Sorted by date Results 26 - 41 of 41
FREE LIBRARY BOX VANDALIZED WAITSBURG -- Rosie Warehime, the manager of the Weller Public Libray, said one of the free library boxes built by Warehime's family and painted by summer reading program children was vandalized. Warehime said the free libray box placed at Preston Park last Thursday was found Saturday on the ground with the door broken and the books strewn about. Warehime said she has reported the crime to the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office and the free library box will be fixed and replaced at the park. CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S...
To participate in the Pizza Mile at Prescott Pool, kids will cost $3 and adults will cost $4. The incorrect pricing ran in the July 26 edition of the Times....
I am amazed at the Letter To The Editor that appeared in the July 30, 2012 Walla Walla Union-Bulletin. The double standard for women in politics, or any industry, is alive and well in Walla Walla. No, Chris Blackman should not wait until her husband retires. Why would any woman put her ca- reer on hold for her husband? That is a personal decision that some families make, but in this case, it is totally antiquated and ridiculous. There is simply no evidence to suggest that Chris Blackman's motives for run- ning for county commissioner is...
Which is more important: seat-time spent in meetings or time spent preparing for meetings? One is very visible to the public while the other may not be. Several letters in support of challengers have implied that one or more current county commissioners are not earning their pay. Are the writers referring only to seat time in meetings? If so then I guess the numerous occasions I've observed Perry Dozier at the gas station, on the street, or at his boys' ac- tivities talking to county resi- dents about their individual concerns don't count....
I thoroughly enjoyed the Harvest 2012 section. I had to chuckle though when I read: "so female harvest truck drivers are not un- heard of - just uncommon". Well, we have three female truck drivers, and most farm families with girls; well all the girls drive (drove) truck, combine or bank-out wagon, for their family. And wives, well, they weren't and aren't left out of the deal either. Some are full-time drivers or substitute drivers for trucks, combines or tractors, while others are flaggers. Thankfully the days of cooking for the whole crew,...
Editor's Note: In the July 26 issue of the Times, the end of this let- ter to the editor was cut off. Here is the letter in its entirety. I have known Perry Doz- ier for many years. Before becoming county commissioner, he already had a proven track record of com- munity involvement and an understanding of the issues facing our valley. Perry had served as president of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, com- missioner on the Washing- ton Barley Commission, a member of the Walla Walla County Planning Commission, community volunteer and...
Driving down Dayton's Main Street today, I can tell we had Mule Mania over the weekend as there are left- overs... I find this preventable since I have personally of- fered the services of my twin 14-year-old boys and their friends in a volunteering way. Teens need positive ways to be involved in their com- munity. A sense of pride and commitment to the service of others is something we want to instill in our children. I hope we can involve these kids in a positive way so their energy benefits oth- ers and beautifies our historic town at the...
Jack McCaw Waitsburg...
Perry Dozier is a viable resource in the continuing progress of the growth of Walla Walla County. He was born and raised in this community and has played an active role in the preservation of hometown val- ues. I support Perry Dozier for re-election as county commissioner based on his character of ethics and high morals. My family has known Perry and his family since the 1960s and throughout this period of time he has taken pride in our commu- nity by working long and hard for what is best for the people. Perry and his wife support education,...
I am proud to recommend that County Commissioner Perry Dozier be retained in that position in the upcoming elections. I know that Perry Dozier is a very well educated and devoted commissioner, an honest and hard working citizen for this county. He is fair with his decisions and an excellent listener to those who he represents. He is doing a full time position for the citizens of this county, and remembering especially to represent the citizens from the small communities in the county, such as Touchet, Bur- bank, Prescott and Waitsburg. His educ...
Dayton Lions Sell Cinnamon Rolls To Help The Community Dayton Lions Club Raises Money All Year For Services, Scholarships And Dayton Community D AYTON - Pa- trons visiting the Lions Club booth at the Columbia County Fairgrounds during Mule Mania are most likely to remember the taco salad and cinnamon rolls, but the club members and students staffing the booth had their minds on more charitable issues. "We do everything," Dayton Lions Club President Randy Turner said. "The Mule Mania booth funds...
Welcome to the new, improved Times! Since the handover of the newspaper in late 2009, your favor- ite local publication has made a lot of changes. As readers recall, the Times went from an 8-page paper with occasional color to a 12-page weekly with permanent color on four pages. This helped us print much more lively community and sports photographs right off the bat. And, we were able to accom- modate more advertisers who wanted their display messages in color, particularly after we lowered our color charges. But because of our expanded...
DAYTON - Threshers Bar and Grill staff and pa- trons demonstrated strength in community last Friday during a benefit for the Lo- rang family that generated revenue for a family reeling from its recent loss. Owner Sandi Siess said the total donation will be $1134.49 from the benefit. Community members flocked to the Main Street eatery last Friday because 100 percent of the profits from the entire day were donated to the Lorang fam- ily. The proceeds included all profits made during the res-...
WAITSBURG - Waitsburg's be- loved Postmaster Caroline Wendt is moving on to a position in Pomeroy after more than eight years working in Touchet Valley post offices. Wendt and her husband, Doug, are moving to Lewis- ton because of his promotion within the McGregor com- pany, she said. Her last day in Waitsburg was July 26. "It's really bittersweet," Wendt said. "You have to start all over and it's new people. And I won't have nearly as good of help as I have here." Wendt, age 49, is known to Wai...
DAYTON - The final three candidates for the Columbia County Health System CEO position were narrowed to one this week when two applicants withdrew for personal and finan- cial reasons. The sole candidate left is Dale Polla of Missoula, Mont. "We didn't anticipate this would happen," Board Member Lisa Naylor said. " No one will be hired for the CEO position until after Polla visits Dayton and the surround- ing area on the week of Aug 20, Naylor said. During Polla's visit he will visit local hospitals and clinics to get a feel for the area. With...