Sorted by date Results 1 - 17 of 17
WAITSBURG – For Marne Henderson, this will be the first August in 15 years that she hasn't spent time setting up her classroom at Waitsburg Elementary School. Henderson exited her position as third-grade teacher in June and says she feels the time is right to pursue her passion as YoungLife Area Manager. Henderson is a fourth generation Waitsburg High School graduate. She attended Eastern Oregon College and Walla Walla Community College for one year each, playing basketball at both. She then w...
DAYTON-Newly elected Dayton High School Alumni Association President Cara Watts has some ideas about how to infuse the association's coffers with some much-needed cash so that giving back to DHS students can continue. "I don't think people understand how much the Dayton Alumni Association gives back," she said. Historically, the association has provided funds through membership dues, donations and memorials, for Youth and Government, FBLA, uniforms for Dayton cheerleaders, and scholarships for...
Ten Years Ago-August 7, 2008 Nearly 30 volunteers gathered at Ye Town Hall to talk plans to “Paint the Town” and more volunteers will be needed, say project directors Leroy Cunningham and Jim German. The project entails giving every building in the business core of Waitsburg a fresh paint, Cunningham said. The informal organization has already procured a donation of paint from Columbia Paint in Walla Walla, he told the group. Lydia Roberts, a member of the Waitsburg International Order of the Rainbow for Girs, journeyed to Chicago in July to...
DAYTON – Prospective athletes and parents from Dayton and Waitsburg middle schools are invited to attend a DW Combine information meeting for fall middle school sports on Aug. 8. The meeting will be held in the Dayton High School auditorium at 7 p.m. Middle football and volleyball school coaches will meet with players and their parents, and participation paperwork will be provided. Note that this meeting is separate from the High School Sports Information Night, which will be held Aug. 6 in Waitsburg (see calendar)....
DAYTON – A Public Hearing will be held at 10 a.m. on Aug. 20 by the Board of Columbia County Commissioners to discuss Eckler Mountain road closures and landowner use permits. This meeting will be held in the Commissioners Chambers at 311 East Main, Dayton, to hear public comment. Anyone unable to attend this meeting but still wanting to make comments, should send comments to Columbia County Public Works Department, PO Box 5, Dayton, WA 99328....
WAITSBURG – Waitsburg Christian Church, at 6th and Main Streets, will sponsor Vacation Bible School for students age 4 through 6th grade. Sessions will be held Aug. 13 – 16 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The theme for this year’s VBS is “Camp Moose on the Loose....
August 3: Shannon Hodges, Christian Pearson, Stacey Estes, Troy Head, Karen Myers, Jeff Leid, Peter Koper. August 4: Rebecca Vaughn, Alex King, Benjamin Bloor. August 5: Dale “Skip” Buroker, Jonathan Schuler, Jo Ann Hansler, Bill Clayton, Dianna Riggs, Debra Davison, Michael Collie, David Murphy, Melanie Hevel. August 6: Seth Reese, Adelle Smith, Rita Pierson, Elizabeth Cole, Doris Hulce, Kelly Zuger, Abigail McKinley, Jackie Helm, Kathy Baker, C.J. Horlacher, Les Hyder, Bill Ramsey, Billie Jean Towers. August 7: Dale Ford, Tim Huwe, Kevin Ric...
Dear Editor, I am asking you to support and vote for Dain Nysoe for Columbia County Commissioner. As a fourth-generation resident of the community, his educational and public service background make him an ideal person for the position. As manager of his generational family farm and a seven-year member of Dayton City Council, he is fully aware of the problems and assets of our county. He will bring a level-headed and non-partisan attitude to the Commission. Please vote for Dain and elect a person who is not only approachable, but responsible....
Dear Editor, Thank you for placing my article about the Winder family in your paper. I have received good information from two sources that is very helpful in continuing my family History. My wife and I will still be in Dayton on the 12-13th of September to see and photograph my family grave sites for our book. Thanks Again Melvin (Mel) Jasmin Warrenton, Ore....
Dear Editor, Recently, our household received a colorful mailer from the “PAID FOR CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS FOR US CONGRESS” campaign, indicating that “Liberal Lisa Brown chose to protect dangerous sex offenders instead of our children.” What this mailer doesn’t say is 1) Lisa Brown voted against the 1996 WA State bill because it did not provide protection for pre-schools or child care centers, and would not have accomplished more safety for children, 2) the 1996 bill passed the house, but was never voted on by the Senate, apparently because no o...
Dear Editor, My son is a Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Deputy. Every day, I pray the safety of every deputy because their job is inherently dangerous, unpredictable, and mentally and physically taxing. They do their job without complaint and without looking for any thought of reward. I know they appreciate the public’s support as we are fortunate to live in a county where law enforcement is respected and valued. In recent weeks, however, I have seen a few members of the public take to social media sites and other news outlets attacking the dep...
Dear Editor, I know most of you have received your ballots by now and many of you have already voted. If you haven’t, first and foremost, please vote. Every election is an important election and your input is needed. I want to address specifically those people who are still researching for whom to vote. I feel this election is very important for the direction of the Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office (WWSO) and for the citizens of Walla Walla County. I’ve been in law enforcement for over 35 years. I was a law enforcement officer for 30 years and t...
Dear Editor, “Cease fire!” The firearms instructor roared. Nervously we looked down the firing line, wondering which cadet had messed up. A mistake was made and now collectively, we were all going to pay. “If you’re not competent with your weapon, you’ll get killed! Holster and assume the position!” We holstered our handguns and knelt down on the snow-covered gravel of the police academy range. On the instructor’s count, we did pushups until we were exhausted and he was satisfied. He ordered us up, took a softer tone and explained. “G...
WAITSBURG – For years, summer in Waitsburg has been an excuse for residents of all ages to pump up their bike tires and two-wheel their way through the streets. But this year, Waitsburg’s youngest cycling enthusiasts are getting a little extra incentive to use pedal power: the Bicycle Rodeo is coming to town. The event, called Bikes on the Road, will be held August 16, from 9 to 11 a.m. It is sponsored by the Walla Walla County Traffic Safety Task Force Bikes on the Road will give kids of all...
DAYTON--Because he is already a Certified Patrol Officer Connor Ehr will be patrolling Columbia county roads, as soon as he goes through orientation, and gets his new uniform, he said. "Luckily I don't have to go back to Academy. This will cut a lot of time for the Department," said Ehr. After graduating from Richland High School in 2010, Ehr said he did a short stint as a new housing plumber in the Tri-Cities before joining the Army. Ehr's basic training was at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri,...
One of our recipe readers, Suzy Cowdrey, emailed me and asked me for the Pecan Sandies recipe, as she had misplaced hers. In doing so, I asked her if she had any recipes she would like to share, and she sent three. This is one of them, and when she mentioned that Nana (Gertie Dorsey) made these for her harvest crew, I thought it might give another harvest cook an idea for breakfast. I did not make these, but I know it's an old recipe, as I remember making them a very long time ago. It has also been called refrigerator bran muffins. The batter...