quarantine has been especially difficult for me. A couple of weeks ago, a little bird told me people were setting up camp in front of Waitsburg's post office, and the little bird encouraged me to pop down and talk to them. I discovered Mike Ferrians and Maria Garcia hanging out in the shade, with a table full of crayons, colorful construction paper, and a handful of...
Waitsburg–My long-time friend Maria Garcia and I were recently sitting (six feet apart) in her back acre, talking about how the pandemic has affected us personally. We hadn't planned it. I had stopped by for a brief hello. But then we decided to share a glass of wine outside in the shade. We've known each other for a very long time and are the best of friends. In no time, we were discussing the psychological and emotional impacts we and others have experienced, due not solely to the pandemic o...